
Peer Reviewed: Vaccine trial data shows a negative benefit to harm ratio

“Put simply, both the Moderna and the Pfizer vaccine trial data appeared to have a negative benefit/harm ratio. I suspected that such a finding wouldn’t find its way into a peer-reviewed journal, but as of yesterday, that’s exactly what happened. Below is one of the key findings from the paper.”


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I will raise this and I know Doshi personally, smart guy. Different. I will cite Harper stack too.

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Thanks, Dr. Paul!

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Families of the "suddenly" dead must start speaking out. They aren't.

Dead babies; dead 13-year-olds; dead 16-year-olds; dead 20somethings; dead prime-of-life 40somethings...but families are not speaking truth to power!

Who is being paid to hide the killshot vax deaths in OBITUARIES?

PLEASE read obits for a week anywhere. Canada, USA, international. FAMILIES of the dead must start speaking up!

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Unfortunately a lot of these parents and relatives are still under the influence of mass formation psychosis. They refuse to link their actions to the consequences, many will go to their graves still believing they did the right thing.

How many are still wearing their masks? treating everyone around them with fear and lashing out at the unvaccinated to blame them for all their covid issues. They still line up for boosters and live in a constant state of anxiety.

They simply won’t connect the jabs with the deaths and without autopsies there is no way to tell, plus which the medical establishment will keep up wall of silence and lies.

The insurance industry is slowly releasing their data on excess deaths but even the largest companies are being threatened into silence.

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Part of it has to be sunk cost bias, sort of exponential, astronomic sunk cost bias. Also our behavioral immune systems have kicked in long term and that predisposes us to authoritarianism according to Randy Thornhill, who analyzed pathogen stress and authoritarianism correlates in world data. It is a cult now. The 8 Mice Cult, we could call it after Igor Chudov and Dr. Paul Alexander. MSM tells people now about natural immunity, the mildness of omicron, the fact that vaccines don't prevent transmission or infection (we know there is so much more, but the MSM doesn't advertise that) and that lockdowns have been "a mistake" (Talk about understatement) So even with MSM information, the risk/benefit is all risk, and we are all going to get it, it is unavoidable, unless we wear ICU quarantine level PPE. Nonetheless people are getting these shots. That is a cult, ritualized behaviors, built over obediance to authority (like Milgram) and who the F appointed MSM an authority?

Shots and masks and more shots of all kinds (flu at UCBerkeley, which now requires childhood vaccinations also---I went to lots of schools in CA decades back and no one ever mentioned vaccine status, ever) to create some kind of clean safe spaces and clean safe people, ostensibly. Protected from a vague amorphous threat that doesn't exist or which is speculative about the future. That part is Desmet. California will be Guyana soon, with the CEO of Kaiser Hospital telling people when to drink the kool-aid. And Canada is right in goose-step with the glaze eyed zombies of California. It is terribly sad and enraging.

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Trudeau is a sociopath. He doesn't care about other people's children. He's a WEF sycophant, so he sees each child as nothing more than a life long carbon footprint. Better to be rid of.

We only beat these people by defeating them, not by appealing to their conscience.

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How can you appeal to something they haven't got?

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You cannot defeat them at the ballot box. Dominion software makes sure of that.

We in the US are already proof of that.

They are getting ready to steal the midterms now.

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He's got the deaths of stillborns and babies that never made it out to take their first breath on his hands from injected moms-to-be. He'll never feel sorry for the children dying from the shots either. What will stop this monster from doing more harm?

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He is obsessed with controlling the lives of all living creatures.

Unless those affected start doing something about it - there is no light at the end of the tunnel.

Unless a rebellion, no one and nothing will remove dictators from their comfy seats!

Look at the history of how empires have dissolved and rulers have been removed - or not (like all communist regime-ruled countries).

