COVID-19 respiratory illness & key factor each time has been heart failure combined to a late start early therapeutics; early start key even if hospitalized & get multidrug home treatment, survives!
I am troubled by two aspects of the most recent paper cited in this post (including the treatment protocol contained in both papers).
First, the recent HF paper says that heart patients who have received the Covid-19 injections have better hospital outcomes than those who are uninjected. You and Dr McCullough have been very clear that the so-called vaccines are dangerous and should be pulled from the market. One of Dr McCullough's recent essays (Trial Site News, March 5, 2023) even bemoans the fact that medical researchers seem to be blind to the fact that the Covid-19 injectables cause myopericarditis and makes the point that the injectables are inherently dangerous, saying, "The COVID-19 vaccines have caused record injuries, disabilities, and death." Yet, the comment in the recent HF paper about injected patients having better outcomes than uninjected patients could be interpreted as a plug for the very injectables you both otherwise have been warning about for years. To be fair, the recent HF paper simply says the injectables are associated with better Covid-19 outcomes and stops short of endorsing the shots, but shouldn’t such a statement be footnoted or otherwise explained so that the reader understands that despite allegedly better outcomes among injected patients the risk profile of the shots remains so bad that the shots should be avoided by everyone? Related, we know that the medical journals and much of the data around Covid-19 has been manipulated and many now realize that medical journals (and Covid-19 data more generally) simply can’t be trusted. I wonder whether the two studies cited in support of the statement that injected HF patients have better outcomes than uninjected HF patients are actually reliable or are part of what we know to be pervasive research fraud.
Second, the HF paper makes favorable comments about remdesivir and the McCullough treatment protocol mentioned in both papers includes molnupiravir and paxlovid among the recommended therapeutics. Before now, I’ve understood that, like the shots, all three medicines are associated with severe adverse events and very bad outcomes. Indeed, unless I’ve missed a regulatory change it’s my understanding all three are available only as EUAs, which I think suggests they haven’t gone through the full FDA approval process and there likely isn’t long term safety data to support any of them. Is there really a good reason any patient should opt for unproven EUA drugs when other fully FDA-approved medicines, like ivermectin among many others, are known to work and, as the HF paper says, have outstanding safety profiles?
It's a bunch of hooey, they're even using a rainbow for the chart. These guys just like hearing themselves talk and taking photo ops with people traveling around the country patting themselves on the back. Fact hat they talk about something which doesn't exist, and to date, not one extraction of the virus from a human body, dead or alive has been obtained.
Dr Alexander, I cannot get an answer from the Wellness company on what the protocol is for their new Spike Support product. I know it is not something that needs to be taken indefinitely and am trying to get info on duration protocol. Can you shed some light on this? I also imagine it depends on symptoms, if present or not. So the TWC would do everyone justice by providing the protocol.
You have done outstanding work and continue to shine a light on the evil that exists out there. Thank-you for all you've done. But I must say that your obsession with the belief that Malone is evil detracts from your great success. I expect you may throw Nass under the bus now that she has come out in defense of Malone. Malone is full of himself sometimes just like all of us but why continue this debasing? What do you expect to accomplish? There are a lot worse people to string up in my opinion.
Egotistical, thin-skinned, full of himself . . . call it whatever you want. No shortage of egos everywhere. It does not justify his lawfare. Period. That detracts from "great success" to the point where he'll never recover.
I appreciate your honorable efforts to help people but covid isn't real and when is everyone going to acknowledge that? You see by keeping this fiction alive, you're just giving them time, time to line up their men against us like in a game of chess. Time that while we dally and fumble, the next time we turn around, they'll have surrounded us and there will be nowhere to go. Do you not understand common English - covid has not been isolated. Viruses are a highly dubious theory. Why isn't this going through? Isn't it another fractal of the "normies" who watch tv and don't even know they're being sprayed like bugs or that soon they'll be eating bugs? You spend too much time worrying about revenge when really it is you, every one who took that vaccine, needs to look at themselves and note that they fell for it, they were duped, they couldn't see the scam. They have impaired judgement and they need to pay attention some more and listen a little better than they have been. And try listening to the truth-tellers and not the liars on commercial television.
