Disgusting human. He should be ashamed of cheating his way and stealing trophies from girls who have trained and trained but will never have the musculature and strength of a man. Shameful

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He is the opportunist, but maybe planted as one as well. The people or group or board who decides about the hormonal levels, they are the real criminals. It is really as if this whole trashy transgender thing is just another distraction to divert our attention that should be on the covid scam. Transgenderism leads to us accepting transhumanism and also act as conflic-tor. They are plastic people, and will be dependant on plastic for the rest of their lives, battling hormonal fires and side effects, and in the public desensetizing programs, more wil eat plastic and wall street stocks will climb.

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Drag Queen Story Hour is just another arrow in the quiver of the same wealthy, Jewish elites who are systematically flooding America with 3rd world refugees, censoring speech, chipping away at the Constitution, and racially attacking white Americans in the media . . .


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Of course!

Makes perfect sense!

These people are Demented in every way, shape and form!!!!

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Demonic in every way.

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First, chicks with dicks ain’t chicks.

Second, the LGBLT movement is also a terrorist group.

If you think they’re not a terrorists group, try speaking out against them and see what happens

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❝. . . a number of liberal plutocracies like Canada and the United Kingdom have legislated to force-feed their subjects the doctrine of transgenderism, which contrary to the idea that it is an individual choice, is always coupled with mandates that ordinary citizens acknowledge the delusions of wealthy narcissists and perverts.❞


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He's an opportunist, in normal times he would be a nobody; He's making money winning cash prizes.

You must blame a sick society, and not somebody clever enough to take advantage of this situation today.

It's not his fault that 90% of the USA leadership is homo, pedo, and satanic.

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As Kenneth Vinther pointed out in his review of Scott Howard’s The Transgender-Industrial Complex (2020) at Counter Currents, transgenderism is a thoroughly kosher campaign: “at the top of the [transgender] pyramid rests a series of charming Jewish billionaires...”


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Strange evil nonsense!

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What is next, that these transgenders can claim they identify as children and can compete in children's events, what are we going to do about that, just let them do it as we let them destroy adult human female events?

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Next? Someone comes out as a “furry” to compete in the Westminster Dog Show. Only snag may be the question of breed. That’s just a social construct, as well. Oh bloody hell! Create one! It’s only fair!

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Just have to say you made my day. That’s the best funny I’ve heard in a while. Those lines would be perfect in a stand up routine. I’m still laughing.

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You thought I was kidding?! 🤣

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Theses days anything is possible. I wouldn’t doubt someone might just give it a go. Either way it’s still funny.

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I am certain there’s more where that came from. Current trends being what they are, laughter may be the best therapy. Certainly safer that anything CDC is currently offering.

Stay safe, John.

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My Grandmother use to say, laughter is good for the soul. I think she was right. I appreciate your kind interaction and thoughts.

You stay safe as well and remember to have a good laugh now and again.

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Trans male swimmer = dipstick douchebag

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The trans people are without a doubt seriously mentally ill. This guy wants a uterus transplant so he get get pregnant BECAUSE he wants to be the first one tranny to have an abortion.

Sick. Demented. Mentally ill.


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Cultural Marxists encourage abortion, birth control, divorce, homosexuality, “carrier women,” drugs, miscegenation, the destruction of the traditional family, and unrestricted immigration of racial foreigners into white countries. This is a reflection of what the Cultural Marxists preach: white reproduction is evil, and that which prevents white reproduction is good.


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Wow his 15 minutes of fame keep running out.

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Hang it

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He is Gross 🤮🤮🤮🤮.

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Just because you're waring a woman's swimsuit, you are NOT a woman!

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