Dershowitz: Country ‘Would Have Been Better Off’ if Trump Not Prosecuted; by his own admissions, he did possess classified material,” “Also, nobody should mention the word espionage here in court
With all due respect, you're being duped by the Trump saga. He's not the savior of America as he's being portrayed to be. We all need to dig deeper into the true people that run the world, their history and agenda...and Trumps current relation to them. We need to understand how they largely control and architect the two theatrical political sides (distracting and deceiving us), while their ultimate agenda marches on. We need to understand the hegelian dialectic, problem, reaction, solution methods. All of this runs much deeper and is more sinister than most realize. I used to be a huge Trump supporter, until I dug deeper and saw the truth. It was a journey of awakening and was not easy or comfortable to see. God bless.
Dr. Alexander, Trump has been complicit in the world genocide. And therefore is unfit to lead our country.
If ppl argue that Trump was tricked by the Deep State into approving the biological/chemical/radiological weapons called “vaccines”, this argument is baseless for he should have seen & acknowledged by now, & certainly by the end of 2021 (see Bill O’Reilly & Candace Owens interviews), that the shots are harmful & deadly beyond anything Humanity has ever experienced (see Katherine Watt, Sasha Latypova, atty. Todd Callender, Edward Dowd, etc.).
Because Trump has turned a blind eye or is utterly oblivious to the real time holocaust that is occurring, he is unfit to lead our nation. Trump has had plenty of time to realize what is going on. No truly intelligent person or leader could be so dumb right now. The excess mortality being reported in every country that administered the shots is the tell-tale sign of mass democide & genocide.
The Elite’s plan to depopulate the world & set up a global technocratic surveillance government has been planned for decades - even for more than 100 years. Am I to believe that Trump who hobnobbed with other billionaires was unaware of this goal or objective? No, it’s not possible.
Hard as it is to face, whether wittingly or unwittingly, Trump initiated the NWO. I believe this was his mission. He HAD to comply or he, his family, & his business empire would be destroyed. So, he chose self-preservation & loyalty to his wealthy counterparts over defending our nation & its constitution at all costs.
Trump sold Mankind into death & slavery with the approval of the shots. It was an absolute betrayal. He lied to We the People - worse yet, he lied before God. He is compromised. This is the reason he cannot “see” the Truth about the “vaccines” he “created”.
I did not make any suggestions or intimations about who should be President. I believe that remains to be revealed.
What I can say is that when I watched the Candace Owens interview in December 2021, I knew then beyond a shadow of a doubt that Trump was a liar & that he lied when he claimed that no one had died from the “vaccines”. I was a Trump supporter up until that moment & had given him the benefit of the doubt. But my intuition flashed forth - I was given to see that because Trump lied he was committing a great sin against our nation but most especially before God (“Thy shall not bear false witness”). I felt that he would not be re-elected for this reason; that it is not intended he should be elected.
God gives the ppl free will to choose. If ppl do not pray & ask for spiritual discernment then we shall end up being the donkeys 🫏 of a Great Deception. Trump’s refusal to acknowledge the deadliness of the injections is a massive deception. I cannot support someone who has been complicit in the murder & suffering of millions worldwide. In my view, he is no better than Gates & Fauci.
We must seek the Truth above all even if it means the destruction of our most cherished beliefs & opinions. I was deeply disturbed by Trump’s lie. I asked God to help me understand the reason for it. Soon afterward, I randomly read a biblical passage from Samuel I which gave me understanding. Trump was compromised. This explained the reason why he was turning a blind eye to the harm of the shots.
I believe like Saul, God appointed Trump. But like Saul, Trump ultimately failed his commission. Therefore, God has appointed a new leader. I was not given to know who that person is. I only know that Trump is no longer “the chosen one”.
I realize my words & views will rile the ire of many Trump supporters of which I was formerly one. Did it hurt to realize the truth about Trump? Yes, but it also set me free from idolatry & cognitive dissonance. Our nation & the world is being sorely tested at present. We must have faith & trust that God will show us the Way. But HE can only do so if we are open to the Truth.
I don’t believe everything that’s going on with Trump as regards his arrest & indictment. The public is being distracted & being prepped to react & mobilize towards some end. The Globalists are in control & are manipulating circumstances to their advantage.
I recommend everyone listen to the Day tapes. It’s a real eye-opener & explains so much -- *(Note: the 1st link provides a 4th interview which the 2nd link does not. However, it’s worthwhile reading & following Sage Hana’s Substack.)
In closing, God is our real Savior, not Trump. It is only by seeking HIS help & HIS truth that we stand any chance of defeating the Luciferian’s plan for humanity.