I don't know the truth but I can tell you I was very sick in Sept 21, nothing I have ever expericed before. I ordered IVM, which was terribly difficult to get, took 2 weeks to arrive. I coughed 24 hours a day, gurgling in my lungs. After I started IVM, started to feel better in 1 day. I was under Dr care (remotely) and after 14 days was 100% back to normal. Something was going around. I did not imagine it. I wrote daily logs, recorded what I ate, time I took vitamins. I walked around the house with a tote of Vitamins (C, D, Zinc, Niacin, NAC, Quercatin, etc). Not tested for anything.
I do not know or claim to know anything about viruses. All I know from first hand experience people around me got really sick from something. I have been around it since early 2020, and have not been sick with cold or any other so called covid, not even a sinus infection. The one thing I did differently was to nebulize with H2O2, 3% H. P. for 5 minutes a day or every other day. My sinuses always gave me a fit, sinus infection lasted for days. When nebulized with H2O2, sinus problems gone. I am uneducated 75yo and I may be wrong, but, I think was the nebulizing that did the trick for me! Does that seem logical?
Yep, seems logical to me. I nebulize H2O2 also, but never 3%. I dilute it, usually to 0.5%. I've gone as high as 1.5%. But I've seen Dr Mercola recommend using only 0.1%. Did you mean that you use 3% H2O2 undiluted? (I have seen some physicians say undiluted H2O2 also is okay.) I also gargle with povidone iodine and use PI also in a netti pot as a nasal wash.
Exceptional! Yes, 3% has been used for decades I and others around me have used 3% for years. WARNING WARNING, side affects are No known virus can survive nebulized H2O2, I have not had a sinus headache since nebbing, have had no sinus infection, no stopped up sinuses. I use H2O2 as a mouth wash (I keep it till it stops bubbling). Last 5 years go to dentist 2 times a year, they keep asking me why I have no plaque. Mam, I use H2O2 as a mouth wash, but why is there no plaque. Mam, I can't explain why I have no plaque, good genes I guess. I go thru this twice a year. If she is that dumb maybe I should go somewhere else? I'm dumb for staying with her! I don't use PI nor do I use nettie pot, but, thats a good idea. I use organic vinegar for under arms smell control, I never smell! If I can help with any questions concerning these topics, let me know. I'm on a roll to eradicate dr's from my life, hope you will join in. I have lots of life experiences over my 75 y on this God created earth. Blessings to you, from hoss.
When I first started posting on several sites, no one would post back about H2O2, now I get several a day. Thank you very much for you posting back. Do you remember nicotine patches? That got me thinking??? Now I do some self medicating thru the skin. Iodine, magnesium, etc.. Have a blessed....
Buy a nebulizer, (if rechargable, charge it up) if not rechargable, wash the plastic face cup with soap and water, dry it off. Wash the area, where the Hydrogen Peroxide is poured into, with soap and water, dry. Pour about 1/4 of an inch of H2O2 into the compartment that holds the H2O2. Cut the nebulizer on and breathe H2O2 fist for 5 minutes! I breath it for 5 min. a day. Some people us food grade H2O2, I use it straight off the shelf. Hope this helps.
Greg, I use 3% but I dilute it in 2 cups of pure water together with celtic sea salt. Then I nebulize 1 tsp. What is the recipe amounts you use? I love to compare.
Straight 3% in nebulizer for 5 minutes a day or every other day. I would not dilute, at all. I'M no doc, but, from a lay person point of view, it works for me. Have had no sickness for decades, had no use for dr's for decades. At 75yo I do things that work for me so I can be around a while longer to do my savior"s work. Yet, when my task is completed he will call me home. Hope I have been of help to you. hoss
I appreciate your feedback. It is obviously working well for you!! From what I read it says dilute but maybe you are onto something. 75 and going strong - I love it!!
I used Dr Mercola's (Dr Brownstein's) formulation as well. I don't understand why people are so scared of it. Our own bodies produce hydrogen peroxide! There is a lot to be learned by reading about these topics on NIH website. They tell us verbally the exact opposite of what is demonstrated in the studies. Gee, I think that's called lying!
Yes, that is absolutely logical. My husband came down with covid January 2021. I had read about nebulizing hydrogen peroxide about a month before that and got a tabletop nebulizer just in case. Well, I mean to tell you, when he started taking the treatments, he said he could feel the difference right away and he never got a cough even though he is one of those who gets a lingering cough after every cold. By the way, as far as I can tell, I never got covid and haven't even had a cold in at least 4 years. I'm 70 yrs old.
