Maybe he should take his head out the ass of the globalists and islamists and communists & help us find the priests he helps cover up & hide who engages in sodomy with little boys, raping them
Both attitudes "are against life: the one who wants to throw out the migrants and the one who kills children," the pope said. "Both are against life."
One key point that he seemed to miss: Trump does not want to throw out all migrants, just ILLEGAL immigrants ones that Biden and Harris allowed and encouraged to stream into the country illegally en masse. We know they are not pro-life and we know the real reasons they encourage mass illegal immigration. A country cannot have totally uncontrolled immigration, that is nothing new. As Dr. Paul implies, what do you think the good pope would do if tens of thousand came inside the Vatican and started living there? I guarantee he would want to "throw out the migrants". Sheer hypocrisy. Just like when the immigrants came to Martha's Vineyard, the proud "sanctuary". They got them out of there faster than the dems can spend your tax money! Hypocrites, all of them!
kaboom Bobby, excellent this "Trump does not want to throw out all migrants, just ILLEGAL immigrants ones that Biden and Harris allowed and encouraged to stream into the country illegally en masse."
This Pope is more open about his approval & direct actions to bring about a One-World-Government, Economy & Religion. But, former Pope’s even John Paul II made remarks about Globalization.
The Roman Catholic Church has been unbiblical in its doctrine from its inception. Read a Bible (preferably a New King James or the original King James) & a Catholic Catechism & you’ll find they are in direct opposition to one another.
I know about the RCC because I was raised as a Roman Catholic & attended church & catechism classes through high school. It wasn’t until I read a Bible & then was Born Again (read John 3 in the New Testament) that my eyes were opened to the blasphemy & false teachings of the Church. I had a lot of unlearning to do, but now am a mature Christian who witnesses to Catholics directing them to Salvation by Faith Alone through God’s Grace. Ephesians 2:8-9 “For by grace you have been saved through faith, & that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, NOT OF WORKS (my emphasis), lest anyone should boast.” One must believe that Jesus Christ was fully man & is fully God, that He was born of a virgin & led a sinless life. I Corinthians I:3-5 “that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures & that He was buried, & that He rose again the 3rd day according to the scriptures.”
Jesus paid the full price for the sins of everyone who believes that He is Who He claimed to be & surrenders their life to Him. Good works, sacraments, attendance at a certain church, or doing cartwheels will not get one into Heaven. Only a relationship with our Creator & Savior Jesus Christ.
Please read a Bible & get to know Him through His written word…& flee from the powerful cult of Roman Catholicism.
I like "Jesus paid the full price for the sins of everyone who believes that He is Who He claimed to be & surrenders their life to Him. Good works, sacraments, attendance at a certain church, or doing cartwheels will not get one into Heaven. Only a relationship with our Creator & Savior Jesus Christ.
Please read a Bible & get to know Him through His written word…& flee from the powerful cult of Roman Catholicism."
Not upset, merely weary of the arrogance afoot everywhere. As if anyone on this side knows ANYTHING about who is going where...not up to you...along with the generalized arrogance about everything in general. Wise folks know how much they DON'T know.
Yes, Dr Paul we need to find all the priests who carried on like nothing was wrong. Many people in other religions have used it as a method to abuse our precious children. Even when they told their parents many were not believed by their own family especially in very rural small communities or they could be outcasted with no help. Look at that guy Warrens having 12 yr old girls be his brides collect the social services payments and let the girls go with no food medical etc got rich off of this. Saw briefly the morman swingers advertisement on the television they can't go all the way and all spouses have to be present. I remember the church where the priest would take a down syndrome family and talk about how they had fun at the beach. The son was abused the mother was horrified and didn't want to be anywhere near them even the sister didn't want anything to do with the priest while the priest was showing off that he had power of the down syndrom people can easily abuse them. It was funny I may Irish soda bread as the priest that was abusing the family what type he wanted with the fruit or without. I ended up making just regular without the fruit never mentioned a word about it. The other priest Father Bill he was an honest down to earth man ate one whole Irish soda bread that I made I told him it was to remind him of home the fond memories he could taste the real ingredients told me thank you many times over, very humble man. He served over 60 years of service to the church and passed away from the bout of cov. At his viewing I didn't recognize him. He truly served our Big Daddy the Lord. While the Pope parading around like he's top dog he's the anti christos. While the other priest that boasted his conquests wanted parties and alcohol that's all he ever really cared about. Belittling the church since we didn't donate millions like his old church in Pasadena and yes he is buddy with Trudeau a bishop in California and related to the Canadian tampon dude. It really is a small world Bishop Trudeau made fun on my shorts and flip flops how disrespectful it is. What you want me to attend naked? Something you can't unsee, do you really want that? You know my feet swell up from blood pressure issues and can't afford to buy 9 different sizes. What are you going to do? Complain about my appearance or be more worried about feeding the word? That abusive priest went back to Ireland in retirement who knows what's going on there
🇺🇸🇱🇧 More than two weeks ago, on August 29, employees of the American University Medical Center in Beirut received this email, saying their 'old pagers' will be replaced
There was an explosive inside them.
