
got to take the flame thrower to these beasts.

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Homicides down 80% in Venezuela

Killers have mostly moved to US

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kaboom, this is an exceptional statement for it is correct

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we have them now

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• Report today high rise in Chicago by same Venezuelan Gang Invasion.

• Report *October Surprise Jihad*

I though I would see that Report here.

• "InOne Hour" Boss!

USA Captured- coast2coast.

(wtf- I don't wanna be right, but it's REAL)

I learned this Plan- 2015 Jade Helm*

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Makes sense, doesn't it?

Just keep on sending them our way.. We can take 'em. Said nobody ever!

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Hi Elusive.

The GOP keeps us begging for a police state, while Harriss is planing to take our guns.


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it is very frightening that this can come to fruition

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Moreover Dr Alexander,

Members of the GOP are selling Trump down the river.


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I see this, and they trying to destroy him...his campaign managers are subverting him

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The GOP RINOS were always there. He can overcome them.

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Hey! Long time no see


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Nice to talk to you as well,Elusive.

Here's some stuff on Kamala


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nice sharing, informative

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content disturbing

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Thank you! How's the missus? 😄

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She's fine thank you. Since it's 115•f outside right now we are talking a siesta before dinner

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OMG! Isn't she's the she-devil who conducts blood rituals involving children?

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I've got some new stuff on Kamala as well

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thank you for being here

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Always a pleasure to be here ,Dr Alexander

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We can also "take 'em" down!

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After we hang them up!

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Tren joining with MARA MS-13...deadly

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THis may just be the beginning... what do you think all these thugs and military men are going to do when the economy crashes?

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you are on the money

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The same thing that’s going to happen when Trump takes office. No more free gifts! It’s gonna hit the fan and we Americans are going to pay bigly. That’s what’s it all about.

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Jade Helm 15-- (2015)

Trying to Extract Americans.

DaveHodgescommonsenseshow.com, several articles 10 years.

• Michael Yon "In One Hour" USA Conquered- Coast2Coast Grid Down-

Madd Maxx Terrorists door2door- Block all Interstates- Slaughter.

I've researched this 10 years. Saw it coming 4,000 days&nights.

God be with you*

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Venezuela murder rate falls almost to nothing. While our homicide rates have jumped up worse than Chicago killings ever were. Jails were emptied here due to overcrowding. Why don't they enforce laws or modify the ones soft on crime. The thugs get better treatment person here even on the streets without a home. They are given homes, food, and special preferences while people that have been here for a long time get the shaft and can go without. Discrimination against law abiding citizens. Election time so they have to cater to more people coming across the border to murder us the clot shot is bad enough that is being shoved down everyone throats. Why can they go without getting the mandatory shots according to the CDC and FDA demand.

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When the Civil War starts,we will have to fight them alone, without help.

The police will be at home with their families.

The Army will be fighting for Israel, and in Ukraine.

You will have to act like free people and defend yourselfs

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kaboom, what a shot but devastatingly interesting post...white spaces hold much content

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Jade Helm 15


1- The police & US Military will go door2door to extract us-"get on the bus or die".

2- The good police will be Disappeared before the Jihad starts.

3- nobody coming to save us.

All planned decades ago.

4- Oct 7 style Jihad.

5- warnings on line for "October Surprise"

No grid- water- travel- no food- NO SLEEP.

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We are not able to stop the machine now.

We must ride the full course out.

Do you not know those pictures of Magaprisions are photoshopped ?

Look at all those beefy males in the pictures.

Just like the orks on the Lord of the Rings were photocopied.

Still the fact is we are being put into a Hagilain Dilatic, we see the problem and beg for a police state, and the government gives it to us.

Why? Because our slave mindset can only beg for help.

Kamala was on stage today screaming for gun confenscation .

Those Magaprisions will house patriots, not gang members

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Sep 5·edited Sep 5Author

I dont want them to house us the patriots, I am not asking for police state, I want all beasts torn up, quartered, destroyed, and put in hard labor torturous prisons...but not us, just the bad guys..

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we need the right government to ensure it houses the gangs only

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I understand you on this Dr Alexander. I stand with you about the gangs. I've seen them come up from Mexico for a long time now. I've known professional coyotes and other such unsavory folks in my day.

The cops have to live with them too.

If you think you can make Magaprisions work, go for it.

I actually learned the route that drug traffickers took all the way from points in Mexico to Canada.

I even spoke to a DEA Agent about it.

Do you know what happened.????


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You have 2.4 million CCP Soldiers plus Terrorists from all over the world- Iran- Syria- Yemen, .....

They are not from only Mexio.The Canadian border is conquered.

• Watch Michael Yon with Maria Zee "Prepare For The Worst"

• Gregg Reese substack with Matt Beacken.also Speial Forces- time at Darien Gap' knows Michael Yon. Same Intel.

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always on the money DARKSTAR

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"how hard it is for border agents to vet migrants from nations that won't provide criminal background info." Well, duh! Just don't let them in. Vetting is a waste of time for "armed" gangs who kill cops!

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It’s all carefully orchestrated by the demons at the top. Once these gangs get to be “too much” they lock the country down and release national guard. They should just start sending special operator teams out to clean up this mess, they would operate without martial law under the cover of night 🙏🌎

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hhhmmm interesting

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Yes indeed, the power structure needs to remove thumb from asses and do what “WE THE PEOPLE” pay them to do🤡🌎🙏

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Anyone else feel like Bukele is behind some of this? How the hell do u just start letting murderers out then right into our country 🤡🌎

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Bukele is locking them up in El Salvador, even asking US to send MS-13 Mara to him but Harris said no, they will be ill treated

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who would not want to dispatch killers?

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How the hell are they pouring over our borders if both sides aren’t in on it??

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Yes, crime is way down in Venezuela BECAUSE they released all their gangs from prison and they were being WELCOMED in the USA with money , refuge and yes even GUNS.

This is the years of work of several presidents to destroy America with Bush, Clinton's and OBAMA , and BIDEN ensuring the treason and sellout of USA citizens .

They and MANY of today's politicians (which could have closed the open border) should be charged, sent to GITMO and more.

A civil war is now almost inevitable. The GLOBALISTS and billionaire psychos will STOP at nothing.

Be prepared . This is far from over.

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They are 100 km from our house. I have never been much of a "well-ordered militia" kind of guy, but change is on the horizon.

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"they have orders to kill US law enforcement" - from Harris no doubt. She's trying to defund the Police in the same towns these monsters are killing them!

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The sheeple here have no idea of true violence is or what these savages are like they’ve been so insulated even bad sections of town are not even close to how this animals live in their home countries. They’re here so you better have your big boy and big girl pants on nobody is going to help you

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Harris' Aragua train murdered cops. Why not? They're here because of our sick, evil pretender VP. Wish they'd run over DC instead of cops.

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We don't need MAGA prisons Dr. Paul. We shouldn't spend one dime on keeping these animals alive. The only thing that should be spent on these vermin are spent shell casings.

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yes, but many are islamic converts too, they want death...so we keep them alive, no 72

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Dr. Paul, they want to meet God? We should do everything we can to arrange the meeting.

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