Lock them up for a long time & include all those linked to FRAUD COVID pandemic crime, from the fraud lockdowns that killed to deadly mRNA technology injection, jail all linked e.g. Fauci, Birx etc.
They won't let Trump ever take the Oath of Office again. Whether they have to start another war, escalate the current one, lock the country down again, fabricate more phony charges, cheat even more than in 2020, or cause him physical harm, they are working now behind the scenes to do it. And the Republican elected officials will just hold hearings, offer more "what-about-ism", and be the modern day "Do Nothing" party. The rot is extensive.
The 2nd Amendment Militia, is just Patriots helping Patriots with security, food, other supplies, bartering, forming tribal bonds of friendship. The basic building block outside of family.
Kith & Kin need to be working behind the scenes as well. Pre-pare.
A Basic "Kit" is for a family to go minimally up to 3 months on their exisiting resources to Avoid becoming a ward of the Deep Statist Cabal. Grid Down or Money Down, We Know it's coming in one form or another. Pre-pare. CYA.
I have the food....it’s the water I am worried about....and the electric....i am in an active senior complex and there is no place to put survival energy or solar energy .....so it’s the water....whoa and the toilets.....LOL.......I have water here but i have had it for two years now as i live in a hurricane zone.....anyway the expiration date is soon if it applies....so i am a bit worried....
I can understand, having been in a rehab facility in 2022. Even smaller computer battery back up or larger could keep min electricity available for awhile. Water can be purified by "Drinking Straws" so several/couple of these can help and it is vital to have clean water more than food. Bottled water in plastic bottles after two years is drinkable in dire need, but the purifying straws will help with any water conditions.
If there is an electrical outage over 3 days that stops the city water system then sewage will be unbearable forcing evacuation, even if on your own. A location or people locally for a destination would be ideal.
None of us will have it "easy" that's the stark fact as "others" are unprepared and will be a huge problem on top of our own problems. I wish I had better news. Hopefully this is all hypothetical and doesn't come to pass, but I prepare for myself and for others as much as possible. All the best.
Hi…..may I ask what kind of straw you are speaking of……also just to clarify the water I have here is in glass bottles from Mountain Valley….so since you speak of bottled water in plastic and mine is in glass, are you, and if i am overstepping let me know, suggesting that my water could still be good after the expiration date……the bottles are green and sealed i guess vacuum sealed….seems to me that the expiration date is just to satisfy an agency…..but if you feel ok to answer me on that it would be most helpful……also what is helpful is to know to run out of town if the electric is off for more than 3 days…..Thank you so much…….though i will have to look into this….i imagine i would have to go a lot further than the next town….i am in Florida….i could drive to NY….ok…..i appreciate your time to even read this……thank you….
Glass bottled water is fantastic, good until you see floaty thingies in it.:-)
"Life Straw" is a popular brand of water purif straw, but there are better ones for filtering virus and bacteria out of ponds, etc. Check out Amazon for variety.
I lived in FL for 25 years but left in 2014 due to cost of living and overcrowding for the GA mountains. If you have family or friends outside the Retirement Facility I would just mention a possible drastic scenario and see what response you get. As far as locations, Interior Fl used to be more rural, economical, friendly, etc.
A long trip isn't going to be easy/feasable in a Grid Down on the East Coast. NY will be Evacuating so not where I would go, unless Rural.
Today, its almost like everything that TRUMP did has been white-washed and FAUCI made into the bad-guy, when in fact in actuality like Biden Today Trump was led by a Satanic cult in DC;
Trump wasn't surrounded by MASONS, his mob pals ran the masonic halls in atlantic cirty
ALL in DC is MAFIA, its just that there is elite mafia, and low-brow mafia, clearly the Rockefeller Elite ( bush, clintons, ... ) just don't like TRUMP
BUT the fact is the reason that BOLSHEVIK's CLINTON, ... all hate trump is because his mentor ROY-COHN put ethyl&julian Rosenberg on the electric chair, an for that Trump&Cohn will never be forgiven
If we go by what is being reported only then you are right......if we include God and those that know that this is an intergalactic war and that there are many Star Seeds and other very high souls here from other planets then there is room to disagree....I myself do not go by the information we get because information is controlled no matter from where it comes.....and I myself do believe God created infinite beings, infinite galaxies , infinite good....I am sure that evil possesses the elite politicians and the unelected elite.....but God is always winning....anyway that works for me...
Absurd. There is only lawless Bidenism and that will not permit defeat. Duo-Poly embraces human extinction and unfreedom. Trump is part of the Theater. After January 6, no limit on high treason. Why bother with elections that might legitimate Trump? No need. Any emergency will be fine. Maybe Biden's pals in China can be used, as easy peasy as 9/11 using a fake a tactical nuclear device say in the empty San Francisco Financial District for instant resolution to empty officer towers. And just like 9/11 explosives can bring the towers down. We are not a free country after Biden. I am annoyed that you play along. We are under a Communist revolution and it starts at the top of the food chain in GOVERNMENT.
But recall that there is 'china-town' in San-Fran, wouldn't want to hurt that;
IMHO the way WEF,UN,SOROS,... have been running the knee-grows & wetbacks, I would speculate that they first let them kill the whites as seen in south-africa today, where the party in power openly calls for white-genocide; Once that is done, then Chinese/Saudi owners call for 'black/brown' genocide on behalf of those poor white survivors.
Long term a few surviving whites are kept in human zoos
I wrote the following last March 2022, not much has changed, its still mission in operation.
