Toronto (Canada) has become one of the unsafest places to live, yes, deadly! because you Trudeau let the WOLF, North Africa & middle eastern wolf islamist 6th century feral animal in! happening every
day now, places like Brampton Ontario, Toronto, everywhere! and the police, they can't do a thing! outmanned, outgunned, and Canadians are like rabbits in a pack of wolves; thank God for us 2nd ammend
Live downtown Toronto at your own peril, it is that dangerous!
This is tragic.Up until 2015 Canada was cleanest..safest..kindest places in the world! What happened in 2016 to change this? This is the doing of WEF/UN and open borders. It is heartbreaking to see this! For what?
I am afraid with uncontrolled immigration, violence will spread to other cities...I agree with Pat, this is a result of the open border policies initiated by the UN and WEF.