In an interview with Martha McCallum two weeks ago he claimed the vax saved millions of lives and OWS was a major success. He's had plenty of time to reflect he was "lied to" and renounce his position, yet has declined to do so.

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In the interviews that I have seen, Trumps tends to say that "experts claim that" vaccines have saved millions of lives. Right or wrong, some are indeed saying that in research publications, and early on, for pre-delta variants there was some empirical evidence of benefit. So on a temporary basis they might have been a net benefit before delta/omicron and before starting the booster charade; I think that is unclear, but specifically for the people that did NOT die suddenly from the shot, there was a temporary benefit; unclear if benefit is sustained though when accounting for the deaths and injuries from the shot. OWS did achieve its objectives during Trump, and the monoclonals were safe and effective. Trump does need to improve his messaging. The whole roll out and the laxk of safety monitoring and lack of action on safety signals should be rightfully be blamed on Joe Biden.In any case, better protection was always possible all along with HCQ prophylaxis, since April 2020, and with treatment.

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This is puzzling. My theory is that with so many fires to put out, battles to be won, maybe Trump decided to not add fighting big pharma to his opponents but wait until after he's elected. Dr. Alexander probably has input on this theory.

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MRNA is in you food do this ASAP..... t.co/qmiCWZ8aCe

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Respectfully Victor:

There were two vaccines. Trump’s & Biden’s.

Only Biden’s has the MRNA.

Trump’s had in it everything he talked about - Hydroxchlorquine, Zinc, Azithromycin. His vaccines did save lives. He told us what he took when he had Covid. We were all told that Covid had a 95% Survival Rate. You can find this information on Truth Social.

In 2014 he also talked about vaccines and autism.

He doesn’t owe anyone an apology. We owe him, the US WhiteHats, the Global Military Alliance, veterans, their families, our gratitude. They have been taking down this corruption for the last 8 years. President Trump is The Commander In Chief.

Take care

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Respectfully, you are misinformed. There are not two different MRNA's from Pfizer. You may be confused by reports of Pfizer doing a bait and switch between their testing batch and when they scaled up their second batch using a different process. Regardless of the aforementioned, there was not a Trump version and Biden version and only Biden's has the MRNA. There is absolutely no proof of that claim and I've been on this from the beginning. Thats ludicrous, and beyond comprehension of logic. There was a 95% chance of survival rate and Ivermectin also was an early treatment with 70% efficacy if used early. You can't have it both ways and be blinded by ideaology.

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Respectfully, go on Truth Social and follow :

1. the17thLetter

2. American Patriot


There are alot of facts that you are not aware of.

Including that Trump’s vaccine has Ivermectin in it.

I also am not on any platform to argue with people. Just point out facts.

Also, read the attached.


Have a Wonderful Day!

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So there is no difference between Comirnaty and what was actually rolled out?

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Stop singing the praises of a man who brags that he could shoot someone in downtown NYC, get away with it, and still get elected. Stop singing the praises of a man who was caught saying that if you just buy a woman some fancy furniture, you can drag them around the "pu***", and do whatever you want to them; then, pass it off as "locker room talk". OH yeah, he was married at the time. Stop singing the praises of known pathological liar who will flip and change his opinions depending on whatever serves his ego in the moment and whatever makes him look like the hero. He's as consistent as a fish flopping around on dry land. This is not a "good man"... Was it 15 bankrupt businesses he has on record? TRUMP Vodka, sheets, 24k gold lined airliners, etc.? Remember when he threw paper towels into the crowd of hurricane victims and told them to "clean it up", after then criticizing water purification tablets stating "You guys would actually drink this? I wouldn't". These examples only touch the tip of the iceberg of the depravity of his wrecked soul. I want a man of true Ethical grit in office. Since that isn't possible in this corrupt world, I welcome the end days so that the filth of this planet will finally wash away.

Grow a soul. Unsubscribing.

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The early outpatient/Zelenko protocol you mentioned is not something that a "vaccine" is comprised of.