Essentially between China&Saudi, walmart, & cheap oil, USSA was sold to its new owners, the new owners have a problem with the current occupants, black, brown, & white trash; Ergo the reset ( deagel report ) 90% reduction in human life in USA by 2025;
Most western USA citys are cantonese chinese, and not mandarin (beijing) leaders, so the CCP types really don't trust the Hong-Kong Cantons that already reside in USA, your more than likely to find real CCP chinese in Canada, especially BC. So it could be possible to 'blow' SF, but I doubt, its actually one of the few nice places in USA, ergo me thinks the CCP will keep it to be their "Hong-Kong" of west coast USA, once they take full occupation, but that is only post squatters, notable in China is homogenous, and its all HAN-CHINESE, they don't want to live in a place where there is white, brown, or black trash; Or even muslim for that matter;
Lastly, the Chinese owners of USA (west) really do love the place absent the GOYIM, in chinese USA is called "Mae-Gao", which means "Most beautiful place", absent the current occupants, and remember in China 'white' is the sign of death, its satanic; They of course look down on wetbacks&kneegrows and see them as animals, and the whites as devils.
But don't worry ZOG aka Rockefeller (big-Oil/Big-Pharma) setup Mao, Stalin, & Hitler in the first place, so all going according to plan.
CLINTON in 1990's called it a "PIVOT to ASIA", what he didn't tell you, is that they're coming to USA, and your all going to die.
I think a hit like this adds value for West Coast Democrats giving them cover for being run by Red China from the git go. Rose Pak was the Boss Tweed of Chinese politics in San Francisco with her PLA network. Then urban clearance means urban renewal. And since the radiation will be low mostly the blast effect/fireball burning toxic building materials and toxic particulate matter for a few brutal weeks then Rebuild Back Mo' Betta by Paving the Bay for Housing.
PELOSI's entire gig in her district was doing what she did with the finality in Taiwan
Funny but her electorate are NOT even real Beijing Chinese, so certainly she was compromised early on to lead her Chinese in SF to the dark-side, or maybe just help the CCP ass-fuck and get the USA living Chinese under control, like has already been done now in Hongkong, hell there are even CCP police stations operating in NYC today.
[ You understand that historically most Tawian who escaped, and Hong-Kong Chinese, see CCP as the MAFIA, a mob; Which is certainly true because CCP was created by Rothschild Bank London "Bank of China", and never had Chinese human ownership, just a 'china-man' front; Mao's great-purge of killing 60 million teachers&businessmen was to ensure the CCP had no living enemys ]
Well if one see' that MAO was brought to power by ZOG rothschild banks in 1930's and groomed for his role by same SCHIFF bolsheviks running USA today, ... then all is clear they're working on the same real estate scam that ZOG has used since 15AD ( or perhaps earlier ) , have wars drop land price, buy low, and sell high;
Certainly everybody can see that san-fran land will soon be a bargain of the millenium,
Yes there are lots of different kinds of nukes, but seriously, why not CCP just nuke oakland, and then bus all the knee-grows there to die from radiation poisoning and do same with the wet-backs?
I don't see anybody wrecking the best part of the San-Fran penninsula; All spent nukes have 1/2 life radioactivity forever, sure you could do clean bomb nuke and save the building and destroy all 'life' but me think that the Chinese already being there an your "Rose Pak" family would not like to be radiated.
YOUR on to something, but I think clearly in 1990 that CIA 'pivoted to China' knowing that the US-Dollar would soon collapse; All high tech, and all SV-VC in bay-ahrea has been inQtel HOMO cuck groomed since 1990's by Ben Graham, and now other inQtel leaders, which is why we have peter thiel, musk, and now sam altman ( all homo ) running the circus act on behalf of PLA;
Even recent bailout of SVB was a bailout of mostly chinese investors who were made good on their 100's of billions held in SVB as cash flow for homo-AI startups in the bay-ahrea.
IMHO CIA is 'east india company' always been around a pinkerton for London, they want to get paid in good money, so they pivoted to CHINA +30 years ago, of course taking the demoRat, or Rino partys along for the ride is easy, especially if all entrepreneurs in SV are pre-selected as HOMO and loyal to CIA agenda;
Urban Renewal back to Chicago schools of 1950's and ALinsky always meant gentrification, you see that everywhere the knee-grows are told to burn down their hood, its always replaced by high-end ZOG condos
In summary we don't dispute USA is going down, nor that San-Fran will be cleansed
I don't know the history of "Rose Pak", I'm sure she goes back to Gold Rush days 1800's of SF and her family just became the regional MOB, but unless she flew back to CHINA and was ordained as a CCP member, I would assume she be disposable. Most of the Chinese brought to Cali in 1800's to "Build the railroads", where of canton, or shanghai ( cantonese & shanghaiese speaking ), far from the mandarin speaking leaders CCP Beijing;
Not unlike how Milan Italians hate Scilians and not allow their name to be mentioned, hell even the Shanghai triads hate Beijing and vice a verse.
In the spring of 1919, Mao Zedong left his librarian position at Peking University, where he had immersed himself in the intellectual world of New Youth magazine, the leading publication of the New Culture movement, and met influential figures exploring Marxist thought, like Li Dazhao. He returned to Changsha to teach at a local high school. He began writing for and editing a journal, the Xiang River Review, devoted largely to news of student demonstrations leading the May Fourth Movement (May 4, 1919), a period of intellectual ferment directed against the corrupt Beijing regime’s submission to Japanese Treaty of Versailles demands. The Hunan governor at the time, Zhang Jingyao, a ruthless general and frequent subject of Mao’s attacks against the rampant corruption in Hunan government, ordered the closure of the magazine.
