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Send the silly old bird to Rikers.

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She'll be sharing a cell with the Donald...

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She knew about the VAERD. All of the American health bureaucracy did when they mandated the jabs and pushed them onto the Japan and other innocent victims of America around the world. The US has caused a massive global burden of morbidity and mortality. Reported in the last few days in Japan Times and Bloomberg Press and other MSM publications is that the world has mysteriously gotten sicker from multiple viral and bacterial respiratory diseases in the past few years. The elephant in the room they're too cowardly to name has been known about for many years: "Vaccine-associated enhanced respiratory disease (VAERD) is an adverse event where an exacerbated course of respiratory disease occurs with higher incidence in the vaccinated population than in the control group." Anti-vax scientists predicted the covid jabs would cause VAERDS, and kill millions.

"Around the world, a post-COVID reality is beginning to sink in: Everyone, everywhere, really is sick a lot more often ... The post-COVID global surge of illnesses — viral and bacterial, common and historically rare — is a mystery that researchers and scientists are still trying to definitively explain. "

What's behind the post-COVID surge in communicable diseases?


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The same thing as is behind the post-COVID surge in: myocarditis; pulmonary embolisms; PAH; weird neurological/cerebrovascular disorders; turbo-cancers; prion-based diseases; intestinal necrosis; clotting squared; .....

The JP article hardly mentioned jabs, except bemoaning the fact that traditional vaccine uptake has declined.

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Pence running the COVID Task Force, with Birx and Fauci, was another HUGE screw up from one of many of Trump's bad choices, especially when Dr. Ben Carson was already in the Trump Administration.

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very bad choice but look again, would you not trust your VP?

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Devils, Birx Fauci, now comingwith BS bird flu H5N1,H5N2, H5N8. They create fear panic but the public has flipped her the bird, but they push the fraud PCR to create another fake pandemic. What’s name of co Birx is invested in for testing kits for all cows

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But please don't forget that Trump appointed Atlas to the Task Force but failed to give him support and upon the advice of Jared Kushner went with Fauxi and Birx.

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Isn’t Birx the American way Dr?

The American way, how our “American government” has “killed and disabled” millions of Americans for profit! Yes they have “profited”’immensely! This, IMO, is their “American Way”!

Why would Deborah stop? Why not do it again, why not double down? After all, it’s her turn now and “We the People” must understand how fairly our American government functions, correct? Ugh!

Act stupid, play dumb, make millions of dollars and throw the middle finger, yes that proverbial “Bird” right back at the “American people” for I am Deborah BIRX, otherwise known as “American Way”! So FUZK you all!

Mexico? What do they know? Mexico’s people don’t want to stay in Mexico! But in this case and with a smidgen of research, the truth be known, shove the fake PCR tests where they need to be shoved.

The sad reality is, not the “scarfed nut job” or little man “Napoleon Fauci” would give a “baby dying of thirst” a drink of water! They are as “evil as evil”could ever be!

Both are “monstrous people” acting as “specialists” while simultaneously-coordinating such a diabolically, dangerous and psychopathic, corrupt scheme, to steal again, the American taxpayers!

While covering up their “inequities” they’re laughing and laundering the data, while giving themselves the title infamous title of

“I am science”! Get the blank out of here! Both need to rot in jail!

Could any two people be more “narcissistic”, compounded with such delusional “psychopathic behavior”? I think not Dr. I think not!

Yes, most people know the gig is up. But in their minds, their shallowness fully exposed, has become their “American Way”!

People like these two literally belong locked up for life! They’re disgraceful and dangerously incompetent! Plus, they’re responsible for many murders, multiple murders and the maiming of millions of unsuspecting Americans!

I recant Dr, this IS NOT THE AMERICAN WAY!

We must remember, “Birds of a Feather Flock Together”. And man oh man this “illegitimate president and administration” has, with precision and certainty, deployed the “Worst of the Worst” our American society has ever been subjected to!

Thank you Dr Alexander, we cannot let these monsters off the hook!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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They do what psychopaths do. BTW psychopaths are not smarter than others. There are stupid ones and very stupid ones. She is probably the latter.