Megatron, [9/17/2024 12:41 PM]
🇺🇸🇱🇧 More than two weeks ago, on August 29, employees of the American University Medical Center in Beirut received this email, saying their 'old pagers' will be replaced
There was an explosive inside them.
Megatron, [9/17/2024 2:26 PM]
🇱🇧🇮🇱 Mossad planted a quantity of highly explosive PETN material on the pagers’ battery and detonated it by raising the temperature of the battery enough to detonate it - Sky News Arabia confirms.
Explosives were introduced either directly into the pager manufacturing plant, or were allowed access during distribution to Lebanon.
Suggest watching YouTube John MacArthur- Are Catholics Saved? Dr. John MacArthur is an 85 year old American evangelical pastor- teacher of Grace Community Church a non-denominational church in Sun Valley, California. He is the chancellor emeritus of The Master's University in Santa Clarita and The Master's Seminary. He was a frequent guest on the Larry King show. He has written nearly 400 books and study guides translated into 2 dozen languages. After reading the Bible for myself, I can no longer subscribe to the Catholicism. I consider myself to be Christian. Important to read the Bible daily.
The only view I hold against MacArthur is that he’s a Calvinist. That is, he believes & teaches that only some elect are chosen to be adopted children of God. He discounts God desire for all to be saved, through faith in Jesus Christ, the Living Savior. The Bible teaches that each human being has the opportunity to make a choice. To either repent of their sins & turn to Christ or reject His offer of salvation & spend Eternity in a real & terrible Hell.
Pope or poop? Satan is the "dung god". This miscreant DOES NOT REPRESENT GOD, or Jesus, or anything good, decent or true. What a disgusting dissembler the Catholics have as their leader. Run !!!!! (Matthew 23:9..."call no man your Father upon the earth; for one is your Father, which is in heaven." (KJV). If he was truly a representative of God, he would not be propagating all the lies of the left...the goats...the ones destined for everlasting fire. Francis is demonstrably 'a false prophet'. Just sayin'.'s the thing...and the problem is bigger than RC's appreciate. First, there is the issue if he was ever legitimately elected pope. There is a strong body of evidence that Benedict screwed the pooch by "resigning". In a word, it does not appear that this is something that can be done. Regardless, assume PF was duly can be argued that by his actions/pronouncements he as excommunicated himself from the Church. Keep in mind folks, the Pope is the supreme representative of Christ on earth BUT even he can not "toy" with what Our Lord created - full stop. Stated another way, PF can not change the faith one iota. With his latest statement as to how there is only one God and that all religions lead to Him - that the Church is just one of many, is not something new. Though it does fly in the face of 2,000 years of doctrine, teaching and a core belief of the Church being the only way to Our Lord/Heaven - it was something that apparently came out of V2. Personally, I did not know this until recently. Furthermore, I did not know that both JPII and Benedict both made such assertions. What this tells me is that V2 was in error and that it most likely is not valid. The Church can not teach heresy. With this as a backdrop - those within the Catholic faith have a real problem that goes beyond PF. Personally, I don't have an answer but boy is this situation a doozey. What I do know is that those that are RC should cling to the TRUE faith like a drowning man to a raft. Pax
I am Catholic and disavow this false pope. As I understand, Benedict did not 'voluntarily' resign but was forced out (palace intrigue) by those wishing to install Francis, a likely homosexual and globalist.
I am disgusted that Francis does not categorically condemn abortion, homosexuality, and transsexual surgery. Others may have differing opinions but it is Francis' role to represent the teaching of the Church.