Lot's of bullshit on MAO getting re-written, the new AI called "THUD" ( huggingface.co ) when you ask it about MAO has 100% distorted shit, THUD is made in CHINA AI, its their META/open-AI, and it is actually much better than chatGPT for in your face truth, but talk about MAO or CCP, and it rips you to shit.
The essence is MAO was from Mongolio and never lived in China until he was made president of CCP in 1948 ( 100% bullshit, but this is the shit that China-AI is teaching Chinese, so be it )
Your stuff is much of the same,
I'll stick to my history of MAO, he was born south of Shanghai in a small village called Shaoshan, Xiangtan, China, on the silk-road, all of his family are/were jews by blood; Even today in Xian, on the sillk-road there are 5 million jews in the city ( famous for 10k terracotta lifesize warriors )
In 1920's Rockefeller build "harvard medical school' in Shanghai, as they were promoting the big-oil to oil-based pharma in china first; Rockefeller had got the start in Shanghai in 1800's selling whale-oil, so he knew china well; Later Rothschild's sent him to USA to run the booming USA OIL BIZ, so by 1920's he pivoted to "PHARMA/MED" and built the universitys in Shanghai;
Mao attended 'bolshevism' lectures at Harvard Shanghai, where he later was groomed and assisted to develop his 'maoism'; By 1930's he worked closely with Jewish Bolshy's (schiff/loeb family, same people now running calif ) from London who ran the "bank of China" created in 1920's by London/Rockefeller;
Shanghai had been a USA controlled region from 1860's to 1930's; I don't see how any western operatives would be teaching LONDON marxism&bolshevism in Beijing in 1920's, as first western philosophy came to shanghai in 1920's.
Yes, Mao came of Shaoshan, Xiangtan, China, and Shanghai was nearby, but Beijing is very far away.
I find even your variant of china history on MAO sort of high level bullshit, as I know very well mao came of shaoshan ( a shanghai suburb )
Skull and Bones, a secret society at Yale University, was founded in 1832. ... FOUR REFUSE FIRST SLAP John D. Rockefeller's Grandson Goes to Skull and bones
Essentially Harvard open the doors for Mao's education, but he met the jew bankers when he was 19, but went to ChangCha ( YALE HQ faux missionary ) when he was in late 20's; Surely his Harvard connections groomed him early on; In the early 1900's all the spy ops by west were fronted by missionarys, not unlike the mormon-church today worldwide; ( most chinese missionary's were based in changcha, so they could provide each other with security, but all had deep-state backing )
Eventually Yale-China too, would rebrand itself as a Medical College, but like Harvard from the start they were teaching 'bolshevism'
Interesting side-note that in the boxer-rebellion they killed many of the missionary leaders in changcha who were then ruling China from the west, when MAO first took power in 1949, his first step was to have all martial arts masters in CHINA rounded up and KILLED, so as to prevent another 'boxer rebellion', this is why to this day the only surviving martial-arts masters in CHINA are in TAIWAN, ( Ok there are some still in hiding in mountains of yunan, but the cleansed them in Beijing )
1911. Harvard Medical School in Shanghai is established as a research laboratory and medical mission to “offer an eminently useful and beneficent career
Mao born 1893, would have been 18, when Harvard opened near him, its said when he was about 19 he went there and attended lectures on BOLSHEVISM and made the connections with "SCHIFF" family jews bankers that would groom him for life;
All harvard med schools were PAID by Rockefeller who was obsessed to convert BIG-OIL to OIL-BASED medicine, even created American Cancer Society in 1913 to advance cancer and murder world, huge eugenics operation
Even if the lawsuits against Trump go nowhere, and he gets in again, he'll be hamstrung. He'll be like a eunuch in a brothel. Which is what Washington is full of. He couldn't do it then and he won't do it now. He's not even a false prophet. He's just a blowhard.
I know you like him Paul and you're close to him, but the plan covid equalisation will happen around the same Israel hands over their entire country to the Palestinians free of charge.
Americans are starting to sound like South Africans, blaming the sitting govt for all their collective ills.
Never before have I seen a world so browbeaten and delusional and relying on the second coming and someone carrying the light at the end of tunnel.
Trump didn't accomplish shit in his first term other than authorizing WW3 on CHINA/RUSSIA with COVID, and deploy mRNA on the west, and releasing $12 Trillion USD so WEF/UN could buy the world and deploy the "RESET"
So like a good cuck you all say, SIR MAY I HAVE ANOTHER
Oh and TRUMP in 2016-2020 armed zelensky to the teeth and built 35 bio-weapon labs in UKRAINE to develop genome-specific bio-weapons to kill white people the region formally known as Khazaria, home of ZOG, aka ashkeNAZI 6AD, who called themselves NAZI's
RFK-jr touched this a little bit with his comment that the COVID didn't harm Chinese or ashkeNAZI ( khazar old Ukraine 12AD before they converted to judeo )
This makes perfect sense all 35 bio-weapon labs would testing all geno-types of ashkeNAZI in Ukraine and making sure the bio-weapon didn't effect them, same in CHINA the wuhan labs and dozens of bio-weapon labs in North-eastern asia ran by CIA ensure that COVID didn't effect Han Chinese per RFK-Jr note;
You are missing a lot of information but I will not be writing something long here......but please edit your comments so that they are understandable.....you obviously only listen to superficial one way hand fed information.....there is so much more to look at....there is so much more going on.....but if you remain in 3D only you would not know a single bit of it....