The nebulizing hydrogen peroxide can be used for colds and flu as well. I think what has protected me the most is gargling with it every day, but then I switched to povidone iodine to gargle with and use as a nasal spray when I read that hospitals use it to swab noses and throats of comatose patients. It even cleared up a tooth problem that I was dealing with.
Hi DandD - what is your recipe for use? I would appreciate knowing. I have nebulized hydrogen peroxide (diluted) but I always like to hear what others use for dilution amounts. How much povidone iodine for the gargle? Thanks! :)
For nebulizing, I used 3% food grade and diluted it according to Dr Mercola & Dr Brownstein. For general gargling with regular drugstore H2O2, I use a 50-50 solution in a little bathroom cup enough for two gargles and I try to breathe some up into my nasal passages whilst holding some in my mouth. With the povidone iodine, I add 2-3 drops of 10% PI in 1.5 oz of water, and about the same solution in a nasal spray bottle (Amazon, I know, I know...) and I use that when I get home after I've been shopping, etc. or in close contact with others, like at church. I bump it up to a little more often if I feel a twinge in my throat or some post-nasal drip developing. We don't have to spend loads of money on over-the-counter junk. The 16oz bottle of PI I bought January of last year has about 13oz left! I paid $10 for it!
You are a sheep. You fell for the scam that covid exists. You were infected by an imaginary virus that has never been isolated. Your illness was all in your head. You can't spread it to anyone. You can neither catch nor spread something that doesn't exist It's the same story as with HIV. There is no need for gay couples to use condoms. If you are a junkie, it's safe to shoot up with the same needle as an AIDS patient. There is no need for the purportedly HIV infected to take an Rx which suppresses the non-existent virus to undetectable levels. Being sick with Covid Sx is a con. Your Sx are all psychosomatic. Even if you were coughing non-stop in grandma's face she'd still be safe.
Overgeneralization fallacy there Jonesy. I only have to find one exception to your "all" or "all the time" to prove you wrong. Read "The Coddling of the American Mind" co-written by Jonathan Haidt in 2014 in The Atlantic to learn more about yourself and the irrationality of your thought processes.
You claim to write tongue-in-cheek, to a 70 year old poster, simply to attempt a chain yank and monopolize that person's time. Who are the "couple of readers" who took it seriously? I count exactly one. The woman you replied to ignored you - she must be familiar with your act. 😂
I am not a sheep or a sheeple. I missed something here? I only stated what happened to me, nothing more nothing less. I'm slow sometimes, can you explain? Also, I have not been sick in decades! I must say you are a passionate writer, your words jump off the screen!
Ignore JonesySmart. She's on a mission to take offence, sensitive and a bit paranoid and holds a grudge. Read "The Coddling of the American Mind" on "precious snowflake syndrome" to understand where Jonesy is coming from. I don't think you're a sheep Overcomer. Far from it. The comment was "tongue in cheek," written to be absurd. It was written in response to KLZ and Denise Ward, not you. I asked Denise questions related to the purported non-existence of viruses and she didn't reply. Her comments are below mine now. Originally they were above. My view is that viruses exist. My comments were not intended to ridicule you or anyone, only to show up the absurdity of the view espoused by Denise and others that viruses don't exist.
Is it a waste of time screening blood donors or supplies for HIV then Denise? What kills the infants who die following transfusions with contaminated blood? Or does that not happen? It's just a long standing scam? You'd have no problem being transfused with purportedly HIV contaminated blood from a donor with a purported high viral load? Why does the condition of HIV patients improve in response to anti-retrovirals? What alternative treatment would you suggest?
I am troubled by two aspects of the most recent paper cited in this post (including the treatment protocol contained in both papers).
First, the recent HF paper says that heart patients who have received the Covid-19 injections have better hospital outcomes than those who are uninjected. You and Dr McCullough have been very clear that the so-called vaccines are dangerous and should be pulled from the market. One of Dr McCullough's recent essays (Trial Site News, March 5, 2023) even bemoans the fact that medical researchers seem to be blind to the fact that the Covid-19 injectables cause myopericarditis and makes the point that the injectables are inherently dangerous, saying, "The COVID-19 vaccines have caused record injuries, disabilities, and death." Yet, the comment in the recent HF paper about injected patients having better outcomes than uninjected patients could be interpreted as a plug for the very injectables you both otherwise have been warning about for years. To be fair, the recent HF paper simply says the injectables are associated with better Covid-19 outcomes and stops short of endorsing the shots, but shouldn’t such a statement be footnoted or otherwise explained so that the reader understands that despite allegedly better outcomes among injected patients the risk profile of the shots remains so bad that the shots should be avoided by everyone? Related, we know that the medical journals and much of the data around Covid-19 has been manipulated and many now realize that medical journals (and Covid-19 data more generally) simply can’t be trusted. I wonder whether the two studies cited in support of the statement that injected HF patients have better outcomes than uninjected HF patients are actually reliable or are part of what we know to be pervasive research fraud.