Thanks for your willingness to consider my view. Highly recommend the Day tapes provided by the links above. Please do give them a listen. You will not look at the world, politics, or the churches the same again.
Once DeSantis learned the truth about the shots, he has been the Best Governor in the USA, by a LONGSHOT, no matter how much Trump's MAGA has been pushing a false picture:
answers a question about adverse events of mRNA COVID shots:
“Florida is the only state in the country that is doing ANYTHING about this. We petitioned the Florida Supreme Court to impanel a statewide grand jury…that grand jury was seated in February and it is investigating…We have seen an increase [of myocarditis] in Florida, particularly with men under the age of 40.”""
Baloney..see who DeSantis runs with..he did not do anything for Florida..the legislature did. That is their job. He made a BIG deal of signing a bill in Israel stopping anti Semitic speech/actions..just another 1st amendment censorship..Florida also still has red flag laws..anti 2nd amendment..when will you see he is only in this for, power, control..IF he was truly for the people of Florida he would remain and finish the job he was elected to do. Him leaving leaves you exactly where with exactly who for governor. He is not the Great wonder that you are pushing. Get this..the people are ping pong balls being batted back and forth between 2 groups of elites who really just don't give a care about us. Get it!!
Why isn't DeSantis making Ivermectin available over the counter like in Tennessee. He gave Hospitals, Doctors, and healthcare workers immunity from being sued during COVID.
That is baloney..look at who DeSantis hangs out with. He didn't do any thing in Florida your legislatures did. That is their job. He also made a BIG deal about signing a bill with supposedly protection antiSemitic language..censorshid in a different form..also Florida still has red flag laws..anti 2nd amendment..he is not the shining light you seem to think he is. None are. Get the idea we the people pong balls being hit back and forth by 2 teams of elites. They are there for themselves..power, control and wealth.
Respectfully, your statement regarding President Trump is not true.
There were 2 vaccines. Trump’s & Biden’s. Only Biden’s has the MRNA, not Trump’s. Trump’s vaccine has everything in it that he spoke about. Go on Truth Social and follow TommyMac171. The information is there.
I have considered the facts which support my own intuitive/instinctual revelations about Trump. For truly objective analyses of the shots & other related issues, I recommend ppl follow & read the Substacks of Katherine Watt (Bailiwick News), Sasha Latypova (Due Diligence & Art), Karen Kingston (Kingston Report), & also Dr. Jane Ruby (Twitter, Telegram).
The actual facts matter. Did you watch the Rumble Video I attached. Why would stronger doses of the vaccines be sent to Red States? Go on Truth Social, like I advised.
There is a Global Military Alliance happening. Respectfully, have you not seen that the Military is in 50 states? Have you not seen all the flights being cancelled? It is not by coincidence. The Military stood by Trump when he was inaugurated and he is CIG.
There are thousands of sealed indictments. Flights going to GITMO. The EBS will be happening soon.
If you really want someone to respect & honestly consider your point of view, you don’t resort to name calling.
Ppl like yourself will continue to make excuses for Trump. Be my guest. However, what is more “stupid” than defending an indefensible act or decision or complicity in genocide/mass murder?
Trump had good intentions getting the jabs out quick.
He made it freedom of choice. He didn't manufacture the jabs, blame big pharma for that. I think you're very wrong about Trump. He made mistakes trusting people that turned on him but that's on them, not him. Biden is the one who made it jab or be jobless. You can't blame Trump for what people chose to be ignorant about. No one got the jab because Trump told them to. He made it freedom of choice. Fauci and Gates hyped the virus up along with the mainstream media and people got fear mongered to get the jab. The Hivemind got the best of them and the deaths are sad but in no way is Trump to be blamed for making a defective product that is killing some.
OK....But, look at our Country. Of course, Trump is not the Savior. But, what other selection are you going to make, if we even make it to 2024? President Trump is the only one at this time in
I’ve gone to the official website of stop world control several times and signed up for emails, even adding them to my contact list and my VIP list, and I still never get email notifications. I think they’re even blocking this information from personal email now.!
Only a fool would believe that the Dems are desperate to get rid of Trump because they believe that if he is the GOP nominee it will be easy to get Biden reinstalled. They want Biden to face a candidate who would be easy for Biden to defeat. That easy to defeat candidate is, to use Trump's own words, Rob DeSantimonious. The Dems have done their research and Biden is chafing at the bit to face DeSanctimonious. They want to face the weaker candidate, not the stronger candidate. DeSanctimonious could never survive the witch hunts that Trump has survived. The GOP needs to be represented by the superior candidate, not the inferior one. Accept no cheap imitations. Remember that before Trump's intervention in his first gubernatorial race DeSanctimonious was facing defeat, by a crackhead. The same would happen in a presidential election. Don't believe a word the RINOs say about Trump not being able to beat Biden and about DeSanctimonious being more appealing to women. Women are not stupid. The truth is the exact opposite of what the RINOs and the fake news say. Don't listen to RINOs or the fake news. They lie like pigs in sh-t. Get your information from TruthSocial, not from the lying RINOs and their fake news outlets.
