They are being groomed to get onboard the Socialism express. The 87k IRS agents will take from us and give to them.

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Naaaa...they just print up all they want to give them.

After all..."The Federal Government, with the cooperation of the Federal Reserve, has the inherent power to create money--almost any amount of it."

~ The National Debt, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, p. 8

ALMOST? Why only ALMOST? What keeps them from creating ALL they want? You? Me? Your dog? A full moon?

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Very sad

These communist will be the end of America as we know it😞

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Too bad survey didn’t ask political affiliation, sex and race. (Liberal white unmarried women #1 despondent would surprise no one)

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It’s a perfect storm of multiple reasons. Glyphosate bathed food, forever endocrine disrupting chemicals everywhere, and that lovely CDC shot scheduled which guarantees the infant will be aluminum toxic it’s entire first year of development. These are just three really obvious ones.

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Lots are on anti-depression or anti-anxiety meds. I’ve noticed younger men are getting in on the action...mentioning bouts of depression which is basically unheard of until now.

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We’ve groomed them all through food and toxins. Men with boobs from overeating soy products, puberty blockers to give them time to indenting their gender; seriously?! It’s no wonder they’re a mess!

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Which btw may be the real reason why so many go vegan. Innfact, I recently learned that when people take a certain class of antidepressants - MAO / monoamine oxidase uptake inhibitors - as did Sam Bankman Fried! -, their bodies do not tolerate meat well. Even the medications seem to list foods that are not well tolerated, inter alia all kinds of meat at least processed, cured, aged, tenderized. - I heard that there are 13 million US citizens on psychiatric meds, mostly under 50 years of age and the great majority of them between 14 and 25 years. A lot of people, and in the "vegan" age range. I assume many of them already before the last two three years and measures. I really think that this is one underlying reason for much of the veganism. In many cases, ie where MAO inhibitors are taken, veganism could be nothing but a virtue signaling distraction from the real more selfish reason for rejecting and wanting to ban meat, namely that it is dangerous to their health under their (permanent) medication. Especially since it seems this MAO stuff can also be taken as cognitive enhancer. With that, you probably have half of Silicon Valley as customers, and they are (have to be - read the mayo clinic etc warnings) vegans quite often?? (It hopefygoes without saying that this is NOT meant to insult anyone needing psychiatric medication and not simultaneously wanting to dictate what others should not eat.)

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Psychiatric medication is based on pseudo science just like the profession itself. https://courageouslion380.substack.com/p/the-ssri-connection-to-suicides-spontaneous

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Dec 10, 2022
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Most of the school shooters were on those drugs.

But, law enforcement and the medical examiners never let that information out.

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Isn’t that what makes them ripe for CIA MK-ultra recruitment for false flag shootings?

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Yes, I believe so.

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That’s what being raised on participation trophies instead of earning based on merit will get you. It’s sad.

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Quite right, Sheri.

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When I see large numbers of teenagers leaving school with masks on, you know they've been seriously messed with.

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They’re realizing that their education is terribly defective. Especially those who went to expensive schools are finding out they were cheated, and many have borrowed money to be brainwashed.

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Two somewhat conflicting points.

First, I believe that mental health DID decline for sure because of the fear mongering and lockdowns. Covid didn't cause this decline, it was governments and their unnecessary, destructive counter-measures that did the damage.

Second, 42% is a falsely inflated percentage, inflated intentionally by psychiatric and psychology groups for the sole purpose of selling more treatment and psychiatric medications. Same thing that was done over covid itself - falsely inflating its lethality in order to get the world's population to agree to inject its deadly toxins. Psychiatric groups have done this for decades - exaggerated a situation so as to inflate mental decline for financial purposes.

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Canada is looking to expand their euthanasia law to include mentally illness. Here is the US I'm sure pharma inc. is working on a miracle mRNA products to treat mental illnesses.

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I think it's what the biden administration is doing to this country that's affecting kids' mental health. Parents stressed, kids stressed.

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You may be on to something. Maybe we can get Chairman Xiden to move to his most favored country. CHINA.

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All done on purpose.

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Not surprised. When you are brought up to believe the entire universe revolves around you and you finally realize it MIGHT not, you're sure to be a tad depressed. Especially, if you additionally realize you MIGHT be disposable.

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Weak willed more like.

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Rational response

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I want to commend Dr. Paul Elias Alexander for allowing non paying subscribers to read his articles and post comments. Many writers aren't so generous. I for one am not rolling in the dough so to speak and can only afford to support so many at any given time. I wish I was more financially capable of supporting more, but there are so many out there that have a lot to give that I just can't do it. So when I go to Robert Malone's page and can't say anything I think that he doesn't realize he is stifling some good feedback. Again, THANK YOU DR. ALEXANDER! We appreciate your input in this insane environment we are in these days.

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Covid may have had something to do with this, but a lot of mental illness was under the surface in that generation. The world does not fit their expectations or delusional education.

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