Hi Paul,

The thing about actors is they act.

I'm not interested in George Clooney's political aspirations nor in Tim Robbins' post facto regret.

I don't care about their private lives, who they fuck and what their hair-brained opinions are.

Let them do their job - acting. And if their acting performances are good then "bravo" I'll say and "take your pay cheque and piss off".

I'm only interested in anonymous individuals, not deluded and self important celebrities.

I'm interested in honest individuals who work jobs to put food on the table.

I'm sorry Paul, but we mustn't buy into this crap.

We need no celebrity validation for our cause; no rubber stamp from some famous cunt.

The world is made up of regular people who do not seek glory, but who go about their lives with dignity and self-respect.

These are the people I'll lend an ear to.

Not Tim fucking Robbins.

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At least a few of them were aware how sick this got.

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If Tim wants _redemption_, then like Zacchaeus he should make four times as many anti-mandate comments as he made comments supporting Covidian overreach, and he should dedicate half of the rest of his career to art that dispenses red pills.

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Dec 22, 2022·edited Dec 22, 2022

Tim is a fine actor, no doubt about it, however like so many of his fellow thespians he knew less than nothing but had a platform to spew, I mean espouse, his utterly uninformed but vehement position and used it to castigate, denounce, demean, and otherwise disparage anyone who dared express a FAR more informed take on the crime being perpetrated against all of humanity. I am glad he has awakened somewhat and hope he will continue to use that same platform to help others come out of their psy-op fueled trance of actual disinformation. The virtue signaling and cancel culture that flowed unimpeded from the leftist echo chamber called Hollywood & entertainment in general, with a few exceptions it should be noted, was nauseating in the extreme and cured many of us, certainly this writer, of any need or desire to patronize their putrid, self-righteous & self-aggrandizing social justice crap ever again. Loved Tim in Shawshank, now let's really see a worthy performance of the nature of cinema verite from a guy who might actually help awaken some marginal minds.

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He still doesn't quite get it, though. It wasn't wrong because he and his type 'lost their compassion', it was wrong because he and his ilk had no right whatsoever to challenge my/our god-given constitutional rights. i/we don't need to depend on their whimsical compassion.

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Fuck him. No amnesty.

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It’s easy to say sorry at this point

However just think what would have happened if the censorship has been perfect and not allowing people like you Paul to report non narrative information.

They would never say sorry.

Therefore I for one will never forgive these people.

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Apology without reparation is meaningless.

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Hollywood actors' apologies and/or regrets are nice, but they do not compensate for their ignorance and sense of self-importance. What is it about these people (actors & singers) that makes them think because they are famous they are always right and their opinions are more important than ours? Most are ignorant and poorly informed. They may be famous, but they are not leaders or role models. Because they are famous, they needs to be more reserved and responsible in their public views. There are many of them who I watched or listened to in the past, but not now. Businesses are making the same mistake in believing their opinions or social agendas are of importance to us. Many are losing business now. Actors, singers and businesses need to stick to their business and keep their opinions to themselves.

At this point, the only (sincere) apology I would like to see/hear would be from Donald Trump. And that will not cause me to support him, because he is untrustworthy.

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Sorry but no forgiveness - no forgiveness for the millions hurt, maimed for life and murdered - was listening to lite FM today in NY EVERY SINGLE COMMERCIAL WAS PFIZER - STILL LYING ABOUT EVERYTHING. These people contributed to the deaths of untold millions world wide - and now we are starting to see the deaths and hospitalizations from the damage that spike is doing. Lot so luck Tim - keep getting those boosters.

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Yea Tim. So not all actors are assholes just most of them. Thanks Tim for reminding me not to be so stiff and judgmental myself. Real humans recognize that mistakes are made, apologies follow and then we move on...together. Thanks for that outside touch of humanity. It takes a real heart

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So side-splittingly ironic, Robbins starred in this this (2 min clip)


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Did anyone actually hear him apologize for the horrendous treatment of the unjabbed, or for using his influence to advance the narrative of demanding that people get the jabs? I mean... he mentioned that it was crazy, and that people were unreasonable. But did he apologize for helping to spearhead that movement, or even jumping on the bandwagon? I didn't. I heard an explanation, and that's all. I know the explanation. Thanks for repeating it and understanding that you were a big part of it. But that's all you did. Noted.

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I ignore all leftists, liberals and democrats. I don't care how many times they express remorse. Because the next time the opportunity arises they will go back to being idiots.

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I don't have much sympathy for Tim Robbins. What good reason do I have to even believe he is sincere? None that I can think of.

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