Sheep, believing the Govt BS about ; "Safe & Effective", paying with their lives...

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Also, paying with their kids' lives!


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All of the above plus being persuaded it’s the unvaxed that are evil and wrong. No, the gov would never allow anything unsafe.

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Exactly! 😑

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I’m from the U.K. The NHS is gagging to get us all vaxed. This is my SEVENTH notice from the NHS to go and get my free civid jab. I can also get a flu shot at the same time.

Dr Nikita Kanani, MBE head of NHS vax programs tells me that ‘Seasonal vaccinations have proven safety records.’

Dr Nikita Kanani is of course a liar, but a well paid one.

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....‘Seasonal vaccinations have proven safety records.’

Is of course a lie, but the bigger obfuscation is trying to pretend the genetic injections have the same (un)safety profile as the conventional vaccines. Nothing could be further from the truth; the mRNA abominations will seriously harm/kill in more ways than there are stars in the sky.

They also said 'It stays in the arm' and 'it is broken down by the body in no time'.

I've never been happier to be an ex-pat.

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Ro, I’m an ex-pat and watch UK Column News. They are very good… just in case you aren’t aware of them. They share a lot of great information.

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Wonder when the story will officially break...

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It is going to take a very long time to fully trust any Health Agency that is promoting an 'experimental vaccine'. How many other vaccinations are bogus?

My brother, when he was 6 years old, had a reaction to the small pox vaccination. It affected him like leukemia and he was rushed to hospital where he was given several blood transfusions. He survived. Two other children had a reaction at the same school. These vaccinations, at that time, were given by the Public Health Nurse at the school. This was back in 1948. A long time ago but have things really changed?

Trust is something that goes along with Respect. You can't have one without the other.

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From various news sources, the numbers between 750 Million, and One Billion, will perish from the Covid Vax. Remember, all the ; Firefighters, Police, Athletes, the Military, Most Enertainers, Commercial Pilots, and anyone who needed to keep a job, got the " Vax"?

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Many Family Bloodlines, will end with this Generation, Miscarriages are increasing, as are still births. Fertility is under attack. Anyone seen a Pregnant Woman lately? Checked for Hospital births?

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My family and friends just send everything to junk, but I will send this anyway. Sad. The perps must held accountable.

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I don't doubt that the vaccines are neither safe nor effective, but this data presentation would be more objective if the bars were normalized to the relative number of people in each category. Presumably, there were a lot more that were vaccinated than not, in which case normalizing the data would reduce the differences shown in the charts.

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So what’s the official cause of death for people quadruple vaxxed? Stupidity?

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Yes! 🐑 😑

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More on this in the Irrgang study. After three jabs, the Ig4 antibodies are up significantly; they tell the immune system to tolerate the virus, that's dangerous when someone catches COVID several times. The virus is tolerated, so it can wreak havoc in the organs.

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Dr Paul, Triple and quadruple-vaccinated population aren't vaccinated.

They're poisoned.

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I'm starting to see around me that the triple or xxxx vaxxed are getting more colds. Good grief... so many at the office got boosters lately. It seems to be part of the firm's "culture". Yesterday, a pregnant young women got her shot. I'm so grieved. I pray everything goes well for her and her baby...

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If the first or second didn't kill, stands to reason the third or 4th would. These are supposed Covid deaths, by a test, but did they die of other things, heart attack, stroke, etc. as well as positive test? Where's data for all non Covid deaths, jabbed, unjabbed?

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Why are all the jabbies getting covid constantly over and over again? Compromised immune systems? Everyone I know that’s vaxxed has had covid several times. I’ve never had any and never had covid.

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No more money for the sick.

No more GoFundMe donations.

Spend your dollars on the fighters.

- If you want to win.


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This is fairly useless data. We need deaths per thousand in each cohort. We don't know the size of each group.

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