'Topless Trans Woman at White House Pride Event Sparks Outrage'; you damn right this is outrageous, this is filthy freakish sodom madness, this is what Biden et al. wants America to become, a cesspit
of filth & debauchery, of banal behavior, so they think we are them in the White House, that family; these filthy dems (& repubs) want your kids to think US is mainly trans & gay; it never will be!
Rose Montoya was among hundreds welcomed by President Joe Biden on Saturday for a celebration on the South Lawn described by the administration as the largest Pride event ever hosted at the White House.
The Biden’s are a cess pit and what he has brought has defiled the White House & disgraced our country.
John 16:33 I have told you this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart because I have overcome the world.
I will say something! I’m not surprised. Biden used to shower with his daughter. So, of course he’d be okay with a grown man with fake breasts showcasing them on the White House lawn.