This toxic shit is harmful to anyone who injects it into their bodies. That these criminals are going after the kids illustrates, for even the most obtuse, what a bunch of degenerate ghouls we are dealing with.

Advice to everyone- stay away from serial criminals peddling poisonous needles.


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criminal is the right word and we must stand up, you, we all, peacefully and lawfully but we need a Gandhi time now, where hundreds of millions of Americans must be prepared to stop so that these criminals will listen. civilly

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Stand up and speak out every day every chance one gets.

Solidarity Paul.

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Why do you think a peaceful and lawful approach will work, given that it's been an abject failure so far? Realize this: we are at war with the globalist scum. Depopulate the elite.

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My only hope is ... this time, more are in the know, paying attention, and actively trying to do something about it. - RightingTheWrongs.org

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yes and spread this information on and off of substack in a kind, caring manner, we need to reach those that are still not in the know and should not be forceful because that only pushes them away - RightingTheWrongs.org

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Good luck with that. The Canadians tried and didn't get anywhere, except the world got alerted that if you misbehave, they will block your access to your own money/assets.

Anyway, how can you fight "lawfully" against an opponent that breaks every single law in the book, owns the courts, the police, and the legislation?

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I's getting worse all the time .Now openly they come at us to murder everyone alive ,starting as soon as some one is born .If any parent goes along with that they are complicit to murdering their child .Often we are not told and have no idea what they do to us in hospitals .What is planed or already happening to children by the extermination teams there was and still is done to adults from day one in hospitals .Some nurses came forward but hiding their faces blurting out what they see is happening in hospitals . What was once done in places like Auschwitz is now routine practice trough out

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It seems that no amount of evidence or data deters these agencies of their plan from the beginning. It’s like a nightmare where the train is out of control, about to run off the rails with innocent passengers inside and no one can stop it using all the know safe guards that have worked previously to prevent a tragedy from ensuring when human error or malfeasance occur. For the love of god what is the REAL purpose driving this illogical nonsensical vaccine campaign for a virus that has disappeared, where a blind eye is turned on real data and no evidence is given to support their dictates?? Because it has become blatantly obvious to anybody with any ability to read, that it sure as hell is not for the health and safety of every human!

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See the reason why I think it's happening here. - https://leemuller.substack.com/p/the-process-for-real-world-evidence

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it's extremely unfortunate that we as citizens have no viable methods or recourse to either hold these criminals accountable or block them from doing whatever their money will buy.

crying to the FDA that we the people don't want their poisonous garbage approved sometimes helps for a little while if a few million people contact them before the approval deadlines.

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Here I present information on why these shots should be considered experimental with unknown risks: https://leemuller.substack.com/p/but-is-it-experimental - Also consider RightingTheWrongs.org - Thank you - we can only do this if we work together, please protect the children, our freedoms, our future!

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When the truth comes out to the masses, it will be a time of torches and pitchforks. Parents who forced their children into a lifetime of disease and early demise without justifiable reason other than their own fear driven insanity from pathological liars like government, Big Pharma, and Mainstream Media will have a rage that will turn either inward or outward.

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People will not revolt. 60% are Sheeple.

Maybe 20% will actually take a stand.

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You are right James ,but talking and protesting is not enough .If a monster is on top of us we must fight back with every thing we got ,because it means life or death .Individuals alone can't do it ,it needs organised armed fighting .The 20% need a leader .If that would happen I at 86 would come out and do my part .

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I read somewhere that if these drugs are approved for pediatrics (and this means anyone under 18), then they have complete and indefinite liability protection. --robertyoho.substack.com

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yes, and open to adults...my understanding too. thats the end run, they are duplicitous

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Does liability protection still protect us when we are dead??

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Herd can't say NO to the vax. They prefer to murder their offspring than to overcome....something they aren't able to overcome.

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Greedy evil murderers.

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Here's the reference, from Paul Alexander: "if they can get the FDA to approve these for children, and this is the reason they are coming after children, under the laws, if a vaccine is recommended for children, then it allows them to be free from liability forever, under the childhood vaccine ACT, any vaccine recommended for children absolves them…so if they can get it approved for children, then they will not have to face the legal consequences and this is why we cannot allow these injections to be approved for children and why we must show the devastating effects…" See: https://palexander.substack.com/p/what-pfizer-and-moderna-and-these?token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxODM1NTU4NiwicG9zdF9pZCI6NDg3MjIwNzgsIl8iOiI4Y3FqNiIsImlhdCI6MTY0NDgzNjcyNiwiZXhwIjoxNjQ0ODQwMzI2LCJpc3MiOiJwdWItNTc5MzU2Iiwic3ViIjoicG9zdC1yZWFjdGlvbiJ9.dTCAEgR5ramHkpvNZW6YhLwl49nepx83_cMItOU4XOU


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Isn't the F.D.A. owned by the drug lords? For example the W.H.O.is owned by Bill Gates. and soon the Klaus Schwabs will own the world

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We have to protect our children. Please share this information.

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These are side shows by now, in order to divert people's attention from universal poisoning and 5G. As long as graphene oxide in in a person's system, 5G can manipulate it or even turn it into graphene hydroxide that kills fast (find Dr. Noack's presentation on odessey or elsewhere).

Apparently, the monsters are not pushing their toxic brews anymore, because they must have found ways to put the poisons into everyone without their consent.

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Vaccines have been harming people for over 50 years. It's just that big pharma controls VAERS and the medical system so that most of these events are buried in some basement file or never see the light of day. If they did, big pharma's corrupt and brutal empire would come crashing down...exactly what needs to happen.

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Time to punish those going along with this "Poison the Kids" nonsense. Boycott Tim Horton's!!!

They are mandating vaccines for kids to go to their camps. Let them know what you think. Go to their support page and promise boycotts and legal action. Click on "General Inquiry" and then "Other" and let them know what you think of them and their war crime on children.

Oh and Wendy's is their corporate parent so let them feel the love too.


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