GO GO GO!!!!!! Take the truth out all over the world. Take the murderous thieves to the gallows or a firing squad choice yours. Infinitive points for team at home. Imperative cross the finish line keep telling the stories of crime and how the idiots allowed it and bailed them out and at times aided and abetted before during and after commission of the crimes

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good post

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Awesome...hope for a brighter future.

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Ten Points for home team !!!

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Let’s pray RFK JR’s endorsement, as well as all public servants within a Trump Presidency, should Trump succeed, work diligently & honestly dedicating their time in office for all citizens and “Patriotic Americans” for these “United States of America”.

“It is not my intention to aid and abet those who seek such disabling measures against our Great Nation, but rather help others, who might be unaware of such disabling measures being inflicted upon our Great Nation”!


Since 1965, “Globalist Elites”from within & from around the world sitting “high-upon” their “Golden Perches” have spewed lie after lie, imposing their own “Totalitarian Agenda’s” around the Western World’s most Christian Nations.

Tearing down, imprisoning dissidents while parching America into small easy to defeat camps through fearful means of “Unlawful Tactics” with the intent to conquer our unique and all inclusive society nearly 250 years ago.

In retrospect, in hindsight, our “Founding Fathers” anticipated and included, an all inclusive set of rules and regulations, which have been lawfully binding and legally protected, since our founding and guarantees to all citizens of these “United States” protections against such illegal tyrannical regimes enforcement.

No group of people, foreign or domestic, have the right, to enact their own set of rules upon these “United States”, NOBODY!

America’s constitutional republic guided by our own set of rules and regulations, protected by our federal laws, our constitution, bill of rights and our Declaration of Independence, have been violated extensively and discriminating against, while disregarding our

“Founding Fathers” doctrine lasting soon to be 250 years.

“We the People” are being forced into unenforceable, illegal acts by our own government and foreign powers. Particularly those who align themselves with

an oppressive and corrupt “leftist-communistic”ideologically driven agenda.

We all must defeat this evil agenda of tyranny!

Thomas Sowell quoted below:

“Will those who are dismantling this society from within or those who seek to destroy us from without be the first to achieve their goal? It is too close to call”

—————Thomas Sowell———

Yes Mr Sowell is absolutely correct saying:

“Too Close To Call”!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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I think democrats need to understand the party is no longer the party it was when President Kennedy was in office. Many are waking up to the fact the Republicans are now the party for the working class.

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Dr Phil is not a doctor of anything, he is just a stage name, according to blurb posted here - he has not even kept his registration fee paid, but let it lapse. If he and Trump are alike, then they are birds of a feather I'd say. I don't care for Harris at all - RFK was America's best chance. God Help America and the rest of the world now that RFK, to a degree, has withdrawn his vote

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thing is, as combative as you are, we love you, I like what you say, for in it is sage...thank you for being here...sharing

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RFK Jr has not to any degree “withdrawn his vote!”

He has given it to President Trump, after admitting finally that it counted for not a damn by the party of his father and uncle!

I hope his courageous act will lead you to do same!

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he is supporting 45...but I understood that he did not shut down his campaign? an interesting move, I think he pulled back in the tight rust belt states, he is polling about 4% so it will help daddy T if his supporters rally to daddy T

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Be a bit hard - I am a foreigner and our English, while similar, is different and i'm as far away from America as I could get, when I left England in 1971 to begin a new life overseas - I don't get to vote!! but I liked to try and influence you. I am deeply saddened that RFK threw in the towel, he was the only hope for America and the World of which I am part and God Help America if either Trump or Harris get elected - there can't be a caring God after all - Harris and Biden fiddling the employment numbers books by a mere 800,000 and getting illegal immigrants to give them majority votes to be re-elected and Trump - the only reason he wants to be POTUS is to stave off and get rid of the US$100 Million he owes and Trials still outstanding, which hopefully will put him in prison too

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I find your reasoning troubling. DJT is a billionaire several times over. As a billion is

10,000 times what you claim Trump owes, and Trump has give or take 3 billion, he could repay that debt 29,000 times the wealth left over!

But the real sticky wicket is your assumption he is truly guilty of the clear lawfare his political enemies Garland and his henchmen have used against him. Particularly in light of the SCOTUS immunity decision, all these show trials are in jeopardy.

And if you think Merchan throwing him in Rikers on a bogus rigged trial verdict will doom his chances of winning, you have serious cognitive issues concerning the sympathy vote such an ill-considered act will engender.

I will submit to your consideration the possibility that Trump is a real patriot who actually wants to save the country that has been so good to him. In his first term, he donated all but one dollar of his salary to charity. I could list dozens and dozens of other acts of charity he has performed, but because your exposure to the media is confined to the mainstream mockingbird leftist press, you will never know about them.

Patriotism - something you may never have experienced in your short and confined life - actually drives some people to enormous sacrifices.

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Trump patriotic?: This is the US Army contract with Pfizer for the supply of the vaccines which Trump signed after giving himself sole responsibility to do that under the Defense Production Act and which the US Army then supplied to all - for Trump's Operation Warp Speed, which you will see referenced third paragraph down.


Vaccines he never had himself, but he made sure you all did. Let's see, Tucker Carlson, RFK and me, never had them either - what about you?

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I am totally pureblood. Trump is patriotic. He has always honored the military, never checking his watch when the remains of fallen soldiers arrived in Arlington from abroad. His successor did.

President Trump NEVER MANDATED a single dose! But his successor did.

Under the organized DoD panic of early 2020, Trump signed off on OWS, ensuring there was a vaxx supply to accommodate the Karen’s who go panic at the Department of Defense–organized fraudemic designed and timed to destroy the Trump Administration from a sure re-election after three hugely prosperous years.

You needn’t lie. Trump did NOT MAKE SURE EVERYONE ELSE got jabbed. You know you’re lying. Whom do you think you’re fooling?

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Sep 1
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If you don't read the information which I provide in my substack and as above, recently - and you stick with Trump no matter what he says and does, that is your choice. Personally, I don't think it matters who gets to be the next POTUS, both Trump and Harris are nightmares which America needs neither of. If Biden can invoke war with Russia, then he will remain as POTUS and avoid the POTUS election altogether. My hope was with RFK, but that's gone up in smoke.

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