Clearly you have not stayed under the elephant long enough for your dose of understanding,
Besides the urine shower and feces cleansing, and holding the tail and thinking its a snake, there are other who all claim to know the truth, but all are 100% wrong,
Regarding 3D, this reminds me of morons talking of 5D chess or other non-sense, everybody knows the world is flat, aka 2D
When I was a kid we used to say "An opinion is like an asshole everybody has got one"
Those were the golden years where men & children were allowed to have their own opinion, today there is only woke, and the woke only know the cock in their mouth&ass;
Even the SCOTUS Negress proudly proclaims "I can't tell a boy from girl, I don't have a PHD in biology"
That is not an opinion that is a statement of ignorance and today the ENTIRE USA judicial system all pedophiles & sodomites eat the same Feces that makes all men&women go mad same-same.
The 3D consciousness clearly says it all…….if one does not understand that then there is really no explaining…..and it’s fine….you are entitled to your opinion remaining at 3D consciousness as I am to mine…..
If you make a bold statement - as you have - and then you are put to task; you ought to, at the very least, attempt to explain yourself.
You cannot say in one breath: "but please edit your comments so that they are understandable" and in the next breath: "you are entitled to your opinion remaining at 3D consciousness".
That's just rubbish.
We're all fully formed adults here and we're all able to handle proper criticism.
Of course I can say that. It makes perfect sense. Some sentences need editing others do not. The sentences that are clear is what i address as opinion entitled. If you don’t know about higher consciousness then go read about it. It is not my job to write a dissertation which it would take. Go research. Study the different religions on higher consciousness. I very clearly made a comment. It’s a comment only. Look up what you obviously have not encountered yet. You’ll find it.
Trump WILL prevail, he has the backing of the VAST majority of voting Americans. Far more than the supposed 81 million "votes" that Biden did NOT get. Trump's statement:
Trump's MENTOR Roy Cohn, infamous homo mob lawyer, was the guy who got ethyl&julian rosenberg fried in the electric chair for selling nuke secrets to Russia
The bolshy's never forgave Cohn for the 'crime' and they blame little trump, a roy-cohn clone same-same
Study this story deeply to understand why the bolshy-satanic marxist nazi's aka bolsh-ZOG hates TRUMP.
Just like in ISRAEL today, last week ZARKO ( right hand man of netanyahu ) called for murder of all euro-jews, and ashkeNAZI in Israel; Ouch; Same here with Trump he represents Sheldon-Adelson arm of Israel white-slavery whorehouses, making Adelson the richest man in Israel;
Dear sentiment bot, please enumerate your issues with my posts; Generating generic sentiment is the lowest form of commenting;
Two issues I addressed
1.) why bolshy DC ( calif-schiff is heir to 1920's Stalin Boshevism that killed 30M in Ukraine in 1932, just like they're doing again today ) hates TRUMP this is factual, they see Trump as the Rosenberg executioner by association, because young Trump was a Roy Cohn NYC fixture for decades
2.) Factual, ZARKO just last week said what he said; The issue here was to point out that there are ZOG factions that all hate and want to kill each other, ergo DC ZOG demoRats want Trump dead; It's quite normal for left vs right ZOG to kill, its been happening forever; Yitzhak Rabin comes to mind, Jews do kill Jews contrary to planet of the apes;
When he won in ‘16 I wasn’t as happy he won as I was relieved Hillary lost. But he did such a great job in the face of 24/7 attempts to stop him, so I’m now behind him 100%.
A larger content hinges on a fair voting process. Many countries in the West have not had really fair elections because of the algorithms in the machine or modems on the voting tabulators in Maryland. Rigged 101! A Trump/ Kennedy ticket will beat the deep states game playing.
In the meantime how do we forget the entire history of the COVD-SCAM during Trump years?
Trump’s fast-tracking the vaccines should never be forgotten. All the side-effects of the vaccine were engineered by Trump. Biden just picked up the ball and continued working for BIG-PHARMA.
Trump signed authorization to bypass testing, and Trump made the vaccine company’s exempt from liability, and of course made JnJ, Pfizer, and Moderna Trillions of USD lotto wins, where 10’s of billions could flow back to politicians.
Great irony here, at the time, Fauci advised against ‘fast-tracking’, ahh the irony.
Of great irony here, at the time, Fauci advised against ‘fast-tracking’, ahh the irony.
In summary here during the election, Trump was losing his ass in the polls. Biden was kicking the shit out of him, so Trump ‘fast-tracked’ an untested vax on the USA people. The rest is history.
Test hell we don’t need to test
Trump didn’t give a damn shit that millions would die from the un-tested expertimental NAZI mRNA vaccine, because Trump and his family NEVER intended to be jabbed.
Klaus Schwab the leader of WEF has a loyal dog name Trump;
Trump is Mafia, he was groomed by ROY COHN a homosexual rapist, lawyer, and MAFIA Kingpin, that was the mentor to Trump after his father died, Trump became a bag-man, money launderer for the mob, Trump would take their money and buy New Jersey real-estate and then sell and the money would be made clean.
Trump like Bill Gates is what people call “Crypto Jews”, but in actuality, they’re not Jewish, they’re Satanic, and they’re called ZIONISTS.
My information says that Trump is still Commander in Chief and that biden is the pretendsident of the corporation which is now bankrupt. They are up a creek without a paddle...
Why are ALL you cowards afraid to say the "RETRIBUTION" WORD???
Even RFK-jr king of the cucks, refuses to call for retribution on big-pharma
What kind of cucks are you who don't want to disembowel and eat the livers of 100% of all the COVID-SCAM enablers, and that includes Trump, king of COVID-Scam deployment & mRNA authorization & Jab, and lock-downs too;
Why do you have to be so offensive and violent in your comments.....no decent person wants to read the words you chose....try using some real writing skills....and a presentation that is not violent and offensive...
Can you show us on this doll, exactly where the Bad Orange man touched you???