I am particularly outraged that Francis endorsed mRNA injections for covid. I believe he had an obligation to speak out against covid jabs in support of Catholics and other Christians whose conscience and religious objections were and continue to be valid.
I believe Vatican II had no legitimate authority to contradict Catholic doctrine and tradition. And I prefer the traditional Latin Mass which the Church is trying to entirely outlaw. (What threat could it possibly pose?)
To do away with it ensures the greater possibility that many more Catholics lose their faith in the True Presence of the Eucharist; as is evidenced by the polls which illustrate it. 'The law of prayer governs the law of belief', Lex orandi, lex crdendi. If one worships in a seemingly protestant manner they are more apt to believe like one.
I'm not a scholar on this but Popes Can abdicate. However, the way Benedict abdicated may not have been valid. Which, if true means that Bergoglio is not the Pope.
Driving through a lovely, very wealthy neighborhood on Monday I was stunned to see a large sign on the lawn of an extraordinary house. It said, "Anyone but Trump."
What do the homeowners think will happen to their children, their schools, their health, their income, their taxes, their overall freedom, and the exclusivity of their neighborood under "Anyone but Trump"?
Francis is a globalist put there by as a result of coup at the Vatican in 2013. He has been propagating all the globalist lies. He is one of them.
kaboom, he is one of them, dangerous
I have Catholic friends and they all disavow this Pope! As in "he's not my Pope!"
same here, I disavow this Pope
He is most likely the false prophet. But definitely a pedophile puppet
he is a pedophile puppet, acted as such
And many pope's before him. The Vatican is filled with them
Both attitudes "are against life: the one who wants to throw out the migrants and the one who kills children," the pope said. "Both are against life."
One key point that he seemed to miss: Trump does not want to throw out all migrants, just ILLEGAL immigrants ones that Biden and Harris allowed and encouraged to stream into the country illegally en masse. We know they are not pro-life and we know the real reasons they encourage mass illegal immigration. A country cannot have totally uncontrolled immigration, that is nothing new. As Dr. Paul implies, what do you think the good pope would do if tens of thousand came inside the Vatican and started living there? I guarantee he would want to "throw out the migrants". Sheer hypocrisy. Just like when the immigrants came to Martha's Vineyard, the proud "sanctuary". They got them out of there faster than the dems can spend your tax money! Hypocrites, all of them!
kaboom Bobby, excellent this "Trump does not want to throw out all migrants, just ILLEGAL immigrants ones that Biden and Harris allowed and encouraged to stream into the country illegally en masse."
Just remember it’s Catholic Charities that’s been human trafficking across the border and giving out free plane tickets.
kaboom, the Catholic Charities helped damaged us in COVID...other faiths too...corrupted.
He is a fat communist, not the Pope.
Arch Bishop Vigano. Post his work here, PLEASE!
I do...I post Vig all the time...Vig is my man...huge praise
see this
see this
see this
share some new ones please
👀 The Woke Pope! God help us all! 🙏✝️☀️🙌🇺🇸🇮🇱♥️
yes he is wake
This Pope is more open about his approval & direct actions to bring about a One-World-Government, Economy & Religion. But, former Pope’s even John Paul II made remarks about Globalization.
The Roman Catholic Church has been unbiblical in its doctrine from its inception. Read a Bible (preferably a New King James or the original King James) & a Catholic Catechism & you’ll find they are in direct opposition to one another.
I know about the RCC because I was raised as a Roman Catholic & attended church & catechism classes through high school. It wasn’t until I read a Bible & then was Born Again (read John 3 in the New Testament) that my eyes were opened to the blasphemy & false teachings of the Church. I had a lot of unlearning to do, but now am a mature Christian who witnesses to Catholics directing them to Salvation by Faith Alone through God’s Grace. Ephesians 2:8-9 “For by grace you have been saved through faith, & that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, NOT OF WORKS (my emphasis), lest anyone should boast.” One must believe that Jesus Christ was fully man & is fully God, that He was born of a virgin & led a sinless life. I Corinthians I:3-5 “that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures & that He was buried, & that He rose again the 3rd day according to the scriptures.”
Jesus paid the full price for the sins of everyone who believes that He is Who He claimed to be & surrenders their life to Him. Good works, sacraments, attendance at a certain church, or doing cartwheels will not get one into Heaven. Only a relationship with our Creator & Savior Jesus Christ.
