They aren’t STUPID. They are EVIL. They know exactly what they are doing.

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I agree. It’s all on deadly purpose. The ‘high and mighty’ are getting rid of useless eaters. I’m beginning to suspect evil first, until “proven” otherwise. It’s a sad world we’ve inherited. But God will prevail and these evil-doers will be held accountable and pay eternally for each and every victim.

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Dr Alexander, I agree with many of the wise and irate things that you write. I question very strongly, however, all your glowing peon of regulatory virtue for other vaccines as if they result in safe and effective preparations which increase health and decrease harm.

The regulatory process may be lengthy and expensive, but the litany of acute and chronic harm accruing to every vaccinated population, the loss of babies, children, adults and seniors to the cataclysmic harms they induce and the untold coin clinking into the infinitely deep coffers of Bigger Than Ever/Bigger Forever Pharma make it clear that the elaborate, expensive and time consuming regulatory process is precisely the same sham as 50 people (8% of whom died)/8 mice/23 healthy adults/44000 people but we won't look at the adverse events "Safety" and never mind, we won't look at transmission "efficacy" studies for these injections.

Because autism, asthma, all cause deaths, ADD/ADHD/Learning Disabilities, leukemia, brain tumors, rheumatoid arthritis, Alzheimer's, cardiovascular disease, etc., etc., that's why.

And for the enshrinement of this system, we have WHO and the UN to thank for their depopulation schemes and medicalization of life to our detriment.

How about suggesting that all of your readers visit https://PreventGenocide2020.irg to find out more and take effective action to get us the Hell out of this killer system?

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100%, though vaccines aren't the only way: growing food/tobacco in uranium filled phosphate fertilisers; glyphosate (slowly destroys the cardiovascular system amongst a range of other horrors); emfs, it is incorrect to think that only 5G is harmful, 2G/3G/4G were all killers as well; iron overload; plastic contamination (nano/micro plastics have recently been found in brains/hearts!); many synthetic medicines such as chemotherapy or statins; seed oils replacing saturated fats; .....


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🔥🎯Thank you. Yes and yes, and hell, yes.

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Nicely written, but all vaccines bad all the time? Absurd. IMHO. The world was beset by REAL pandemics killing masses of people until vaccines were discovered and implemented.

Baby, bathwater.

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Link isn't working.... :(

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How typical. 🤔💩

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Trudeau is the lead asshole. He gave all these fuckers an "attaboy" "attagirl" "attawhateverthefuckyouare" and a raise. Hope his ex-wife has a bodyguard.

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"Trudeau is the lead asshole." IDK, tough competition for that claim. Definitely top tier though.

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Clarification: Lead asshole in Canada.

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👍 Ahh... for sure.

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Face it, Trudeau is a pretty face in an empty suit; superficial people vote for him. Trudeau Sr. was certainly not mainstream, nor his wife Margaret.

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They're doing exactly what Castreau wants, Dr. Paul.. surely a man of your erudition is aware of his financial interest in the "vaccines" courtesy of Accuitas Therapeutics and Arbutus Pharmaceuticals? Dr. David Martin has spoken of this numerous times...🤔🙄💩

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Turd is just a puppet, he does what he is told by his satanic handlers.

These agencies do exactly what they were created for:

Health Canada Initially Created For Population Control Measures


Public Health Agency Of Canada Created As Branch Of WHO; Bill C-12 PHAC Act


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Isn’t this like demanding Charles Manson to fire Tex Watson…?

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Yeah, though I sorta feel like he should fire himself first.

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That would be the correct thing to do or jump of a building

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There are only 3 ways to spell Justins surname: Turdeau, Castreau, or Brandeau.

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His first name is F*ck.

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Or drop the surname and just call him Emperor Justinian

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Sure, that would make him Emperor Justinian the Tird.

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I am sure you realize Trudeau is not going to "solve" anything by firing people. He IS the problem, not the solution.

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Tam is going nowhere cos "she" is a transgender - "she's" got an Adams apple

Still needs to be fired and then charged with wreckless endangerment plus crimes against humanity

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Tam is repulsive.

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Fired from the end of a cannon, perhaps.

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...she got re-hired ffs!! Now, where is this MASK SEX BOOK it was talking about...

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He does have a bulge in his dress

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Don't forget Bonnie Henry of British Columbia.

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Thats right never forget Bonnie the beast

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Albertans all had to witness Deena Hinshaw LIE to the province saying that a young boy had died of COVID - when his actual doctor testified at the National Citizens Inquiry that he was dying of a 2 year battle with BRAIN CANCER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ....what a fucking liar - then received a $253,000.00 bonus!!!!!!!!!!!! ....AHS is Corrupt to the Core and Danielle Smith knows it. We ALL know it.

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Then Hinshaw was fired and hired by BC. Hinshaw is now the Deputy Provincial Health Officer for British Columbia.

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Yeah , But BUTT heads, if THE purposed Agenda is POPULATION REDUCTION ( Democide) through ‘acceptable,’ propagandized MURDERS, such folks are simply COWARDLY just “carrying out Order$.”

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I would think that Trudeau has gobs of reasons to be put on your expanding list. Include the health officials too, if you must and see fit.

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I am putting the link in again in separate segments.




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