"This study focused on the death reports of individuals aged 65 years or older and those vaccinated with the BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine (Research Division, Medical Governance Research Institute, Minato-ku, Tokyo, JPN). The cases reported between February 17, 2021, and October 15, 2021, in Japan, December 21, 2020, and December 2, 2021, in VAERS, and December 24, 2020, and December 10, 2021, EudraVigilance were included in this study. The cases were excluded if the vaccine administered, date of vaccination, vaccination doses, age, or sex were not available in Japan and the US."

Despite the exclusions, limited age range, and underreporting, the results are eye opening. Further, I believe that I saw similar graphical results from VAERS via Jessica Rose some time ago. It's a shame that all age groups weren't covered...

Any death reports should have halted administration of the jabs immediately ~ CRIMINAL!

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The parallels between different databases are quite striking, lending considerable weight to the conclusions. Of interest is the fact that only medical specialists can enter information in the Japanese databases, unlike the (too frequently voiced) claim that databases like VAERS are manipulated by incompetent or malicious people. I did not quite understand the details of the nuances of the limitations concerned with extracting information indirectly from the Japanese database. It is not clear to me why the study was restricted to older people: was this just to make it manageable in size or was it because of an a priori view that the adverse reactions were more pronounced for older people? But these are not major concerns ... a useful study. Thanks for drawing attention to it.

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