Please read a Bible & get to know Him through His written word…& flee from the powerful cult of Roman Catholicism.
I like "Jesus paid the full price for the sins of everyone who believes that He is Who He claimed to be & surrenders their life to Him. Good works, sacraments, attendance at a certain church, or doing cartwheels will not get one into Heaven. Only a relationship with our Creator & Savior Jesus Christ.
Please read a Bible & get to know Him through His written word…& flee from the powerful cult of Roman Catholicism."
It's OK
that you feel that way
Dr Alexander.
We Catholics have big hearts.
I hear that some Protestand may even make into heaven.
No human beings have the RIGHT to declare WHO is going to "get into heaven." Capiche??
What are you so upset about? I'm sure WASPs go to haven,at least some of them
Silly WASP...
Not upset, merely weary of the arrogance afoot everywhere. As if anyone on this side knows ANYTHING about who is going where...not up to you...along with the generalized arrogance about everything in general. Wise folks know how much they DON'T know.
The pope is a man. Not a god. Also, he has been compromised a long time ago.
sure has been
Yes, Dr Paul we need to find all the priests who carried on like nothing was wrong. Many people in other religions have used it as a method to abuse our precious children. Even when they told their parents many were not believed by their own family especially in very rural small communities or they could be outcasted with no help. Look at that guy Warrens having 12 yr old girls be his brides collect the social services payments and let the girls go with no food medical etc got rich off of this. Saw briefly the morman swingers advertisement on the television they can't go all the way and all spouses have to be present. I remember the church where the priest would take a down syndrome family and talk about how they had fun at the beach. The son was abused the mother was horrified and didn't want to be anywhere near them even the sister didn't want anything to do with the priest while the priest was showing off that he had power of the down syndrom people can easily abuse them. It was funny I may Irish soda bread as the priest that was abusing the family what type he wanted with the fruit or without. I ended up making just regular without the fruit never mentioned a word about it. The other priest Father Bill he was an honest down to earth man ate one whole Irish soda bread that I made I told him it was to remind him of home the fond memories he could taste the real ingredients told me thank you many times over, very humble man. He served over 60 years of service to the church and passed away from the bout of cov. At his viewing I didn't recognize him. He truly served our Big Daddy the Lord. While the Pope parading around like he's top dog he's the anti christos. While the other priest that boasted his conquests wanted parties and alcohol that's all he ever really cared about. Belittling the church since we didn't donate millions like his old church in Pasadena and yes he is buddy with Trudeau a bishop in California and related to the Canadian tampon dude. It really is a small world Bishop Trudeau made fun on my shorts and flip flops how disrespectful it is. What you want me to attend naked? Something you can't unsee, do you really want that? You know my feet swell up from blood pressure issues and can't afford to buy 9 different sizes. What are you going to do? Complain about my appearance or be more worried about feeding the word? That abusive priest went back to Ireland in retirement who knows what's going on there
🇺🇸🇱🇧 More than two weeks ago, on August 29, employees of the American University Medical Center in Beirut received this email, saying their 'old pagers' will be replaced
There was an explosive inside them.
Megatron, [9/17/2024 12:41 PM]
🇺🇸🇱🇧 More than two weeks ago, on August 29, employees of the American University Medical Center in Beirut received this email, saying their 'old pagers' will be replaced
There was an explosive inside them.
Megatron, [9/17/2024 2:26 PM]
🇱🇧🇮🇱 Mossad planted a quantity of highly explosive PETN material on the pagers’ battery and detonated it by raising the temperature of the battery enough to detonate it - Sky News Arabia confirms.
Explosives were introduced either directly into the pager manufacturing plant, or were allowed access during distribution to Lebanon.
Could this happen with phones?
My thoughts exactly....
Computers, cellphones ,those devices that folks put in their ear,and smart watches and other gadgets could blow up on command..
It is so easy for the NWO to do.
Suggest watching YouTube John MacArthur- Are Catholics Saved? Dr. John MacArthur is an 85 year old American evangelical pastor- teacher of Grace Community Church a non-denominational church in Sun Valley, California. He is the chancellor emeritus of The Master's University in Santa Clarita and The Master's Seminary. He was a frequent guest on the Larry King show. He has written nearly 400 books and study guides translated into 2 dozen languages. After reading the Bible for myself, I can no longer subscribe to the Catholicism. I consider myself to be Christian. Important to read the Bible daily.
