I will hunt child pedophiles if laws are relaxed for a few hours and we are allowed to purge in real...it is not so but in my dreams, if allowed legally, I can hunt pedophiles

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For us that are fully awake, the lies are so obvious. It is difficult for me to comprehend that so many people still believe these lies! That is why as a civilization, I think we are doomed.

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The beasts need to stop pushing poison injections into kids bodies, or they'll probably hang for treason.. The parents may go after them when they find out what they've done.

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The beast need to be hung

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Can we say Amen. Amen

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I am so angry at you Americans (I have 2 U.S sons in America) how could so many of you be this stupid and do not question the 72 vaccines being injected in to your children (not my) before they are 18? No idea what the vaccine adjuvants do to the body? One reason, the major reason for 60% American children suffer from chronic health conditions. How I am supposed to feel when the freaking Czech communists I grew up under, did not do this to us? Did all the vaccines the Big Pharma injected in to you damaged your brains? I am so pissed.

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this is a superb informed post and heartfelt as a parent, thank you Paul

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They treat us like being imbeciles…

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this work by Tri is super good, support him please

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Amazing how everything from Sun Rise to Sun Set is considered a contributor to the wave of excess and early deaths we have seen - everything EXCEPT the 'safe and effective' covid cocktail aka a "vaccine".

To those who nod their heads to 'video gaming as a cause of young peoples' deaths' and warn others to avoid sunshine and fresh air because 'it'll kill ya' ..... I suggest removing your heads from outta your asses.

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on the money, so grateful

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Tri Torch wrote a great article about a terrible thing. I appreciated all the screenshots of the documents. Most people that work with kids have good intentions. Pedos use kids programs or schools for access. My mother told me when I was young that "wolves go to where the sheep are" as a metaphor for pedophiles seeking children. She wasn't wrong.

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