These MF’S!!! They must be held accountable! In this life. We must see it. We already know they’re going to burn in hell but that’s not good enough. We must see them pay in this life.

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VA denies medical care if a veteran is not wearing a mask in one of their facilities.

Lots of vets with PTSD or Military Sexual Trauma (MST) have their depression or anxiety levels increased from wearing a mask.

VA still pushing covid death shots and boosters.

When will this insanity end?

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When we make it end.

This is extremely troubling and heartbreaking. My heart is on the floor even as this is the hundredth one of these I’ve seen.

Parts of the world are starting to push back (Japan, parts of the EU, etc and others) while the US steps into darker and deeper hell. Why???

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Because the anti-christ is in charge. ?

Higher level demons in charge. ?

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Who do you think is the anti-Christ Bandit?

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I had a religious person tell me there can be more than one. I don't know if that's true. I always thought there was just one. But, either way, I don't want to say.

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It hope it's not the dementia patient who sniffs little girls but he sure looks like it.

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Not who I think it is. I think he's evil, but controlled.

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The anti-Christ isn't a person....its an energy. It is negative demonic energy that tries to embed itself into whomever it can infiltrate. That's why it seems like there are many. Even Nostradamus himself alluded to this.

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Also the prime minister of Thailand whose dtr the Princess is in a coma.

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When we throw out the television

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I tossed mine 13 years ago.

No Pfizer commercials for me.

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Amazing. Just a hardwired computer for me...with Youtube documentaries every blue moon.

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I don't think it's anywhere near as bad in the VA depts of allied countries where servicemen and women served alongside Anericans. But vets in allied countries hate their VA depts. They have a low tolerance for crap. I don't think they'd stand for being asked to wear masks or having shots or boosters pushed on them. I wonder why Americans put up with it. Why is that Kathleen?

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Do you know for sure the shots and boosters weren't forced on other vets from Allied countries?

I bet Canada did it. Probably UK also.

Doesn't anyone know?

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It seems to me, and from what I’ve read, the same protocols were forced on all 5eyes nations at the same time (USA, Canada, UK, Australia, and I think NZ). Others followed (France, Italy, etc). I may be wrong, but the five have much in common reason for being called fiveeyes, to do with intelligence and surveillance but also membership in the Klaus Schwab group. I recall reading a very deep dive into this or seeing a video by Robert Malone on this. The other countries were much harsher, but USA has taken the hardest hit in terms of deaths re COVID19 and covid shots by a long shot. This from the research done by the Naomi Wolf/Bannon Team (can now be found on Amazon and at Naomi’s site clout.io) and more recently watched SAVaers by CHD (South Africa), which was very, very good. If you watch, try to watch all the way through. All speakers are important! But is dated Sept 2022.

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Thanks for sharing Annette.

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Naomi and 54 reports in kindle format are at dailyclout.io.

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Would love to hear from vets from the UK, Canada, NZ, and Australia who use their own veteran's health care system.

Were the shots forced on you?

Are you still forced to wear a mask to receive health care?

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Canada yeah but elsewhere in some parts they're pretending the jab and mask mandates never existed.

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Like what country?

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O C’mon Dr. Paul! I respect you too much to say what I want to say.....IF THEY WERE RIGHT! In a million years they wouldn’t be right. For a virus that was survivable with Ivermectin and HCQ, which they took away so they could torture us. And are continuing to torture us! Destroying lives, countries, turning the world upside down. Overturning the United States, taking away our rights and freedoms. FOR POWER. I AM SICKENED BY THIS VIDEO. It breaks my heart but also infuriates me.

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you know I know what I mean, I cannot say what I said without that first. You need to understand, I deal with trolls and sick people and threats daily and folk like me, we know how to write so dont say it so. read the part where I said they must be put to death for the wrongs...but we are good governance...we be fair too, people get their chance of defense, we all are guaranteed that. so I AM WITH YOU, but I cannot just write what I think for many times I get morons and media seeking interviews and the like for my views for they clutch their pearls and get the vapors...so put this way, I 'play' with them...I hope you 'get' me. I cant write what I really think for I may go to jail.

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Love & respect, I ‘get’ you.

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One has to use words very carefully Leslie. You have to read between the lines.

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Give Rochelle Walensky a big hug and a kiss.

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We all understand WHY you stated this as you did Paul. You want, as we want, a fair democratic system of justice to "weigh-in" on any allegations of criminal behavior, and activities.

And let a fair (!!) Court of Law find either 'guilty' or 'innocent' as to intent and harm.

....... and IF a "fair" court of law gets their hands on all of this - "an eye for an eye...." , as they say, better be the result.

Peace and Love, Brother.

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"...get the vapors", LOL! I don't hear that one often & love it. (And lots of "the vapors" going around these days.)

Just use whatever linguistic gymnastics keep the demons at bay, Dr. Paul. They're not the sharpest knives in the drawer, and are definitely no match for you.

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This video is evidence of a crime of unsurpassed proportions. If only there existed a trustworthy legal pathway to bring these psychopaths to justice.

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If only.

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but the judges.... many of them are corrupt, in on it... look at the election fraud cases.. Jan 6 POWS.. and then the RINOS...