Christian I am...I am one of the catholic sheep that got lost...staunch Christian
The only view I hold against MacArthur is that he’s a Calvinist. That is, he believes & teaches that only some elect are chosen to be adopted children of God. He discounts God desire for all to be saved, through faith in Jesus Christ, the Living Savior. The Bible teaches that each human being has the opportunity to make a choice. To either repent of their sins & turn to Christ or reject His offer of salvation & spend Eternity in a real & terrible Hell.
Pope or poop? Satan is the "dung god". This miscreant DOES NOT REPRESENT GOD, or Jesus, or anything good, decent or true. What a disgusting dissembler the Catholics have as their leader. Run !!!!! (Matthew 23:9..."call no man your Father upon the earth; for one is your Father, which is in heaven." (KJV). If he was truly a representative of God, he would not be propagating all the lies of the left...the goats...the ones destined for everlasting fire. Francis is demonstrably 'a false prophet'. Just sayin'.'s the thing...and the problem is bigger than RC's appreciate. First, there is the issue if he was ever legitimately elected pope. There is a strong body of evidence that Benedict screwed the pooch by "resigning". In a word, it does not appear that this is something that can be done. Regardless, assume PF was duly can be argued that by his actions/pronouncements he as excommunicated himself from the Church. Keep in mind folks, the Pope is the supreme representative of Christ on earth BUT even he can not "toy" with what Our Lord created - full stop. Stated another way, PF can not change the faith one iota. With his latest statement as to how there is only one God and that all religions lead to Him - that the Church is just one of many, is not something new. Though it does fly in the face of 2,000 years of doctrine, teaching and a core belief of the Church being the only way to Our Lord/Heaven - it was something that apparently came out of V2. Personally, I did not know this until recently. Furthermore, I did not know that both JPII and Benedict both made such assertions. What this tells me is that V2 was in error and that it most likely is not valid. The Church can not teach heresy. With this as a backdrop - those within the Catholic faith have a real problem that goes beyond PF. Personally, I don't have an answer but boy is this situation a doozey. What I do know is that those that are RC should cling to the TRUE faith like a drowning man to a raft. Pax
I am Catholic and disavow this false pope. As I understand, Benedict did not 'voluntarily' resign but was forced out (palace intrigue) by those wishing to install Francis, a likely homosexual and globalist.
I am disgusted that Francis does not categorically condemn abortion, homosexuality, and transsexual surgery. Others may have differing opinions but it is Francis' role to represent the teaching of the Church.
I am particularly outraged that Francis endorsed mRNA injections for covid. I believe he had an obligation to speak out against covid jabs in support of Catholics and other Christians whose conscience and religious objections were and continue to be valid.
I believe Vatican II had no legitimate authority to contradict Catholic doctrine and tradition. And I prefer the traditional Latin Mass which the Church is trying to entirely outlaw. (What threat could it possibly pose?)
To do away with it ensures the greater possibility that many more Catholics lose their faith in the True Presence of the Eucharist; as is evidenced by the polls which illustrate it. 'The law of prayer governs the law of belief', Lex orandi, lex crdendi. If one worships in a seemingly protestant manner they are more apt to believe like one.
I also miss the Latin Mass, I wish they had it where we live.
But we observe Mass on TV nowadays, and the Spanish Mass is pretty good.
I'm not a scholar on this but Popes Can abdicate. However, the way Benedict abdicated may not have been valid. Which, if true means that Bergoglio is not the Pope.
Long story as to what is wrong that goes beyond a simple post
Morning Consult has Harris now leading by 6 points and if it's accurate ...
That's very troubling.
Driving through a lovely, very wealthy neighborhood on Monday I was stunned to see a large sign on the lawn of an extraordinary house. It said, "Anyone but Trump."
What do the homeowners think will happen to their children, their schools, their health, their income, their taxes, their overall freedom, and the exclusivity of their neighborood under "Anyone but Trump"?
The poor souls have been lead astray by the Media,Kathleen.
Think of how vile their influencer's are.
Their minds won't see the truth.
It's not that Trump is good that bothers them.
They hate him because he's not evil.
kaboom...superb post
You make a very good point, Darkstar. (But I don't excuse them for their weakness and corruptibility. )
Nor do I, Kathleen.