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Respectfully, I wasn’t referring to the early outpatient/Zelenko protocol.

Take care, be safe, do the research!

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HCQ/Azithromycin/Zinc - that you referenced in your initial comment as ingredients in "Trump's vaccine" is Zev Zelenko's outpatient covid treatment protocol. So unless it's a play on words, these meds and a supplement are normally orally administered.

And enough already with the "respectfully". I'm done here.

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Yes JonesySmart you are on top of your game. Trump lined up like many who took the initial stab and later took the Zelenko protocol.

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Some people still have manners.


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I corrected you. And you blocked me. Wow is right.

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Don't cheat yourself. Trump has been more educated and well informed than any people in his administration. I will not give him any benefit of the doubt. There is no forgiveness for him for his warp speed and continuous, up to now, advocating for the jabs. He was a very weak president if he followed advises of Ivanka, Kushener and commands of the deep state. America needs new faces, not connected with UNI-Party and zionists by any means.

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Trump is not well informed because if he was there would be no “Warp Speed.” I get your point and agree more than disagree. Trump screwed up and continues to do so on the issue of the fake emergency-the plan-the psyop…he still suggests that the poison saves lives while people are dropping dead all over the world. His Zionist support is over the top and dangerous

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Trump won't change that tune until he or a close advisor can find a different tune that sounds better to his ear. That's who he is, and he's far too old to change.

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He needs a VP pick that has the gravitas to discuss vaccine injury, as a lead-in to talking about it. Then hammering it - mandates. There's only one person with that qualification.

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Kris Krispy has plenty of gravity, but I am not a huge fan of him. 🤣

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Spot on Victor - I completely agree… he still gets booed whenever warp speed is mentioned…

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I am not in the category of hater, Dr. Alexander, but I find your confidence in someone whom, you confidently aver, was well-intentioned, misled, foolish, naive and gullible when entrusted with the leadership of a nuclear power and the decision-making around an alleged pandemic for which there was hysteria but no concrete evidence perplexing in the extreme.

Trump is utterly unrepentant about the things that we think were devastatingly harmful "mistakes" and into which you believe he mistakenly allowed himself to be bamboozled.

As the leader of the band, it was his sworn duty to question, to probe, to evaluate data and to protect that which had been entrusted to him.

Priding himself on being able to run a country like a business (a failed and primitive understanding, but that's a discussion for another time), he failed to do what any good CEO would do: question, get better advice, investigate and seek alternative views to balance what he was being told by a deeply self-interested and demonstrably corrupt set of advisors who later admitted that they were actively lying to achieve their goals and making things up as it suited them (Brix, Fauci, Walenski, etc.)

That is a pretty damn poor track record for someone who wants our confidence and our vote.

And where is the pledge to remove the US from the UN/WHO/Etc.?

Where is the pledge to ban mRNA and DNA "Vaccines"?

Where is the pledge to restore the absolute right of Informed Consent?

Where is the pledge to remove Comprehensive Sexuality Education from our schools?

Where is the pledge to ban transgender "treatment" for minors?

Where is the pledge to reject the March 2023 UN Judicial Recommendations which eliminate the protected class of children in favor of consent to anything at any age, decriminalizing pedophilia while never using the word?

Where is the pledge to reject abortion of viable infants (I am a supporter of reproductive rights, but infanticide is not abortion, and abortion is not infanticide)?

Where is the pledge to restore and protect parental rights?

Where is the pledge to root out organized child trafficking?

Where is the pledge to demand that the original requirements of the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Act be fulfilled and biannual reports on vaccine safety be presented and each new vaccine be safer than previous ones?

All is hear is bluster and a constant allusion to past luster. Neither seems to me to be a good argument for reinstatement as President.

Again, that is not hatred. It is fear for the country and for our people.

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Respectfully Dr.