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Thank you James, for pointing out something which allows me to elaborate further. And why I choose to call these two people “psychopaths”.

I understand stupidity. I also understand “psychopaths”. Both go hand in hand and are typically less intelligent. Though not everyone. I question to some extent, how “Birx and Twerp” can be so stupid and continue their political career being so dumbfounded. Also how can they immensely benefit financially? Obviously they’re puppets pushing what they’re told to push. The drug dealers runner essentially. I get that.

Controlled? Yes absolutely! To what extent is another question. Which is one reason I believe the nature of “Birx and Twerp” continues as they distract and deflect.

However James, I believe they are stupid, but not very stupid. Because anyone with a dangerous mindset and complete disregard for life, which isn’t so easy to control, have to be able to think for themselves. Now Kamala Harris is stupid! A complete brainless idiot! Nothing but Nothing between the ears! Quite a difference between Kamala and “Birx and Twerp”.

At any point “Birx and Twerp” are like a time-bomb waiting to explode at any moment, unexpectedly! So I question their stupidity greatly.

They deliberately knew what they were doing and what their actions would cause to unsuspecting people. They certainly acted with complete contempt, ignoring any potentialities, most certainly they have caused and inflicted upon others!

In some cases they’re very good at manipulating and knowingly manipulating whoever, for their own financial gain. It makes one wonder how “stupid” they really are? But still psychopathic.

Egregious, absolutely disgustingly egregious! Obviously pointedly criminal behavior! To some extent, they’re so stupid they didn’t care about anyone else’s health outcomes! Which makes them extremely dangerous but still psychopaths.

Childish may have been a better choice of words, I think they knew better, so I chose not to call their behavior childish, either way, their actions need no explanation. What they caused I consider to be cruel and inhumane, recommendations. Ultimately leading to death of millions of people. I have a difficult time calling them stupid.

Psychopaths Absolutely!

Many people who suffer mental health issues can often time. be very unstable. Other times they can be quite stable. This didn’t seem to be the case with these two individuals. Leading me to believe a few different reasoning’s. Psychopaths, for my own justification, is certainly subjective, as you’ve pointed out. Of course, my opinion is simply that, my opinion. We know what they say about opinions.

Additionally, they peppered everyone with such disdain, without any qualms whatsoever! Knowing that they had caused such havoc on people’s lives including IMO, murder, many times over! For which I’m certain they will never see the inside of the “Halls of Justice” in my lifetime.

My rationale may not depict the depth of arrogant disregard for human life, both “Birx and Twerp” have caused! My intention was to simply describe, how deliberate disregard for the very basic understanding of their actions, in order to manipulate others with false information, with personal financial gain as the sole objective, has caused such profound damage and harm to society.

All while ignoring any truth and or overwhelming evidence which completely contradicts their claims, they set forth, to the very people they’re responsible for protecting.

Thanks James, I hope this helps you better understand what I was trying to say.


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I don't think heels up Harris is stupid. I think she plays stupid. I think she's an academy award level actor. She acts stupid because it's better to be accused of being stupid when your subverting your country then to be accused of doing it purposefully. I think most if not all of these scum bags are more akin to actors than they are to public servant politicians. They only act the part of a politician. I'm real life they're Mafia-esk criminal thugs. Some criminals are brilliant but none are perfect. They all make mistakes.

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You’re probably right Grumpy and I’ll bet you’re not all Grumpy.

I can’t watch her, she turns my stomach!

Anyone who acts like her is not someone I care to listen to or have her or a him try a make sense of life!

She’s as useless as a three dollar bill!

Thank you Grumpy, I appreciate your input.


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I know she's tough to listen to. However if you pull video of her being asked about Joe's rape of Tara Reed during the primary run up to the coup of 2020, I think you'll be able to discern a stark difference in her speech pattern, cadence and intonation. I don't think I've ever seen anyone get so stupid so quickly following they're acceptance as vice president to the very scum bag she was just hammering because he's a child molesting pedophile rapist😉

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No other nation, apart from Canada, appears to produce more psychopathic killers than the USA. CEO, lawyer, journalist, electronic media personality and public servant are among the top 10 occupations with the most psychopaths. The region with the highest proportion of the world's psychopaths is Washington DC. But there are personality disorders that are worse than psychopathy, and the US may also produce the majority of them. "Compulsives" (OCPD) are worse than psychopaths. They think they are more moral and ethical and know what's proper and that they have the right to force their will on others. This category includes not only the former CO of Canada's CFB Trenton, COLONEL Russell Williams, Long Island Serial Killer suspect Rex Huermann - in their minds serial killers with OCPD think that serial killing is "ethical" - and Hillary Clinton but also many of the bureaucrats who mandated and pushed the covid shots.

