Love it. Admit it, had a good stiff drink before swearing and smashing submit, no?

Keep the fight going. You make all of us stronger who don't have time and experience to dig as you do. Your work is important.

I refuse to choose despair and am joining the fight more and more in ways that I can. This is with your encouragement along with several of your equally dedicated and qualified peers.

Will subscribe after this post.

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I got the same impression about the state of the doctor while he was writing this piece. The sheer number of adjectives and and apparent lack of proofreading. Unfortunately, I fear it will weaken the strength of the argument for a lot of readers.

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It seems people that are fighting the good fight got tired this weekend. The truth will prevail, so I hope these people rest a bit but return to the fight stronger.

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Dec 20, 2021
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I am fighting for you. Hang in there!

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I'm looking at the same fate as an NP. Your attitude is inspiring!

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Great stuff, Paul.

You are right.

Here in Australia, the VAST majority of doctors are SCARED to speak up against the corrupt regulators.

I ask them publicly: is your income more important than the lives of those being killed by corruption?

I urge these doctors: you MUST make a choice: truth, or crime? And it's literally crime when a doctor knows what the patient needs but refuses to give it or recommend it because it goes against the protocols of the corrupt regulators!

There will be a judgment day.

I predict it will be in this lifetime.

Too many people are aware of the truth, particularly due to the brilliant work of you, Paul Alexander.

I honour your work.

And your passion.

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Thank you Charles for your good thoughts and good words !

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Excellent response. I’m praying for change in one of my favorite countries 💝.

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Wow a great and real heart communication to these doctors and scientists. I am the doctor who coined the term pharmaceutical terrorism about 17 years ago after I wrote my book The Terror of Pediatric Medicine and you know what that was about-vaccines of course. I escaped the United States thirty years ago and never looked back. Down here in Brazil I tell people its better to go to a gas station for medical advice than a doctors office. At least at the gas station they know what they are doing but licenced doctors don't even know the basics of health and medicine. The vast majority of them.....smiling drug pushers in white coats.....I could see what was coming all those years ago but still hard to believe they are doing what they are doing.

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Thank you for all your many many valuable contributions to good health Dr. Sircus. And I love your gas station comment - It’s funny because it’s true !

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DR. Fraiman,

Did you treat your patients in the ER with any therapeutic medication? If not you’re just as guilty as all these other corrupt MF’s! My wife was discharged from an ER in San Antonio with an oxygen level of 86% they stated there was nothing they could do for her. I was lucky enough to have a coworker who’s wife worked for a family practice. My wife received ivermectin and other therapeutics which saved her life. The ER Doctor when I asked for a prescription for ivermectin told me there is no proof that it works! Doctors are not pushing therapeutic medication because there is no money in it for them or big pharma! Corrupt POS!

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A white hot, righteous anger. I, too, have felt it and feel it.

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Ahhh salve to the soul to hear. Thank you so much..it’s a grief adjustment when trust is broken on so many levels. Thanks for naming it!

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The hospital administrators are even WORSE. Just awful. Our local giant industrial medical complex is horribly run. I actually feel some sympathy for those who work there.

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I think you hit it on the mail! Going against the narrative gets a physician kicked out of hospitals, suspended admitting privileges, suspension of license to practice by state Med boards, ruined reputation in local/national news.. ect.. the hospitals were bribed & received hugely inflated sums for coding covid & giving remdesivir + vent. Docs got whatever hospital administrators wanted to dole out. Protocols were set & not to be deviated from for any reasons. So many of them have also blind trust in CDC /FDA recommendations for their own care & that of their patients.

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For the record, Paul, I treated with HCQ/Zn/Azithro, and always vitamin-D, until politics at my clinic forbade it, but I was able to start Dr. Borody's protocol, which had that good study out of Bangladesh , in August 2020. I was finally forbidden to do that through the clinic in October, when it was clear that I would be fired for non-vaccination, which I was.

I say my honor remains clean. We'll see if history takes a turn for the better.

John Day MD from c19d listserv www.johndayblog.com

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Dr. Fraiman,

With all due respect.... I believe he was indicting all those pushing the agenda, not using nonEUA approved treatments(hcq,IVM), and pushing for the still not approved mRNA Gene Therapy drugs.

Millions of doctors and providers administered this toxic, non-approved gene therapy drug. The certainly deserve some form of responsibility.

The people that received grant money and wrote papers contradicting their own beliefs as evidenced in Robert Kennedy's book have even a higher level of culpability.

The damage is just starting from this rigged game that somehow did not allow the people to have Full Medical Consent. Had The Medical Community endured this... We wouldn't be in this jam now.

Instead, from friends and family, I hear of neurologists, cardiologists quietly tell their patients that their damage was caused by the vax.

You already know this.

I have heard doctors losing their jobs for offering treatments that weren't vax based. Which camp where you shuffled into? How did you manuever through this?

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Dr. Alexander you perfectly echoed my frustration. I work in an very large pediatric practice on the outskirts of a major metropolitan city. I'm not a doctor, but an NP x 25 years and before that I was an ICU nurse so I have some street cred. Yesterday after work I came home and broke one of my boozing rules (never drink alone, only on a weekend, and for celebratory reasons/not to numb myself from unpleasant things). HOW can these very knowledgeable doctors and extremely sophisticated parents be so blind to be lead by the nose by administrators Fauci, Collins, Walinsky? We had *so many* VACCINATED patients come in with covid and a little drippy nose all week, and their very well-dressed over-educated parents asking me when can their little one get the booster? I tell them never ever. This may one day cost me my job which I can ill afford to lose. But I'm fighting the good fight in a small way on the front lines, and very much appreciate your writings - they lift my spirits as I know that you're one who shares my frustrations. Merry Christmas and Blessings to you and your family

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Bless you… and Dr. Day and, of course Dr. Alexander… I know this brings little comfort, as losing a job you spent so much time preparing for and undoubtedly love is incomprehensible! I wish I had unlimited funds to support all in your positions….sadly I can only offer you my sincere thanks… and I’ll keep looking for ways I can help……xo

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Good-on-Ya, Sister!

Same spiritual/moral test I faced...


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LOL, next time, let us know how you really feel 🤣

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How about some proofreading so I'm not embarrassed to link to it... considering this is from a real doctor... can that happen? I do agree with it all, by the way... the entire healthcare system is in shambles because of lord farquaad fauci and his handlers in big pharma and his lapdog FDA...

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Well said!!

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Amen and amen.

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Read with great appreciation. Your anger/rage mirrors my own…..

My greatest wish is to see hospitalists and those doctors who are complicit fear the consequences of their actions…..as the parent of an ED physician at a well-known midwestern hospital, there is no excuse for not reading all of the literature regarding these vaccines. And that includes, no…especially (!) all of the papers written and then canceled or removed from all media to prevent any open discourse ! If you’re going to recommend a “Novel” vaccine, you should be aware of any and all dissenting views….as we know errors are found in the tiniest of data and the way it is presented. Especially in viewing trial data from (I hesitate to use this colloquialism but..) Big Pharma……

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Thank you so much Dr. Alexander! The doctors were our first line of defense and they failed miserably so everyone else has to suffer the consequences. They were supposed to protect and they allowed us to be trampled on.

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