Will you apologize to President Trump when you realize that you have not read all of His Executive Orders, Read The Law of War Manual, know that behind the scenes for the last 8 years that the White Hats & The Global Military Alliance have been taking down this corruption worldwide. It was President Trump’s Executive Order that expanded GITMO. It was President Trump’s Executive Orders that are rescuing children from the Child Traffickers. Have you not read that the most potent vaccines were sent to the Red States. Only Biden’s vaccine had the MRNA, not Trump’s. It was Trump that talked about Hydroxchlorquine & Zinc. It was Trump that told us that Covid had a 95% Survival Rate. Trump never mandated any vaccines . It was Trump that told us what he took when he had Covid. In 2014 Trump was talking about Autism and vaccines.

Did you listen to President Trump’s speech at the UN?

Did you listen to what he said about abortion?

Trump is the Commander In Chief and is surrounded by the Military. Do you know anything about Cheyenne Military Base? Have you downloaded a Military flight app? Seen all the planes that have the call signs GITMO on them?

Biden doesn’t have the nuclear football Dr.

You fear for your country? The USA is well protected by its Military and President Trump.

The corruption is deep Dr. We are in a war. A war where people would rather kill us - That includes Dr’s that are still giving people this Covid Jab, The WEF, The UN. Are you calling out your corrupt colleagues, the Medical System? This is worldwide and has been happening for decades. But, blame Trump. The one person who stepped up to the plate to save America & The World. He was asked to run by the Military. Yes, he legitimately won the 2020 election. The Military has all the data.

Trump isn’t perfect. No person is. He has survived several assassination attempts for all of us.

I am grateful for him and the USWhiteHats & The Global Military Alliance.

I no longer trust Dr’s who were joking when my husband had his cancer biopsy- ‘ more $ for us’ . This occurred in Jan 23. No, he didn’t take the CJab.

So Dr- Do The Research and Count Your Blessings That You Have The USWhiteHats & President Trump.

Dr. Alexander is a good Dr. We need so many more of them.

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I'm not a doctor, I'm just a guy....

Didn't Trump pull funding from the W.H.O.?

Who actually mandated the vaccine? It wasn't Trump!

Hasn't Trump maintained that he would pull funding for any state university that mandates the vaccine?

Which administration ended informed consent?

Trump has repeatedly pledged to defund any state school that teaches dei, crt and any other politically motivated nonsense.

Let's talk about running the country, pre pandemic under Trump we were energy independent, fully employed with rising real wages, the lowest poverty rate on record and world peace.

After the 6 week federal lock down our recovery was nothing less than stellar.

Here is what job growth was in the six months prior to the November 2020 election from the Bureau of Labor Statistics:

May 2020: up 2.5 million

June 2020: up 4.8 Million

July 2020: up 1.4 Million

August 2020: up 1.4 Million

September 2020: up 661,000

October 2020: up 638,000

So up a total of 11.4 million in 6 months, or an average of 1.9 million per month. Think how much faster growth could have been if Democrat governors

in blue states like New York, California, and Illinois hadn’t intentionally kept so many things closed. This jobs recovery during Trump dwarfed the

jobs recovery of Biden.

We have two choices, biden or Trump.

biden mandated the jab, Trump didn't and wouldn't.

In February of 2021 the pfizer released data:



1,291 adverse side effects in alphabetical order. Partial list

Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia;Autoimmune heparin-induced thrombocytopenia;Autoimmune hepatitis;Autoimmune hyperlipidaemia;Autoimmune

hypothyroidism;Autoimmune inner ear disease;Autoimmune lung disease;Autoimmune lymphoproliferative syndrome;Autoimmune myocarditis;Autoimmune

myositis;Autoimmune nephritis;Autoimmune neuropathy;Autoimmune neutropenia;Autoimmune

pancreatitis;Autoimmune pancytopenia;Autoimmune pericarditis;Autoimmune

retinopathy;Autoimmune thyroid disorder;Autoimmune thyroiditis;Autoimmune

uveitis;Autoinflammation with infantile enterocolitis;Autoinflammatory disease;Automatism epileptic;Autonomic nervous system imbalance;Autonomic

seizure;Axial spondyloarthritis;Axillary vein thrombosis;Axonal and demyelinating

polyneuropathy;Axonal neuropathy;

There are 9 pages of side effects in small print.

