Thanks Dr Alexander… I was listening to Dr Dolores Cahill, Dr Sucharit Bhakdi and Dr Wolfgang Wodarg saying this exact same thing in April of 2020….. do you know them? We are all on the exact same page here and the sooner the medical community at the Top of our corrupted medical hierarchy finally puts the patients before profit and stops these catastrophic mRNA drugs the better!

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yes, I know them. Smart folk, warriors. Bhakdi is stunningly smart. All these folk are humanity loving.

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May 11, 2022·edited May 11, 2022

Reiner Fuellmich COVID-19 Grand Jury has interviewed virtually all remaining sane MDs/Scientists on this planet.

If you find Reiner's videos online, you'll likely see at least one of those doves.

Luc Montagnier (Nobel Prize of Physiology or Medicine (2008)) fought the global predators until his death in February 2022 (89 yo).

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Similar to RSV. Th2-type immunopathologic reaction in young children given an inactivated RSV vaccine and subsequently infected with naturally-occurring RSV. Most of these children experienced severe disease with infection that led to a high frequency of hospitalizations; two children died from the infection. The conclusion from that experience was clear; RSV lung disease was enhanced by the prior vaccination.

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A good bit of digging to find this.

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The Good People will prevail.... most scientists I believe are ethical but easily intimidated and then There is the decades old "lesson" of Dr. Peter Duesberg who challenged Gallo's unproven "HIV=AIDS" theory and whom Fauci cut his teeth on defaming and destroying...

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Thank you . (They’re going to deny knowing anything ,ya know . Almost like it was on purpose, similarities)

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This was mentioned early on as a caution against the new jabs and "they" said they had addressed this issue with the new vaccines for SARS-Cov2. If they had not, wouldn't we being seeing much more evidence of this by now?

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“Because of a concern for reemergence or a deliberate release of the SARS coronavirus”…


As per the plandemic blueprint released in 2010:


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