I think that ship may have already sailed. Trump's inability to accurately judge people's character and motives and listening to the wrong people has been his downfall.

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true too

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Doesn’t Trump have an inkling of information regarding the injuries?

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his silence can only mean he knows and I think trying to calibrate how to mea cupla so he is not blamed by the people...his bigger problem is Fauci et al fixing to come blame him as ordering them etc...he got to get a jump on this

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OK so start with someone else and work up the chain. Like Trump gets a meeting with Robert Kennedy Junior and attorney Aaron Siri.The real Anthony Fauci book hasn’t been out all that long. Trump could easily focus on that. There’s so much information in there that is so damning over at least 40 years. Trump wouldn’t be the only one who didn’t know all this corruption.

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Trump isn't silent. He's been actively pushing the jab as recently as last week, with an occasional nod to "choice" being "ok" too.

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choice is 1 thing but if he doesn't acknowledge this as a dangerous drug and had he known beforehand would never have authorized its use.

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Trump is a germophobe

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Not sure that he COULDN'T have fast tracked a vaccine and I suspect that firing Fauci would have also been weaponised against him.

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It could also mean that he is still being shielded from the truth, for whatever reason.

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I would have thought they would have blamed Trump by now. Biden owns this vaccine because of his mandates.

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fixing to blame him, insiders told me

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I’ve been saying this to anyone who will listen! It is so obvious…

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And the Mass Formation psycho’s will believe it, because they WANT to.

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Trump trusted the wrong people, and he should admit that. But at least he never MANDATED anything, nor did he intend to. (Although Biden also campaigned on the “no mandatory vax” premise and look where we are now.)

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not a bit surprised. But I find it difficult to believe he told the CDC to stay quiet about vax injuries or whether or not he received financial gain from Pfizer, ect.in order to promote the vaccine. Hope he has great advisors on this and they are laying out the trail. I feel his back was against the wall with so many attacks being thrown at him. Time will tell. I hope he reaches out to you and the other docs.

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I blame Fauci. He’s the guy who knowingly lied, used burner phones to avoid FOIA, profited directly, etc.

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They will wait until it is undeniable how dangerous it is before taking that route. Sadly, those in power want to ensure maximum harm even above passing the blame. Most people I talk to at work still have no clue just how much more risk there is with getting their kids "vaccinated" versus just letting them fight it off with natural immunity.

I'm in California. The thought process for most "normies" is that our government would not pressure the citizens to do something that would cause more harm than good. Most just can't accept that there are people in our government who think nothing of what amounts to negligent homicide if it means they can gain control, wealth, and power. That and the unwillingness of doctors to stand up for truth because of fear of losing their license is a big contributor.

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You are too kind with your words, Negligence on the part of gov't officials that had their hands in this. I highly suspect it was intentional. I hope I'm wrong. Especially that our Gov't would actually be that corrupt and evil. I know differently now but didn't want to believe it. Something was off. We have yet to find out the truth behind what the Chinese were doing with gain of function. What part did Fauci play? From the first news that a deadly respiratory virus "emerged" in Wuhan, the wet market bat soup story sounded farfetched. & just by coincidence the wuhan lab was just down the street. The way the virus was behaving screamed bioweapon. I'm not a scientist, just nurse. What do I know. Then something odd was going on early Feb 2020, all the sudden there were no N95 masks when I went for my annual fitting, and was told there wouldn't be any for at least 6 months. I thought the hospital kept them stocked. We only wore them if we needed to care for In-patients with TB. Which was seldom if ever. Certainly not in my dept. The rest is history. Senator Rand Paul knows. So does Senator Ron Johnson. What we have seen play out over the past 2 years is horrifying. The fact that they rolled out a vaccine in record time seemed like a weird coincidence. If it sounds too good to be true it usually is. I have a hard time believing Trump would have pushed it out if he wasn't completely convinced that it wasn't safe.

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the media will beat the drum and Trump will be blamed

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Why can’t any one of them get up there and say stop the Vax? Why can’t DeSantis even put a moratorium on certain ages? There’s something deeper to this insanity.

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The problem is that politicians run a thin line between having enough approval to stay in office versus being honest. DeSantis knows that if he comes out with a moratorium against vaccination for even the young where it is obviously much more fatal than COVID-19, he runs the risk of being branded what we accuse the other side of - taking away freedom. Politically, it would be suicide. Unfortunately, most people still think the vaccine is wonderful and are clueless. Even when people around them drop dead unexpectedly, they won't put two and two together - and of course the latest mantra is that "long covid" is killing people rather than vaccine adverse events.

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It was my opinion that once Dr. McCullough, Dr. Malone, Dr. Cole, Dr. Mikovits, Dr. Tenpenny, Dr. Northrup, Dr. Gold, Dr. Zelenko and others came out… Trump should have begun to publically question what the hell was going on… instead… he kept taking credit for “operation warp speed”, and for getting the vaccines out. I had begun to doubt Trump, too, as Trump should ha e known what s as ll these doctors were saying… did he not believe these doctors?