Page 6: Cumulatively, from December 15, 2020 through 28 February 2021, there was a total of 42,086 case reports (25,379

medically confirmed and 16,707 non-medically confirmed) containing 158,893 events. Most

cases (34,762) were received from United States (13,739), United Kingdom (13,404) Italy

(2,578), Germany (1913), France (1506), Portugal (866) and Spain (756); the remaining

7,324 were distributed among 56 other countries.

Page 7: Not recovered at the time of report 11361 - Fatal 1223.

The biden admin knowing this data forged ahead with vaccine mandates.

This is just my personal opinion as an ordinary guy with no medical training who worked in retail for 45 years, I choose a strong economy and world peace over biden and his open borders craziness and vaccine mandates!

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Sure Trump is better than sleepy but Trump got fooled and made many early errors that opened the door for the big plan to gain momentum. We have to call out the screw ups and demand that the injured and fired get reparations!

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I understand your position. Do you understand Trump's?

Look at it this way, without WARP Speed where would we have been? Dem states locked down well beyond that of red states. If it took the normal 12 to 15 years to develope a safe vaccine, what would have happened? A decades long lock down that would have caused massive deaths beyond anything you could imagine.

Yes we all want justice for those who have suffered. Only one man can make that happen by taking down the 'deep state.'

Look around at what's happening. Trump was impeached twice for crimes his accusers committed, indicted 4 times for crimes they are guilty of.

Robert hurts report spells out the situation perfectly. Biden as senator and vp did not have the authority to take classified docs from their secure locations, 18 usc 798. Biden shared classified intel with his ghost writer, 18 usc 798. The crimes they are charging Trump are crimes they are guilty of.

At the start of covid back in Dec of 2019 and Jan of 2020, the dems and rinos were impeachment Trump for calling out bidens crimes.

So he was being impeached, working on a trade deal with China and negotiating peace deals in the Middle East. He delegated the covid task force to his vp Pence. So would you be able to juggle the amount of work Trump had on his plate plus covid and a Deep State trying to take you out?

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Warp Speed was theater. The first COVID 19 PCR test kits were shipped in 2017. We have the receipts.

The patents (per David Martin) on the weaponized virus go back to 2011, if I recall correctly.

There was no Pandemic. Trump actively colluded with the deadly deception and, yes, the gene modification weapons that he touted - and touts - so jubilantly most certainly were - and are - responsible for killing and maiming people.

By the way, without OWS and lockdowns and the made up rules of social distancing and masking and school closings and remdesivir/ventilator murders we would have been much, much better off than we are now.

And there is no such thing as a safe and effective vaccine.

You might want to read my discussion of that in my book on retrieving autistic people, Autism: The Definitive Cure..

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Did fauci and birx knowingly alter data that was presented to the Trump White House?

After Trump's 6 week shut down what happened to the economy? I'll tell you what happened. We had what's called a V shaped recovery with 11.9 million jobs recovered and a 3rd quarter gap of 35.3. Where are we now economically?

Again who mandated the vaccine after Feb 38 when Pfizer started releasing their reports to the fda?

In those reports it was disclose that Pfizer knew of 1,291 Vax side effects and 1,223 post Vax deaths. But still Biden mandated the Vax. Does that make you made?

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Of course it makes me mad. They are both part of the UDT (Uniparty Distraction Theater). We are debating the stage characters, folks, without focusing on the real issues: our membership and participation in the Death Machine, the UN/WHO/Etc.

Visit https://PreventGenocide2030.org to support the bill before Congress to get us out before they destroy us totally, with the permission and help of the UDT.

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Actively collided?

What do you base that on?

You're a doctor, is Trump?

It's clear you hate Trump, I couldn't care less about that. Trump did not mandate the jab, Biden did. Where is your anger about that?

Did the Obama administration have anything to do with covid? Did Obama write an exec memo easi g gain of function research 11 days before leaving office? Did fauci tweet just 2 days after that about a pandemic during the next administration?

