in short, it is kind of madness so let me not talk so I can digest it all...what a day!

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There is a plausible explanation by Alex on The Duran. In short, Trump now has Bibi in his pocket. It doesn't look like this could ever come to fruition.

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I agree, Dr. Paul. I knew Trump was arrogant, and never trusted him, but the level of arrogance and hubris here is beyond comprehension, very ignorant, and actually very DANGEROUS. I can't even process this. Trump is causing SO MUCH DAMAGE with what he's saying here.

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Bibi has no doubt given the order and now Trump is just following orders as Bibi pulls his strings. This gives credence to those who, while pointing to Israel's documented and verified history of false flag attacks (e.g. Operation Susannah) involving terrorist attacks blamed on others, say that Israel likely infiltrated and carried out the October 7 atrocity.

The land grab, population displacement, and plundering of oil and gas reserves to come was likely the game plan all along. This will likely lead to decades of increased conflict between the US, Israel and the Arab and Islamic world.

The blood of a single American is too precious to ever be shed for Netanyahu.

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there is so much here I agree with, I want not one ounce of our blood and treasure shed on this.

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hhhmmmm you said "The land grab, population displacement, and plundering of oil and gas reserves to come was likely the game plan all along. This will likely lead to decades of increased conflict between the US, Israel and the Arab and Islamic world.

The blood of a single American is too precious to ever be shed for Netanyahu."

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Yes, American blood is too precious to ever be shed for the benefit of foreigners and to the detriment of the US. I realize that Trump is Jewish and a Zionist and that there is nothing wrong with being Jewish but a MIGA agenda should not be pursued at the expense of the American people. I have friends who are Jewish including one who is cryptoJewish like Trump and they do not support actions such as this. For an American president the priority shold always be to look after the American people..

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Trump is NOT JEWISH!!! When are you all going to get that through your thick heads.

Trump's daughter, Ivanka, did convert to Judaism when she married Jared Kushner, but her father is NOT Jewish. Sheesh!!

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He is? You're opinion. His priority is always to look after the American people, unfortunately he got handed a war between Israel and terrorists to try to solve - so it doesn't come here. And also has to deal with who they let in!

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If by "terrorists" you are talking about the Palestinians...

By most definitions the Palestinians are freedom fighters, fighting against a murderous terrorist illegal occupation.

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No, you have that backwards, dude. Israel actually GAVE that land of Gaza to the so-called "Palestinians". They never developed it. They destroyed it, and took trillions of so-called "humanitarian aid" from other countries, and used all of that to build their underground network of tunnels to attack Israel, and to build their stash of weaponry.

It is the Gazans who are chanting they want ALL Jews wiped off the face of the earth. THAT RIGHT THERE is what is called "genocide". The Gazans teach their children from birth to hate Jews, and how to kill them. They do that with no conscience at all. They are evil from birth.

The Jews do no such thing. They aren't trying to wipe any group of people off the face of the earth, but the Gazans have been shooting rockets into Israel for DECADES, and it's killed a lot of Israelis. That needs to be stopped. The aggressors are the Gazans, NOT the Israelis.

Israel has always allowed Gazans to go into Israel to shop, get health care, jobs, recreation, etc. Gaza doesn't adequately provide those things for its own citizens. There are many Arabs who live in Israel. They do NOT want to move to either Gaza or the West Bank. They like their freedom, and the prosperous lifestyle in Israel. Some even serve on the Israeli government.

You have this all BACKWARDS. The only "terrorists" are the Gazans, NOT the Israelis.

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He doesn't have to solve that at all. He needs to stay out of it. That is NOT our war.

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Date Published 1977. Length 385 pages


America's Use of Terror: From Colonial Times to the A-bomb. Stephen Huggins.,Copyright Date: 2019. Published by: University Press of Kansas

Pages: 344



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NONE of the American military should be going over there. That is NOT our war. Trump's full of himself as usual. His son in law, Jared Kushner, wants that land, and Trump is working to help him get it. All of this is VERY DANGEROUS, and anyone who voted for Trump will have to answer for this.