While your at it, can you show us on the doll where it hurts the most when you hear the word 'retribution'? You don't work in big-pharma by any chance do you? Are you one of the COVID-enablers that needs to be hung and followed up with a fair trial??
I don't see how anybody but a COVID-SCAM enabler could be offended by honest call for retribution by the ASSHOLES that reamed the world with 3+ years of COVID insanity.
while I'm not a trump fan myself, he was unquestionably less damaging for the country than the current regime.
but if like this article offers as a possible future happening, he /actually/ followed through on a significant quantity of that swamp cleaning he spoke of so often, instead of putting intelligence agency linked swamp creatures into the cabinet again, and especially if significant jail time was part of the process... I'd glorify the man for doing something no regular Joe (or Jill) has the power to do, that being enforce the law as it applies to powerful (usually rich) government officials.
DeSantis is under attack by the NBA players Association because Betsy DeVos's family donated 50K to to Ron DeSantis Pac, representing the ORL Magic team.
DeSantis supports the truth about African History. The curriculum was written by Black History experts. DeSantis doesn't write the curriculum.
Actually, the NBA said political contributions are OK. Of course they would as 95% are for the left.
The NBA is the league that wrote remarks supporting the terrorist group Black Lives Matter on its court. The players had slogans on their backs that supported criminals.
Nonsense. DeSanctus will never be supported by any true MAGA or Trump supporter. It's Trump all the way because ONLY Trump will KEEP his promise to drain the swamp and OBLITERATE the Deep State Cabal once and for all. We are in a war - the US deep state criminal regime is at war with WE THE PEOPLE.
deSantis is already damaged goods; Trumps teflon make Clinton look like a piker;
Surely the USA deserves Trump, no doubt;
The disconnect is so huge, its simply amazing that people are so dumb, but as Carlin said, take the dumbest person you ever met, divide their IQ by 2, and that is the AVERage person USA; Trump brought HRC to power after Clinton POTUS, Trump paid for HRC's senate seat in NY, Trump&Clinton kids all went to WEF together all those years; Trump didn't flip from demoRat to Rino until long after he had put HRC into the US-Senate;
The problem with trump-tards, is they're way beyond just dumb, and to don't throw Biden diaper shit on each other, Biden just represents the ELITE mafia ruling USA, and Trump represents the non-elite low-brow low-IQ mafia; The Rockefeller crowd see's them self as God's, Biden is/was their deleware bagman, just like Trump was an Atlantic City bagman, but that allows you to become a king-maker in USA politics
The common denom of BIDEN&TRUMP is money laundering their entire lives for the kosher-nostra, but even they have competing familys of crime. Just like now in Israel, you have the ashkeNAZI ( faux jew ), versus the MENA-JEWS ( real jews ), both want the other group Dead.
Trump’s fast-tracking the vaccines should never be forgotten. All the side-effects of the vaccine were engineered by Trump. Biden just picked up the ball and continued working for BIG-PHARMA.
Trump signed authorization to bypass testing, and Trump made the vaccine company’s exempt from liability, and of course made JnJ, Pfizer, and Moderna Trillions of USD lotto wins, where 10’s of billions could flow back to politicians.
Great irony here, at the time, Fauci advised against ‘fast-tracking’, ahh the irony.
Of great irony here, at the time, Fauci advised against ‘fast-tracking’, ahh the irony.
In summary here during the election, Trump was losing his ass in the polls. Biden was kicking the shit out of him, so Trump ‘fast-tracked’ an untested vax on the USA people. The rest is history.
Test hell we don’t need to test
Trump didn’t give a damn shit that millions would die from the un-tested expertimental NAZI mRNA vaccine, because Trump and his family NEVER intended to be jabbed.
Klaus Schwab the leader of WEF has a loyal dog name Trump;
Trump is Mafia, he was groomed by ROY COHN a homosexual rapist, lawyer, and MAFIA Kingpin, that was the mentor to Trump after his father died, Trump became a bag-man, money launderer for the mob, Trump would take their money and buy New Jersey real-estate and then sell and the money would be made clean.
Trump like Bill Gates is what people call “Crypto Jews”, but in actuality, they’re not Jewish, they’re Satanic, and they’re called ZIONISTS.
Hi....i live in Florida.....DeSantis is not really who he puts himself out to be....on the other hand his Surgeon General gosh i am not remembering his name and i just heard him speak is an incredible and wonderful man.....
Longtime Lakers fan. I watched Wilt Chamberlain, Magic Johnson, and Shaquille O’Neal. None of those men ever indicated that they had a problem with my skin color. I met Charles Barkley in a gym. He called me his brother and posed with me for a photo. But when the old guard retired and the racists took over, I fired the Lakers and the rest of the National Bigots Association.
They won't let Trump ever take the Oath of Office again. Whether they have to start another war, escalate the current one, lock the country down again, fabricate more phony charges, cheat even more than in 2020, or cause him physical harm, they are working now behind the scenes to do it. And the Republican elected officials will just hold hearings, offer more "what-about-ism", and be the modern day "Do Nothing" party. The rot is extensive.
The 2nd Amendment Militia, is just Patriots helping Patriots with security, food, other supplies, bartering, forming tribal bonds of friendship. The basic building block outside of family.
Kith & Kin need to be working behind the scenes as well. Pre-pare.
Tough questions followed by sternly worded letters. Not falling for this shit again.
A Basic "Kit" is for a family to go minimally up to 3 months on their exisiting resources to Avoid becoming a ward of the Deep Statist Cabal. Grid Down or Money Down, We Know it's coming in one form or another. Pre-pare. CYA.