I don't need to read your book, I'm not a doctor. I do read lots about the conspiracies to take Trump out. Trust me, traitors Biden and Obama have much to answer for.

Vote for traitor Joe if that's what you want.

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What a perfect and truthful statement Dr Rima. Thank you for sharing this.

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Yes Doctor Laibow! All of the facts need to be articulated and laid out for all to see. Trump did not listen to a broad range of opinion. He was tricked - bamboozled - run-a-muck! He should have known better and then executed with proficiency. He did not and is still touting and bragging about poison MRNA injections save lives and he praises himself on his pathetic Convid response. Simple common folks lost their jobs opposing mandates because they knew better and wanted to protect their health and were placed in a dangerous position to lose a career or job or maybe lose their life to an untested poison. Trump has millions of dollars and unlimited resources to fight his court battles but regular Americans can’t afford to fight long legal battles for fear of losing their life savings. Many have lost trying to battle the Convid system in courts especially in California and are losing because the judges are compromised.

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I am not a doctor, but a RN married to one, and would like to say if you read the comment below yours from petpanz I think that person explains it all very clearly. So many are blaming PDJT the man for everything during his tenure. Remember doctor, it was Mike Pence’s Taskforce that rolled everything out during COVID, and a good CEO relies on others to do their due diligence in setting policies. Dr. Navarro has explained all of this in the past as well. As a leader yourself, if you are being deceived and lied to by your own staff, would you recognize it? Maybe not right away. Those things take time to evaluate. I will agree that PDJT needs to take some responsibility for the rollout, but ultimately, it was not his doing when relying on others under him. They lied to him, people have and are dying because of it. He was the greatest president in my lifetime since I was first able to proudly vote for Ronald Reagan. This man truly cares about the people, unlike the current puppet in chief who was “PLACED” in control of the destruction and demolition of the United States.

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Many great doctors and scientists were communicating with Trump during the Mike Pence time and Trump was dismissive. Fauci already blew it in the 80’s with AZT when he was the front man for big pharma back then. Trump should have been more open to ideas and was not…close mindedness, ego, a dismissive nature, playing politics, are all big time mistakes which led to lockdowns and unnecessary mandates and deaths. He needs to publicly repent. There are no passes when the info was available and many great professionals were screaming loudly but were shunned by Trump and his minions that (he) hired.

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There is plenty of blame to go around for everyone involved, not just one man/individual. Who made this shot mandatory? Was this After Trump? Yes……and WHO decided a lot of people were exempt from the mandate and why only specific people exempt? Was that Trump? Hmmm…. No. It was the current regime leader.

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I am with you Paul 100%. We need Trump, and we need a successor for 2029. That could be his VP, so hope he chooses a good one. Pandemic response was given to Mike Pence to handle, and we know now in hindsight what a snake in the grass Pence was. He is a good man. Needs to improve his messaging re covid. He could start talking about his opposition to vaccine mandates. Stress that point over and over and over again. That would be a good opening salvo.

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Perhaps we do need Trump. No disagreement on that matter but blaming Mike Pence and giving Trump a pass is not how leadership and responsibility works. To say “changing messaging” respectfully is weak. Millions were fired and lost businesses because of a lack of knowing the facts and the history. Me and probably you (not sure) do not have the ability to blame someone else if we make bad decisions… so if we as men have to deal with the consequences of bad decision making - why does Trump get a pass with all of his unlimited resources?

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I think the ideal VP is DeSantis. Both smart men, don't agree on a lot of things and will duke it out to our benefit. We don't need any more yes (wo)men who only want to line their pockets but don't know how to come in out of the rain.

