The horse has to want the drink.

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yes...the horse can get there...

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I speak from 25 years of experience in a "troubled" school district. The term "failing schools" is a complete misnomer. My district lacked NOTHING in terms of books, supplies, laptops, smart boards, free musical instruments, athletic equipment, free breakfast/lunch, all manner of after-school clubs and activities, and a sharp, diverse, dedicated staff. Nothing changes due to complete lack of consequence for pathologically disruptive behavior, and failing grades. Simply a microcosm of society.

In other words, the horse has been led to the water for 50+ years. Nothing is an absolute of course, but the Ben Carsons and Carol Swains are few and far between.

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He's already proven that point in his first term. Lowest minority unemployment rate and lowest poverty rate on record, and wage growth above inflation especially for the bottom 10% of earners.

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Yes indeed. That and dome tax cuts like he promised the richest in America! Go Trump.

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What exactly is the plan to deport all illegals? How can something like that happen without also restricting our liberties? And, how expensive will it be to do this? It sounds like a liverty-restructing, extremely expensive prospect. Taxpayers are not only losing by paying for all the illegals here, but we will also pay for their removal.

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It's OK...we will gladly pay for their removal. These are very smart men and they know just what to do. It will happen...you watch.

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I, as a taxpayer, would like to know how it will be done. Transparency.

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It's just common sense. They are breaking through into our country... the demoncrats are giving them more money every month than people on social security get (and are getting money from social security without ever putting anything in), they are getting SNAP for food, Medicare for health, they are being housed in hotels all paid for by you the taxpayer. Instead of giving these people all this money - we will pay for a one way ticket back to where they came from. Close the borders. Pay our border patrol to keep them out. The ones caught taking bribes from Mexican cartels will go to prison, or worse if it is treason. End of problem as I see it. We've got to stop allowing the woke left to destroy our country. This has long been in their plans to destroy our sovereignty, displace Americans and basically to steal our country. We have to stand up and fight against it and stop them. We can do it. IMO

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I am in favor of it, but I want to know how they are going to accomplish this enormous task.

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Good question. I personally do not know.

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Trump might not, but a leftist congress surely will give out free stuff.

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Congress is being cleaned out. We will not put up with the ongoing corruption by them, slush funds, lobbyists and special interests buying them off.

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I'd love to hear those words come out of his mouth!

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Great advice to Trump.

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