Second, the HF paper makes favorable comments about remdesivir and the McCullough treatment protocol mentioned in both papers includes molnupiravir and paxlovid among the recommended therapeutics. Before now, I’ve understood that, like the shots, all three medicines are associated with severe adverse events and very bad outcomes. Indeed, unless I’ve missed a regulatory change it’s my understanding all three are available only as EUAs, which I think suggests they haven’t gone through the full FDA approval process and there likely isn’t long term safety data to support any of them. Is there really a good reason any patient should opt for unproven EUA drugs when other fully FDA-approved medicines, like ivermectin among many others, are known to work and, as the HF paper says, have outstanding safety profiles?
It's a bunch of hooey, they're even using a rainbow for the chart. These guys just like hearing themselves talk and taking photo ops with people traveling around the country patting themselves on the back. Fact hat they talk about something which doesn't exist, and to date, not one extraction of the virus from a human body, dead or alive has been obtained.
Dr Alexander, I cannot get an answer from the Wellness company on what the protocol is for their new Spike Support product. I know it is not something that needs to be taken indefinitely and am trying to get info on duration protocol. Can you shed some light on this? I also imagine it depends on symptoms, if present or not. So the TWC would do everyone justice by providing the protocol.
You have done outstanding work and continue to shine a light on the evil that exists out there. Thank-you for all you've done. But I must say that your obsession with the belief that Malone is evil detracts from your great success. I expect you may throw Nass under the bus now that she has come out in defense of Malone. Malone is full of himself sometimes just like all of us but why continue this debasing? What do you expect to accomplish? There are a lot worse people to string up in my opinion.
Egotistical, thin-skinned, full of himself . . . call it whatever you want. No shortage of egos everywhere. It does not justify his lawfare. Period. That detracts from "great success" to the point where he'll never recover.
I use ozone generator, it has built in safety timers.
I think the genetic lottery has a fair bit to do with it too. Plus generational epigenetics.
We knew to do this
Oh I wish oh so wish
Just out today…yes TODAY…HOPE FOR HUMANITY!
Important link about THE Supreme Court Proposal in the piece by Lex Greene that should give many HOPE to turn the tide!
Mother/Grandmother Lion (of 6 and still counting)
P.S. Care about America? Spread this to ALL who are very concerned about America!
I appreciate your honorable efforts to help people but covid isn't real and when is everyone going to acknowledge that? You see by keeping this fiction alive, you're just giving them time, time to line up their men against us like in a game of chess. Time that while we dally and fumble, the next time we turn around, they'll have surrounded us and there will be nowhere to go. Do you not understand common English - covid has not been isolated. Viruses are a highly dubious theory. Why isn't this going through? Isn't it another fractal of the "normies" who watch tv and don't even know they're being sprayed like bugs or that soon they'll be eating bugs? You spend too much time worrying about revenge when really it is you, every one who took that vaccine, needs to look at themselves and note that they fell for it, they were duped, they couldn't see the scam. They have impaired judgement and they need to pay attention some more and listen a little better than they have been. And try listening to the truth-tellers and not the liars on commercial television.
I don't know the truth but I can tell you I was very sick in Sept 21, nothing I have ever expericed before. I ordered IVM, which was terribly difficult to get, took 2 weeks to arrive. I coughed 24 hours a day, gurgling in my lungs. After I started IVM, started to feel better in 1 day. I was under Dr care (remotely) and after 14 days was 100% back to normal. Something was going around. I did not imagine it. I wrote daily logs, recorded what I ate, time I took vitamins. I walked around the house with a tote of Vitamins (C, D, Zinc, Niacin, NAC, Quercatin, etc). Not tested for anything.
