I appreciate and respect your not wanting to partake in criticizing a man clearly suffering from either Parkinson's or dementia. But I will never forgive or forget his demonizing those who stood against the obscene vax mandate. He attempted to incite violence against us. Good God the senile Chomsky was the echo chamber for Biden wanting to throw us in camps. I appreciate that we are to respect the elderly but is it really ethical to respect evil just because they are advanced in age? God Bless you for your daily blasts and commitment to medical ethics. But as I am not in the medical field, I am not so bound. He deserves the ridicule.

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I agree with you but that he will deal with his maker with, not for us. IMO

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His 'maker' had better hurry up and 'deal' with him before he destroys too many more lives.

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Well, we deal with other people who are also criminals like Bidenm Do you believe that our country should not prosecute anyone and just let them "deal with their maker" instead?

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Isn't that what NY and CA are doing?

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Agreed. He has done wrong and his choices and actions have contributed to the harm of MANY - but, he simply just does not appear lucid.

As Paul suggests can he at this point be held accountable??,

"The U.S. Constitution guarantees everyone the right to a fair trial and due process of law. It's not fair if the defendant doesn't understand—and isn't capable of understanding—the proceedings. That's why criminal defendants can't be tried or convicted while they're mentally incompetent (although they can be charged with crimes in the first place)."

............"A defendant cannot be convicted of a crime if they are not mentally competent to stand trial. This would violate constitutional protections for defendants by denying them the right to a fair trial. Competency involves being able to understand the proceedings and play a role in their defense."

Question is, how does such a person ( and whether or not he IS mentally incompetent is, of course, open to debate at this point ) remain in office?

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He is lucid plenty of times. I've watched and listened very closely. He may have spatial challenges but that's very different from meaning what he says. He means all the bad things he says and he's fully aware that he's saying them. At what age does someone get a pass? 70, 75, 80?

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You are likely correct in that he has enough "lucid moments" to be held responsible........... I would just like to see the fool out of office.

"fool" was my 4th word choice, by the way.

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He is always being told what to say! People with dementia are not capable of rational thought. Why would anyone think that he knows what he's doing?

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Sep 23, 2022·edited Sep 23, 2022

Spot on. And, no, it is not ethical to ignore unethical, and immoral behaviour no matter what the state of the perpetrator.

Let's remember, Biden is there because those undermining America put him there.

They knew damn well what his state of mental health was. As too did his wife.

It is with these people that the scorn for Biden's ludicrously inappropriate Presidential office belongs. They, through Biden, deserve all the criticism they get.

Incidentally, the CAGW elites (same cabal) used a similar tactic with the child, Greta. No one was supposed to criticise her because she was so young.

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Yes, even though her handler is a Rothschild🤔

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Totally agree. Biden is aware of plenty.

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It's hard to press the 'Like' on this one Paul. What's to like, this is a disaster for America?

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At this point it is elder abuse we are observing.

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This man has been responsible for causing much suffering for millions of Americans. He is mentally incapacitated, but, he is a gross perpetrator of harm, not a victim.

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Pardon me while I laugh. Elder abuse were those poor NY covid elders put back into nursing homes to die. THAT'S elder abuse.

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He is in this situation because he has been involved in white crime his whole entire life! This man has knowingly and willingly participated in what one would describe as white mafia organized crime and now he is a puppet on a string which he willingly signed up for because he either had to or wanted to for the money. He involved his whole family. Children included. He deserves no sympathy whatsoever!! I totally disagree with you on this point. Do I feel sorry for him??? Not at all. I hope he gets everything he deserves. He is a worthless piece of shit. and I never thought I would ever say that about a president of our great country. I never agreed with it when Obama was President and I always said I would never disrespect our president that way. Even if I did not agree. But fir the first time in my life. ( I’m 61) I have to say. This president is a piece of shit!! Destroying our country. Doing it on purpose.

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I totally agree with you.

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100% spot on. One of my "former friends" was so proud of their vote for him. I reminded him of all the racist and sexually deviant things he's done, (his own daughter said she showered with him at too old of an age and was wiped as well?! Shs's also a crack addict) and the criminal activity of his family, and wealth he has stolen from Americans. Then I asked him who he will vote for next John Gotti?

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Sorry Dr Alexander. Biden can’t be forgiven for the crimes, corruption, money taking and completely ruining & weakening our beloved country. Upwards of 3-4 million illegal immigrants since his inauguration & still waving them in. Taking a wreaking ball to our economy, firing military denying freedom of medical choice. I could go on & on….

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Totally agree with you.

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How do you explain his periods of completely obnoxious lucidity as in his ‘Red speech’ calling half of Americans a danger to democracy? There are plenty of other times when he’s lucid & obnoxious. I’m beginning to think it’s all an act. He’s not as ‘out of it’ as you think he is.

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I’m sure that he has ‘good’ days and ‘bad’ days. My mom did too.

That doesn’t change the fact that the man has always been a jerk (and I AM being nice).

Leslie, you are absolutely right ( you usually are). He has no problem attacking people... when he gets mean he doesn’t even need a teleprompter and he appears to be completely lucid. I suspect that it’s the result of adrenaline kicking in. When he gets mad he thinks more clearly.

I can feel pity for the man, dementia sucks. None of that excuses his past behavior. He is not a nice man. He is also corrupt, incompetent, I could go on and on and on.

I won’t even mention his personal life.

And worst of all, he and his handlers have been an unmitigated disaster for this country.

Someone likened his Presidency to ...being tied to a chair in a room with a three year old who is playing with a loaded gun.

I think that about covers it.....

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Thanks for the compliment. It’s just really odd that he’s the most lucid & obnoxious when giving an important speech or statement. Good days or bad days taken into consideration. The description of his presidency is apt.

