
There is something wrong in the Biden administration, we see it in Trudeau's Canada government, and we saw it with Obama, each action was AGAINST the people, against the nation...think of it that way...can you point to one action Biden took since in power that was FOR America, for the people? Same for Trudeau, its always for some issue that divides, harms, devastates the society, makes it poorer, lesser etc. weakens it. why?

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It’s called the gay mafia Paul. Obama was and is notorious. Epstein island was for all manner of Sodom and Gomorrah. Trans people suffer from serious mental health problems and are one of the most promoted sicknesses we are supposed to normalize. Biden had sex with his kids. Justin Jussie Trudeau and closet boy Poilievre are no different. Heterosexuals are ruled by these freaks because people tolerated a little bit of degeneracy one slippery slope after another. Trans cannot procreate. Gags cannot procreate. Lesbians cannot procreate. They are on a path to extinction and we are letting them destroy family and country because we were led to believe that tolerance was beneficial when all it did was allowed degenerates to teach our children that this minority of sexually perverse are important in a healthy society when just the opposite is true. Time to prioritize heterosexuality instead of being ashamed for it. Time to man up.

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thank you for sharing...this is good

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Its all part of the plan to destroy family, and our society.

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exactly, the family is the target and to destroy men, real men

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"Man is a political animal" correctly declared Aristotle. Most politicians are insane, because of insane who voted them in. Democracy is insanity where any simple mind vote for a guy, like Biden or Trudeau can order injection or no job and who cares the injection kills millions? And similar for most of world's leaders. Not people of intellect, but stupid people elect leaders who will dictate create wars in the past and today that will slaughter millions or even billions in the, very probable coming 3rd world war. There is no animal specie so stupid as the human one. The animals have leader of a small packs as well. but here the individual is not dictated as with humans, the animal can leave the pack. Not all people are stupid, some are very advanced and those do not need leaders, they think on their own, question everything, with established values, no need to be dictated. What it takes for all humans to be advanced? Seems to be hopeless. Trump or Kennedy have good ideas, but impossible in democracy made out of very dumb, expecting hand out from the leaders. What is happening to America is insanity. Trump will fix a little but for how long in a nation full of collectivists dumbs electing another dumb leader. perhaps the next world conflict that wipe out most of humans, will wake up the rest, still alive , and create more advanced human beings?

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Biden and his administration are satanists. Doing that on Easter is just kicking dirt in Christians that celebrate the resurrection face.

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exactly...its outrageous...this is why we need a TRUMP to reverse this madness

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Trump is not going to be able to reverse this. BABYLON AMERICA is under the Judgement of God in all areas for our complicity and our idolatry of long standing along with our preferring to follow blind, idiot guides instead of God, who truly does have our best interest at heart. We are but experiencing the consequences and direct results of following the wayward paths we have chosen.

We would see and experience the bountiful grace and mercy of His care if we would but repent and turn back to Him.

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We live in a strange world now. Thank God for those who stand up for the truth like Dr A

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this is just filth, these people need serious help and to be kept away from our children...

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Happy Easter to all. It seems hunting the freaks, is on the 'to do' list. It was during their 'Day of Vengeance' lol so many went down. I recently found a sale 500 .22lr for a penny! My tactical box, but shh. Of course that one is over now.

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I'm confused do I wish friends and relatives "Happy Easter" or is it Happy Trans Day of Visibility"?

There is nothing too low for the degenerates that push this sick ideology.

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If you have kids or grandkids you may be wondering at what age should they be before you start talking to them about gender transitioning. In the US Planned Parenthood recommends you not do this until they are 3 years old.

How do I talk with my preschooler about identity?


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That organization is evil and satanic, and should be abolished. NO children should ever be exposed to those lies. This is why parents need to be encouraged to home school their children.

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exactly, evil, it is putrid

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If you visit the Russian Federation it would be best not to talk with 3 year olds about gender transitioning. That is, unless you no longer want your teeth and desire to have them violently removed. Even if you identify as an opposite sex child yourself, the norms there with regard to acceptable behavior with children are different to the US and you may encounter irate individuals who identify as the tooth fairy.

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I like this, we need that in America, Canada

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"Woe to them who call evil good, and good evil".

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Agreed. The state will just sexploit your child!!!

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1

Wow. It's worse than I'd imagined. Reading the linked site, I'd have to say the level of indoctrination and misguidance in parenting promoted by this organization is offensive and dangerous.

Example from the site: "Ask them" (your child) "if they’re a boy or a girl, and how they know that to be true." That's bizarre and no way to talk to a child. You TELL your child that he is a boy ("What a good boy you are!") from the day he is born. And that she is a girl if that, in physical fact, is true. You don't ASK children for their opinion and then expect them to defend it. Respectable, competent parents ground their children in reality.

Here's another troubling example from the site, quoting: "If you’re trying hard to fight gender stereotypes in your home, but your kid really just likes the typical stuff, don’t worry. At this age, lots of little girls love princess stuff and lots of little boys like action superheroes and sports. It’s part of them forming their gender identity, and it’s OK. As your kid gets older, their tastes and interests may change, and they may be more ready for new stories, toys, and activities."

I wondered how much of Planned Parenthood's annual budget comes from the U.S. government (Americans' federal tax payments).

"Over 40% of Planned Parenthood revenue comes from government reimbursements and grants." Source: https://usafacts.org/articles/how-much-government-money-does-planned-parenthood-receive/

Planned Parenthood should be defunded and investigated for promoting unnatural behavior in children (as well as for selling aborted baby body parts to university laboratories). They are an immoral force for the destabilization of the American family.

