Like most Chinadians who know and care whats going on, I am looking forward to the public roasting of the wokeasses including Trudeau and the health colleges in this, the Circus of 2023.

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The ignorant in Canada need to wake the hell up.

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The ignorant in America need to do the same!

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Your answer gave me the perfect opportunity to post the following.

It certainly got my attention and I believe that it needs wider exposure:

It actually kind of creeped me out...

How the FBI Hacked Twitter

The answer begins with Russiagate




This is about so much more than Twitter.

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So much more...secret planned meetings with the WEF, major voter fraud in our elections, censored media on most social platforms, planned riots in our cities during lockdowns, advertised brainwashing millions, forced gene therapy shots , gag orders on our medical system, preventative medical access that millions of us know work!! I could go on and on!!! Major corporations all over the world involved in agenda 2030!! The squeeze on our guns, which they aren’t winning in courts yet!! Transgender mutilation pushed in our public schools,, the invasion of our boarder ....

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All programs are designed toward the ultimate extinction of Humans. Look up Harari (WEF). This is for the extinction of all species under the Natural Order. All control of Earth and Space will be under brilliant leaders.. Ultkmately all life forms would be synthetic and created by those who desire to be God....

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It's a planet wide mega crime ,the first ever of it's kind .

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This is globalist take over ...WEF ...Ukraine is a joke ...all the money is there !! Oh there’s so much more !! It’s pure evil !!

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Yes they do Lori. Say hi to the Canadian truckers for me. Canadians are my siblings from another mother. I love you guys. Flew a Canadian flag during the convoy. A rare sight in Nebraska. Got people asking questions. Happy to answer those. Stay warm my friends

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I followed them from the beginning...then the us convoy to Hagerstown Into Washington !! J6, freedom rally in DC, Defeat the mandates inLA and many rallies !!

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When you are brain dead ,waking up is impossible

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I used to think that when a few unfortunate people die it will be over. They will stop the vax. How wrong I was. Everyday the numbers mount up. Here in Australia we have never before seen all cause death numbers this high. If the vax was successful, the number should have gone down. But here we are with the worse figures ever seen. I think it is only a matter of time and we will see a mass die off event.

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And at some point A LOT OF VERY ANGRY PEOPLE!

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Of course, in line with your unquestioned logic, those of us paying attention well know and recognize this isn't about "health" at all, but rather the lunatic WEF plan to manipulate and control the world. Just one observation for Mr Schwab....if you don't succeed mate....and you won't.....you'll be emulating your Fascist hero Benito and his unfortunate paramour in the dying days of WW2 when they got introduced to the hangman's noose....inverted! Colloquially known as a "lynching party" I can imagine many attendees celebrating at Klaus' big bash!

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Does the average Australian actually KNOW how many are dying? Or is the information hidden as it is here in the U.S. mainstream media that most people watch/read?

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It gets back to the worldwide msm's culpability for willfully and criminally deceiving their audiences (not to mention the worldwide social media's disgusting censorship of highly relevant comments and info) so I'm sure there are many of us here in Australia who somehow (incredibly) still find no reason to go look for the truth...so will not find it. True story - on Xmas day I visited a very old friend and when my conversation turned to derisive comments around the covid fiasco he out of the blue yelled at me to "shut up!" When I didn't immediately comply he further yelled at me ...."You can f*ck off....!!" So I sadly got up and left. He and his wife were early covid 'vaccinees' so I've now accepted that they come under the heading of those who, having been deceived, are the hardest to convince that they have been. There can be no doubt that this has been the most effective mass brainwashing event in world history....thanks to hordes of such unquestioning non-critical sheeple.

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Yes, the brainwashing is incredibly thorough. How did so many people become so non-critical? I've given up on my brother. He thinks unless some information comes from what he deems acceptable sources (translation: from the far left drivel he reads and watches) then it's totally wrong, unreliable, etc. If I send him a source from Fox, he goes ballistic. I've mostly given up on convincing him of anything. Oh well...

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I do not watch TV here so I cannot say what is in the news. The web sites are available for anyone to see the statistics for each state etc. I think the average Aussie doesn't have a bloody clue what is happening but there is a lot of awakening when you read Facebook comments.

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Facebook allows this?

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It has been stated that the goal is to reduce the number of Humans to 500 million and that is from Agenda 30 and was on the Georgia Guidestones (before they were blown up).

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And we now find, via announcements at the current Davos lunatic-fest, that they plan to have us all living in human anthills.......no kidding! When will the madness end?