If we fail with this:
16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet
Then prep for this until 2040 or 2050:
The full PLAN exposed:
I have the food....it’s the water I am worried about....and the electric....i am in an active senior complex and there is no place to put survival energy or solar energy .....so it’s the water....whoa and the toilets.....LOL.......I have water here but i have had it for two years now as i live in a hurricane zone.....anyway the expiration date is soon if it applies....so i am a bit worried....
I can understand, having been in a rehab facility in 2022. Even smaller computer battery back up or larger could keep min electricity available for awhile. Water can be purified by "Drinking Straws" so several/couple of these can help and it is vital to have clean water more than food. Bottled water in plastic bottles after two years is drinkable in dire need, but the purifying straws will help with any water conditions.
If there is an electrical outage over 3 days that stops the city water system then sewage will be unbearable forcing evacuation, even if on your own. A location or people locally for a destination would be ideal.
None of us will have it "easy" that's the stark fact as "others" are unprepared and will be a huge problem on top of our own problems. I wish I had better news. Hopefully this is all hypothetical and doesn't come to pass, but I prepare for myself and for others as much as possible. All the best.
Hi…..may I ask what kind of straw you are speaking of……also just to clarify the water I have here is in glass bottles from Mountain Valley….so since you speak of bottled water in plastic and mine is in glass, are you, and if i am overstepping let me know, suggesting that my water could still be good after the expiration date……the bottles are green and sealed i guess vacuum sealed….seems to me that the expiration date is just to satisfy an agency…..but if you feel ok to answer me on that it would be most helpful……also what is helpful is to know to run out of town if the electric is off for more than 3 days…..Thank you so much…….though i will have to look into this….i imagine i would have to go a lot further than the next town….i am in Florida….i could drive to NY….ok…..i appreciate your time to even read this……thank you….
Glass bottled water is fantastic, good until you see floaty thingies in it.:-)
"Life Straw" is a popular brand of water purif straw, but there are better ones for filtering virus and bacteria out of ponds, etc. Check out Amazon for variety.
I lived in FL for 25 years but left in 2014 due to cost of living and overcrowding for the GA mountains. If you have family or friends outside the Retirement Facility I would just mention a possible drastic scenario and see what response you get. As far as locations, Interior Fl used to be more rural, economical, friendly, etc.
A long trip isn't going to be easy/feasable in a Grid Down on the East Coast. NY will be Evacuating so not where I would go, unless Rural.
Now is August 2023, in Jan 2022 I wrote this report on TRUMP & COVID;
Today, its almost like everything that TRUMP did has been white-washed and FAUCI made into the bad-guy, when in fact in actuality like Biden Today Trump was led by a Satanic cult in DC;
Surrounded by masons, Trump was deceived. Unless he understand that they are the problem, he could be tricked again with CBDCs, etc.
Making the taxpayer pay for his poison at Warp Speed
PULL Trumps orange phallus out of your ears and brain and learn to think for yourself
Trump wasn't surrounded by MASONS, his mob pals ran the masonic halls in atlantic cirty
ALL in DC is MAFIA, its just that there is elite mafia, and low-brow mafia, clearly the Rockefeller Elite ( bush, clintons, ... ) just don't like TRUMP
BUT the fact is the reason that BOLSHEVIK's CLINTON, ... all hate trump is because his mentor ROY-COHN put ethyl&julian Rosenberg on the electric chair, an for that Trump&Cohn will never be forgiven
If we go by what is being reported only then you are right......if we include God and those that know that this is an intergalactic war and that there are many Star Seeds and other very high souls here from other planets then there is room to disagree....I myself do not go by the information we get because information is controlled no matter from where it comes.....and I myself do believe God created infinite beings, infinite galaxies , infinite good....I am sure that evil possesses the elite politicians and the unelected elite.....but God is always winning....anyway that works for me...
Absurd. There is only lawless Bidenism and that will not permit defeat. Duo-Poly embraces human extinction and unfreedom. Trump is part of the Theater. After January 6, no limit on high treason. Why bother with elections that might legitimate Trump? No need. Any emergency will be fine. Maybe Biden's pals in China can be used, as easy peasy as 9/11 using a fake a tactical nuclear device say in the empty San Francisco Financial District for instant resolution to empty officer towers. And just like 9/11 explosives can bring the towers down. We are not a free country after Biden. I am annoyed that you play along. We are under a Communist revolution and it starts at the top of the food chain in GOVERNMENT.
Something like that for SURE,
But recall that there is 'china-town' in San-Fran, wouldn't want to hurt that;
IMHO the way WEF,UN,SOROS,... have been running the knee-grows & wetbacks, I would speculate that they first let them kill the whites as seen in south-africa today, where the party in power openly calls for white-genocide; Once that is done, then Chinese/Saudi owners call for 'black/brown' genocide on behalf of those poor white survivors.
Long term a few surviving whites are kept in human zoos
I wrote the following last March 2022, not much has changed, its still mission in operation.
Essentially between China&Saudi, walmart, & cheap oil, USSA was sold to its new owners, the new owners have a problem with the current occupants, black, brown, & white trash; Ergo the reset ( deagel report ) 90% reduction in human life in USA by 2025;
Most western USA citys are cantonese chinese, and not mandarin (beijing) leaders, so the CCP types really don't trust the Hong-Kong Cantons that already reside in USA, your more than likely to find real CCP chinese in Canada, especially BC. So it could be possible to 'blow' SF, but I doubt, its actually one of the few nice places in USA, ergo me thinks the CCP will keep it to be their "Hong-Kong" of west coast USA, once they take full occupation, but that is only post squatters, notable in China is homogenous, and its all HAN-CHINESE, they don't want to live in a place where there is white, brown, or black trash; Or even muslim for that matter;
Lastly, the Chinese owners of USA (west) really do love the place absent the GOYIM, in chinese USA is called "Mae-Gao", which means "Most beautiful place", absent the current occupants, and remember in China 'white' is the sign of death, its satanic; They of course look down on wetbacks&kneegrows and see them as animals, and the whites as devils.