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DeSantis is a very compelling governor, and I don't even mind that he run in the primaries, but he apparently did affiliate with some Bush-related donor interests, and that has been raised as a red flag. I think he can play the most helpful role as governor, since he often takes the lead and herding the other governors to behave themselves. If he proves himself, he could be VP next time and then P. Some scenarios that I see as compelling possibilities (multiple combinations), RFK Jr as VP or head of HSS or Attorney General, Tucker Carlson as VP or Secretary of State, Vivek as VP or in some cabinet position. Kari Lake is very charismatic, and still better than Pence as VP, so in that sence compelling, but some of the other ones are even better, but she is very compelling too. Honestly, the one and only good thing McCain ever did was to choose Sarah Pallin as VP. I think at some point we might do well with her as VP or P, the media hated her and attacked her viciously, so she must be ok.

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Thanks, I missed that bush connection. It's all just smoke and mirrors. Do any of them actually give a damn? Would they do it for expenses only? Pence, Romney, piglousy, the list never stops. Jordan was kept out because he would have actually done the job. Every time I listen to b-rain ded bye den lie about his son's death, I want to throw up. I lost friends in nam.

Could go on and on for hours. What about the world's largest aquifer in S.A? Who owns the land...All the private islands, private planes for them, United air lines for us??? Glad I don't fly anymore. Last trip was a nightmare. No more. Your choices sound good. I am beyond choosing. Too sad and frustrated that our country is turning out like this. I was a little kid at the end of WWII and remember the 'no more wars' mantra. Yeah, right.

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Take heart. If Trump wins 2025, we will regain this country back, but to deal with the rest of the world will ne up to Trump's successor. The country is the people. The people are good. It has been hijacked, but this country is good, and long term, it will be ok.

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Definitely not Desantis! He’s already bought & paid for.. RINO

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No. No. And no.

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If he is that easily fooled, and the country was shut down, pushed an untested shot he rushed through at Warp Speed that has killed and injured God knows how many people, should he president again? That’s what turns me off to voting for Trump

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The alternative is a brain dead tyrant.

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The alternative is whoever they substitute in at their convention.

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I agree Alan but Trump was brain dead on Convid mandates and lockdowns. He hired Fraudchi and Brix…

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I completely agree with your assessment. What frustrates me though are the alternatives. Besides, if he isn’t murdered or jailed (or if this whole thing is theatre) who thinks anyone else can be a front runner? Trump is either poised to fail or poised to win. Nobody knows which. The way I see it we either vote for him or not vote at all. Convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt the game is rigged my father never voted a day in his life. I’ve met a lot of very smart, ambitious people that feel exactly the same. I’ll likely vote for Trump this time around. But if expectations crash and burn I’m opting out. They can play their bullshit game without me.

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While folks in this comment thread make excellent points, "The way I see it ... we vote for him."

For all his faults, Trump was a top-quartile president in US history.

For all its faults, America has genuinely been one of the best places to live in history. For all its decadence and madness, the post-WWII period has been the best time to live in history.

Giving up is giving in to the evildoers.

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First, I said I’ll likely vote for him. Second, I said if expectations fail either by a fake election or Trump not living up to the hype, then I’m opting out. That’s not giving up. That’s just facing reality.

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Don’t worry Biden will make sure anything Trump does is invalidated. Obama’s behind the curtain remember. This year will be bizarre if it even gets there ( election? )

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You’re dropping hard truths Jennifer!

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Yes but Trump needs to openly admit that he was deceived and STOP bragging about how many lives he saved with the v@((*ne, thousands of worthless ventilators (without trained techs to operate them or places to accommodate them) and Operation Warp Speed. He got fooled and needs to admit it and apologize.

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I also wish he would shut up about the jab and OWS or start bad-mouthing them.

Making thousands of harmful ventilators available could speak to logistical prowess, so I don't care so much about his bragging about that, even if those who pushed intubation were stupid, ignorant, foolish, and/or evil.

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What is OWD?

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Either a careless typo by me or "Operation Warped Dumbassery".

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He has had plenty of moments to say he was lied to, but all he does is still BOAST about how great the SHOT was!

I was the first at my place of employment ( Hospital) to voice my loud opinion about this “ Warp Speed” garbage and yet try to defend the man I voted for :( Can he ever, will he ever admit he listened to the wrong people .

