I just love you for the way you call it as you see it ♥️✊🏼👊🏼

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Dr Alexander you are an amazingly honest, courageous and unstoppable HERO! Thank you for being a gift to Humanity.

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Yes, Mr. Trump, that’s how it is.

Oh, don’t forget “They use so-called public health agencies to terrify you needlessly, poison you and enrich big pharma at your expense.”

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It's easier to wake up slowly and gently.

However, if a person is too deeply asleep, a rude awakening may be necessary. It then hurts to wake up, can be very disorienting, shocking, and disturbing.

But it is important to tear down these institutions of corruption and of evil masquerading as good.

Destroying illusions so that the light of Truth can shine. We are in that process right now. Keep focused on the goal.

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When the Dims say they want to unite, I don't believe it was meant as a request, it's more of a demand.

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heres what those 'lovely' police you so admire do https://youtu.be/YgUUVigb4Ek

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I'm lovin' that comment from Phillip Anderson! Trump is dead on, too. Control, control, control. That's all the dumocraps know.

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"They are not coming for me, they are coming for you and I am in the way." Donald Trump

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He was in power for four years and promised to drain the swamp. The problem is you can't drain the swamp if you have no idea how the swamp operates. Next! DeSantis 2024.

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Denounce Trump . He is not your friend . He will say stuff to make you feel like there is someone with power that can help. But he is not helping . He has set the table for everything

We are subject to now . He has made himself the greatest thing of the left to fear . And now he activity radicalized our friends toward left extremism. He did this us and being a Trump supporter only helps the radical left persecute snd de humanize us more . For the sake of truth , please avoid this man.

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Good luck getting your credibility back, Washington DC. A viper's nest, if there ever was one.

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So true!!!

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Truth to Power. Power to the People. @TulsiGabbard delivers the truth @CPAC, wrapped in love, respect, and Aloha. Must watch her speech! https://youtu.be/EOJB_IUB5ko

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