I agree. Also, they Leftists want DeTraitor, because it's another set up. JEB! was supposed to be the Republican candidate and lose to Crooked Crumb Bay. You see the pattern here.
You never really know how far a person will sell themselves out. DeSantis comes on Christian Broadcasting Network saying he wanted to be like the Disciples. He left himself wide open on that one. Because, without a doubt it has to be JUDAS. I can't believe how low in character DeSantis has sunk including his wife.
The "fools" are exactly correct. Dems don't want to face DeSantis.
Why do you think the CA Governor was praising Trump in interview of Hannity.
Newsome is praying to face Trump when Biden/Kamala are removed.
They all fear DeSantis.
Tomi Lahren agrees with me. She said "the enemy of my enemy is my friend", referring to the CA Governor. Both Newsom and Trump have DeSantis as the enemy.
Tomi endorsed DeSantis the other day because she thinks he has the best chance to win.
Trump is not going to get any key endorsements going forward. Trump is finished.
Newsom's praise is inconsequential. He's trying to alienate Trump from supporters by praising him. The increasingly desperate attempts by DeSantis and Biden allies like Jack Smith and Alvin Bragg to remove Trump from the race through indictments are intended to assist DeSantis to get the nomination. The Dems know DeSantis is another weakling like McCain and Romney and will never withstand the attacks they have in store for him. They also know that people, especially women, will not be able to stomach DeSantis. It's like when a patient has a doctor who's from the upper extreme of the bell curve and that doctor retires. By definition, most of the remaining doctors will be average. What does that patient then do? Settle for a mediocre doctor as replacement? No. The patient goes looking for another better than average doctor. However, in the case of the 2024 presidentiall race, all of the candidates are inferior to Trump. Just as in the case of the patient who loses an above average doctor and won't then settle for a second rate one, MAGA supporters are not going to settle for second rate.
I agree. DeSantis is a despicable opportunist who is owned by the evil globalists. The evidence can be found in his support for the Nazi regime of Ukraine.
Of course DeSantis is better than Democrats, but that’s a extremely low standard because Democrats are criminals and traitors.
Check this out. Bernie Sanders is beating Biden. But don't be fooled by DeSanctimonious' favorability in the poll. Once the Dems get started on him he will melt like a snowflake in the sun.
Breaking Poll: Trump Most Popular Politician in Country with RFK Jr. – Trump Leads Biden by 6 Points in Rematch – And MAJORITY of Americans Believe Trump Indictment Is Politically Motivated
So all of a sudden you are embracing Favorability after ignoring in the past.
Well you fell into the trap, because the -3 is clearly a sympathy bounce from people (including Independents) who believe the Biden Justice Dept is getting political to prosecute Trump. The reason I know this, is because the RCP average for Trump is -16 !!!
DeSantis's RCP average is 11% better and that is despite MAGA making their #1 priority to attack DeSantis with lies, these past 4 months, with DeSantis not being allowed to respond before May 24 announcement.
And MAGA people will Lie in polls, giving Unfavorability for DeSantis, when in reality they will Never vote for Biden. Most will vote for DeSantis in the end or just not show up to vote.
Here is the FULL comparison of Biden, Trump and DeSantis:
De Santis doesn't have a cnn poll number... where is it? The other two have 7 results, De Santis has only 6. That 6th number could bring his score down. Anyway, I can't believe Biden has any rating over 15% with the way that bloody disgrace to America is! De Santis shouldn't have even ran. Think what you will of Trump, this one belongs to him. He's earned it and deserves it and we need someone who can stand up to the powerful deep state, child trafficking un and evil who. Only Trump can, has and will.
If there was a better GOP candidate than DeSantis they'd vote for him or her in the end. But DeSantis is inferior to Trump by too great a margin. The people have had a taste of the best French champagne. They're not going to now accept bottom of the barrel. They'll just stay home, unless RFK Jris the Dem candidate and then they'll vote Dem.
DeSantis is weak on Foreign Policy. Who cares about Tucker Carlson? Everybody paints him out to be a God or something. Beware of false idols. DeSantis is controlled by
Trump was and still is the perfect President. No other option. 2020 was rigged by Dominion-Leonardo. Trump had no classified material as Presidents have authority to declassify all bureaucrat classifications. Pedo, Merrick, Wray, and more must be held accountable for treason, violation of oath of office, sedition, insurrection, filing false reports under color of authority, convicted, and immediately and publicly hung right in our DC mall.