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Another false flag incident is when they almost sunk the US ship Liberty. That was the most horrible thing I’ve ever heard of in my life.

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And murdered 37 or so Americans in the process. And then the US Government has covered it up and mistreated the surviving servicemen ever since.

I wonder if Trump will release all the classified files on the USS Liberty?

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He should!!!

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Those interested should watch Candice Owens' interview with a surviving member of the USS Liberty. He tells the entire story in an interview lasting just about an hour. It is heartbreaking.



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Blood Drive for Greater Israel.

Amer-Israel Dual-Citizens go to head of line.

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No, I don't think Netanyahu is behind this at all. I think they are BOTH being used. However, Trump has a lot more arrogance and hubris than Netanyahu does. Look back. Trump's son in law, Jared Kushner, was talking about developing that land back in 2020. This is not new to Trump. He's the corrupt one. I think the problem with Netanyahu is that he's weak. He should have clobbered Gaza right after they attacked his people, but instead, he allowed himself to be held back and controlled by a corrupt American administration.

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And not a single American's blood needs to be shed while Netanyahu's son hides

out somewhere in Miami Beach, FL

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Are you serious? Trump take orders? You haven't noticed that Trump is in charge - everywhere?

They are getting the hostages out first, then we will see what happens to the terrorists.

Beyond that it's prime property for people of Israel & Gaza (Not Palestine) to return to and if we help that happen what is wrong with that? Good grief we were sending condoms to the enemy to rape women and children there!! Including our hostages!!!! Yes that makes me angry. Israel is God's (which included Gaza and the West Bank in the bible) and he condemns anyone who harms his people. Trump knows this and I don't believe he would ever do something that would bring God's wrath. Whether you believe it or not, Netanyahu is God's chosen. Those who are, are usually who get attacked the most. If you don't believe fine, but casting the first stone, I wouldn't.

There's no way there will be conflict between the US and Israel - unless the Dems get back in because they love conflict here and abroad. And the Arab world is just fine with Trump's peace agenda. Islamic - God is working there, so we will see how they respond. But, this is part of the Peace through Strength, so where do you come up with American blood to ever be shed? There was nothing remotely mentioned we would go there.

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ok, I removed the nude Duffy photo and article.

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Haha, it was hilarious!

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That wasn't him. Why are you undermining Trump's picks?

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I agree. I looked at that photo. It's clearly not Duffy. Duffy is married to Rachel Campos-Duffy from FOX news. They have like 9 kids. No way is that Duffy.

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Paul has endorsed many of them but he does seems to have reservations about some such as his CoS Susie Wiles and previous picks too such as Pence, Bolton and Pompeo but it is good to get the other point of view too.

Never mind about Pence et al but tell us all the good things about Susie Wiles.

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Susie is a total plant. No way does she care about the people of this country. She's been Big Pharma her entire life. Trump's clearly up to his ears in corruption.

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Trumps is a real estate mogul. Apparently this didn't change when he took the reigns of America.

There's trouble brewing in our burgeoning paradise ladies and gentlemen...

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This was actually discussed back in 2020, when Trump was still in the WH.

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He has sworn to MAGA so it’s up to us to raise hell with him and remind him of his promise and where his true loyalty must lie. Shout it out!

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yes yes yes

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This is Trump with one of his sales pitches that will go nowhere. Do you really believe American troops will go in there and take out Hamas? Not only will there be an uproar about Palestinians being killed but American troops as well. If you believe Hamas is going to go along with this, you are in for a rude awakening.

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And Iran and Qatar are backing the Gazans. Trump will have to take on them too. Trump's full of his hubris as usual. His mouth is his worst enemy. He just doesn't know when to shut up.

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I really thought Trump's heart was in the right place, and I still want to believe that.

I haven't seen it talked about much here but there are apparently big gas reserves of the coast of Gaza - which the Palestinians currently own the rights to. I fear Trump has his eye on those reserves.

