Sorry to break your delusions but who was it that brought in "Warp Speed"? Who was it that fell for the pandemic? Please wake up from the delusion. All politics is mere theater to keep the plebs occupied. It's like a circus, sucking up your attention so you don't put it on yourself and benefit your own life and that of your fellow humans. Just keeps you on a merry-go-round of expectation that only gets worse and worse. Even if it were due to incompetence, what kind of loyalty is this to people who trash our society, who never stand for justice and who are always in the public eye. Politicians need to be refreshed or composted, they don't just stay the same decade in and decade out. How much cake do you want them to throw at your face?

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Not many years ago I was constantly yelled at for my views on Trump. Now, not so much. People have slowly been waking up to the fact that there's a stench of rotten fish surrounding Donald Trump. The truly horrific part is that Trump is the "best" available!! I mean, all the others - Biden, Clinton, etc. - are far worse. So instead of voting for a *bigger* demon, we are being asked to vote for a *smaller* demon. Thanks, I'll pass. I'm going to watch the carnage unfold in November. May God have mercy on us.

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Sadly denise, you’re 10 million times correct! It’s worse than the grime picture you just painted!

It’s far worse! Even if we give Trump the benefit of the doubt, and say he was completely compromised, it doesn’t matter.

I would expect a whole lot less of “rah rah” speeches, designed to keep the “waters calm” while everyone’s looking the other way! As we’re being lead to believe “a knight on his white-horse named, Donald Trump” will save the day!

Donald Trump will save his own day! I do believe he loves America and the American people, so do millions of people. But the “Fundamental Transformation of America”is happening before our eyes! There isn’t any turning back the “Hands of America”! America as we know, will be, is being, “Fundamentally Transformed”!

America, stop fooling yourselves

All the “radical pieces” are in place, they have been in place and we will see, before our eyes this radicalized

”Transformation of America”there’s no question about it!

What’s left when this is said and done is anyone’s guess. To what extent? Who knows. Who will America become when those destroying America decide! Those such as,BHO, WEF, WHO, UN, plus an entire “Army of mitigators”!

God only knows!

There’s absolutely nothing Donald Trump can do nor could he do if elected president other than help “minimize casualties”!

There is “no saving the day”! The reality is, Americans have been told what’s happening. For a very long time! For those who choose to keep their heads buried in the sand, they may fair better, not knowing you’re being manipulated, may very well be, the best way to deal with what’s coming.

And for all those Monday morning quarterbacks, myself included, who choose to try and make sense out of nonsense, all I can say is, “expect the unexpected”! All of the possible scenarios of why, or how could they, etc. has been and is still completely maddening.

I don’t believe anyone truly knows what America will become, or how America will end up like. When it’s all said and done, “Home of The Free” may very well be no longer! It’s anyone’s guess! My primary concerns, at this moment is, my family and friends. That all are as prepared as humanly possible for the worst case scenario, I am not underestimating!

Thank you denise for “opening the eyes” of reality at this moment in time. I shuddered to think about who, what, when where and why anymore. America is in deep, deep trouble and the time for prayer is needed! Prayers shouldn’t have ever ended!

I do pray more and more Americans get on their “hands and knees” and pray like they’ve never prayed before!

Our Judeo Christian” values have been trampled on and will be, have been, replaced with an “Satanic Evilness” like never before in time! It’s obvious, look around.

“America was the sum” of her peoples beliefs! Today, America is lost in the “sea of thieves” who have been stoking the “flames of hell”! God Bless Us All!

We get what we deserve! Wake up America! Ask our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for His forgiveness and mercy! His Mercy!

Satan is licking his chops!

Thank you denise again for simplifying America’s complex situation.

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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DW, how about inflation? You like the economy right now? Just wait when everything shipped to the stores or your home costs a lot more because the petrodollar no longer exists. I know, this may be a bit overwhelming for you to understand. Economics is not JB’s strong suit either.

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The global financial system is rapidly changing, and will never be the same. The US petro dollar, based on nothing, just a fiat currency, will be abandoned by many nations. The BRICS nations will use a different standard for all their trading.

I'm anxious to see how Trump deals with this change. He knows the Federal Reserve is NOT federal, but is a banking cartel, central bank. I expect the Fed to be abolished. The US will print its own currency from the Treasury, as it was always meant to be.

Trump also has spoken about BitCoin being part of this change. We must abolish the central banks and their interest and debt scam.

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There were downsides to the petrodollar arrangement. It is one reason why investment in nuclear energy (new reactor models like thorium reactors, and nuclear fusion reactors) was demphasized and allowed only to the extent that it contributed to building a nuclear arsenal. Also, in order for other countries to have dollars to buy oil, they need to give us free goodies in exhange for dollars, which in turn guts our economy, leads to outsourcing, interdependence, and eventually becomes a national security threat. It also allows free money to be printed with impunity to feed a corrupt deep state. Now there will be withdrawal pain getting off this system. Ideally, a gold-based system will be better over the long run.

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I think you are a bit pie in the sky about nuclear energy. It will be years before Americans willingly accept that nuclear reactors are safe. You seem to have forgotten the accident at Three Mile Island. We have several states who have moratoriums on nuclear power. https://www.energy.gov/ne/articles/what-nuclear-moratorium The problem with your explanation is that we were energy independent during the Trump administration. We were actually exporting oil. To take currency from other countries who purchase oil from us will make the sale of oil more risky and thus less lucrative. It will also make the dollar less attractive for overall trade. The rest of the world runs on oil as the leftists running the US abandon it. This will be inflationary as there are thousands of common household products made from oil. You can call it withdrawal pain, I call it savaging poor families!

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Of course, this is going to get very bad in the short term and possibly medium term. My point is that there was a price we paid for riding on that system for 50 years. It is a funny system: China gives us antibiotics (for example), we give them the Saudi's oil.

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And you really believe the EPA and all the state regulators are going to be responsive to our energy needs with all the windmill and solar crap too? China is forging ahead with coal powered plants and here we are tearing down hydro electric dams for salmon. The stability of our economy depends entirely on reliable and cheap energy, yet your argument is we need to go build a lot of new expensive nuclear power plants which take years to build. It is kind of like progressive Dems banning gasoline powered cars before we have electric charging stations available.

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biDUMB and turdo are net liabilities to the USA and Canuckistan period.

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The implication as to the O’Biden regime should be banishment for deliberate destruction of the economy; while the implication for any American not of the billionaire class is financial destruction that will eclipse the “Great Depression.” There will be no glide path to the economic free fall that will take place as the confidence in the dollar is stripped away by the continued chicanery of our “leadership.”

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Even Russia has changed the format of payment, which used to be USD, and they dumped that format of exchange. Mr. Demented let an important agreement expire with no sincere effort to negotiate with Saudi Arabia. Rump would have more than likely taken the agreement seriously and come up with a tentative plan to benefit both parties.

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I'm shocked, shocked I tell you that after confiscating Russia's US dollar holdings, the Saudi's don't want to trade their oil exclusively in dollars. 70% of all US dollars are held outside of the US for international trade settlements.

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Gold backed?

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Yes….you are right….thank you

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