Deterrence historically works for future criminals and for future white collar criminals and for future bureaucrat deep state trash criminals. :)
Trump NEVER should have announced running for re-election. He only did it because he wanted REVENGE against all those he did him wrong. He couldn't care less about other people or about the country. He is only about himself. Yet he controls a MAGA Cult who are so in love with Trump that they will do and say anything to support him. And the Cult will ignore private statements by Tucker Carlson about how much Tucker hates Trump.
Trump could have been a King Maker, as I had been saying. Instead he promotes lies, including Italian insults against MEATBALL Ron DeSantis. Here is the TRUTH about Ron DeSantis:
"To President Donald Trump
And His #MAGA Supporters:
His name is Ron DeSantis.
Not Rob. Not Rod. Not DeSimp.
Not Meatball. Not DeSanctimonious.
Gov DeSantis received his law degree from Harvard Law School, graduating with honors. While there, he earned a commission in the US Navy’s JAG Corps. He served as a lieutenant in the Judge Advocate General's Corps of the U.S. Navy Reserve. Deployed to Iraq as an advisor to Seal Team 1, Naval Special Warfare. During his military career, DeSantis was awarded the Bronze Star Medal, the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal, the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, and the Iraq Campaign Medal.
You don't like his politics, fine. Attack his policy positions - it's America after all. But he served his country in uniform - please treat him with some FUCKING respect. At least say his name right?
I agree w/ Mark Levin. and I have been following the case .. as I do understand the LEGAL terms.
Dershowitz is a good guy but I prefer to refer to Mark Levin's analysis as well as my own understanding of the PRA and also the fact that Bill Clinton's case in the Supreme court is the precedent for this, remember sock drawer full of "classified" tapes; Donald Trump as Potus is the arbiter of "classification" of documents.
Of all of the prosecutions, legal prosecution is the one most likely to succumb to the corruption caused by the ignorance of the process on the part of the lay participants.
We would always have been better off under a true constitutionalist than under any member of the bipartisan dictatorship, as Democrats and Republicans have to remain to remain in power.
With all due respect, you're being duped by the Trump saga. He's not the savior of America as he's being portrayed to be. We all need to dig deeper into the true people that run the world, their history and agenda...and Trumps current relation to them. We need to understand how they largely control and architect the two theatrical political sides (distracting and deceiving us), while their ultimate agenda marches on. We need to understand the hegelian dialectic, problem, reaction, solution methods. All of this runs much deeper and is more sinister than most realize. I used to be a huge Trump supporter, until I dug deeper and saw the truth. It was a journey of awakening and was not easy or comfortable to see. God bless.
love me carefully...
Dr. Alexander, Trump has been complicit in the world genocide. And therefore is unfit to lead our country.
If ppl argue that Trump was tricked by the Deep State into approving the biological/chemical/radiological weapons called “vaccines”, this argument is baseless for he should have seen & acknowledged by now, & certainly by the end of 2021 (see Bill O’Reilly & Candace Owens interviews), that the shots are harmful & deadly beyond anything Humanity has ever experienced (see Katherine Watt, Sasha Latypova, atty. Todd Callender, Edward Dowd, etc.).
Because Trump has turned a blind eye or is utterly oblivious to the real time holocaust that is occurring, he is unfit to lead our nation. Trump has had plenty of time to realize what is going on. No truly intelligent person or leader could be so dumb right now. The excess mortality being reported in every country that administered the shots is the tell-tale sign of mass democide & genocide.
The Elite’s plan to depopulate the world & set up a global technocratic surveillance government has been planned for decades - even for more than 100 years. Am I to believe that Trump who hobnobbed with other billionaires was unaware of this goal or objective? No, it’s not possible.
Hard as it is to face, whether wittingly or unwittingly, Trump initiated the NWO. I believe this was his mission. He HAD to comply or he, his family, & his business empire would be destroyed. So, he chose self-preservation & loyalty to his wealthy counterparts over defending our nation & its constitution at all costs.
Trump sold Mankind into death & slavery with the approval of the shots. It was an absolute betrayal. He lied to We the People - worse yet, he lied before God. He is compromised. This is the reason he cannot “see” the Truth about the “vaccines” he “created”.
Who would you suggest people should support instead Veronica? Remember DeSantis pushed the shots.
DeSantis is still pushing the US/NATO narrative instead of the truth for the Russian SMO enforcement of the Minsk agreements.
I did not make any suggestions or intimations about who should be President. I believe that remains to be revealed.