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Perhaps these occupations attract these particular personality traits because power is at the root of both.

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Thank you Awake for listing some of what is, IMO, have been overlooked and overwhelming for any society to survive, never mind thrive.

It’s so critical when nearly half of Americans need / require some form of mental health services.

And if they’re under mental health care, they’re not getting proper treatment. This issue I believe has been exacerbated when states decided to decriminalized marijuana.

A potent as potent can be drug which people say, “it’s only pot”!

No it’s far more dangerous than pot of the 60’s and 70’s! In some cases it’s been lethal!

Aside from the deliberate and reckless disregard for our open border invasion, the amount of fentanyl, laced with xylazine to extend the high, not only is killing 100K or more per year, but the mental health crisis is over the top at critical mass!

One of my clients added an addition for the overflow and within a month they underestimated the flow of patients and have now decided to break ground for an entire new building. Hoping to support their patients. It’s absolutely insane.

I understand exactly what you’re saying, most people have tuned out, are overwhelmed and keep saying, once Trump is elected all will be fine. Sadly these people are lost or blinded or both or they really don’t care. I haven’t been able to determine exactly why they’re feeling this way.

What’s happening has nothing to do with fear mongering, rather all to do with, IMO, of being prepared for the worst, hoping the best. I’ve never been or lived in times ever the way things are today.

Between the massive amount of illegals, Saudi Arabia not renewing the petrodollar, within 10 years maybe sooner, combined with all the other deliberate non-elected bureaucratic policies in-acted, God knows what will become of our once great nation!

My 4 year old grandson said to me this past thanksgiving, “Pa, a boy can be a girl ya know”? Needless to say he is no longer in Pre-k!

I have faith in our Lord and savior Jesus Christ!

Although the amount of evilness is out in plain sight, out of the darkness and becoming more and more emboldened, I’ve always believed in truth! Unfortunately, there’s an incredible amount of deception to sift through, which has muddied the waters of reality!

Add to all this, the amount of psychopaths, mentally unstable people component, which will only compound societal problems! Yes Awake I believe when the SHTF, it’s not going to be very pleasant!

Thank you for sharing your insights Awake. There are so many unknowns, only 20% of the iceberg is visible, there’s much more below the surface yet to be discovered.

Be safe and stay well Awake.


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You have sifted through all the shit. You are ok with God and Jesus our Lord Savior and you will help others to see. Very good summary of what I too am seeing and sifting through. Perhaps people are getting it. Evil will never ever triumph over good. It's God's nature and natural selection. There will be ebs and flows but you cannot have strengthening of good without evil impingement to awaken those good individuals that have been on cruise control and now are needing to think and act in a good way to prove it. It's time!

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Perfectly said s r! Better than perfect! Absolutely exact!

Thank you so much s r!

I appreciate the way you’ve pointed out what’s happening and more importantly, how our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has His Hand on this “out of control” throttle of evil”!

Amazing s r and so inspiring!

Thank you kindly,


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Donald Trump's tenure as the 45th president of the United States began with his inauguration on January 20, 2017, and ended on January 20, 2021. Wikipedia - note "2017-2021"

The Defense Production Act has played a role in the U.S. government’s response to COVID-19 (from about November 1st 2019 US virus release date ) pandemic.

President Trump declared a national emergency in March 2020, making the pandemic eligible for government action under the Defense Production Act.

President Trump said he invoked the Defense Production Act more than 100 times to facilitate Operation Warp Speed.

Trump has made the vaccinated all part of a "US Army experiment" and when you re-elect him, he will finish the job on behalf of his masters, whoever they are, but let us presuppose they are those I have identified in the final paragraph and others.

