Long before he gets a chance,...there will be a signal and civil war with them will begin. Stay armed and ready.

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hhhmmm, we are but we want to do what must be done peacefully and civilly...if we can. courts, ballot....Ron, I hear you....but let us fix using the peaceful ways.

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I'm not talking about Americans. They have been bringing in illegal military men to take over America. They even were smuggled in those boxes on ships coming into Florida. It was reported and those who reported it turned up dead. Millions of illegal military men with no names aren't there to vote. They are there to end voting in America. The only military left in America are doing drag time story time. America will be needing a miracle before November, so they better get on their knees.

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No way Trump will round up all the Chinese military men - they are very smart and probably strategically placed within our populace and just waiting on orders

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I am pretty sure peaceful tactics are over at this point - the Chinese have all their military men in place and waiting on the green light and it will come - YES everyone be loaded and ready

Our military is pretty much full of limp wrists now - obama gutted the great higher ups

I believe he is one of the ones calling the shots now

BUCKLE UP KIDDYS - it is going to get worse

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Ron I 100% agree with you. IMO there has been ONLY ONE REASON why 95% of those illegal crossings have been from single unaccompanied men. The few women and children brought over were for trafficking purposes.

Those men will be put in a UN uniform and be armed against the very American public who willingly LET THEM IN!!!

You rise up and protest / riot in the streets / fight / burn down buildings for the BLM cause and you carried on like pork chops to ALLOW MEN TO BE WOMEN and silenced the side who said we don’t want men in our change rooms! BUT NOW WHEN YOU LET THE REAL TROJAN HORSE LOOSE TO HIDE AMONG YOU, you do not even recognise that is where THE REAL DANGER LIES! These men will rise up against you and slay you in your sleep. YET BY SAYING AND DOING NOTHING, these military men have infiltrated and dispersed by the tens of millions right under your noses!!!!

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No prisoners!

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This may sound harsh but let's hope you're right. It's far overdue.

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President Trump's campaign appearances/full speeches can be found recorded live at the following site: https://rsbntv.maz.tv/apps/3578/155651

If I recall correctly, I heard him commit to deporting the illegals in his May 1, 2024 speech delivered in Waukesha, Wisconsin. (I watched live on the same site.)

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boom, thank you for sharing, it is a critical point

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Who is in control in illegal migration of all illegals through Mexican and Canadian border, even the beaches of the two oceans? WHO? NGOs support them logistically and financially...

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May 5·edited May 5

"Trump recently said twice ..." Twice? Only twice?

Big deal! Trump said THOUSANDS of times "Lock her up!!"

At a debate, we all heard when Trump told Hillary to her face that she would "be in jail".

How did that all end? Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hbWCggw2ss

CONCLUSION: Do *NOT* trust what Trump SAYS, focus at what he DOES.

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Like "the plan" - it's a great recipe.

But how....HOW?! , -do you think he will gather up ALL of those now here illegally for removal ? Those who might be problematic, won't BE found if they choose NOT to be found.

Pandora's Box has been opened...or, "biden-ized". As has our country.

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IMO, Trump wouldn’t make a public declaration that he was going to do … anything … that he wasn’t capable of doing. His character and ego wouldn’t allow it.

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It’s no longer logistically possible to deport even a fraction of them.

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we will, else nation is dead

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Hold every employer accountable, starting day one . E-verify for every size business , especially the small residential construction companies, where a bulk of them work . End birthright citizenship and its attendant welfare benefits , including taxpayer funded healthcare for pregnant illegal mothers and this will make a difference.

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A fraction? Yes.

ALL of them ? Quite a leap of faith to believe that OUR government, WOKE and broke as it is, has the capability.

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He will. He did it once he’ll do it again.

Like he says “everything BUYDEN does turns to shit” 😂🤣

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ha ha

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Trump says a lot of things. I thought he was draining the swamp? He also thinks Kennedy is a conspiracy theorist and thinks that vaccines are good.

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To me his lack of medical knowledge is his REAL DOWNFALL. SOMEONE NEEDS TO ARRANGE A MEETING WITH HIM AND DR PAUL & DR McCULLOUGH!!!! Talk to him til the “real light” is turned on and the “propagandist light” that he was indoctrinated with (saying vaccines are good) is extinguished forever. We need a president with balls to shut down big pharma for good and cut off their tentacles!!!!

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Dr shiva

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It will never happen. Can you imagine the media frenzy if they start rounding up families and put them on buses…yeah no way Trump has the stones to do that. Even getting the criminals out will be a challenge.

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Trump can say it all he wants but I can guarantee the Supreme Court will stop him......of course they do not have the real power to stop him but they stop him and everyone will lay down thinking the SC is final say in all matters government but they are not. The final arbiter of the Constitution are the states and the people of the states. So it really is up to the states to start deporting these people and they do have power. The federal government may have jurisdiction when it comes to illegals they have no jurisdiction that is left up to the states and it is they woke up or perhaps they prefer being told what to do by a dictator. Here is what the Constitution says in Art. 1 Sec. 8 of the Constitution which lays out the 18 enumerated legislative powers of the federal government in regard to "immigration". It says NOTHING. "To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization". Read it again and again until the meaning sinks in!!

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Immigration policy is so backward that it shows incompetence and even worse of the administration. It can't just be incompetence, it is actually by design. Why would that be? Answer: to get Americans and immigrants to hate each other. It's pretty obvious. I mean you don't build a wall as part of immigration policy. I immigrated from a Western country and I can tell you, immigration policy in the US is backward, antiquated just like all the other policies such as student loans and home foreclosures. Nothing is ever done to improve things so this is by design. It is not accidental. It's about time people started realizing that the government is out to get us and that's not being paranoid it's being realistic. Naivety will take us to kingdom come.

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Does anyone really think his administration will be doing this. Cmon now. Trump is the one that shut down our country for COVID, he takes all the credit for these jabs with the Operation Warp Speed, and at the time claimed he was actually making a dent in human trafficking which was a lie. It’s all smoke and mirrors. Oh and I forgot he was going to “drain the swamp”

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Is he meaning just the ones who came in under Biden ? If so , this will never be enough to restore lost wages for Americans. Millions of illegals have poured into the country over the past 20 years . Their children fill the public schools and they have taken over the trade industries. Voted for Trump in 2016 hoping he would deport illegals then , but alas, nothing happened.

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