Malone isn't alone. It's no coincidence that he, Steve Kirsch, Kennedy, banded together and were all depop nazis and pro-abortion (nobody asks them now about their stand).

The REAL Robert Malone, son of a Deep State:


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VSRF episode #119 (Vaccine Safety Research Foundation) by Steve Kirsch. It was an interview today with a radiologist, Steve Kirsch, a nurse who was injured and a mother who lost her 25 year old son to myocarditis. Towards the end of the episode Steve explains that he believes it all has to do with money. He did not mention anything about depopulation. But if anyone would like to send me information I’m happy to read. Do you read Dr. Malone’s Substack and have you read his book?

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It's wonderful that you are subscribed to both Kirsch and Malone.

Please ask them 10 questions and report back by replying here with the links to their answers. I'll promote them!

1. Do you think there's overpopulation?

2. What do you think should be done for depopulation?

3. When do you think a person starts living? at conception? 3 month pregnancy? Birth?

4. How exactly are you pro-abortion, pro-choice, pro-life?

5. Are you OK with IVF and research using living human embryos?

6. Do you agree that non-barrier contraceptives are abortifacient?

7. Do you agree that there's a global depopulation agenda being implemented?

8. Do you think that COVID vaccines were part of that agenda? Do you support the UN's Agenda 2030?

9. Do you support this year's WHO Pandemic Treaty and modifications to the International Health Regulations? Why should countries leave the WHO and UN system or not?

10. Do you believe there’s a cabal running the world in the shadows? If not, how do you explain the clockwork coordination of the anti-scientific manipulated PLANdemic response along over 100 countries, censoring the scientific dissent?

At the end of this, you'll find more quesitons for Malone:


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The Cabal/World Security/ Public Health/ COMPLEX as outlined above is the GLOBAL GOLIATH that needs to be slain by the honest scientific, medical Doctors, Journalist “DAVIDS” and all the vaccinated victims / citizens who’ve been lied to & harmed …. Stick together and fight for the free speech needed to further expose & bring down the CRIMINALS we have caught & identified…….

It seems to me many eyes are starting to open up around the world…. Don’t be Silent !!!

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Conclusion: Focus on these criminals (above) both the

A). GREEDY (Fauci, Pfizer,Pharma, BIDEN Clan) as well as the

B). Power hungry: financial, Political, Global elite, GATES, Schwab, DAVOS, Media & TECH Corporations who have MERGED into a MUSSOLINI modeled Fascist Syndicate closely tied to the WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION with common goals to the favored CCP and Gang TRIADS of China.

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You have tried to mix together multiple different issues to somehow make a point……Yes there is more than one cabal of evil doer criminals Out there…….!!!!

The real issue is not whether the mRNA technology is inherently bad or evil (IT IS NOT!!!)….It can likely be used for doing a lot of good; like treating many unfortunate people w genetic problems/ deficiencies (eg- Replace factor 8 in Hemophiliacs who bleed because they lack factor 8)…… BUT NOBODY LACKS (has a deficiency of) Spike protein………..

The criminals are the ones who chose to use the mRNA technology nefariously !!!!!…….

ie-In their scheme to create the bioweapon (the altered corona virus) so they could cause a pandemic and already have the treatment for it (the vaccine they had worked on for decades) SO THAT THEY COULD GET RICH (and POWERFUL too)………. They were stupid enough to select a toxic protein to be used as the Antigen in their vaccine-like genetic treatment plan…….They literally Screwed up !!!!

Did they plan to kill millions of people with both their VIRUS as well as their TOXIC protein….. It appears they really didn’t care if they did kill people so they proceeded and somehow thought they could slip it by all the other scientists and the public (with the help of media & Democrats……So, YES their virus (the weapon they warned us was coming) was used and in fact WAS indeed deadly to some extent (to elders)….. AND, their cure (their wonderful,”save the world invention” vaccine was not so good…… ie …It didn’t work AND it killed millions of people, oops!……….

Blame the ones who carried out the SCHEME (CRIME), not the lab scientists who figured out the mRNA gene therapy technology meant originally to do good things…… The Fauci,Pfizer Pharma, Bankers (Schwab & WEF) DAVOS, GATES Foundation & BIDEN Admin& EVENT 201 Committee member SCHEMERS who carried out the actual CRIME of the MILLENIUM….. They are guilty as hell !!!! (NOT inventor Malone who warned us once he saw what had been done.!!!)…..

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and can you answer your own questions ? I’m just curious

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The only paid subscriptions you have are Kirsch and Malone🤦‍♀️

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You're a smart kitty =)

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I've just improved the questions above

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why don’t you ask him those questions yourself?

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Because they never answered my emails and you have to be a paid subscriber to comment in Robert Malone's substack and Steve blocks any comment he dislikes.

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I read your post when you published it, don't remember if I posted any comments with links contradicting what you wrote. Your post reads like a PR piece managed by Trevor. Malone isn't a Christian, he's on video saying he isn't religious. A Christian wouldn't want to experiment on other people's kids by injecting them with Anthrax vaccines. I have a database on Malone, I've caught many of his lies by skimming through the transcripts of his many interviews- because he's so damn censored!😂 Most censored man in the science world....not.

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Could you please post link/s or share your database? I've got him quoting the Bible several times... and St. Augustine!!!

He'd be a complete hypocrite!

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I'll search for the video when I'm at my computer and post link here.

Malone is a hypocrite and a liar, when he contradicts himself it's very funny, it happens when he goes off script.

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Can you name some of his lies?

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Cases of his lack of truth are documented here:


Coincidence? All freedom fighters with most followers seem to be pro-ABORTION: Steve Kirsch, Bobby Kennedy, Robert Malone, Ed Dowd, Pierre Kory... and ALL of them refuse to point their fingers to the real people behind the global government: the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and other conspicuous members of secret Satanic societies, including Freemasons.

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It's weird how they want to depopulate the world of Democrats.

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Read my comment Prof.

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