The question is - when will Obama force him out? When will they replace him with another candidate? Before or after their convention in Chicago?

Will they even hold that convention? Word in Chicago is that the local black American population has been completely displaced by tons of illegal immigrants, non-citizens, who are give everything, and the real Americans are given nothing. They are pissed. They are ready to go to war with the corrupt mayor of Chicago. Literally. Actual shooting war.

What will happen when the corrupt Dems try to hold their convention there? I expect them to cancel it.

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they are ready to go to war...I am telling you...Biden and Obama stoked and caused it...blacks placed at the back of the bus for latinos...

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And Middle Eastern

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And Chinese even.

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I don’t blame them, all of America should be up in arms like that. These people are sick and have gone too far. Mike Johnson what do you guys think his role is, he’s really changed hasn’t he?

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May 24·edited May 24

Don't shit yourself. Nobama just like traitor joe was installed, just like a toilet and is not behind traitor joe, the deep state is. The SWAMP Puked out DJT because he exposed them all the day of his inauguration in 2017. They fought him tooth and nail all 4 years and even went so far as to release Bioweapons against 182 Free Trade Partner countries in bed with Communist China for profit. The WU FLU is brought to you by FREE TRADE. #DefundTyranny #IndependenceBreedsFreedom

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Quite sure you are correct

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He's pumped so full of medications that his brain is frazzled. But the polls say he's neck and neck with Trump. It's not Biden we should be afraid of, it's the American voting public.

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But those polls that the fake news cites are always skewed to the left. I am confident that even today, Trump has over 100 million Americans on his side who will vote for him. And we also know Biden did NOT get 81 million real lawful votes in that 2020 stolen election.

This is why the deep state criminal regime is doing everything they can to stop Trump. They are really going after the American people, Trump is just in their way.

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Sure, as Stalin said, it's not who you vote for that counts, it's who counts the votes that determines who wins.

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As sure as there is a machine 'counting ballots" and very probable, it is computer programed by Russia or China (pushing the buttons like in 2020,) the result is determined Totally outside the Masses control.

How else could any Sane person say "Biden is tied for the lead".

The night of the 2020 Election Trump had a marginal lead until the button on the machine was pressed. And China said, "Bingo"!

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Exactly! They are afraid!

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Remember they don't need to replace 46, they can retire him and put an actor in his place. Who would know?

But I'm betting on big Mike, and a nobody for VP.

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Great swaths of the American population are perfectly OK with Biden smelling the hair of 7 year olds. They are also unaware of the crimes of the Biden family, think Joey really loves them. Can 50 million Christian Zionists be wrong? You bet they can, they are themselves frazzled with vapor lock in their brains.

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There is no way that's true. Surely, there aren't that many left who can't see through the sham?

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If you were the villain pulling the strings, whom would you rather have as president: the one that doesn’t know what’s going on or the one that talks back and cuts funding to the church of “science”, huh?

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Let 'We the People' see Obama's religion, primary place of origin & credentials; only then, we can understand the deadly impact of America falling. Unite and Fight for this great Country.

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I don't think they will have him resign but release his delegates and then the superdelegates will pick the candidate at the convention... mostly likely Gruesome Newsom.

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not good, Gruesome is worse

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Or Big Mike, who is higher in the polls than Newsom.

Caution -MOHAP

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yes, Big Mike, I forgot about Big Mike. But 45 will mop up Big Mike...

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Americans detest the Obamas

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They’re not running in this election cycle….., and neither of them could care less about this one.

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Somebody should. So tired of that 😠

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Hi Dave What is a MOHAP?

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We need to pray for God’s mercy on this evil nation with it’s abominable leaders. And we need to repent individually.

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Oh, I’ve been saying this for so long. Glad to hear someone else say it. ❤️🙏❤️

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You are so right. Let the Lord bless us. Repent as Judas Maccabeus did, and they won their country back from the larger army who wanted to overtake them.

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May 24·edited May 24

You know, one would think there comes a point at which the Dems would have to be too embarrassed to prop up such a candidate. In America? Once the greatest Nation?

.....one would think.

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They have no shame & no conscience

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Seems the case.

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Thanks Doc,

But when it comes to senile, doting, dottering …..etc., etc., ..(????)… (well what ever):

Others (also in the medical fields..as you are), and in fields of investigation, journalism … (et al):

They would be just as vehement that BOTH of the candidates have these issues.

Mandatory Retirement:…

At 70+ it’s time to hang it up in The POTUS field and start grooming the next generation. The Senate and The House: (and SCOTUS in particular….?!?!!);

would benefit mightily from that policy as well.

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Heck, 95% of the DC Swamp fits that bill. Unfit to govern.

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The simple fact in the Globalist (Globalust) equation is, #FreedomIsNotFree and you can't buy weapons from your enemies during war. The USA is and has been playing with fire and the whole world 🌎 today is on fire. Thae fuel in that fire is FREE TRADE POLICY. We're it not for Free Trsde with our enemies derived from GREED & CORRUPTION of GIVERNMENT who has devalued our Dollar out of the gate in 1971 to NAFTA the globalists' "Experiment" to FTTA and the DOOSEY! APEC. Were it not for FREE TRADE we would never have had collaboration that led to GLOBAL CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. #DefundTyranny #FreedomIsNotFree #388TraitorCons #EndAPECnow #LevelTheCCP #EndUSMCAnow #ResumeIndependenceToDefyTyranny

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The dems may not run Newsom now. He's too white. Aside from that he has his bio lab franchise to run.

If Big Mike ran he would win. But who would be his VP? Kennedy has a sleep around Chinese chick. What about a morbidly obese

genderless person from Seattle?

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It doesn't stop at 0bamma. He is being puppeted by the globalists...s0r0s & swab (and rockafellas?). Pelos0 & killery playing big parts, as well as the implanted dei subjects. Lord have mercy on us! Get the devils out of OUR House!

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Did you notice today that President Trump mentioned central casting again at the Bronx rally?

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People who follow the queue drops probably see all of this differently. I’m always looking to differentiate. What’s the show and what is some real actions we will be required to engage in that may be more intense than we would like. What are we gonna have to do and what’s being done for us by the good guys? I know I’m being vague. I appreciate this substack, Ii is one of the most authentic stacks here. most Americans are in denial and pussyfoot around these issues. What’s going on keeps me up at night so to speak.

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That's where resident is from

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