The Biden’s are a cess pit and what he has brought has defiled the White House & disgraced our country.

John 16:33 I have told you this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart because I have overcome the world.

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I will say something! I’m not surprised. Biden used to shower with his daughter. So, of course he’d be okay with a grown man with fake breasts showcasing them on the White House lawn.

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Biden, pure evil...

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I wrote to my representatives about the American flag flanking the gay pride. Got no reply yet, just emails saying they had received my email.

I had a hard time watching the shenanigans at the White House.

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Disgusting and revolting.

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It’s absolutely abhorrent and sickening I wouldn’t vote for that eighty one year old creepy Joe if it hair lipped the Governor. FJB. What an absolute embarrassment this creepy pedophile Joe Biden certainly is!

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Biden should be ashamed of that entire event, it was disgusting and not proper for a president to do.

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I will say nothing because I have nothing kind to say about this

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I'd say it's an Obamanation, but even he didn't sink this low. There is seemingly no limit to the degradation and humiliation Biden will allow (I'm sure his radical staff told him it was a Halloween party, and he just asked "Oh boy, will there be ice cream!?)

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Sick Pedo Biden regime.

China knows the US military is weak and will pounce on Taiwan.

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For Flag Day, the American flag should be flown upside down as the recognized sign of "nation in distress".

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Biden is a PERVERT and brings PERVERSIONS everywhere he goes !!

He has PERVERTED the White House!!

‘PRIDE’ comes before a FALL !!!

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He’s having a health issue which everyone ignores, I’ve worked in nursing homes with this disorder of elderly patients and it is a sad thing to see

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Yuck. Is this what the WH stands for?

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I understand your exasperation, but for all these things I would actually propose that we shift our mindset to considering these things as frivolous trolling that interferes with our constructive societal and political processes, depending on where such trolling tales place. Also certain proposed bills should rather be received with contempt as trolling attempts at disrupting our processes. We should not convey them our anointment of taking them seriously enough to reject them with morally startled dismay. We have to.reject them from the position of superiority that they have manoeuvered us into ceding to their -as we are fully aware - artificial inversions. We must stop hanging them the power over our emotions and our political and societal

Development that arise from us not rejecting from a position of power, with our derision and contempt and impatience, as adults reigning in problematic children or adolescents. That is the frame and mindset from which to complain to our representatives. "What the heck do you think you are doing, I thought I had elected adults to represent me?" This way of seeing things will impress itself on them too, giving them back the strenght that they had unlearned just as we have unlearned to display and feel it. It was taken from us by constantly demeaning our moral position until we at least viscerally believed it. Retrieve your justified arrogance, everybody. The other side is aggressive even though we did not recognize that they are basically big fat crybullies that depend on us ceding out power out of inflicted guilt. Let's have no more of that mindfuck. Does this make any sense at all to you? I think this will make a big difference. These people start out as trolls and their harm can only be done under Condition that our awed response elevates their attempts to something worthy of serious consideration. We must avoid doing that from now on.

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