I do feel sorry. And Black may kill himself trying to get a penile implant. Repeated surgeries lead to scaring, adhesions, greater likelihood of infection, mers, sepsis, pain (but he has doubtless already experienced this) How about designing a suit with an attached penis that people could try on? The penis could have a small battery that could inflate it. Maybe they could at least pleasure someone else--if they continue to be unable to experience genital pleasure themselves. Young people who impulsively sign up for gender surgery and hormones almost never get informed consent. Yes, it's very easy to call them crazy and say they deserve what they got. I do feel grief for those who do transition and then later regret their decision. This was a tragedy before (feelings of distress, dysphoria) --and it's another tragedy after. It's like being run over by a car--that then reverses and runs over you again. But there is hope. YouTube posts many interviews with detransitioners who seem fine interesting persons who have come to terms with their new situation. Although at first they are devastated!

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Jul 4, 2023·edited Jul 4, 2023

Yep! There is no such thing as "transgender". The entire premise is a lie, a made-up fantasy. Every complete cell in the body is genetically either male or female. Nothing can change that! Genitalia can be mutilated, destroyed, but NOT magically made to be the opposite sex. Castration only turns a man into a eunuch, NOT a woman! Doing this kind of mutilation to minors should earn the doctors involved in it very, very long prison sentences and permanent loss of their medical licenses! Those kids need therapy, not delusional enabling— all for profits by the Medical Industrial Complex and to further the psychopathic fantasies of sterilization and Mass Depopulation by the Satanic Globalists!

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there will be a lot of very angry mutilated creatures who will never be able to be either man or woman. these young people get swept up in a delusion with doctors and teachers telling them that these hormones and surgeries will "solve" what are probably normal puberty blues. we all had them and we all outgrew them. but we were mercifully left alone.

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Hi Paul,

I would have first taken the Priscilla Queen of the Desert approach - where I put on a pair of ten-inch heels, kept my cock, put on a frock, and climbed a rock in Alice Springs - every day for at least six weeks before I took such a drastic step of permanent one eyed snake removal.

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To the best of my knowledge, God created a man and, then, a woman. There are only two genders. You are born as one or the other and must remain as such until you die. It is unnatural and perverted to try and change what you are. It is not right to mess with God's creation. All that do will suffer.

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I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I'm not against transgenderism as a concept. However, I feel that (at least in most cases) the decision to undergo surgery has to be a wise decision by a well-informed adult (and possibly one who has lived as their gender identity for a number of years). The well-informed adult has to know that there's no easy "going back," and they have to be aware of what de-transitioners go through.

I shudder at the thought that this is being suggested to young people (teens...and maybe even pre-teens) who are not in a position (that is, in terms of wisdom, self-knowledge and maturity) to give informed consent.

That said, I do understand that in this case, Black was 19 when he underwent his surgery, so I guess he was, technically, an adult, but still...I wonder if, had he waited a few years and done a few things I've alluded to, things would have been different.

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This poor deluded boy, after all he's been through, should be grateful he's alive. But, as he's quoted in Breitbart as saying, he's "looking forward to an experimental penis transplant surgery."

I'm afraid there is little hope for him.

("Penis transplant"? From what donor? A boy wishing to be a girl? A cadaver?

This level of insanity is beyond my grasp.)

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Since the Democrats are all in on the trans bullsdhit we ought to have theme neutered and de penised -and attired in drag, and they can greet their constituents in drag-- no ?

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How so many people fell for this is mind boggling. What parent would allow their child to have their penis or breasts removed, insanity at its finest.

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17 is so awfully, awfully young.

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Come to Commiefornia! Under Gruesome Newsom, you can get any and all life altering and destroying gender survives you could possibly want - at any age! And you don’t need a responsible adult to sign for you if you’re a minor! But, no alcohol, cigarettes, etc., if you are a minor! What a fucked up state under a fucked up political party that pretends to be Democrat.

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Did they tell him he could still enjoy sex without a PENIS? Did they tell him it was reversible?

What sort of MORON would believe these monsters/demons? Even at 17, it makes ZERO sense that any boy could believe he would ever again enjoy sex without his PENIS.

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Thank the Heavens that in the new bio-trans-dehumanized-robotic world, all these parts will be interchangeable. There will be a black market for used penises and boobs for those who don't want to pay full price. Yet, another new liberal utopia is upon us. Rejoice!

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He should have put his pecker in some milk and waited til he changed his mind.

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You can't change your sex. .You can lie to yourself about that all you want and then in defiance of the Truth of how God the Creator and Sustainer designed you, in anger and sheer rebellion, you can take the hormones and have bottom and top surgery thinking that this is really then Holy Grail and end-all and be-all of Life and suffer terribly when you found out this was all a huge lie and that you are living now in a mental and physical hell when you find out first-hand that you REALLY CAN'T change your sex and that you can't get back the perfectly good sex that you were born with and then threw away, all for a lie

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