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Pretty sure they are shooting him up with some kind of drug to get him through those speeches.

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Oct 4, 2022·edited Oct 4, 2022

Very well stated, Mark!

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A double. Silicon mask. Computer generated speech.

The double learns the speech and just mouths the words.

Hollywood already does all of this - it's very sophisicated now.


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Absolutely agree. He is "spatially" challenged. That means the physical area around him. That doesn't mean he's not aware of the cruelty being done to millions.

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Sad to watch the state of the country...not sad a satanic pedo pos is losing his mind.

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Ok but the office requires something more and this is impeachment grounds. You can't sell your house or pick your old age home without a power of attorney set in place while you were lucid. So are we saying he's governing by power of attorney.... no spread the word. He isn't fit medically to run any country. While galloping to war.

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Sorry, but I don't have any compassion for this man. Dementia doesn't just one day suddenly appear. There are signs quite a long time before the decline really starts. Biden would have known, or should have known, by late 2019 as he was gearing up for his presidential campaign, that dementia was on its way. He knew then that this would happen, but he wanted to be President so badly, he ran anyway.

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Maybe so. Even if Biden is only a figure head in this coup de tat, he is nevertheless the lightning rod for the crimes against humanity committed ... along with Tony Fauci. Who is scripting what he says and does? That will have to be determined in discovery and trial. There is undoubtedly some genuine scum in the WH staff, CIA, DOJ working as puppeteers, using the power of the Presidency in destructive ways. Who is manipulating THEIR strings?

Are you familiar with David Martin’s litigation? Here is the most recent presentation I have seen. The podcast hosts are very “folksy” but Martin’s statement about American corporate assets in reality residing in UK resonated with what I heard from Alex Thomson and Matthew Ehret regarding City of London in the Reiner Fuellmich proceedings.

David Martin is the one who traced corona virus gof engineering in patent records back to 1999.

He is telling us the multi-$B group life claims will never make MSM because the insurance parent companies don’t care.


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Can you say more about the multi-$B group life claims, and why corporate assets would be in the UK? Thank you.

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I pasted a link to the CHD interview of Ed Dowd last March (second link; the first is Alex Thomson). He and his partners noted 61k group life claims for millenials in 2021. The group life claims were policies taken out by their employers who also mandated the shots. The alignment of spikes in excess mortality with milestones in vaccine rollout (shot#1, shot#2, mandates, boosters) leave no significant doubt what was causing the death rate to increase. Since then the Society of Actuaries confirmed the excess mortality statistics for 2021. See @Edward Dowd on GETTR. He interviewed more recently with Dr. Mercola and with Jan Jekielek on Epoch Times TV.

Autopsies are limited but pathologists like Ryan Cole and others have seen clotting phenomena unique to the shots.

Ed was optimistic the drain on the insurance companies would force coverage by WSJ. David Martin’s comment was that parent holding companies take in the premiums but will bankrupt the insurance carrier “front” to avoid losses. Whether that makes MSM to be seen.

On RUMBLE Alex Thomson’s report on the City of London is very informative. He and Matthew Ehret presented to Reiner Fuellmich’s team about the long history on infiltration of US gov’t (and everywhere) by the British establishment ... the City of London being the vast wealth held by the ancient families. The British Empire did not disappear as evidenced by the military hardware they have developed. A little island that sells wool does not have the money for that. No, they have $T’s in assets world wide with their claws in all the “former” colonies. US included. The long parade of Rhodes Scholars in US government have kept COL involved in governance and business.

Details of business arrangements between the US and Britain are not transparent to small potatoes like me. I see the clues others are pointing to and look for more. Notice how hard our administration is trying to make us look like Canada respecting corruption, medical tyranny and “wokeness.” It’s all worse than here throughout the Commonwealth. Only our pesky Constitution slows it down.




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I agree with Mark there are sometimes he does not need a prompter he knows exactly what he’s saying against conservatives he’s always been a mean and hateful person a complete ass

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Evidently, he is exactly what Delaware always wants. Says something about that tiny, little, state doesn't it?

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At some point, we all know that he will be unable to ambulate, feed or toilet himself, and will need complete care for all ADL. I pray that time will come soon as the painful charade will continue until it does. Then he will be kicked to the curb as expeditiously as possible. As complicit as the (Obama) administration is in this debacle, I think Dr. Jill is either the most evil wife on the planet or the most blackmailed one for not protecting her husband.

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Yes. I have wondered if she is being blackmailed (I’m sure there’s plenty of material there) to keep up this charade.

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I don't care if Biden is a "senior person" or not. He gives speeches where I can tell he is angry and he is very aware of what he is saying. He hardly even had to look at a teleprompter for this speech. He actually delivered the speech very well.

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I agree it is a waste of emotional energy to treat this president as was Trump was treated. In some ways Pres Biden really represents the lost and confused Americans who cannot see straight because of hatred. There is no escaping that all of us are part of this collective.

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Abuse of the mentally ill. Pure cruelty. Who doesn't wince when seeing this disorientated behaviour? How horrible to see someone mentally incompetent without any protection?! I don't understand how his wife is / hasn't been more protective of him! If my husband was ailing and becoming demented, I sure as hell wouldn't let him be open to such humiliation. This is abusive behaviour by everyone who works to keep Pres.B in place. The people surrounding him LACK compassion

Their malevolent selfishness seems to know no bounds.

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You are totally correct sir I’m not a dem nor did I support any of there ideals but I’m not without human feelings and compassion the people responsible for this will truly be the bearer of this astrocity and mental harassment it will come back to them multiplied to them and their off spring and theirs .. My God is watching and He is the one that is keeping record Amen

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Not even his wife…

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