No new news here. The thing I'm going to continue to emphasize is this: the "silent majority" was not consulted. We continue to be the VAST MAJORITY who are rigorously under represented in all such propaganda as this. Not buying.

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Dennis - absolutely

I no longer trust any poll

The ONLY poll that matters is...are you with God & HIS way or not!

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Of course not... this ain't a democracy...

The masses consist of Circus Animals and Barnyard Animals --- and there is a very small group at the very top who own the farm.

They give you fake democracy but all the key decisions - they make.

Real democracy would be a total disaster - do you really think that fools who inject Suicide Juice should have a say


They would win cuz they are the overwhelming majority

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The they I think you are referring to (that would win) are not a majority by any stretch of the imagination. Rather a highly media magnified subset of malcontents and mentally ill who would not be long for this world should push be forced to come to shove. And that very well may have to happen. IMHO.

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Well said Dennis. 110 and done Brother! The foul Tribe you reference needs to be kept alive just long enough to see all the gold they have buried under 66 Rothschild Castles repatriated, and all their melanin rich Orcs, expelled. Hail Victory.

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On the other hand, if anyone asked about joining the military, I would strongly recommend not to. They don't have the soldiers' backs.

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So many people are blindly following Soros’ evil agenda to destroy our entire existence for one word government

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Nah... they are exterminating us... and we go willingly if we are Mass Demoralized.

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Yes we'll the problem is that being a patriot now might get one labeled as a Domestic Violent Extremist or DVE. Just saying....Merrick Garland DOJ.

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No surprise, it's clear these principles and attitudes have been declining for decades. Along with other principles such as integrity, honor, genuine competence, Bill of Rights freedoms and plain common sense.

All these values, principles and attitudes have been deliberately eroded, through psychological/political/educational operations being run over the past 40 years or so. All to intentionally weaken the US to make it easer to assimilate it into a global, feudalistic governance. And those psy-ops have worked well.

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Paul and all,

How about this for a great Sunday message…one of Truth/Light?

Truth/Light will set you free!


Paul and all…Ready to finally unite with serious strategic planners to stop the continuing destruction? See Lex below…

P.S. Personally…I have worked with the NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER group for 15 years and can tell you they are America’s best brilliant and strategic minds!

Please help spread Lex’s pieces…important information ALL Americans need!

Reach out to Lex at his email found at the end of all his pieces to find out how to receive his information!

Come join with the best!


A Mother/Grandmother Lion of 6 and counting

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Well, the fish gets spoiled from head to tail…

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WSJ is no longer a valid source for news to any thinking, discerning person so such results from a poll of its current readership is unsurprising.

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Another P.S. from TRUTH MATTERS…

Who would join a series of live conference calls if Lex Greene agreed to them?

Sooner or later information/evidence must be coordinated action information!

War is a TEAM sport, right?

Paul…WE NEED YOU, Peter McCullough, Pierre Kory, Mike Yeadon, David Martin, Ana Maria Mihalcea, Sasha Latypova and any other persons for starters in on these live conference calls to discuss ideas and solutions!



A Mother/Grandmother Lion of 6 and counting

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Yup - MASS DEMORALIZATION is the policy.

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I don't feel like my values have changed, but I also would have been classified as pulling away from patriotism, religion and hard work. Patriotism because I felt it was abused to get me to support the Iraq wars. Religion because of their near-complete cave-in to the trans and Covid movements. And hard work because it seems like it doesn't matter when you look at the intentionally high cost of housing, food, electricity, etc.

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Join them if you must. I will not relinquish myself or mine to this ideology of guaranteed failure and servitude.

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I DESPISE anti-white male Weimerica, and given how culturally debauched it has become...I would aid any enemy that came here to topple the jews in charge. Mind you, I am from 4 generations of military officer stock, and served myself. I would fight for a White Republic. Nothing else. Amerika has become a very poor deal for white men.

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Weird. When you bring in a bunch of non Americans, you get unAmerican behavior and values.

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In how many other countries did the founding fathers include "the right to sodomy" in their constitution? None. The US is a nation founded under God. SCOTUS confirmed that constitutional, God given right in Lawrence v. Texas, 539 U.S. 558. Only the US has that "right" in its consitution. Other countries don't want it. How many other countries have "drag queen hour" in their schools? Not many. Most countries don't want it. How many countries support child gender transition and young girls being allowed to have mastectomies without parental consent because they think they are boys? Not many. Conservative, Christian countries don't want Americans coming to their countries and some have nuclesr wrapons pointed at the US to ensure it doesn't happen.The US is seen in many countries as a land of pedophile sodomites and child mutilation proponents. You need a reality check. Much of the rest of the world is conservative and Christian. That's the unAmerican values you are talking of. The rest of the world does not want this filth that the US has shown are its real values.

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Go to Israel. Then get back to me. You may need the reality check.

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Pre 1960s the American ideals were something to uphold. I do not stand for America of today. It is satanic.

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These are F ing liars! The global elite need to be removed from society. With their control mechanisms ...promoting Tranny reading hour and filthy books on how to be homosexual in the school libraries. With them racially dividing the country with their rhetoric on white supremecy and CRT in the schools...with their focus on teaching little tiny innocent children how to change their name and their sex before they even can read. With them trying to eliminate Christianity and mock Christians. And the fact that they just sterilized over half the country and future generations if they are able to have any will be mutants. They are just trying to cover up all the evil they've been pushing. There is a special place for these beings (I don't believe they are human) the lake of fire. Their reign needs to END NOW!

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The "Global Elite" are 95% jews. Giving them our money supply in 1913 assured our destruction. I would hope after being replaced, and having our nation defaced, white Christians can find some good 'ol vengeance and blood lust. We owe this eternal parasite a damn good expulsion. No wooden doors, and this time we count.

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Well, they haven't polled ME! or my husband, or my adult sons.

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I can attest to the young people not believing in hard work. I got to watch them play Utoob on the computers, fu(kbook, twatter, playing games on their phones, texting, etc., while I was doing everyone's job. At least they all finally got caught going home 3 hours early everyday and taking long lunch breaks, leading to them having their vacation hours taken away for all the hours they missed working. 🤗😂🤣

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Polls are mostly useless and can easily be fudged. I do a few survey polls almost every week and many seem to be slanted towards garnering a certain outcome. Step outside the bounds and you are ejected from the poll. I no longer even trust the WSJ, now infected with leftist parasites.

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