At the high level the below equation encapsulates everything that has gone wrong.

One mRNA + One Spike Protein = 1,291 Diseases + Unlimited Ways to Die


By Dr. Peter McCullough

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Dr Vernon Coleman: The truth about Children, Hepatitis & the Covid-19 Vaccine


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Absolutely! this is tip of the Biological time bombs created by Fizzzzer and Mud-on-ya.. ... over 10,000 different types of Adverse Reactions!!! Nuremberg nothing less....

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Vernon Coleman (Old man in a Chair) suggested several pathways for this. He speculates that one possibility is some interaction with the Hep B vax given to most little ones. Since reactivation of dormant viruses like herpes is happening, perhaps some kind of adverse immune response with the Hep B shot in the mix might happen too, even if not measurable as Hep B. This could happen even if a child was just exposed to spike, which we all are now...


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How are unvaccinated babies getting hepatitis? Exposure to adults with hepatitis?

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I suspect breast feeding too - that's just a guess but all options are on the table when playing dice with mother nature!!!

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Hepatitis is insidious and only sometimes acute and can be often undetected or mistaken for just fatigue or too much alcohol, no exercise and poor diet. This is not viral hepatitis A B C D E F etc. Spike protein and vaccine shedding or a new hepatitis G was my first thought and also bio distribution of the spike protein. Interesting to know about CD8 T-cell dominant hepatitis, thanks. I also thought about what Geert Vanden Bossche said about the naïve immunity, adaptive, learning innate immunity of children. Wilfully inflicting a now common knowledge, dodgy medical experiment directly or indirectly in to children’s naive learning, innate immunity is an unthinkable violation for now and the future and must stop now.

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I think this is what shedding means. Instead of viral shedding it’s the vaccine induced spike protein. I’ve seen comments referring specifically to the JnJ adenovirus vaccine causing hepatitis

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I was afraid of that 😔

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Or in exosomes? I feel la little helpless b/c my whole family and children are not vaxed. But hubby’s whole fam is and probably most teachers and many kids at school. So my children cannot escape it :( none of can I guess.

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Never has the word purebloods been so appropriate. The vaccines must stop

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Could this be spread through the water system?

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I have read two mainstream articles. One says its the children's Cereal Luck Charms (some sarcasm) and they other said it was likely Dogs and we should kill them (marxist effort to break us)

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