Go here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOwnIUU4ZPo

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FYI here in Ontario the College of Psychologists comes under provincial jurisdiction which is beyond Trudeau’s purview. Nonetheless another embarrassing moment for our nation

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we all have our embarrassments. you have turdo and we have xiden.

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Hey! You may have gotten the first part right, but it's not "turdo", it's "TurdEAU"!! Show a little respect... 😎

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Perhaps the Turdo name with "o" refers to his biological father.

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When is this gene therapy hysteria going to end? How can people still be brainwashed after 5 shots and so many deaths, severe adverse reactions since 2021! Wake up!!

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Because of the censorship, I suggest that people don't even know about the deaths and adverse reactions...

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I used to laugh at people when the boosters were announced. "How many of these magical wonder vaccines do you need before you realize they don't work?" I asked, "Five?" Now that we've reached five, I'm no longer laughing. Even with 10 shots and people falling dead around them every day, many people will still not question the vaccine. Yes, we are now officially in Bizzaro World.

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oh, they are so excited with this new toy, they are lining up all kinds of new RNA vaccines for old diseases. I have followed vaccines for years . The term autism was coined about the time that polio vaccine was invented. Read Dr Mary's Monkey or look t up on line.. Lee Harvey Oswald was Dr Mary's asst in a secret lab. Nothing is by accident, everything's connected.

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RE-education camps: China-Canada-China-Canada... Coming soon to a town near you. USA your turn is next.

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We still own our guns in many states !! Let them come for those and we just may see a revolution! We’re living in tyranny times!!

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Since we are speaking of the world's most renowned psychologist, public intellectual and perhaps living saint (he tells people to bear their cross, and takes up his own), I would like to introduce a word my friend learned on a podcast today. [Warning for bad language] Lalochezia, | definition of lalochezia by Medical dictionary:

lalochezia: ( lal'ō-kē'zē-ă ), Emotional discharge gained by uttering indecent or filthy words. [G. lalia, speech, + chezō, to relieve oneself]

For example, if I were to say Trudeau and this Psychology Board are fucking cunting bloody cocksucking arsefucker retards, and afterwards I felt better, that would be an instance of "lalochezia'

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Thank you, Cynthia! I finally have a name for what I've been experiencing for about 3 years now!

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I've got it bad!

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To which of those words, Cynthia, would lalochezia be referring? 🤔 🤣 😎

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"Feckless" stealing that most definitely

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Jordan Peterson will never comply with that absolute bullshit, or jump through their idiotic hoops.

Sometimes I think God Himself is causing these fools to reveal their idiocy so blatantly, similar to the way He made Pharoah and the Egyptians to be so stubborn that they refused to bend even as their rivers turned to blood, frogs leapt across their dinner plates and their faces as they slept, and locusts destroyed their crops.

Why? Because God had a point to make back then, and He surely has a point to make now. "By their fruits, ye shall know them." And, boy, those evil psychopaths have orchards full of those ripening fruits right now for all the world to see, and they just keep planting new trees.

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that's right, these warped beings are showing the behavioural characteristics of true Psychopaths!! in hte past they have had to keep it under wraps, but now with the crutch of AI technocracy and their illegal monetary "gains" they are showing exactly what they are.

previously when there were Psychiatric Centres they would have been admitted, though Psychopaths' ALWAYS think they are right and blame everyone else except themselves and many other negatives, they must always WIN, this behavoiur has been present in them since the age of 2+, therefore their AGENDA is the only way of thiking they have, and now they are all in the open and having a ball humiliating and destroying humanity - which they hate. But the weird thrill they get when they manipulate and control??!!!!! they have noi conscience nor human feelings. They watch humans ot learn how to charm and behave in public but now, we see the true characters exposed.

This is the next step in evolution - that the good people must deal with them and then set Society on a far better course.

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Peterson has had great success and it would seemthe ‘higher-ups are jealous!’

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Absolutely. in addition, I have a feeling that his words might just be a wee bit stronger than that they should keep it.

Part of me wishes he would go to the re-education camp, bring a video crew and then we could all enjoy JP verbally keel-hauling the entire bunch of them!

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clown show, canadian edition

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This is what happened when Stalin came into power, he 'offed' all his opponents and those 'intellectuals'...the people that had status before he came along. The artists etc.

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I feel the College of Psychologists’ threat to Dr.Peterson will backfire, and they’ll look like idiots.

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I can't fix Canada. Leave is my only answer.

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Thanks, Trudeau, Ford, and the rest, for giving Mr. Peterson the opportunity to entertain the rest of us as he verbally beats you all into bloody pulps.

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