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Watch "The Day of the Jackyl." It won't help our situation, but it may make you feel a bit better... 😘

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Dr. A. I love that you are direct and to the point. You never mince your words. Very direct so there is no confusion as to what truth you are speaking. When it comes to the children I can not understand the choices parents make. I admit that I don’t watch msm except for a few minutes of Fox a day and that’s usually Tucker, Jesse, or Laura only. I know msm has pushed the shots b/c they were paid millions by the WH to do so and not to bring up the danger. Pfizer, moderna, ccp, and Gates also pay msm lots of $ to do their bidding. I’m at a loss w/ the parents that I know personally who sacrificed their children. These are the same ppl I know who obsess about what they feed their children. I know one teenager who has been vegan since the day she could consume food. They know what’s in fast food and processed foods. I do too and I try to only feed my family healthy homegrown foods and grass fed beef, etc but I don’t deprive them of having birthday cake or cheeseburger. I’m not as strict with it as they are yet I knew before the shots ever got EUA that they wouldn’t be safe. It was impossible to know that then although I knew they tried making coronavirus vax before and failed. Then came all the secrecy and mandates, it just never made sense to me for a single human to get it. Yet the virtue signaling parents lined their kids up and questioned me as to why and when we’d get it. I have deep sympathy for these babies and the parents even though the parents had control over the situation. I just can’t imagine being that scared or that dumb to blindly inject my children with something I know zero about. I should also admit now that I stopped vaccinating my children 9 yrs ago. I hope and pray I’m wrong but I think we’re in for a very sad and rough few decades. I’m mentally preparing myself to lose more loved ones to this evil bioweapon and to the global cult. They’re coming for us but more importantly THEY’RE COMING FOR OUR CHILDREN! When are we going to say enough? It’s going to be too late soon. I don’t at all call for violence, in fact I call for the opposite. We must peacefully but FIRMLY push back and take down the global cult before they take us down.

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The crimunal BC Government and Provincisl Health Officer, Bonnie Henry, are so eager to help parents maim and kill their kids, they're alerting parents that it's time for the 5-11 y.o. kids to get boosted (6 months since last vax). Sick bastards, they know exactly what they are doing. https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/covid-19/vaccine/booster

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99 % of parents want to protect their children.

99% of parents trusted the government at the beginning of panic-demic. They just didn't know better.

How many parents trust Crime Minister Castrudeau and his government now???

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They’ve got their heads rammed so far up their arses, they’re wandering around on all fours in the dark, looking for the light switch.

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True. But they also know damned well what they are doing.

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Is Moore still on the board of Pfizer?

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Hard to find other than 2 years ago but he is on record now talking about the moderna shot and getting that . I see drug stores with signs saying we have moderna - the darling of all things good now . Hope that helps .

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Is this why Crime Minister was at Queen’s Park to hammer Ford this week??

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I actually agree with you Dr. Alexander. THAT is what it is gonna take. Not photos in a peaceful protest.But then they will arrest the parents and charge them with interfering with a dead body.

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I don't think you quite understand, Dr. Paul: Kieran Moore not doing these things because he is incompetent and stupid. He is issuing these statements and directives, fully aware of what the Covid crapcine is, and what it will do. He knows full well older children taking the Kill Shot will die before they reach adulthood, and the younger ones, before they reach puberty, and even if heroic measures are taken or something to circumvent these genetically-modifying kill shots are found and implemented? They've been rendered sterile. He knows this. But he's doing it anyway. Why? Because he's evil, and under demonic control.

Have a look at this post from David Cheyne of Awake Canada. 42 pages of emails to and from Dr. "Butcher Bonnie" Henry, Chief Provincial Health officer of British Columbia. She's fully aware of how dangerous the Covid crapcines are, has been ever since they came out. She also has authorised the termination -- let's not pull any punches what these directives truly signify -- of children 6 months to 5 years old. But she's doing it anyway. Thus by intuitive leap, Kieran Moore also knows what he is doing. Not even Joseph Mengele would be so brazen.


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Heart breaking. I'm not sure why they complied. Evil and shameful.

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It is just heart breaking. I'm not sure why they listened to this coercion. It is evil and shameful.

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