My democratic friends that rushed to get the shot baffled me . If you hate Trump so much why did you run out and take the shot he promoted!

I’m raising my new flag for Bobby when it gets here. Sorry President Trump until you admit you were led astray my flag for Kennedy flies proudly !

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He was t led astray. He was in charge of Warp Speed all along.

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Warp Speed was a disaster! Trumps biggest mistake! Now millions are fired and injured. Businesses are shut down in every city. He needs to account for this horrible mistake. No passes and no silence!

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Sometimes I wonder if he is controlled opposition because of his complicity with the Covid lockdowns and rushing that untested jab that has killed and harmed so many people and still continues to years later

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Of course he is. Look at the record.

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Controlled? Somewhat.

Opposition? Definitely.

Control opposition according to the classic definition? Doubtful. I think the Left's hatred is genuine and based on fear that Trump may wreck their plans. (The Left reminds me of this: https://youtu.be/ie_u_Z__2N0?si=np27VzEQn5fbMdxE)

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" place the FDA in Alaska" 😂 Poor Alaska. What have they ever done to deserve that?

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Yes poor Alaska.. I grew up there 4/6 kiddos born there.

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That's awesome!

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I am not a scientist either Paul but the second they rolled out the lock down I knew our freedoms were in jeopardy. Mr. Trump has had plenty of time to read up on the history of this psudoscience called virology but continues to push the clot shot. How long do we have to wait until he wakes up about being "misled?"

THE SUMMER OF DIED SUDDENLY. A man reluctantly takes the jab in order to see his mother in a nursing home. Share Turfseer’s new song if you can. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-summer-of-died-suddenly

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Speaking of "Stupid, deceived, YES! Trusted people? Yes!", WELL THEN, we must put Dr. Pierre Kory of the FLCCC into that category. Also Robert Malone for those who still adore and believe him. Also Dr. Aseem Malhotra and his physician father (RIP). Also, Dr. Judy Mikovits PhD.

There are loads of real doctors who did or would have taken the vaxx early on. Trump cleared the board based on the best medical advice at the time. If you don’t know Malhotra or Malone, you should probably read up before you criticize. They, like many others got vaxxed early on. So did Malhotra's father who died of the vaxx.

If you don't know Pierre Kory (FLCCC) or Judy A. Mikovits PhD, ‘World renowned Biomedical Research Scientist with 50 +scientific published articles, ibid.’ "I never believed they would create a bioweapon & inject the deadliest spike protein of al time."

Ya, neither did Trump. And he’s not a world renowned biomedical research scientist.

There are thousands more. But we're sooo much smarter than all of them, aren't we.

“If I hadn't lost my 2nd ICU job right before the roll-out (Dec '20), I would've gotten jabbed as I had never questioned vaccines. By April 2nd, 2021, the censored data on toxicity and lethality and inefficacy was so immense I started warning everyone to avoid. But not before letting my parents get vaxxed. https://twitter.com/PierreKory/status/1700738613665763763

@DrJudyAMikovits is one of the most brilliant scientists I've ever met. You almost need a PhD to talk to her but when she talks you should listen. The establishment tried to discredit her because she is one of the few that understood the deep science behind #BigPharma #Fauci. https://t.co/Zb3BzbkGa9

- Tom Renz (@RenzTom) July 29, 2023

If you don't know or haven't read about these named persons, including Tom Renz Esq., you probably just hate Trump 👍

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Just one point I feel needs mentioning. Along with others, Mallone said he had the jab. But did he actually, or was it for his platform? He had his name on things. His CV before being republished showed who he had worked with.

Judy on the other hand in her own way was outspoken against the jab from the beginning. Ie Plandemic the movie in 2020. RFK could have helped his cause if he'd been equally outspoken against the climate warming carbon hoax

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Also Robert Malone for those who still adore and believe him.

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I also note his previous archived bio page (updated version uses same url) was deleted from way back. Who can even request that to happen?

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i agree tks for post

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He did defund the WHO.