What I can say is that when I watched the Candace Owens interview in December 2021, I knew then beyond a shadow of a doubt that Trump was a liar & that he lied when he claimed that no one had died from the “vaccines”. I was a Trump supporter up until that moment & had given him the benefit of the doubt. But my intuition flashed forth - I was given to see that because Trump lied he was committing a great sin against our nation but most especially before God (“Thy shall not bear false witness”). I felt that he would not be re-elected for this reason; that it is not intended he should be elected.
God gives the ppl free will to choose. If ppl do not pray & ask for spiritual discernment then we shall end up being the donkeys 🫏 of a Great Deception. Trump’s refusal to acknowledge the deadliness of the injections is a massive deception. I cannot support someone who has been complicit in the murder & suffering of millions worldwide. In my view, he is no better than Gates & Fauci.
We must seek the Truth above all even if it means the destruction of our most cherished beliefs & opinions. I was deeply disturbed by Trump’s lie. I asked God to help me understand the reason for it. Soon afterward, I randomly read a biblical passage from Samuel I which gave me understanding. Trump was compromised. This explained the reason why he was turning a blind eye to the harm of the shots.
I believe like Saul, God appointed Trump. But like Saul, Trump ultimately failed his commission. Therefore, God has appointed a new leader. I was not given to know who that person is. I only know that Trump is no longer “the chosen one”.
I realize my words & views will rile the ire of many Trump supporters of which I was formerly one. Did it hurt to realize the truth about Trump? Yes, but it also set me free from idolatry & cognitive dissonance. Our nation & the world is being sorely tested at present. We must have faith & trust that God will show us the Way. But HE can only do so if we are open to the Truth.
I don’t believe everything that’s going on with Trump as regards his arrest & indictment. The public is being distracted & being prepped to react & mobilize towards some end. The Globalists are in control & are manipulating circumstances to their advantage.
I recommend everyone listen to the Day tapes. It’s a real eye-opener & explains so much -- *(Note: the 1st link provides a 4th interview which the 2nd link does not. However, it’s worthwhile reading & following Sage Hana’s Substack.)
In closing, God is our real Savior, not Trump. It is only by seeking HIS help & HIS truth that we stand any chance of defeating the Luciferian’s plan for humanity.
Thanks for your thoughtful response.
Thanks for your willingness to consider my view. Highly recommend the Day tapes provided by the links above. Please do give them a listen. You will not look at the world, politics, or the churches the same again.
Once DeSantis learned the truth about the shots, he has been the Best Governor in the USA, by a LONGSHOT, no matter how much Trump's MAGA has been pushing a false picture:
answers a question about adverse events of mRNA COVID shots:
“Florida is the only state in the country that is doing ANYTHING about this. We petitioned the Florida Supreme Court to impanel a statewide grand jury…that grand jury was seated in February and it is investigating…We have seen an increase [of myocarditis] in Florida, particularly with men under the age of 40.”""
I wouldn't trust anything the fake news says. I go straight to TruthSocial to get the FACTS without propaganda. I recommend everyone do the same.
You mean "LieSocial". Just as I suspected, you get all your misinformation from LieSocial. That is why we correctly all call you a Cultist.
If I was on LieSocial, would I be silenced if I didn't agree with the Chorus? I'm sure I would be.
I was suspended from Breitbart back in 2016, because I supported Marco Rubio at the time, and I criticized Trump.
There is plenty of Censorship on Conservative places like Breitbart and RINO media like LieSocial.
Baloney..see who DeSantis runs with..he did not do anything for Florida..the legislature did. That is their job. He made a BIG deal of signing a bill in Israel stopping anti Semitic speech/actions..just another 1st amendment censorship..Florida also still has red flag laws..anti 2nd amendment..when will you see he is only in this for, power, control..IF he was truly for the people of Florida he would remain and finish the job he was elected to do. Him leaving leaves you exactly where with exactly who for governor. He is not the Great wonder that you are pushing. Get this..the people are ping pong balls being batted back and forth between 2 groups of elites who really just don't give a care about us. Get it!!
Why isn't DeSantis making Ivermectin available over the counter like in Tennessee. He gave Hospitals, Doctors, and healthcare workers immunity from being sued during COVID.
Then why won't DeSantis make Ivermectin available over the counter like
Tennessee has done? You can only get Ivermectin at very few pharmacies in Florida which isn't right.
I thought that would be a pharmacy board issue.
Its not quite over-the-counter in TN. Have to discuss w/pharmacist:
They should do the same with hydroxychloroquine.
Not discriminating for prescription Ivermectin is protected in the new law Gov DeSantis signed.