I do not know or claim to know anything about viruses. All I know from first hand experience people around me got really sick from something. I have been around it since early 2020, and have not been sick with cold or any other so called covid, not even a sinus infection. The one thing I did differently was to nebulize with H2O2, 3% H. P. for 5 minutes a day or every other day. My sinuses always gave me a fit, sinus infection lasted for days. When nebulized with H2O2, sinus problems gone. I am uneducated 75yo and I may be wrong, but, I think was the nebulizing that did the trick for me! Does that seem logical?
Yep, seems logical to me. I nebulize H2O2 also, but never 3%. I dilute it, usually to 0.5%. I've gone as high as 1.5%. But I've seen Dr Mercola recommend using only 0.1%. Did you mean that you use 3% H2O2 undiluted? (I have seen some physicians say undiluted H2O2 also is okay.) I also gargle with povidone iodine and use PI also in a netti pot as a nasal wash.
Exceptional! Yes, 3% has been used for decades I and others around me have used 3% for years. WARNING WARNING, side affects are No known virus can survive nebulized H2O2, I have not had a sinus headache since nebbing, have had no sinus infection, no stopped up sinuses. I use H2O2 as a mouth wash (I keep it till it stops bubbling). Last 5 years go to dentist 2 times a year, they keep asking me why I have no plaque. Mam, I use H2O2 as a mouth wash, but why is there no plaque. Mam, I can't explain why I have no plaque, good genes I guess. I go thru this twice a year. If she is that dumb maybe I should go somewhere else? I'm dumb for staying with her! I don't use PI nor do I use nettie pot, but, thats a good idea. I use organic vinegar for under arms smell control, I never smell! If I can help with any questions concerning these topics, let me know. I'm on a roll to eradicate dr's from my life, hope you will join in. I have lots of life experiences over my 75 y on this God created earth. Blessings to you, from hoss.
Overcome, thank you for your post. I use the nebulizer and neti pot. I also promote apple cider vinegar in place of deodorant. You are on a roll!! :)
When I first started posting on several sites, no one would post back about H2O2, now I get several a day. Thank you very much for you posting back. Do you remember nicotine patches? That got me thinking??? Now I do some self medicating thru the skin. Iodine, magnesium, etc.. Have a blessed....
I dont wuite understand the procedure, and how to do it? Can you please clarify?
Buy a nebulizer, (if rechargable, charge it up) if not rechargable, wash the plastic face cup with soap and water, dry it off. Wash the area, where the Hydrogen Peroxide is poured into, with soap and water, dry. Pour about 1/4 of an inch of H2O2 into the compartment that holds the H2O2. Cut the nebulizer on and breathe H2O2 fist for 5 minutes! I breath it for 5 min. a day. Some people us food grade H2O2, I use it straight off the shelf. Hope this helps.
Greg, I use 3% but I dilute it in 2 cups of pure water together with celtic sea salt. Then I nebulize 1 tsp. What is the recipe amounts you use? I love to compare.
I have wondered if mixing a batch and letting it sit around for a while might reduce the potency of the H2O2. That's why I mix it as I use it.
DandD I don't keep it longer than 3 days covered over but I appreciate your thoughts on this. Maybe I will just mix as needed and not keep it around.
Straight 3% in nebulizer for 5 minutes a day or every other day. I would not dilute, at all. I'M no doc, but, from a lay person point of view, it works for me. Have had no sickness for decades, had no use for dr's for decades. At 75yo I do things that work for me so I can be around a while longer to do my savior"s work. Yet, when my task is completed he will call me home. Hope I have been of help to you. hoss
Bless you! I feel the same way; and I am an OVERCOMER, too! Praise the Lord!!
I appreciate your feedback. It is obviously working well for you!! From what I read it says dilute but maybe you are onto something. 75 and going strong - I love it!!
I used Dr Mercola's (Dr Brownstein's) formulation as well. I don't understand why people are so scared of it. Our own bodies produce hydrogen peroxide! There is a lot to be learned by reading about these topics on NIH website. They tell us verbally the exact opposite of what is demonstrated in the studies. Gee, I think that's called lying!
Greg, what is your formula for the nebulizer. Your recipe, if you will. I would appreciate it and others too, no doubt. :) Thank you.
Yes, that is absolutely logical. My husband came down with covid January 2021. I had read about nebulizing hydrogen peroxide about a month before that and got a tabletop nebulizer just in case. Well, I mean to tell you, when he started taking the treatments, he said he could feel the difference right away and he never got a cough even though he is one of those who gets a lingering cough after every cold. By the way, as far as I can tell, I never got covid and haven't even had a cold in at least 4 years. I'm 70 yrs old.
