
Obama's handiwork all over it...and his girl Kamala will help him finish it

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ovomit and moochelle the Clydesdale.

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Is this unstoppable?

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Paul, those rioters that were arrested for assaulting officers during the flag-burning stuff have all been released with NO charges.

And here's a re-post of a comment I made:

Paul, did you see the photo of Netanyahu standing next to Biden? It is not the original Joe. Supposedly, both are six feet tall. The new Biden is a lot taller that Netanyahu, and he can walk; the old Biden could no longer walk without help.

Congress is now in recess. Is this the month we have been waiting for for four years or more, when the military is activated and arrests all the treasonous swamp creatures, now that it is shown that they tried to kill Trump?

Arresting Joe and Kamala would make Speaker Johnson the interim President.

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hhhmm, I am writing and reviewing some papers sent to journals tonight to be published but this is very very telling and interesting...not one hour goes by and some crazy thing does not happen...I need to re-read you post to digest to reply...its loaded with lots of sage and goodies and frightening things too.

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and I agree with you that many times now it is not real Biden...cannot be...they are using fake imposters now and masks...good at it.

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we live in twilight zone...whats at stake is so big, they started shooting at Presidents now...we are gone now.

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Joe , if alive, would likely have immunity, like Trump, unless he's arrested for treason. But then Congress (the Senate ) would have to convict and remove him. Idk , can they arrest Kamal? Could the senators have her removed for treason? Wishful thinking? Or a real possibility ?

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Camelthing who likes humps

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Trump had actually brought up an old law and reinforced it that says an automatic 10 years in jail for defacing our National Monuments. Guess what - it stopped! Funny how that works!

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we need it and more

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listen, there are people coming on here weak kneed and wrenching on my thoughts...dont come here...

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Opposites attract. So intelligent conservative people here will attract abject asinine fools from la la land.

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this is not free speech, this is far worse...more than a slap on write...attacking police officers? are you fucking crazy? chanting HAMAS is coming? that was a threat...must be dealt with

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should we hug them and thank them?

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Paid by Soros.

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It was alleged they should have been shot on sight defacing national treasures without question. The poor guy trying to salvage a flag from being burnt chased out. Why did they let that continue to happen? The disgusting individuals in my opinion should of been shot on sight and or hung up. They have no respect for our history or being way of life deport if possible. Sorry if sound harsh but tired of the balonie they let people do and tired of it.

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look, we are angry and Trump called for at least one year in jail if you spray up the monument etc. I call for more, harsh punishment...these people are criminals...this is not art, this is not even vandalism...this has always been a crime.

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Five years hard labor.

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I heard about this happening but these are the first pics I see. Those in power hate us hate this nation, so they will not enforce. If they could, they would enable it. And by not enforcing, they allow it

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did you listen to the chants...the islamist chants

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No I did not hear those

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They ARE enabling it. Time to realize that. Our America is captured!

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Just children mentally invaded by the disease of leftist wokist wankerism with net values of less than useless. Waste of skin and air.

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How about we talk about:

1) Allowing a war criminal CURRENTLY COMMITTING WAR CRIMES into the country

2) Allowing that same person to address Congress.

3) For the cherry on top, giving that person a standing ovation.

Pure insanity.

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You must be talking about Zelensky.

1. Allowing a war criminal into the country.

2. Allowing same war criminal to address Congress.

3. Congress led by Pelosi, giving the war criminal Zelensky a standing ovation...and more money.

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Insanity is the last sign of a failed nation.

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So you are pro genocidal action in Palestine conducted by Israel, right?

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no...never was, never will be.

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It's none of our da*m business, like Ukraine. Both are just an excuse for the lawless renegades to wreak havoc!

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I am pro murder of child rapists.

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There is a better way. Demonstrate & Educate Truth w/ ❤️ … even in jail

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Yes they should be! The question that burns we the people though is will they be?

Thank you for your work to get news to us! God bless you

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they hide behind their head scarfs and head gear and masks etc. pusillanimous weaklings...and they attack our police physically...in any other nation would be shot...it isa time our police put these animals down, white, black, anyone...no matter...do not attack law enforcement etc. period.

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AND they know they can get away with it!!! Like a bratty kid whose parent(s) dont/won't discipline, they keep "misbehaing" over and over again ---- KNOWING full WELL there will be NO CONSEQUENCES.

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I hear you. The tiny problem we have is that wokeness has taken over and while "they" will shoot at our Ashley Babbits, they tie our law enforcement hands

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Jul 26·edited Jul 26

The bastard DIEverSHITty hire is a bigot, coward and damned racist. If he had been white and shot a black woman the bastard would have been jailed forever. Crump the grump would have been demanding zillions of dollars.

The murderer was a typical unqualified ASSirmative action hire. Stupid, unqualified and a liability.

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Jul 27·edited Jul 27

I admire the people on the frontlines who are protesting occupation, apartheid, ethnic cleansing, and GENOCIDE! Paul, how can you continue to back the ZIONIST PROJECT? It is obvious that it is behind censorship, taking down the U.S., the Covid trojan horse, the death shots, etc. Remember, scientific medical experimentation on humans got a foothold in Nazi Germany. Why would Israel make a deal with Pfizer to vaccinate their entire population, implement the only vax passport, and treat the dissenters like the Jews were treated in Nazi Germany while they still lived in German society? The Zionists have been using Israel, the Jews, Palestinians and the citizens of the U.S. and the U.K. for their NWO plans!

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Focus on the issues. Border, crime, economy, ignoring Biden mental issues...etc

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The real defacing of western nations is described in the above link. It is a desecration to deface historical items like monuments, but the importation of strange and foreign peoples by treasonous leaders has and is being done as an act of treason by criminals and treasonous leaders like turdo, biDUMB, macron, merkel, ovomit, etc. All these need to be arrested and tried for treason, and executed.

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