That is baloney..look at who DeSantis hangs out with. He didn't do any thing in Florida your legislatures did. That is their job. He also made a BIG deal about signing a bill with supposedly protection antiSemitic language..censorshid in a different form..also Florida still has red flag laws..anti 2nd amendment..he is not the shining light you seem to think he is. None are. Get the idea we the people pong balls being hit back and forth by 2 teams of elites. They are there for themselves..power, control and wealth.
She is much prettier than Archie.
Respectfully, your statement regarding President Trump is not true.
There were 2 vaccines. Trump’s & Biden’s. Only Biden’s has the MRNA, not Trump’s. Trump’s vaccine has everything in it that he spoke about. Go on Truth Social and follow TommyMac171. The information is there.
Also, follow USGuardianEagle & the17thLetter.
I have considered the facts which support my own intuitive/instinctual revelations about Trump. For truly objective analyses of the shots & other related issues, I recommend ppl follow & read the Substacks of Katherine Watt (Bailiwick News), Sasha Latypova (Due Diligence & Art), Karen Kingston (Kingston Report), & also Dr. Jane Ruby (Twitter, Telegram).
The actual facts matter. Did you watch the Rumble Video I attached. Why would stronger doses of the vaccines be sent to Red States? Go on Truth Social, like I advised.
There is a Global Military Alliance happening. Respectfully, have you not seen that the Military is in 50 states? Have you not seen all the flights being cancelled? It is not by coincidence. The Military stood by Trump when he was inaugurated and he is CIG.
There are thousands of sealed indictments. Flights going to GITMO. The EBS will be happening soon.
You will see.
Have a nice day!
Thanks for this information. I will check it out :-)
Part 2:
How stupid. Trump had to run with the vaccines, he had no choice. Study Hoover's response to the '29 crash for precedence.
If you really want someone to respect & honestly consider your point of view, you don’t resort to name calling.
Ppl like yourself will continue to make excuses for Trump. Be my guest. However, what is more “stupid” than defending an indefensible act or decision or complicity in genocide/mass murder?
Trump had good intentions getting the jabs out quick.
He made it freedom of choice. He didn't manufacture the jabs, blame big pharma for that. I think you're very wrong about Trump. He made mistakes trusting people that turned on him but that's on them, not him. Biden is the one who made it jab or be jobless. You can't blame Trump for what people chose to be ignorant about. No one got the jab because Trump told them to. He made it freedom of choice. Fauci and Gates hyped the virus up along with the mainstream media and people got fear mongered to get the jab. The Hivemind got the best of them and the deaths are sad but in no way is Trump to be blamed for making a defective product that is killing some.
When people become ppl, it is easy for corruption to prevail.
Trump is still a low quality narcissistic megalomanic who will sell anything out to maintain his psychosis.
OK....But, look at our Country. Of course, Trump is not the Savior. But, what other selection are you going to make, if we even make it to 2024? President Trump is the only one at this time in
our Country.
I’ve gone to the official website of stop world control several times and signed up for emails, even adding them to my contact list and my VIP list, and I still never get email notifications. I think they’re even blocking this information from personal email now.!
I’ve done similar. Whoever this Stop World is, is not to be believed at all.
shut up, ass
Pure nonsense Stop.
You basically said Nothing. You’re trying to dupe us, smugly offering pure nonsense; unimpressive dribble.
Go away.
You go, you Trump leg-humper. Let's see how that is going to work out for ya'.
Why, even waste your time reading. It's ashame how many in the medical field have
sold themselves out for the MONEY!
Only a fool would believe that the Dems are desperate to get rid of Trump because they believe that if he is the GOP nominee it will be easy to get Biden reinstalled. They want Biden to face a candidate who would be easy for Biden to defeat. That easy to defeat candidate is, to use Trump's own words, Rob DeSantimonious. The Dems have done their research and Biden is chafing at the bit to face DeSanctimonious. They want to face the weaker candidate, not the stronger candidate. DeSanctimonious could never survive the witch hunts that Trump has survived. The GOP needs to be represented by the superior candidate, not the inferior one. Accept no cheap imitations. Remember that before Trump's intervention in his first gubernatorial race DeSanctimonious was facing defeat, by a crackhead. The same would happen in a presidential election. Don't believe a word the RINOs say about Trump not being able to beat Biden and about DeSanctimonious being more appealing to women. Women are not stupid. The truth is the exact opposite of what the RINOs and the fake news say. Don't listen to RINOs or the fake news. They lie like pigs in sh-t. Get your information from TruthSocial, not from the lying RINOs and their fake news outlets.