The nebulizing hydrogen peroxide can be used for colds and flu as well. I think what has protected me the most is gargling with it every day, but then I switched to povidone iodine to gargle with and use as a nasal spray when I read that hospitals use it to swab noses and throats of comatose patients. It even cleared up a tooth problem that I was dealing with.
Hi DandD - what is your recipe for use? I would appreciate knowing. I have nebulized hydrogen peroxide (diluted) but I always like to hear what others use for dilution amounts. How much povidone iodine for the gargle? Thanks! :)
For nebulizing, I used 3% food grade and diluted it according to Dr Mercola & Dr Brownstein. For general gargling with regular drugstore H2O2, I use a 50-50 solution in a little bathroom cup enough for two gargles and I try to breathe some up into my nasal passages whilst holding some in my mouth. With the povidone iodine, I add 2-3 drops of 10% PI in 1.5 oz of water, and about the same solution in a nasal spray bottle (Amazon, I know, I know...) and I use that when I get home after I've been shopping, etc. or in close contact with others, like at church. I bump it up to a little more often if I feel a twinge in my throat or some post-nasal drip developing. We don't have to spend loads of money on over-the-counter junk. The 16oz bottle of PI I bought January of last year has about 13oz left! I paid $10 for it!
Good for you! here is an article you will like. Page 32 is a good starting point. Please pass this on to others lets kill big pharma!
Great! I just ordered two copies of the book--one to keep and one to pass around. Thanks so much!
You are a sheep. You fell for the scam that covid exists. You were infected by an imaginary virus that has never been isolated. Your illness was all in your head. You can't spread it to anyone. You can neither catch nor spread something that doesn't exist It's the same story as with HIV. There is no need for gay couples to use condoms. If you are a junkie, it's safe to shoot up with the same needle as an AIDS patient. There is no need for the purportedly HIV infected to take an Rx which suppresses the non-existent virus to undetectable levels. Being sick with Covid Sx is a con. Your Sx are all psychosomatic. Even if you were coughing non-stop in grandma's face she'd still be safe.
And your clinical proof is? Your science degree, lab experience, etc?
It was tongue in cheek Linden. It's the opposite of what I contend to be true. I regret that a couple of readers took it seriously.
OK... Thx!
Don't bother. This commenter lives to push people around the chess board. All attention-getting, all the time. 😂
Overgeneralization fallacy there Jonesy. I only have to find one exception to your "all" or "all the time" to prove you wrong. Read "The Coddling of the American Mind" co-written by Jonathan Haidt in 2014 in The Atlantic to learn more about yourself and the irrationality of your thought processes.
You claim to write tongue-in-cheek, to a 70 year old poster, simply to attempt a chain yank and monopolize that person's time. Who are the "couple of readers" who took it seriously? I count exactly one. The woman you replied to ignored you - she must be familiar with your act. 😂
I am not a sheep or a sheeple. I missed something here? I only stated what happened to me, nothing more nothing less. I'm slow sometimes, can you explain? Also, I have not been sick in decades! I must say you are a passionate writer, your words jump off the screen!
Ignore JonesySmart. She's on a mission to take offence, sensitive and a bit paranoid and holds a grudge. Read "The Coddling of the American Mind" on "precious snowflake syndrome" to understand where Jonesy is coming from. I don't think you're a sheep Overcomer. Far from it. The comment was "tongue in cheek," written to be absurd. It was written in response to KLZ and Denise Ward, not you. I asked Denise questions related to the purported non-existence of viruses and she didn't reply. Her comments are below mine now. Originally they were above. My view is that viruses exist. My comments were not intended to ridicule you or anyone, only to show up the absurdity of the view espoused by Denise and others that viruses don't exist.
AwakeNotWoke, well said. well taken on this end. Thanks, hoss.
Thank you.
That's certainly a lot of absolutes. Didn't you just attempt to insult my "generalizations"? But you got your attention fix. 😂
Is it a waste of time screening blood donors or supplies for HIV then Denise? What kills the infants who die following transfusions with contaminated blood? Or does that not happen? It's just a long standing scam? You'd have no problem being transfused with purportedly HIV contaminated blood from a donor with a purported high viral load? Why does the condition of HIV patients improve in response to anti-retrovirals? What alternative treatment would you suggest?