Trump needs to tell black Americans & minorities "look, I am not going to give you any free things, NO, I will promise to give you jobs, opportunities, a future & I have to send back all the illegals"
I have to send back all the illegals & close the border, it is the only fair thing for legal law-abiding Americans; I will fix the legal system for minorities & foster the economic development zones"
No FREE stuff, no more…I will ensure no impediments and let you soar, using your God given talents, let you work and be all you can be…no more government cheese, no more dependency, you are beautiful, great, skilled and more than capable, powerful, it is time you live free and be all you can be, it is time that we get the Democrat party out of your life for good, off the Democrat slave plantation of dependency…no more must illegals come up in America and be placed ahead of you, we sending them all back”…
he should say this.
The horse has to want the drink.
He's already proven that point in his first term. Lowest minority unemployment rate and lowest poverty rate on record, and wage growth above inflation especially for the bottom 10% of earners.