I agree. Also, they Leftists want DeTraitor, because it's another set up. JEB! was supposed to be the Republican candidate and lose to Crooked Crumb Bay. You see the pattern here.
Yes, RDS is being backed by Soros.
You never really know how far a person will sell themselves out. DeSantis comes on Christian Broadcasting Network saying he wanted to be like the Disciples. He left himself wide open on that one. Because, without a doubt it has to be JUDAS. I can't believe how low in character DeSantis has sunk including his wife.
Every time you make that argument, you fall on your face.
It may have worked in the past, but you will be shooting yourself in the foot, every time you repeat that lie.
Sure fellow MAGA Cultists like Lynn and others and this Blog will agree with you.
But no Iowa Caucus goer of NH Primary Voter will believe it.
Instead they will know for a FACT that DeSantis is a TRUE Conservative and Trump is a self-serving RINO.
DeSantis is Soros #1 enemy and DeSantis is the enemy of the Dem Party.
The "fools" are exactly correct. Dems don't want to face DeSantis.
Why do you think the CA Governor was praising Trump in interview of Hannity.
Newsome is praying to face Trump when Biden/Kamala are removed.
They all fear DeSantis.
Tomi Lahren agrees with me. She said "the enemy of my enemy is my friend", referring to the CA Governor. Both Newsom and Trump have DeSantis as the enemy.
Tomi endorsed DeSantis the other day because she thinks he has the best chance to win.
Trump is not going to get any key endorsements going forward. Trump is finished.
Here are the groups of people that leftist Trump is praising lately:
Bud Light
Newsom's praise is inconsequential. He's trying to alienate Trump from supporters by praising him. The increasingly desperate attempts by DeSantis and Biden allies like Jack Smith and Alvin Bragg to remove Trump from the race through indictments are intended to assist DeSantis to get the nomination. The Dems know DeSantis is another weakling like McCain and Romney and will never withstand the attacks they have in store for him. They also know that people, especially women, will not be able to stomach DeSantis. It's like when a patient has a doctor who's from the upper extreme of the bell curve and that doctor retires. By definition, most of the remaining doctors will be average. What does that patient then do? Settle for a mediocre doctor as replacement? No. The patient goes looking for another better than average doctor. However, in the case of the 2024 presidentiall race, all of the candidates are inferior to Trump. Just as in the case of the patient who loses an above average doctor and won't then settle for a second rate one, MAGA supporters are not going to settle for second rate.
I agree. DeSantis is a despicable opportunist who is owned by the evil globalists. The evidence can be found in his support for the Nazi regime of Ukraine.
Of course DeSantis is better than Democrats, but that’s a extremely low standard because Democrats are criminals and traitors.
Check this out. Bernie Sanders is beating Biden. But don't be fooled by DeSanctimonious' favorability in the poll. Once the Dems get started on him he will melt like a snowflake in the sun.
Breaking Poll: Trump Most Popular Politician in Country with RFK Jr. – Trump Leads Biden by 6 Points in Rematch – And MAJORITY of Americans Believe Trump Indictment Is Politically Motivated
So all of a sudden you are embracing Favorability after ignoring in the past.
Well you fell into the trap, because the -3 is clearly a sympathy bounce from people (including Independents) who believe the Biden Justice Dept is getting political to prosecute Trump. The reason I know this, is because the RCP average for Trump is -16 !!!
DeSantis's RCP average is 11% better and that is despite MAGA making their #1 priority to attack DeSantis with lies, these past 4 months, with DeSantis not being allowed to respond before May 24 announcement.
And MAGA people will Lie in polls, giving Unfavorability for DeSantis, when in reality they will Never vote for Biden. Most will vote for DeSantis in the end or just not show up to vote.
Here is the FULL comparison of Biden, Trump and DeSantis:
De Santis doesn't have a cnn poll number... where is it? The other two have 7 results, De Santis has only 6. That 6th number could bring his score down. Anyway, I can't believe Biden has any rating over 15% with the way that bloody disgrace to America is! De Santis shouldn't have even ran. Think what you will of Trump, this one belongs to him. He's earned it and deserves it and we need someone who can stand up to the powerful deep state, child trafficking un and evil who. Only Trump can, has and will.
Now, that's why your an independent thinker. Great and TRUE comment :-)
You know Fraudchi said during the Plandemic there were too many
independent thinkers. He wants us to become like the BORG. Fat chance
If there was a better GOP candidate than DeSantis they'd vote for him or her in the end. But DeSantis is inferior to Trump by too great a margin. The people have had a taste of the best French champagne. They're not going to now accept bottom of the barrel. They'll just stay home, unless RFK Jris the Dem candidate and then they'll vote Dem.
