If memory serves, and I believe it does, Milley did not deny this. Once his treason was uncovered (quite a few months ago), he not only did not deny it but he actually had the gall to try to justify his actions in colluding with his Chinese counterpart to undermine the President of the United States. I'm sure it's on video somewhere, if it hasn't been scrubbed from the internet.

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I recall this as you describe it. There is no justification for Milley’s actions. There was treasonous collusion with his Chinese counterpart. Why it wasn’t addressed and investigated is disturbing. It makes one think the Milley conversation with the Chinese counterpart nave been at the direction of others trying to pull strings behind the scenes. This shows how compromised our National Security is. There is so much more going on in broad daylight that the players in this make no attempt to cover up.

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I totally agree, Chelie.

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Absolutely it was treason..and sedition

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Paul, Milley is guilty of treason the day he ran to Xi and stabbed our Trump in the back. Trump, at the time, not political astute on anything, which is both a plus and a weakness, was still in shock at the fake criticism through the mouth of airhead Nancy, when he finally fired Comey. To his credit, I was half thinking that perhaps Comey was looking for evidence on traitor Hillary with the Steven's death. NOPE, Comey linked Wiener's comments about NYC 9/11, based upon wife's position as Hillary assistant, went for Hillary's files to see how much, or little, she sorted hoax 9/11. Weiner was nailed, after a deep search, for posting pics of himself linked to whatever fake reason, so resigned.

My point is that our Trump surrounded himself with GOP central committee trash, which is understandable for a non-politically based solid American. Whoever advised him that Milley would worked set up our Trump. Milley was already well known Trilateral asset: spoke at least one Trilateral Traitor events in HA. Milley is a traitorous rat and hates our USA.

Trump gets all the above and is far better.

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George Patton would have slapped him silly

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George knew what needed to be done but he was taken down by NWO Dulles, I suspect.

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Admiral Yamamoto would have died laughing at Admiral Levine

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Taken down permanently...via a "car crash."

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Or Senator "Tailgunner" Joe McCarthy, taken out via the Medical System, see, it's not so rare.

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What I have just learned from Listening to Kash Patel, not sure if I spelled his name correctly but nevertheless his new book has a called, “Government Gangsters” and based on his years in government he names names specifically tied to the yes it is true the “DEEP STATE”! I will certainly read his book and I do believe if we are going to take back America it wi be based on the outline in his book. Did dog poop Miley head ups China? Absolutely 100% YES HE DID! He’s another, “can’t stand America” ideologue and a very dangerous one at that! They all are dangerous and the level at which Kash Patel states our US Government has been infiltrated is about 10%! WOW! 10% throughout each and every branch of government! Which by Kash Patel’s own words and admission, these “DEEP STATE PUKES” can be rooted out! God help us rid these demonstrable and pathetic, lying sacks of dog poop! They must be stopped! They can be STOPPED! We have to stop them! If not it’s “GOOD BYE AMERICA” as we know it! Please find Kash Patel new book “Government Gangster’s” and share it with everyone you know and anyone who wants to learn what’s really happening to America. May God Bless America and the entire world!


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There is a special US Army unit that scours social media looking for mean tweets against generals.

No wonder we can't win a war.


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Unbelievable! A ridiculous waste of resources and troops.

Among other "threats," it's meant to protect top brass from "embarrassment." Hmm...Who will protect Milley from continuously embarrassing himself?

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Obama decimated the military...tried his best to get rid of senior officers who were conservative.

I am so glad I am retired from the military.

Would not survive a week in this woke and weak military.

CCP knows what is going on. Guess those idiots in the Pentagon don't realize our enemies watch MSM.

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Absolute Treason!

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Portland Police to Pay Former Anti-Police City Commissioner Nearly $700,000 Settlement!

Are you F...ing kidding me? This I the problem! The Portland Police which really means the taxpayers are paying this “SLUG” $700K in a settlement? Why? This individual should be behind bars and I’m certain the MSM will spin this to get the sympathy of those who believe everything they say! This is so wrong and yes so unfair! I’m beginning to wonder if “Jethro” from the Beverly Hillbillies is doing the math for all the payments being made to “SLUGS”! (Knot X Knot = double Knots + Knot = lots of money! Ugh! WTH?


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("Naught" meaning "zero.")

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Yes you’re correct Kathleen, it was “naught” and “knot” was incorrect, my mistake. Although with the fortune Jethro amassed, he wasn’t all that bad at math in real life, as far as his acting abilities, he played the part real well, naught X naught = 3? Based on today’s mental mind control and indoctrination of our youth, unfortunately those “HAAAARVARD” graduates know something all of us must have been so wrong to believe, (1+1=3) thank God for “HAAAAVARD”!

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The Independent's headline is deliberately misleading. What's missing from their analysis are the key words "in times gone by." Ergo, trump isn't outright suggesting that Milley be executed at this point in history.

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Yep. And in the future that misleading headline will be featured in alleged "fact-checks" claiming Trump called for executing his military brass in response to election irregularities.

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Yes, Milley is a traitor. A courtmartial would be nice. In times gone by... when there was a semblance of justice.

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He is a disgrace, and an absolute embarrassment. I watched the interview where he admitted that he would contact his Chinese counterpart ahead of any strike. That is Treason. He did his very best to destroy and demoralize the Military, and unfortunately, he did a good job. Very sadly.

He per

He sanctioned and defend a Strike in Afghanistan on "Terrorists", and blew up an Aid Truck. Including children. He still had the audacity when ask on camera about it, he said, "It was Righteous Strick".

They were tipped off by the Tailiban and they actually believed them.

"Pentagon Acknowledges Aug. 29 Drone Strike in Afghanistan Was Tragic ...

03 Nov 2021 — General Milley later called the strike “righteous.” On Friday, General Milley suggested that he spoke too soon

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Hanging is the appropriate punishment for a high-ranking military officer like Milley who directly aids the enemy.

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Totally correct on all points.

He should get a public hanging to discourage folks from following his lead.

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Additional information I forgot to mention in my last post regarding Kash Patels new book, “Government Gangsters” is this, he mentioned how the media outlets, primarily the MSM and Social Media outlets are deeply involved and immediately need removing! I paraphrased his words but you get the point. I believe anyone half awake understands how the MSM and Particular Social Media Outlets have corrupted the narratives by constantly lying about or omitting the facts and blocking the truth from reaching those individuals who haven’t the knowledge or ability to seek the truth. This a huge, gigantic, massive problem for most who lined up and rolled up their sleeves for the poisonous injections they called a vaccine!


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