Trudeau, Ford, Jordan Peterson: Trudeau & his pusillanimous feckless government are waging jihad on Peterson, demanding 're-education' else his license be stripped! If I were him, tell them keep it!
What a bunch of psychos, what a deplorable place under Trudeau & Ford to have people with 5 shots out their ars*s thinking they got 'game' not getting it that the joke's on them, Douggy screwed them
Don’t these woke morons not see that Peterson is laughing at them, you fools, you make him more famous and he is already way smarter than all of you combined, with a combined IQ of 5; he does not care, shove your license. You Trudeau and Doug Ford have the police and military vaccine injured with your vaccine mandates and there will be police and military officers who will die, not ‘if’, they ‘will’ die due to the COVID mandated gene injection. Their blood is on your hands.
To me Trudeau and Ford are two in the same, they conspired and colluded together to do the Canadian truckers what was done. Trudeau did not get to do what he did in terms of baseless violence on the truckers without the help of Premier Doug Ford, dangerous duplicitous man.
Like most Chinadians who know and care whats going on, I am looking forward to the public roasting of the wokeasses including Trudeau and the health colleges in this, the Circus of 2023.
The ignorant in Canada need to wake the hell up.