IF ANY MALE WISHES TO COMPETE in women sports ---off with boys and penis, then we will see if they are truly trans.

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I was thinking the exact same thing!

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This is so gross, i would not even get in that water with a psycho like him🤮🤮🤮

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Ahhh my eyes...

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Disgusting, evil!

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The absolute tragedy for our country is we have an idiot administration and a political party supporting this prevarication of nature! And for what purpose? To cause chaos and encourage mental aberrations which are disgusting. These people supporting this garbage must be renounced and stricken from our culture with tar and feathers, and perhaps more, e.g., complete removal from our culture and political debate!

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They're all in on it together. They're doing terrible thinga, evil, draining money, killing people, but keeping everyone distracted with politics, race, political persecution, aliens, covid, and so many are very distracted.

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isn't there a dress code? would a female swimmer be allowed to compete with her labia showing? this guy is clearly a perv. why are women bothering to compete against him?

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Because many women are still trying to prove they are equal to men on the strength department and then some don’t want to ruffle feathers for fear of being labeled something “bad”.

Once women realize we are not even close to men in the strength department and go back to femininity instead of feminism…we will have a sane society.

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i'm with you there. and i ran a business with 30 employees, bought 2 NYC apartments, one commercial co-op and 4 houses. but my guy is outside making a fence i designed and i'm about to prep dinner to feed us both.

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Very impressive, Carolyn.

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Yeeees! 👍😁👍👏👏👏👏

That’s how it’s done !

We help each other...😄🤝🤜🏻🤛🏻

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Love this!!

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What's a female? Lol couldnt resist, they don't exist anymore.

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oh, we exist all right. they can get rid of words, but reality is another matter

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Suddenly I don't want this croissant anymore.

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Is that a real picture of what he was wearing at the swim competition. 😳😳😳

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We’ll if this freak had the nerve to show his Balls , then someone should have the nerve to go smash those Balls !!! 💥💥

Enough is Enough already !!😡😡😡😡

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That is disgusting! Why would they even allow this? This is awful! If you’re going to compete.....get surgery and get rid of the male parts! I cannot understand how low this country has gotten.

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Yeah. That's what the real born women wear.

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Pretty disgusting!!!

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eeeewwwww i know it is funny friday but this is not funny it is nasty. i know that was the whole point but thanks for making me sick.....lol i love you as you tell it like it is and i agree with you almost all the time.

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this is serious

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No, it is depravity. It is demonic in origin, it is wholey and utterly unacceptable. God help you though, if you dare speak out.


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Speak out brother!

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Why wasn't he escorted in handcuffs from the pool by police for indecent exposure?

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What? Just because her speedo wouldn't accomodate her overample labia?

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I have to disagree a little. This man swam so hard that his ovaries fell out of his body. A medical first!

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I am still bewildered and kind of shocked that this kind of insanity gains any traction at all. There are more of us than there are of them. Let's shame them back into the closet so their sick behavior can remain in their minds only. Second thought let's pray for their immortal souls as they desperately need a relationship with the God of Abraham.

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Unfortunately, they do not do shame.

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Just for the record, this should have come with a disclaimer and a spoiler alert, now i must spend a good amount of time today trying to mentally undo, what has been done to my fragile frontal cortex while processing this image. Ah i long for the days so long ago, when somebody would say, haha nice try good job on the photoshop, today we have descended to the point in society where this sh!t is real.

Might be some some irony in that somewhere.

Be Well, Blessings Always


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"Balls & all" was sufficient disclaimer, IMO.

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We live in Wonderland now. Biden, Trudeau et al make Alice’s Queen of Hearts look positively nice. The Queer of Hearts perhaps. Civil society is being attacked from every direction by the morons. For it is all moronic and nothing else.

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Not our fight. If biological women want to keep.silent while their athletic records are decimated and their efforts rendered null, that's a THEM/THEIR problem.

Let's stay out of this one

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According to the trans movement, this will never end. It’s by design. The patriarch had its time and it’s now over. Anything to destroy the idea of biological male/female will be supported, since it’s easier to control the population this way.

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Yuri Bezmanov speaks of Marxist subversion from without. For the last 80 years we have experienced it from within, from the poisonous snakes we invited into our collective bosom, out of misguided compassion. The Cultural Marxists / The Frankfurt School / The Postmodernists appear to have accomplished their task.. Western Christian Civilization -- the greatest civilization humanity has ever created is staggering at the brink of the abyss.. 🤔


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There is nothing "Marxist" about the things that have you worked up. As for the "Greatest Civilization" - lol.