We need Patriots getting involved in every way possible... but we must be focused on justice.. we need people getting involved in courts, DAs, law enforcement... then we need grand juries, impeachments.. bonds strategy, precinct strategy.. election integrity... we are so far behind. talking is NOT enough... voting is NOT enough. protesting is NOT enough.. We need Patriots taking LEGAL actions. We have to start blasting the courts until they burst. We need Legislatures to change laws to make MURDER a CRIMINAL OFFENSE with immediate arrests. If someone is MURDERED by Remdesivir or by an experimental shot... LAW ENFORCEMENT MUST TAKE IMMEDIATE ACTION.

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Covid shots are the same as shooting a gun into a crowd.

Remdesivir is the same as feeding someone cyanide.

I am not stupid enough to go to a hospital or to take a mRNA experiment... And the ones that are stupid enough are also too stupid to see they are getting murdered... and that is how they get away with it.. also.. dead people don't talk too much. WE MUST GET SHERRIFS, DAs, ATTORNEYS, COURTS involved....talk with doctors and scientists was nice... but I've had enough Congressional nothings...

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How do we get to the point of making justice happen?

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Call the Sherriff and report an attempted murder. or an actual murder if that is the case. Read the laws... I have started putting a case together for 1st amendment violations from the government... because I never took the experiment or went to a death center (hospital).. also asking for vac status and limiting our rights based on that is actually illegal unless explicitly allowed by law... which it usually isn't.. We need Patriots starting to learn a lot about law and courts.

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For everyone to learn a lot about the law is a very good idea.

People do need to press charges against anyone who demands toxxine status. Even trying and failing will be very educational, especially if that info is shared with the rest of us.

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The first step is to talk about it publicly.

The more people see that there are others who are also dedicated to pursuing justice, the more likely it is to happen.

When the large majority want it to happen, it will. Vox populi, vox dei.

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I appreciate your thoughts. I just don't see the large majority understanding what's going on or being strong enough emotionally to make anything happen. I know many people who are so blue pilled it's ridiculous. Nobody talks about any of this where I am. I tried helping a friend who's most likely inoculated and who's father has a cancerous tumor in his gut most likely due to the 4 shots he got (I had to ask her if he got the shot). I tried helping her help her father at her request. And when I followed up, no response. What's even more stupid is that when I spoke with her and was explaining that the "virus" came from a lab, she's like, "Well that's widely known". Well, it wasn't believed even 6 months ago and I'm sure she wouldn't have believed me if I had told her that 1, 2, or 3 years ago because I knew something strange was happening early on in 2020. However, with regards to this spectacular vaccine (according to these blue pill people), it's all "safe and effective" and you can't say a word against it because SO many people died of covid in 2020 (that's what they believe). It's very hard to get through to most people. They only believe msm. So, we can't wait for "the large majority" as Reiner Fuellmich has said. However, I'm still unsure of how justice will happen.

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We have to keep going.

As you yourself point out, they fact that the virus came from Pfauci's lab was a "conspiracy theory" until it became irrefutable.

The mass death being caused right now by the toxxine is on the border of flipping into "Well that's widely known" and we can help make it flip. I've been documenting all the toxxine deaths I can find, here:


It might help to share some of those. Personal stories have a greater impact that statistics. And please add to that thread as your run across more toxxine deaths and maimings.

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Not a vax death - but my good friend died in a hospital due to non-treatment of COVID19. Do you want deaths of this sort?

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That thread is really for vaxx deaths and maimings, but I have other threads for Ivermectin, HCQ, Biden's payments to hospitals if they kill patients and call it the virus, and suppression of treatment in general. Would one of those work?

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Bingo 🎯

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This is so sad and heartless. All the while, the workers were able to come and go and visit their families, get sick and bring it back to the nursing home. I think Florida has made a law to secure family visiting rights.

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It's hard to say whether I have less confidence in the medical institutions or the legal process, bearing in mind that a jury can be made up of some of the most stupid people in the country and the judge can be, and frequently is, a political pawn.

I might have a little more confidence in a military tribunal but not if it's comprised of woke, non-binary weirdos.

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It took us 3 yrs to prove them wrong. From every angle and level. While they stood in our way, taunted us with arrogance and every stupidity they could think of. They endeavored to trample our souls, destroy our future, slice through our loving bonds and kill us. Apparently not enough, they still are keeping us their hostages, lie and threaten with every breath they take . And mock us. Every life entering this consciousness is fundamentally entitled to create its own narrative within the whole. Yet self entitled Führer Schwab promised :’we will write your narratives, and we will do so faster than you can undo it.’ When the time comes their justice will be served, albeit they will be tried in the People’s court. Swift and just.

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How evil is that, that people can only see relatives through a window. Burn in hell they should, but not my decision.

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The abuse, neglect, isolation, and violation of these precious elderly people is unforgivable! Those who perpetrated these crimes against humanity must be brought to justice and punished for their evil deeds. In the name of Jesus Christ may it be so and without delay. Amen

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Will there ever be justice for us to witness with our own eyes?😡💔🙏

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We sane Patriots are the juries. We will convict the guilty. Once they have been convicted, they will be immediately executed, as was done to Mussilini by the Partisans.

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I watched my late stage Alzheimer’s father slowly die like that in memory care in central FL 2020 during the demonic and tyrannical lock downs. We now know it was never about health and safety- it was ALWAYS about $$$, power, authority and control. I wake up every morning and go to war against these demons to best of my ability. Things are NOT what they seem in FL. Statute 381 forced quarantine- forced treatment- forced vax is ALIVE and WELL! Leadership in Tallahassee doesn’t want to loose control. Thank you Dr Alexander for carrying this fight.

CIVIC DUTY is essential! Join us in this battle:


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