But don't worry ZOG aka Rockefeller (big-Oil/Big-Pharma) setup Mao, Stalin, & Hitler in the first place, so all going according to plan.
CLINTON in 1990's called it a "PIVOT to ASIA", what he didn't tell you, is that they're coming to USA, and your all going to die.
I think a hit like this adds value for West Coast Democrats giving them cover for being run by Red China from the git go. Rose Pak was the Boss Tweed of Chinese politics in San Francisco with her PLA network. Then urban clearance means urban renewal. And since the radiation will be low mostly the blast effect/fireball burning toxic building materials and toxic particulate matter for a few brutal weeks then Rebuild Back Mo' Betta by Paving the Bay for Housing.
PELOSI's entire gig in her district was doing what she did with the finality in Taiwan
Funny but her electorate are NOT even real Beijing Chinese, so certainly she was compromised early on to lead her Chinese in SF to the dark-side, or maybe just help the CCP ass-fuck and get the USA living Chinese under control, like has already been done now in Hongkong, hell there are even CCP police stations operating in NYC today.
[ You understand that historically most Tawian who escaped, and Hong-Kong Chinese, see CCP as the MAFIA, a mob; Which is certainly true because CCP was created by Rothschild Bank London "Bank of China", and never had Chinese human ownership, just a 'china-man' front; Mao's great-purge of killing 60 million teachers&businessmen was to ensure the CCP had no living enemys ]
Well if one see' that MAO was brought to power by ZOG rothschild banks in 1930's and groomed for his role by same SCHIFF bolsheviks running USA today, ... then all is clear they're working on the same real estate scam that ZOG has used since 15AD ( or perhaps earlier ) , have wars drop land price, buy low, and sell high;
Certainly everybody can see that san-fran land will soon be a bargain of the millenium,
Yes there are lots of different kinds of nukes, but seriously, why not CCP just nuke oakland, and then bus all the knee-grows there to die from radiation poisoning and do same with the wet-backs?
I don't see anybody wrecking the best part of the San-Fran penninsula; All spent nukes have 1/2 life radioactivity forever, sure you could do clean bomb nuke and save the building and destroy all 'life' but me think that the Chinese already being there an your "Rose Pak" family would not like to be radiated.
YOUR on to something, but I think clearly in 1990 that CIA 'pivoted to China' knowing that the US-Dollar would soon collapse; All high tech, and all SV-VC in bay-ahrea has been inQtel HOMO cuck groomed since 1990's by Ben Graham, and now other inQtel leaders, which is why we have peter thiel, musk, and now sam altman ( all homo ) running the circus act on behalf of PLA;
Even recent bailout of SVB was a bailout of mostly chinese investors who were made good on their 100's of billions held in SVB as cash flow for homo-AI startups in the bay-ahrea.
IMHO CIA is 'east india company' always been around a pinkerton for London, they want to get paid in good money, so they pivoted to CHINA +30 years ago, of course taking the demoRat, or Rino partys along for the ride is easy, especially if all entrepreneurs in SV are pre-selected as HOMO and loyal to CIA agenda;
Urban Renewal back to Chicago schools of 1950's and ALinsky always meant gentrification, you see that everywhere the knee-grows are told to burn down their hood, its always replaced by high-end ZOG condos
In summary we don't dispute USA is going down, nor that San-Fran will be cleansed
So why in the fucking hell are you still there?
I don't know the history of "Rose Pak", I'm sure she goes back to Gold Rush days 1800's of SF and her family just became the regional MOB, but unless she flew back to CHINA and was ordained as a CCP member, I would assume she be disposable. Most of the Chinese brought to Cali in 1800's to "Build the railroads", where of canton, or shanghai ( cantonese & shanghaiese speaking ), far from the mandarin speaking leaders CCP Beijing;
Not unlike how Milan Italians hate Scilians and not allow their name to be mentioned, hell even the Shanghai triads hate Beijing and vice a verse.
Look into Yale in China and Mao. https://chinahandsmagazine.org/2021/03/26/120th-anniversary-of-yale-china-mao-zedong-and-yale-china/
In the spring of 1919, Mao Zedong left his librarian position at Peking University, where he had immersed himself in the intellectual world of New Youth magazine, the leading publication of the New Culture movement, and met influential figures exploring Marxist thought, like Li Dazhao. He returned to Changsha to teach at a local high school. He began writing for and editing a journal, the Xiang River Review, devoted largely to news of student demonstrations leading the May Fourth Movement (May 4, 1919), a period of intellectual ferment directed against the corrupt Beijing regime’s submission to Japanese Treaty of Versailles demands. The Hunan governor at the time, Zhang Jingyao, a ruthless general and frequent subject of Mao’s attacks against the rampant corruption in Hunan government, ordered the closure of the magazine.
Lot's of bullshit on MAO getting re-written, the new AI called "THUD" ( huggingface.co ) when you ask it about MAO has 100% distorted shit, THUD is made in CHINA AI, its their META/open-AI, and it is actually much better than chatGPT for in your face truth, but talk about MAO or CCP, and it rips you to shit.
