How conveniant this rise in cases, just as the WHO takes over the whole world (on the 22nd) and can lockdown us at a simple sneeze!

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This is so tragic. I recently had a conversation with an elderly gentleman who told me he just got the 4th jab earlier in the day. He complained that he wasn't feeling well but was happy to know he was protected. He knew nothing of the serious side effects or the VAERS numbers. I shudder to think of how many more just like him trusted the Govt with their health. Mainstream media is complicit in this 'murder' cover up. They could have made much more information available. I would love to see everyone who had a hand in this murderous rampage be held accountable in this present life but I know they will face an accounting at God's Judgement of this world.

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While I agree with this post I think it is wrong headed. It is a bandaid focus and misses the core issue. We know this alleged health crisis was an engineered event to gain control over the public mindset, cull many people from the population and promote totalitarian control over the world which is now being focused on the WHO treaty which will over-ride all nation states and be run by the oligarchy with people like Bill Gates in the driver's seat. This is not about health but part of the effort of the WEF and its Great Reset project which promotes use of bio-weaponry to ultimately control everything in our lives including our thoughts. This is not a GOP or Dem project. It is about big money which includes people of all political stripes all around the world. For such a bright person, it is concerning that you do not put this issue in its true and larger context. Not to do that is simply supporting the divisive anger that we have today and a total distraction from where we need to be. And that is about seeing the real issues and promoting coalition building.

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What did they expect when they pushed a nonsterilising experimental biological, not once, not twice but three times and four for some. Omicron will spread like fire, just like it did it the Uk for the past three months and guess what….there are still plenty getting covid today May 19th. Our neighbour upstairs has it….triple jabbed. So if you have been triple jabbed and live in the land of the free, you will probably get the cold going around, I mean omicron. Oh yeah, wear those masks, so you can also cause a nice build up of CO2 in your body. Have fun💕💕

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According to Geert we will continue to get these waves of infections and likely new variants. The recovered unvaccinated is the only way to herd immunity. Mass die off of the vaccinated boosted all cause mortality rates are already high.

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"Top Biden Health Officials." Now, that's funny. Here we go again: Get the sniffles and run off to the hosiptal. Morons.

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We all need to be as angry as you and wake up. Thank you for your model of this.

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Schools in Washington state received over 1.8 BILLION federal dollars for the covid emergency. Now, they're laying off teachers, librarians and cutting MENTAL HEALTH and SPORTS PROGRAMS because they don't have enough funds. WTF???

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Ordinary Americans sound warning that Brandon is not your friend.

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Mask up, get the shots and starve.

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All of them, Paul, all of them have to go to jail.

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It’s become a joke to even hear them talk anymore. Actually, for me and those of us who know the truth, they always have been.

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They've damaged our kids too - turning them into mask-wearing zombies.

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"Covid infections" are determine by phony PCR/Antigen tests. Don't forget this.

They are using "Covid infections" as cover for people having their immune systems vaporized by toxic injections and getting sick from these mRNA poisons.

Everything done from the propaganda to stir up the hysteria, to the so-called trials to the forced injections and on and on was complete fraud and they will create as much noise and as many distractions as possible to keep the public from realizing that they were used as guinea pigs for another in a series of Pharma crimes.

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Thank you Dr. Paul Alexander

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Do the crime do the time.

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