TRUMP 2024



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No, he did not. He delegated the letter that only the Head of State can write to get out to Mike Pompeo (which meant it was written on toilet paper, for all its effect), and gave twice the annual allotment due to the WHO to Bill Gates' GAVI, a major funder of WHO.

Slight of hand, twinkle toes bull shit, meant to deceive the masses and continue with the show.

Now how is that being someone that WEF would fear? C'mon, people.

The issue is membership in the Death Machine and Trump played us, he didn't help us.

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THANKS Dr. Paul Elias Alexander,

The American "DEEP STATE" has not only killed President John F. Kennedy - and the corrupt CIA is withholding evidence for 61 years now from "We The People" - so this "SWAMP" as "45" calls it, does NOT believe in Democracy, but is creating STEALTH FASCISM through the withholding of all vital information from "We The People"!

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HERE you have great PROOF - HOW CRIMINAL THE CIA & THE US-JUSTICE SYSTEM ARE - worse gangsters than in any "banana-republic"!


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Paul and all,

I feel very sorry for you and others who think after 2020 and 2022 completely stolen elections and probably more…you will have anything resembling election integrity in 2024???

We will not survive any more stolen elections, especially allowing foreign occupiers and citizens that are NOT natural born anywhere near the WH office!!!

Paul…If you are NOT going to do what it takes with Janci Lindsay, PhD to STOP VACCINES then do something to help Trump get elected=2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!


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Please help!

Please help with this critical ELECTION INTEGRITY project that will directly impact all future elections, beginning with 2024!

NEEDED…smart awake citizens to help with this critical 2024 project!

We need ALL hands on deck ASAP!

Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!

Contact ASAP here to join us…Northamericanlawcenter@gmail.com

Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…


You will be standing with the best!!!

P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties!

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Please help!

Please help with this critical ELECTION INTEGRITY project that will directly impact all future elections, beginning with 2024!

NEEDED…smart awake citizens to help with this critical 2024 project!

We need ALL hands on deck ASAP!

Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!

Contact ASAP here to join us…Northamericanlawcenter@gmail.com

Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…


You will be standing with the best!!!

P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties!

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Read the Bible. Daniel 7. Enough said.

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I can’t believe anyone could still support this evil man. He has every “attribute” of the antichrist. He is the one who helped the evil psychopaths to destroy our country and pushed the murder of innocent people worldwide. Why can’t you see what he is? You are assisting the rise of the Beast System by supporting his treachery. TDS should stand for Trump Delusion Syndrome. The Great Delusion described in the Bible is in full effect. He is about to take his place as the Son of Perdition. Why are you helping him?

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F off Lucy. You probably don't even live in this country and if you do, you are totally deceived imo. You haven't mentioned how Trump has his men rescuing children from underground bases who have been tortured, raped, organ harvested and adrenochrome harvested and eaten. The people who are fighting Trump are the ones who are participating in this child trafficking and they don't want to be found out and executed. What does your bible say about that?

Just Stop with your lopsided debate!


I want to leave a Good Country to my children and grandchildren. He is a Good Man, He is a Genius!


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Netanyahu is the closest thing to the AC. The biblical descriptions are man of sin and man of lawlessness. The latter term fits especially well given he pledges to defy the ICJ and says “no one will stop us.”

Too bad Netanyahu’s Rabin Karma does pay a visit.

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Trump Delusion Syndrome got you

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Feb 7
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You are clearly not a follower of Christ. Otherwise the Holy Spirit would have told u to II the Truth about what Trump is. He has repeatedly blasphemed Jesus Christ by saying he is like Him. He is the exact opposite. I will pray 🙏 for you to open your eyes.

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In my humble opinion God, and politics should not mix. Otherwise, you have theocracies. But I a might be wrong.

Trump is no saviour; neither is any human. Trust no man.

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Lucy, go man another one of your phones. This is going nowhere.

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Feb 7
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You are so stupid you still believe in the left right paradigm. Hopeless. We will pray 🙏 for you.

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Feb 7
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Demons do laugh at Christ.

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