The vaccinated are countermeasure prototypes, for the US Army, to see the objective of a Covid-19 (vaccines) countermeasure, in the impairment of the operational effectiveness of enemy activity" by spike protein,the most antigenic and toxic part of a coronavirus" (vaccine) based on the measurable effects of their (the vaccines) deployment", by the US military's own definitions of terms used in Operation Warp Speed contracts, the (vaccine) products it commissioned "amount to bioweapons" and the vaccinated are part of the US Army experiment to see the effectiveness of their Covid-19 vaccines weapon, as explained below:

The injection of these "countermeasure prototype vaccines" which satisfy the US military definition of a biological agent into people has killed some recipients and permanently disabled increasingly large numbers of others, "resulting in their (vaccines) operational effectiveness based on the measurable effects of their (vaccines) deployment", by the US military's own definitions of (vaccines) terms used in Operation Warp Speed contracts, the (vaccines) products it commissioned "amount to bioweapons".

The US military defines a biological agent as a micro-organism (or toxin derived from it) that causes disease.

Vaccines are regulated by the US Food and Drug Administration as biological products, therefore they can be described as biological agents.

The mRNA (ModRNA) products instruct recipients cells to make a form of its spike protein, the most antigenic and, some researchers argue, toxic part of a coronavirus.

Since December 2020, 5.5 billion people, 72 per cent of the global population, have been injected with Covid-19 vaccines commissioned under Operation Warp Speed by the US Army "as countermeasure prototypes", by 2024 at least 8 billion people out of 8.5 billion people have been vaccinated with these bioweapons.

By the US military's own definition, The US Army Covid-19 vaccines bioweapon provides "the objective of a countermeasure which is the impairment of the operational effectiveness of enemy activity" by spike protein,the most antigenic and toxic part of a coronavirus,as a weapon,is proven,but for the vaccinated, they are the vaccine experiment then.

Trump followed on by Biden. Excuse me for saying so, but after the world populations have been decimated down to 250 million, more or less by 2025/26, by this US Army bioweapon, who will be left to use it on?

Refer back to the beginning of my above article and read it again, if you missed something, from my "Update 2".

I can't help wondering if the Elite, comprising Putin, Trump, Biden, Xi and other world leaders and the unseen billionaires, the WHO, WEF, etc, are in this together, but playing their parts to make we, the "Human Rubbish" of their societies, think there are warlike political divisions between us, when those divisions are for "your" show, just to fool you, while your extermination continues unregulated.

It is what I've been saying in my substack these past 4 years, I just never had the facts to prove my theories, now I do.

Whoever you are, wherever you work, vaccinate the Elite in your sphere of influence and make your vaccinated problems theirs too but leave their Human Rubbish, who we are, alone.

The full version is in my post before this one on my free substack - read it through and confirm if my assumptions are correct, to your satisfaction

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You are bang on. Full intent is UN WEF's 2021, 2030 and end all be all 2050 agendas. It's all layed out in front of us.

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Paul got an abrupt laugh out of me on that comment! So true!

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Why didn't you play knockout with her when you had the sucker punch chance? She was a clown and we all knew it. The scarfs cloaked her stupidity! Maybe she used them to embrace Tony? Both sociopaths!

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I don't think that's a facelift, I don't think that's her. It different face, different teeth, different hair, different voice. It's just not the same person.

As for explanation I have none.

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Get her close to the engine intake of a 737 - her scarf should do the rest.

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She belongs in jail

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Scarf worn to hide her lizard neck.

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She is only the most flagrant example. Starting in the 1980's all the professions were flooded with women like her because of "sexism", they were planning AHEAD for the overthrow. I know hundreds of incompetent women like her in medecine (and I am a woman so I feel free to say this) because after a few starter kit women introduced in the 70's , they kept lowering the entry standards to absurd levels. Also, no criticism is allowed , because they DO start to cry ( over even tone of voice) and they never improve.

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She's not stupid! She's absolutely evil! She is a x-military now CIA controlled pos psyop elite puppet. She needs to be thrown in jail with all the other scumbag plandemic operatives!

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I like to call her "Scarf Face". Say hello to my little (virus) friends...

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