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Explain yourself instead of lol’ing

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Don't waste your time on him. Watch this:

"A Short Journey Through Time: The Western Aesthetic" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bpexd9GA7RA

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For one thing, "Great" is a rather meaningless adjective- but, the "We're the greatest" mantra is getting rather stale. As for "cultural Marxism" - whoever started up that load of crap is either ignorant, or some kind of propagandist. Anyway, the phenomena under discussion have absolutely nothing to do with Marx or Marxism or Leninism - I can speak to that as a Communist of 55 years or so.

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Karl Marx was an utterly despicable human being who hadn't a god-damned clue what he was talking about. Everyone who knew him in life detested him. Four of his infant children starved to death, because he was too shiftless and irresponsible to get a job to support them. He got his maid-servant pregnant, and tossed her and his bastard son into the streets to fend for themselves. A curious factoid omitted about him in all the official biographies: Throughout his life, he was up to his eyeballs in Black Magick and Satan Worship.

My ex-wife came to Canada after Tiananmen Square. The best and brightest of China's youth, hundreds of thousands of young men and women, indiscriminately slaughtered. The stories my ex-wife's family told me of "The 100 Flowers", "The Great Leap Forward" and "The Cultural Revolution" were utterly appalling and excoriating. During the latter escapade my mother-in-law, a medical doctor and a pediatrician, after daily facing the possibility of getting shot for the slightest infraction had a massive stroke at 45 that left her speechless and completely paralysed for three months and when she "recovered"? .. well.. her days as a doctor were done. That's not to mention the historical reality of Marxism in practice; within the first 6 years of The Bolshevik Revolution they'd already murdered 10 million Russians, Russian industrial output declined 95%. That was long before the engineered famine of The Holodomor. I started Solzhenitsyn's "The Gulag Archipelago" but had to put it down half-way through Volume 2.. the unrelenting catalogue of horror stories was simply too much to bear. 66 MILLION people, David: According to Solzhenitsyn and I have no reason to doubt him. No-one knows how many millions that butcher Mao slaughtered, but probably at least 80 million. How about Democratic Kampuchea? Only 2 million -- but that was within a year and 40% of that country's population. Ever watched "The Killing Fields"? If not, time you did. And don't give me the "That's not true Communism" bullshit because whatever interpretion of Marx you care to mention, the reality of Marxism in practice is always the same: Human bodies stacked like cordwood, halfway to the sun.

After the history of the 20th century, for you to say you have subscribed to the nonsensical diabolical filth of Marxism for 55 years is utterly inexcusable; you are beyond redemption.

Even so, I will leave you with this presentation from Asha Logos as food for thought, though I doubt you'll watch it, never mind have the capacity to gain the lesson imparted.

"The Bolshevik Revolution: Darkness Descends" - https://www.bitchute.com/video/XabVBNdZkINy/

PS Here's a narrated version I've only just started to listen to. Appears to be loaded.. https://www.bitchute.com/video/CkuWQP4fmrgp/

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You're an ignorant fool.

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My Sis in-law and I Had an unplanned serious discussion with 18 yr old As her father had just passed earlier that day. 😫 She believes “we” are brainwashed believing there are only two sexes. I simply said we are born male or female. She mentioned someone born way back when was born with male and female genitalia. Does anyone know if this is fact or mythology?

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Hermaphrodites and those born with ambiguous external genitalia do exist. They're rare, but the point is, they're unfortunate "goofs" in the development of either a male or a female.

These unfortunate circumstances do not translate into there being 57 different sexes. When speaking of the human being in biological terms, there are two sexes. That's it.

Neither does it mean that the entire culture overturns itself because of those with rare, unfortunate genetic disorders or for those with 𝒑𝒔𝒚𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍 𝒅𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒔.

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Forgive the digression but how are you able to get bold and italics in these substack comments?

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Of course! I use Yay Text: https://yaytext.com/bold-italic/ This will take you right to the text box for bold and/or italic, but you'll see on the far left other options for text and emojis. Enjoy!

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Like multiple births, biological freaks like Siamese twins or other mutations, hermaphrodites do occur periodically... They are however, quite rare.

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Where is a link for the petition.. please

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