100% false about DeSantis. You people all follow up with the same snake-like comments (no irrefutable evidence) to support criticism of DeSantis.
DeSantis criticizes Ukraine all the time. It is the real traditional Republicans like Jeb Bush, McConnell and Mike Pence who blindly support Ukraine.
Tucker Carlson loves DeSantis and will feature DeSantis on Twitter in a few weeks.
Tucker especially likes DeSantis' views on Ukraine.
DeSantis is weak on Foreign Policy. Who cares about Tucker Carlson? Everybody paints him out to be a God or something. Beware of false idols. DeSantis is controlled by
JEB and his BIG donors.
Trump was and still is the perfect President. No other option. 2020 was rigged by Dominion-Leonardo. Trump had no classified material as Presidents have authority to declassify all bureaucrat classifications. Pedo, Merrick, Wray, and more must be held accountable for treason, violation of oath of office, sedition, insurrection, filing false reports under color of authority, convicted, and immediately and publicly hung right in our DC mall.
Deterrence historically works for future criminals and for future white collar criminals and for future bureaucrat deep state trash criminals. :)
I think Trump would get America back to a republic quickly!
Trump NEVER should have announced running for re-election. He only did it because he wanted REVENGE against all those he did him wrong. He couldn't care less about other people or about the country. He is only about himself. Yet he controls a MAGA Cult who are so in love with Trump that they will do and say anything to support him. And the Cult will ignore private statements by Tucker Carlson about how much Tucker hates Trump.
Trump could have been a King Maker, as I had been saying. Instead he promotes lies, including Italian insults against MEATBALL Ron DeSantis. Here is the TRUTH about Ron DeSantis:
"To President Donald Trump
And His #MAGA Supporters:
His name is Ron DeSantis.
Not Rob. Not Rod. Not DeSimp.
Not Meatball. Not DeSanctimonious.
Gov DeSantis received his law degree from Harvard Law School, graduating with honors. While there, he earned a commission in the US Navy’s JAG Corps. He served as a lieutenant in the Judge Advocate General's Corps of the U.S. Navy Reserve. Deployed to Iraq as an advisor to Seal Team 1, Naval Special Warfare. During his military career, DeSantis was awarded the Bronze Star Medal, the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal, the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, and the Iraq Campaign Medal.
You don't like his politics, fine. Attack his policy positions - it's America after all. But he served his country in uniform - please treat him with some FUCKING respect. At least say his name right?
#Respect #America #Patriots"
And DeSantis will Pardon Trump of all Federal Crimes, when he is elected POTUS.
Respectfully Gerald:
Look at who surrounded Trump when he was inaugurated. The Military.
Now go and download a flight tracker and look at all the Military planes that are up.
Why are there Military in 50 states right now? Actually they are all over the world.
Why are there Military Tribunals scheduled in 2023?
Why are so many flights being cancelled today?
Both Anthony Fauci & Ron DeSantis are partners & owners of a diamond mine in Oklahoma.
Ron was listed as a member of St.Elmo secret society at Yale.
He was also inducted in Delta Kappa Epsilon during his time at Yale which boasts more US Presidents than any other fraternity.
Both are affiliated with Skulls & Bone fraternity.
Ask the Military how Ron treated him?
Check out who his clients were when he was a lawyer.
Do research about his wife?
Who is funding Ron’s campaign?
You do the research.
I have done the research on both!
Have a nice day.
Trump hasn't committed any crimes. Didn't Bush go to Harvard? There you go! Can't stand the evil Bush Jr!
He deserves is time at bat!
I agree w/ Mark Levin. and I have been following the case .. as I do understand the LEGAL terms.
Dershowitz is a good guy but I prefer to refer to Mark Levin's analysis as well as my own understanding of the PRA and also the fact that Bill Clinton's case in the Supreme court is the precedent for this, remember sock drawer full of "classified" tapes; Donald Trump as Potus is the arbiter of "classification" of documents.
Of all of the prosecutions, legal prosecution is the one most likely to succumb to the corruption caused by the ignorance of the process on the part of the lay participants.
I agree. Add in all those illegal aliens crossing over the Southern Border. They are mostly
middle aged Chinese Nationals. We are being attacked from within and people just keep
acting like nothing is wrong. My husband came from Communist Hungary and he's ready.
Communists nationalized his Father's construction business and took his grandparents' farm.
He has seen what Communism can do to a Country. They were occupied for 45 years by
the USSR. The US didn't show up as promised. But, they certainly showed up for Ukraine.
Guess in those days Hungary wasn't the money laundering Country.
We would always have been better off under a true constitutionalist than under any member of the bipartisan dictatorship, as Democrats and Republicans have to remain to remain in power.
Yes, thx.