The stats are that more than 50% of transgenders are unhappy with having undergone these procedures. This is very sad. No one for any reason should be in so much pain they want to die. I feel so badly. However on the other end, I’m surprised Canada isn’t assisting with euthanasia. From what I’ve read the country seeks to help suicide for anyone “draining “ their society like the homeless and mentally disabled.

All of it is disgusting and evil. All of it part of an agenda to hurt us. I hope this person can find peace within.

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“In 2009, I was rushed into having SRS before I was ready. Resulting in immediate regret and sterilization,” Cardinal said.

Soooo, this would have made them what, 21 yrs old and they are talking about not being ready.....imagine all the under 21 yrs old nowadays allowed to proceed w/o parental consent.... what could go wrong......

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I would like to add an additional comment to what I said previously….. I have been listening to this docu series on vaccines by Ty and Charlene Bolinger. It’s called Rescue, i think….anyway just tonight, I heard something i had never heard before. It seems that in using fetal tissue from aborted babies (ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!) and both male and female tissue are used depending upon the vaccine type that this enormous amount of gender dysphoria could be connected to vaccines…… Or, more like it could be a contributing factor though unproven as of yet….. Kids get 72 vaccines (in the US) by the time they are 18 and now with the mRNA on the schedule this will be way more. But if you have a vaccine that has XX fetal tissue in it and you are a male or vice versa it was being said that this could be causing confusion as to gender. The wrong DNA is now inside our babies……Now it was only a hypothesis in this series but it seems very plausible to me. It also is very horrendous as to what is actually in all these vaccines (poisons galore) that our kids are getting. If the body and brain are being poisoned (IN BABIES!) then how in the world can a human baby grow up and be able to discern anything?…..One in 37 kids now are diagnosed with autism. My heart is sick and so saddened…

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This is screwed up on so many levels. All I can say is remember David Reimer 🙏of Winnipeg. He was ground zero for Kinsey's insane ideology.

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This was and is always about population control. Darwin smiles.... as the saying goes

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Even if I had gender dysphoria, I can't imagine mutilating myself like this. I'd just use my imagination.

Or better, try to get some counseling to see if I couldn't free myself from this obsession, just like for other self-harming impulses like "cutting". We have to restore the idea that suicidal, homicidal and self-harming ideation is a problem, not an identity.

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The whole field needs to be regulated by independent physicians who have no "skin in the game".

Every use should be rare and extremely rare with children.

There needs to be some genetic support (some exceptions to using the gender at birth rule).

But I am not aware of such genetic support at this time (other than XXY and XYY) despite decades looking).

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The transgender ideology is based in satanism, its a way the government depopulates its country, these "trans" people will never have kids, if they even live that long. "Doctors" are doing surgeries on kids as young as 13 plus puberty blockers etc. like what the hell could go wrong and what's happened to parents who agree with this mutilation of their kids. When the "trans" fad ends there will be millions worldwide wanting to die because of regret and wrecking their future.

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These foolish people should have seeked out a psychiatrist to help with their insanity instead of a surgeon.

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Canada doesn't say no so what gives?

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You can NEVER change genders. It is scientifically impossible. Sad that so many people are totally brain dead, programmed and indoctrinated to do whatever their masters tell them. What a wretched way to survive. But, we all have to live (or not, perhaps) with our decisions and choices, as painful as it sometimes is.

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Broke my father's cardinal rule, put brain in gear before mouth in motion. Guilty as charged.

I have to learn how to disable "Spelcheque" on this Samsung. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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I am hearing that no trans person has ever been able to orgasm post op? Have others heard this? If true, I wonder if they are told this?

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