If the 95% of the ‘others’ (who nearly all voted and donated to democrats too ) are ‘good and honest’ then there would be endless whistleblowers and saboteurs - there aren’t. Rotten to the core!

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you got to work there and be there to understand 'fear'. Jobs, smear, slander, using media. There are many good people in there. Trump has to watch people even in his Florida home inner circle for there is a rat in there...a huge rat!

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Well if they are good then they must become whistleblower and saboteurs otherwise they are failing their duty to the US.

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"you got to work there" a false premise Doc. No one "HAS" to work there. I don't work there

People are Individually Responsible for the Condition they are in. You seem to imply that overly well paid government employees are somehow "Victims" of their circumstances.

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He was not a good personnel manager, he clearly thought his charisma and popularity and doing a good job were enough. He also bad-mouths people who worked for him, which isn't good for loyalty, plus he doesn't automatically stand up for his supporters, for example took way too long to defend Jan. 6th protesters. I personally prefer De Santis' quiet competence. That said, he deserves reinstatement for the stolen election, especially after dastardly FBI raid. But he would have to stop hiring Democrats and Never-Trumpers. His own NSC testified against him in the second impeachment, and he hired every one of them. He chose Pence as VP, appointed FBI Director Wray, and picked Gen. Milley, for goodness sake...all self-inflicted wounds.

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More like scared sheeple or Ostriches (head in the sand) that have NO COURAGE OR WILL to look at the truth!

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I can’t blame Trump alone, this didn’t start with him. However, even if they lock him away for the rest of his life, I’ll write his name in.

When he wins, all alphabet agencies need to be burned to the ground. The revolution started last night and they fired the first shot and are daring us to do anything about it.

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Seems like they want to create a Martial law situation shortly before the midterms. Anyways Trump was not tough enough. You need to eliminate your enemies. He let them go. And now they are coming back to take him out. You got to be tough if you are at war.

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They want a civil war. No doubt in my mind.

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DemmocRATS are now Communist. Just like China..

Wakeup People!

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Yes, tough and fast. We have underestimated the depth of the corruption.

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Yes, and we better do something immediately. This situation is so serious that I think we could lose our republic. Anyone got ideas what an elderly grandmother can do? Open to suggestions -- We will lose our precious and unique country if we do not act. I am no longer afraid to act.

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if you get the rule of law restored, then the rest of it can be dealt with a set of special prosecutors to investigate each agency, and a public commission of the states to bring out all the evils that have been committed. The states need to be in charge of this. No more self dealing structures with conflicts of interest. Or better yet, repeal the 17th amendment and restore the states to the senate. the 17th amendment broke the constitution.

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I like this.

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These alphabet soup agencies must be totally disassembled, and then the buildings demolished, people arrested, tried, and convicted then given long jail terms with no possibility of parole/pardon and very healthy financial penalties wiping out 100% of any net worth, past, present, or future.

See my Newsletter #1, "Rank and File" for more thoughts.

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agree with that

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Agree, but at this point who can you trust?! This corruption runs deep. How do we begin to clean it up? I am feeling we are at a point of no return. I want to have faith, but the lunatics are destroying this country faster and faster by the day. My tax dollars hard at work to destroy this country. Makes me sick! 🇺🇸🇺🇸

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You might as well start over with a new government and cherry pick the states.

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I think the whole barrel is rotten you can't be there or stay unless you play ball.

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It's good to hear your strong courageous voice Dr Alexander. Honk honk.

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Unfortunately, it is the rank and file which is also rotten to the core. You cannot get a job with any of the alphabet agencies unless you meet their corrupt criteria which has been set at least since the Bush Sr. days.

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Clean house.

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You guys keep thinking politics will solve this. Politics caused this problem.

"The next election we get in and then we can really make changes". Do you really think this will happen? You think one guy as president can do that? The corruption is not a swamp, it's an ocean. There are just as many dirty republicans, they don't want the game changed, it's too lucrative. They will opposes the next man or woman that comes in like Trump.

Right now the efforts is to keep power. The Dems see the poles, the Repubs secretly support the Jan 6 clown show. They want Trump excluded from the White House forever. Every effort will be made to win the election by the left.

I'm waiting for the fake documents planted in Trump's house to surface. They will go that corrupt. There is no boundaries now, everything is on the table.

Why did Pelosi go to Taiwan? Was there any logical reason? The answer is the left wants to stir up China and cause a war for a national emergency and distraction. Everything in DC is centered around staying in power. The left is hell bent on following through the NWO agenda. They are causing these spending bills and cash to Ukraine now while the cash can still be spent to line their pockets before the money well runs out. They have no intention on paying anything back, they could care less about your grandchilds future. Have you ever seen a Repub controlled Congress that didn't spend?

This whole political sham is an illusion. It's a fake shit show. Nothing is real, it's a bad acting show to keep you thinking people are actually working for you and I, they care less about us. Nothing is done for our bennifit unless they get more power from it.

Mr Trump was a speed bump. They will never let the likes of him or any other like him get close to power. They don't care how bad it looks, they have no soul, they will do anything.

A much better activity is to get like minded states together and work on separation. It's much less deadly than civil war. This is where our energy needs to go. Finish what Lincoln refused to let happen. Go ahead and vote, but spend your efforts on a new less intrusive government that centers on a shared ideology. The states have the power especially if they work together.

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Trump failed in so many ways. De Santis would be by far the better president.

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Trump didn’t do anything to the alphabet agencies when he was in office because it’s all a charade - anyone who thinks Trump isn’t part of this whole play being acted out and isn’t part of the cabal is delusional

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I believe it's all an act. That's why Trump sounds like a WWF challenger. He is as genuine as those wrestling matches.

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Hahaha love this comment! Right on!

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deletedAug 10, 2022·edited Aug 10, 2022
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My take, since JFK and His brother being taken out - presidents are selected, not elected

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So huge an infringement!

Half the people don’t understand , they’re too busy hating him to see it affects every American

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BOOM! Give Rosalind an amen and prize!

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DC Ferals vote democRat overwhelmingly. It's called Self-Preservation. The Imperial City and Surrounds must come first, "America First" threatens them. They KNOW they are overpaid grifters in gubmint work, just riding the gravy train. Let the peasants eat potatoes and cabbage 7 days aa week, so What??? If it's Not Happening to You; It's not happening. That's just how it goes.

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Pure fantasy that you will ever see such a sweep. The oligarchy, ruling elite, billionaire class--call them what you will -will never allow that to happen. The issue is changing a few faces will not change the system. That's like putting a bandaid on a festering wound. The system actually works wonderfully well: it just does not work well for the people. The system was set up to keep power in the hands of the few at the expense of the many.

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What’s the chance that the judge who signed off on the FBI raid was on the list of people who visited Jeffery Epstein on pedo island? Release the list!

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