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The Russian press merely need to link to sites like Planned Parenthood to show their readers that claims that Americans are degenerates are not mere propaganda. Decades ago the Israelis tried what the US is now doing. They vilified the "bourgeois family" and raised kids communally on kibbutzim. Their utopian ideal was a combination of socialism and Zionism, much like that of the US today. Little boys were forced to play with dolls and little girls were forced to play with trucks. To the horror of the social engineers the boys bent the dolls at the waist to create a handgrip from the legs and the replica of a gun barrel from the upper half and use them to play cops and robbers. The girls spent their time nursingand nurturing the trucks. The US Marxist dream of turning all of the US males into females and females into males is doomed to fail.

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Thank you for sharing an episode in history showing that natural human instincts can overcome perverse social experiments. It's comforting to know. But until the pendulum begins to swing back toward a healthy normalcy, it's discouraging to see the overall decline of American science, government, education, and family life.

Last week our local public high school announced its mandatory-attendance "first Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion presentation on Advocacy, Inclusion, Microaggressions, and Privilege" DURING the school day - with 6 days' notice to parents. There was public outcry and the event was postponed. I eagerly await news of the school board meeting held tonight.

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Apr 2·edited Apr 2

Americans didn't become the world's number 1, and the most dangerous, precious snowflakes by accident. Americans became precious snowflakes by being taught to think pathologically. Americans embraced fallacies and distortions in logic as their habitual way of thinking. This produces disturbed emotions, which Americans considered to be the same as facts. Have you read this classic article from 2015? There are books and podcasts etc now with the same title that I've not looked at. However, this article was, IMO, spot on



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I'm not familiar with the article but very much look forward to reading it in the morning. I appreciate your sending the link.

It's 12:45 a.m. here on the east coast, so I'll say good night for now.

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Planned Parenthood was the brainchild of Eugenicist Margaret Sanger who wanted blacks and Jews exterminated. Look at all the planned parenthood locations. Right inside black communities. The extermination continues to this day. Hillary Clinton was awarded the Margaret Sanger award. It wasn’t for procreation, it was for her excellent work at extermination and State Department child sex rings.

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Why wait until 3?

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Probably so that Democrats can spend time grooming them first.

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Its happy trans day for Democrats, even those who are staying silent are complicit by their silence

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Perversion condoned and promoted from the head of our government. This will not go unpunished by the Almighty.

On the other hand, it seems like this was the ultimate exposure of this evil administration. Could this be done to insult and infuriate all Americans, for a reason?

The Great Awakening.

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This is Clearly a Declaration of EVIL from the liberal cabal that Biden represents. THEY ARE EVIL!! There is not absolutely NO Doubt! Blatant arrogant declaration of their alignment with PURE EVIL. How can anyone have any doubt? They HATE AMERICA, their laws are ALL Blatantly UNCONSTITUTINOAL (https://hjs-enterprises.com/usa-constitution.html) and their Every Action is TREASONOUS!

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It should have been today!

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(Because today is April Fools Day? That makes sense!)

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I think this is an attempt to foment violence. They know if any of the high holy days of transgenderism were impugned that there would be violence and they believe the hatred and lies about Christians and "white supremacist's."

Ultimately, the goal is to spark violence from the right so they can conduct mass arrests and cancel the election. No this is not an insane conspiracy theory. He who has eyes let them see.

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agreed 100%

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Be interesting to watch for the High Holy Days next September, and see if they try to pull anything.

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Perhaps, it is all a process to enrage the American patriots to "do something"?

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1

This cultural marxism has been going on for years, slowly at first then quickly with the emergence of M.A.G.A.

The bad guys are trying hard to get their poison into our society before they are ultimately defeated by the good guys. And it's coming, but it's gonna be a long hard road to victory!

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yes, RUSH said it will not be pretty, getting there will be difficult...I appeared on RUSH's show 4 times...he actually asked me to call in...I loved the guy.

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Rush was like a political prophet.

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It is monstrous, a desecration of the WH and our Christian nation.

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On Easter we celebrate Jesus resurrection. Anyone who hates Jesus to this degree will have to answer for their actions on judgement day.

These people have mental health issues, it’s called body disphorea. Any parent who would take their child to a display like this shouldn’t be a parent.

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Ya know I find it amazing that Old Joe continues to call himself a practicing Catholic. In a word - he is not (on so many levels), one cannot condone/advance sin. These poor bastards need help with their mental illness. As Catholics/Christians it is with charity that we point out the sin and try to help. Likewise, I don’t understand (actually I do…. Think $) why the USCCB hasn’t officially excommunicated Old Joe. The reality is that Old Joes heresy has de facto excommunicated himself from the Church. Pax

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thank you for this sharing, blessings

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So true, Roger.

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The left wants us all to hate each other. As long as we are all hating each other and fighting amongst ourselves, we can't unify to fight them. Keeping us fighting and hating allows them to control us. Biden et all absolutely knew this would gin up a ton of hate. Don't let them win.

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I think that the buffoon biden does not even know what day of the week it is let alone the month and holiday...it was more then likely a staffer/staffers like karen <spelled wrong on purpose> the white house press secretary telling the buffoon sign this executive order will do your social media posts

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In Canada, my completely woke (and former?) Protestant Christian church had multiple posts regarding this very topic on their FB page yesterday. Not just one…multiple!! I seriously don’t get it. Why and for who are they doing this? They were complaining years ago about a dwindling congregation since older members who died weren’t being replaced due to changing demographics (we know what that means). So, now they’re willing to sell their soul for a microscopic segment?

I guess the Minister doesn’t care about less givings since they’ve been bequeathed in many “old stock” member’s Wills. Sadly, they probably made that arrangement before this church was corrupted by new clergy and governing organizations.

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