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absolute truth..

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You are right. People don't actually realize what a crisis we have in the US. Like my great

two-faced DeSnaketis. Instead of supporting President Trump he's off playing JEB! and the

Bushs' playbook. JEB! never got over Trump whooping his aSS in the Primary of 2016. Now,

JEB! and don't think GW isn't far behind, are trying to destroy AG Ken Paxton of Texas so they

can push his son, George P. Bush, in Paxton's position. JEB's son has been trying to get that position many times before. Why was Congressman Louie Gohermt running in that

Election, too. You know why, he was trying to take votes away from Paxton in hopes

George P. :-( would win Primary. So, now you can add another way of cheating and taking over a seat when you LOSE. You have JEB! and Baby Bush TRY and destroy your rival by

character assassination. I can't stand DeSantis anymore. What a true idiot and traitor.

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This is very illuminating information about the Paxton impeachment, Lynn.

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The Bush family are one of the most evil and corrupt we have ever seen in America, next only to the Clintons perhaps. I never voted for any Clinton, but unfortunately I was deceived enough to vote for both Bush's.

GWH Bush was a furtherance of his nazi and CIA past. I have no doubt he was behind the attempted assassination of President Reagan.

The speculation is that he was executed for treason, not died as reported. I hope that is true.

W Bush never deserved to be President either, but would Gore have been better? No. It was clearly the UNIPARTY even then.

For some reason, Jeb thought he was "in line" for the Presidency. Bull shit. Now the evil bastards are trying to corrupt Texas by removing the best AG in America.

Fucking RINO's.

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I'll definitely second your last two words!

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www.americanthinker.com .....dated May 28, 2023, entitled: The Vote Fraud Monster is Coming for Ted Cruz.

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Also, there is an article in the www.americanthinker.com about why they are trying to take out

Ken Paxton in Texas. It includes trying to get rid of Senator Ted Cruz. It's an eye opener of

the election fraud in Texas.

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Thanks for all this information. Don't you remember how Baby Bush was acting on the day JOE was whatever. He was dancing for joy in DC with Muslim Obama and whatever that person is he married. I believe Baby Bush has early onset Dementia.

What kills me is when he does that bike ride for Wounded Warriors that lost arms

and legs in his own WAR he started.

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Go to: www.theconservativetreehouse.com. Read a recent article about how Ron and his useful idiots are going to spend BIG money canvassing in key Conservative states. What I see coming is these Uniparty traitors are going to try and ballot harvest for the Primary. Now,

they are going to TRY and steal the Primary by ballot harvesting. Ron DeTraitor sealed

his travel records. I wonder why? He is spending way too much time in other States.

We voted him in for another term for Governor of Florida NOT the United States.

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May 28, 2023Edited
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What war did trump get us into? Every war America has ever fought was started by the Democrats. Except for the war under George W. Bush. The neocon.

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Back to the anti USA commie closet for you there are Wimpy burgers left

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Perfect photo. Determined. Serious. Noble.

Strange how "going full MAGA" is employed as an insult. I think it's the greatest compliment. Except shouldn't it be "full MCGA" in this context? Make Canada Great Again.

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I agree hes a warrior and leader fighting battles on many fronts for all of us, yet some can't handle him questioning others in the Freedom movement, yet he is an insider with far more knowledge of the likes of Malone for one who so many others defend putting words and excuses for him when he won't do it himself.

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May God bless all the patriots from every tribe and nation. 🙏 ❤️

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my husband and I are among the first members of the PPC and fully support Maxime and all the great PPC candidates across Canada...isn't it interesting that in the last federal elections, PPC candidates received almost identical amounts of votes no matter what Riding it was, around 1200 votes. How did that happen, eh??

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As an Albertan I fully support Maxim and his party . The Peoples Party of Canada. PPC. The only party to stand up against the V mandates. MAD MAX. HOW FANTASTIC!...Dear Dr Paul. Please encourage Maxim to use the Mad Max Moniker...It's GREAT. Maybe you could be his PR PERSON😁

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Why did he do warp speed? Thank you

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So your ASSUMING a program he initiated based on information he was given regarding a supposed pandemic he believed was meant to provide protection against to help protect people and shut it down, means that he was some how aware and involved in the planning, manufacturing, and implementing of the charade?

He is a smart man obviously or he wouldn't have been able to accomplish what he's been able to in business, regardless of the naysayers on that one as he has. He uses experts in many fields and brings them in to provide information to fill in blanks for him in helping to make ultimate decisions, which anyone watching would/should have noticed during his administration, as it was the MOST transparent administration I believe we've ever had. He is not a scientist, Epidemiologist, or medical researcher nor are has any president we've ever had, and very few politicians in general have any firsthand medical experience.

Use some critical thinking, do you actually believe he helped the globalists pull this off on purpose as a part of their team, when he's been against them in most every step of the way, and they against him in every way possible?

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Wonderful photo!

Wish James Topp was in it.........I loved the photos Dr Paul sent back then.

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Salute 💪🍻

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MCGA. Love it!

Deep respect for James Topp, Mad Max, and Dr. Paul.

Thank you for posting. (Hope James is doing well during his challenges)


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I don't have a clue if Maxime will win or NOT....

but if anything he wants to Make Canada Great Again.... MCGA.... not MAGA...

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WE THE PEOPLES TURN We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.-That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,-That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles sand organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

Declaration of IndependenceBut when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.-Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States.

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are you going to work with Trump again if he gets in the big white house again? I hope so and i think that they should have a shaman go through and sage the place as the spirits in there are prob. so upset that the bidens even are in there.

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Satan has a terrible smell.

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Lots of people are afraid of Max. But if you read any of his emails, he is spot on with the truth. Go Max! Love you Dr. Paul and James Topp too!

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:) going full Maga!

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May 28, 2023
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