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There are $500B deposits off the coast of Gaza and close to another $100B under primarily the West Bank. Building condos and casinos and strip clubs and brothels is important to Trump's MIGA and Israel First agendas but those oil and gas reserves are important too.

Nonetheless, Trump is still the best president the US has ever produced.

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All those things that Trump wants to "build" are secular depravity. God will NOT be allowing that to happen on HIS land.

Read Leviticus 18:22-30 and Leviticus 20 (all of it).

God "vomited" out the Canaanites from the land due to their evil depraved ways, and told the Israelites NOT to take on their ways. God promises that will happen again.

So I do believe God may allow a way for the Gazans to be removed from the land, but he won't allow those depraved "casinos and strip clubs and brothels" to be set up there.

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Absolutely correct and no one said Trump wants to "build" those things except AwakeNotWoke. I suggest we check into this more and if there is even a smidget of truth to that we inform Trump of his misgivings. But to assume, well we all know what that means.

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Who said anything about condos and casinos and strip clubs and brothels. WOW, just wow how people make things up. I believe there was mention of getting the people to safe place, getting hamas out, then rebuilding for people to return to places with electricity, water, etc., etc.

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As if Gaza will prove to be any better fertile soil for “nation building” than Afghanistan or Iraq???

Haven’t we had enough young men and some. Returning home in pine coffins? Of else completely shattered by PTSD??!!

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agree with that...this is not our fever to sweat over...why must we take ownership? that part eluded me. also if it seems like USA would benefit or Trump financially, we are injecting ourselves in a situation and area with thousands of years of pain and suffering

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Trump is doing an incredible job so far. But Trump is Trump. He is an ignorant man by and large who knows nothing of the centuries old tribal and religious hatreds in the Middle East. Everything in the world can't be reduced to a deal. For a man who wants apparently to slow down government excess and spending, getting involved in any way in the cesspool of Gaza is sheer madness. This will never happen, nor should it. This is just talk. It had better be! If he understands MAGA, this is the last thing Americans want.

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Is there oil in Gaza under the ground?

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Offshore gas field. Along wuth Nu Canal for Greater Israel. Syria tie-in.

Land Grab counterpoint to Maui/Palisades with added Zionista Factor.

Ain't We Got Fun? Hallelujahs and Yarmulkes.

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Big offshore gas reserves that the Palestinians currently have the rights to.

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I read about this happening some time ago. Palestinians will get the cockroach treatment. Ben Gurion Canal will be built. Luxury housing and upscale shopping on this new Riviera. Jared playing a key role in development.

It’s a new world folks.

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Kushner does have an eye for beach-front property, doesn't he?

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Alex Krainer: ‘We’re past the beginning of the end of Israel. I don’t think they’ll survive this. History will never forgive them this. What has been done to the Palestinian people will not be able to be white washed.’

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Then I suggest you read the major prophets; especially Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel. Israel will survive, its people will return from around the world (all 12 tribes) and their enemies will finally know who the REAL God is. Read it. It's all there. Israel will NEVER be destroyed.

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It's a storybook. Israel is a parasite.

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Victor Davis Hanson gives some insight around what DJT's doing.


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It's about a 10 minute video

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Gaza will now be the new Riviera of the East. Beirut has had its day. All l can see is trillions being made by American Oligarchs courtesy of Musk and Trump's New World Order. Forget OWS and Convid. First Greenland, Canada, Mexico, Gaza and then the World, sorry, l meant Planet Trump.

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One of the most insane things I've ever seen.

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yes again

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it was stunning, unreal, all at once, and one had to pinch themselves. 'did I hear what I think I just heard'?

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some say was the plan all along? if so, raises many very devastating questions

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It does indeed. Very saddening to see.

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We have to feed the demonic entities. It is sad.

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Black Mass to make a Pact with Satan

Who's the Priest? What's the Offering? What's the Promise?

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