Explain to us Dr. Alexander why Trump as President didn't fire Fauci and the rest of the doctors that were pushing the vax? He was informed by our doctors here that Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin work, yet he did nothing and still till today boosts about the fact he got the vax in record time? 😡

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I was impressed by Dr. Vashiva who ran for the Senate, but was defeated by voter fraud. https://vashiva.com/digital-cage-fake-heroes/

In this long interview he states that both GOP and Democrats pretty much agree on a big military budget, more money for Wall Street, and pressuring people to control themselves with vaccine mandates, mask mandates, social distancing, quarantines. lock downs. He denounces both Trump and Biden and predicts both of them will sponsor vaccine friendly executive orders. Best wishes to you and yours.

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I heard President Trump is NOT going to Debate any of those bottom feeders. It would be an insult to his intelligence.

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California Newsome is pushing to keep Trump off the ballot. You can cry and pound the table all you want about that ands it illegality it will not change the fact he will not be on the ballot. If we stand back and look at his covid response without hyperbole and excuses we can see he failed miserably. His failure to admit his jab is maiming and murdering people. His failure to call for Nuremberg trails for those involved in this mass injection experiment is a warning that he will do the same thing again. He should call for an immediate stop of the death jab and arrest of Pfizer and Moderna ceo and all that had anything to fo with th Ed deathjab. Mews is coming colleges are again requiring masks distancing and death jabs. And he is silent? Come on people, we have a country to save and Trump is worried about Trump

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I think that Trump could easily beat all of the Republican candidates in a debate, except for Vivek Ramaswamy, who I think would stand a good chance against him. As it relates to the Democratic candidates, I think RFK Jr. is the only one who could beat Trump in a debate. Acutally, RFK Jr would whoop Trump on issues relating to COVID and the lockdowns unless Trump changes his stance on these issues significantly and acknowledges he was wrong, and learned from his mistakes. But, even if Trump did that, it would still come across as RFK Jr winning the debate.

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Why would he debate? He clearly has the lead.

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Send them to Alaska and Alaskans will kill them all

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Dr. Alexander, even if President Trump could be elected as surely as you predict, I think you grossly overestimate the actual power of the office. There are too many unelected paychecks at stake. I fear it is simply impossible without drastically dismantling virtually the entire government apparatus, for which he will not get the cooperation he needs. The first thing he needs to do is own his own mistakes and somehow show those who simply fear him- as opposed to actually hating him- that he is not the vain, arrogant, hubristic monster they've been told that he is....but I just don't see it coming. Second thing is to sit back and reassess the men and women who have been advising him for the last few years and check their loyalties.

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It is well known that reptilians stink to high heaven.

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Hopefully you are right.

How can this be if he continues to promotes the vaxx?

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