I wonder what Trump thinks of Reiner Fuellmich and Dr. David Martin…

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He can't separate himself. What kind of fool thinks *injections* can be developed safely at "warp speed"? As president he had access to ALL the best people in the world and all the best guidance possible but he kept the lunatics in charge. Dr Paul you still do not get the ego factor. It doesn't take a scientist or an MD to understand there has never been a successful corona family jab. Even a lay person understands that. Did he ever even asl JFK Jr for nay insight? Surely in Trump's circles he has heard the criticism of RFK Jr. Did he ask what is all that about??? They are all guilty. He could have been brought up to speed quickly but the looming election caused him to go down a crooked path. Forget any good coming out of Trump.

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For the sake of Jesus Christ, even the Pope is behind this.

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Yes stand up Trump and tell us all about how you were deceived into spearheading Operation Warp Speed and are still (mystifyingly) supporting these “beautiful vaccines “.

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correct, he has to explain and recall I said he made 2 of greatest disasters but he was misled and foolishly did not know dont brag... so he wears this but could protect from what fauci et al. did to him and nation, world...greed, power, evil

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How many years did it take all those moms and families to get RFK’s attention?

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Just tell the Truth!

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Even if Mr. Trump was mislead about the jab, there should be no more confusion in his mind that these injections are extremely harmful and must be stopped. Mr. Trump needs to come clean.

I have a suspicion that his ego is preventing him to admit that he was fooled.

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Pride goeth before a fall. I hope he’s heard that one. Americans are very forgiving. Especially Trump people.

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Get Trump back in touch with Robert Kennedy Junior, and Aaron Siri…. If Trump really wanted to turn this around through the help of truth, God or whatever spirit, there are poster children out there now to help people see we need to put a moratorium on this. Maddie DeGaray anyone?

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I was saying in February that soon, this would be called the Trump-vaccine, but not for the reasons he wanted... ;-)

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God, if Trump did that I would even vote for him. Say it Don, say it's a killer whack-scene!

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Mar 6, 2022·edited Mar 6, 2022

Trump, a month or two ago, was encouraging people to get vaccinated - he was booed by many supporters.

He has a lot of ground to cover if he wants the record set straight on what these 'vaccines' are actually doing, and his role in their production - which ostensibly amounts to super charging the quest for a vaccinal solution, whilst (apparently) being hoodwinked by Fauci, FDA, CDC and big pharma.

He needs to recognize and distinguish between the semi-admirable (though frankly, always fraught) goal of pursuing a rapid vaccinal solution, and the disgusting actions of others in pursuing that solution.

The longer he refuses to acknowledge the disaster the vaccines are, and detach himself from that disaster, the more culpable he will appear to be. And, the more culpable he may, in fact, be.

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Dr Alexander, I commend you for your loyalty but Mr Trump gave the Country to Fauci and Birx, initiated the Warp Speed vaccine program, has been crowing about it ever since and much more than likely invested heavily in Pfizer and Moderna. That can be checked by those in Wall Street who know where to check the public records. Trump took office promising to overturn the Globalist Agenda and then fell for it hook line and sinker!

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I sent an email to Desk if Donald Trump in late 2021 warning of this exact thing and begging him to tout right to try and moves to end coercive medical treatments, especially liability free ones. I’m sure I wasn’t alone and I’m positive my warning, like everyone else’s, was completely ignored. Too bad

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Was just talking about this with my girlfriend yesterday. She found it hard to believe that people could be that naive. I assured her it's possible and the last 2 years are evidence.

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Someone had to of told Trump how old the MNRA patents were. The technology was not new. Just newly experimental for mass vax. The stupid name warp speed was a political meme. Of course you want the biggest new bomb when there’s a brand new big ass war.

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Agreed! Who can talk with Trump directly and convince him? Not long ago he was promoting boosters! Clearly he doesn’t know and no one close to him does either … or they would have been trying to brief him long ago. I think even his family is in the dark. How can you … we…get to him directly?

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We get to Trump by convincing Hannity to give up the vax narrative. He is Trumps barometer as far as I can tell.

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Ok. Good point. Perhaps a secondary route. Who can convince Hannity? Who knows him well enough to take on showing him the evidence?

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Well… does Hannity watch Tucker, or is Hannity’s ego to large for that?

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Nothing of the genocidal Corona Operation will be denounced by a Jesuit trained ( just like Fauci) luciferian deceiver Trump. Presidents are nor elected they are selected same goes for the rest of world's puppets ( leaders) ALL world governments are subverted as a result of centuries long takeover. Time to wake up and stop hoping for the deceiving politicians to save us. There is only one Saviour Jesus Christ and he is as real as their "god". Its a Spiritual War .

From the horse's mouth:

"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. (David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations)


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