The essence is MAO was from Mongolio and never lived in China until he was made president of CCP in 1948 ( 100% bullshit, but this is the shit that China-AI is teaching Chinese, so be it )
Your stuff is much of the same,
I'll stick to my history of MAO, he was born south of Shanghai in a small village called Shaoshan, Xiangtan, China, on the silk-road, all of his family are/were jews by blood; Even today in Xian, on the sillk-road there are 5 million jews in the city ( famous for 10k terracotta lifesize warriors )
In 1920's Rockefeller build "harvard medical school' in Shanghai, as they were promoting the big-oil to oil-based pharma in china first; Rockefeller had got the start in Shanghai in 1800's selling whale-oil, so he knew china well; Later Rothschild's sent him to USA to run the booming USA OIL BIZ, so by 1920's he pivoted to "PHARMA/MED" and built the universitys in Shanghai;
Mao attended 'bolshevism' lectures at Harvard Shanghai, where he later was groomed and assisted to develop his 'maoism'; By 1930's he worked closely with Jewish Bolshy's (schiff/loeb family, same people now running calif ) from London who ran the "bank of China" created in 1920's by London/Rockefeller;
Shanghai had been a USA controlled region from 1860's to 1930's; I don't see how any western operatives would be teaching LONDON marxism&bolshevism in Beijing in 1920's, as first western philosophy came to shanghai in 1920's.
Yes, Mao came of Shaoshan, Xiangtan, China, and Shanghai was nearby, but Beijing is very far away.
I find even your variant of china history on MAO sort of high level bullshit, as I know very well mao came of shaoshan ( a shanghai suburb )
List of Skull and Bones members
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › List_of_Skull_and_B...
yale skull and bones and rockefeller from en.wikipedia.org
Skull and Bones, a secret society at Yale University, was founded in 1832. ... FOUR REFUSE FIRST SLAP John D. Rockefeller's Grandson Goes to Skull and bones
Essentially Harvard open the doors for Mao's education, but he met the jew bankers when he was 19, but went to ChangCha ( YALE HQ faux missionary ) when he was in late 20's; Surely his Harvard connections groomed him early on; In the early 1900's all the spy ops by west were fronted by missionarys, not unlike the mormon-church today worldwide; ( most chinese missionary's were based in changcha, so they could provide each other with security, but all had deep-state backing )
Eventually Yale-China too, would rebrand itself as a Medical College, but like Harvard from the start they were teaching 'bolshevism'
Interesting side-note that in the boxer-rebellion they killed many of the missionary leaders in changcha who were then ruling China from the west, when MAO first took power in 1949, his first step was to have all martial arts masters in CHINA rounded up and KILLED, so as to prevent another 'boxer rebellion', this is why to this day the only surviving martial-arts masters in CHINA are in TAIWAN, ( Ok there are some still in hiding in mountains of yunan, but the cleansed them in Beijing )
1911. Harvard Medical School in Shanghai is established as a research laboratory and medical mission to “offer an eminently useful and beneficent career
Mao born 1893, would have been 18, when Harvard opened near him, its said when he was about 19 he went there and attended lectures on BOLSHEVISM and made the connections with "SCHIFF" family jews bankers that would groom him for life;
All harvard med schools were PAID by Rockefeller who was obsessed to convert BIG-OIL to OIL-BASED medicine, even created American Cancer Society in 1913 to advance cancer and murder world, huge eugenics operation
Even if the lawsuits against Trump go nowhere, and he gets in again, he'll be hamstrung. He'll be like a eunuch in a brothel. Which is what Washington is full of. He couldn't do it then and he won't do it now. He's not even a false prophet. He's just a blowhard.
I know you like him Paul and you're close to him, but the plan covid equalisation will happen around the same Israel hands over their entire country to the Palestinians free of charge.
Americans are starting to sound like South Africans, blaming the sitting govt for all their collective ills.
Never before have I seen a world so browbeaten and delusional and relying on the second coming and someone carrying the light at the end of tunnel.
Sad really.
It's the old fuck me once, ouch
Fuck me twice, ok my fault
Fuck me thrice, bend over & enjoy it forever
Trump didn't accomplish shit in his first term other than authorizing WW3 on CHINA/RUSSIA with COVID, and deploy mRNA on the west, and releasing $12 Trillion USD so WEF/UN could buy the world and deploy the "RESET"
So like a good cuck you all say, SIR MAY I HAVE ANOTHER
Oh and TRUMP in 2016-2020 armed zelensky to the teeth and built 35 bio-weapon labs in UKRAINE to develop genome-specific bio-weapons to kill white people the region formally known as Khazaria, home of ZOG, aka ashkeNAZI 6AD, who called themselves NAZI's
RFK-jr touched this a little bit with his comment that the COVID didn't harm Chinese or ashkeNAZI ( khazar old Ukraine 12AD before they converted to judeo )
This makes perfect sense all 35 bio-weapon labs would testing all geno-types of ashkeNAZI in Ukraine and making sure the bio-weapon didn't effect them, same in CHINA the wuhan labs and dozens of bio-weapon labs in North-eastern asia ran by CIA ensure that COVID didn't effect Han Chinese per RFK-Jr note;
You are missing a lot of information but I will not be writing something long here......but please edit your comments so that they are understandable.....you obviously only listen to superficial one way hand fed information.....there is so much more to look at....there is so much more going on.....but if you remain in 3D only you would not know a single bit of it....
Clearly you have not stayed under the elephant long enough for your dose of understanding,
Besides the urine shower and feces cleansing, and holding the tail and thinking its a snake, there are other who all claim to know the truth, but all are 100% wrong,
Regarding 3D, this reminds me of morons talking of 5D chess or other non-sense, everybody knows the world is flat, aka 2D
COVID-19 Explained by blind men & the elephant
See Bilbo'sBitch comment above.
I suppose he's got it wrong too.
Show us the way, please.
Clearly we're both clueless.
Awaiting your pearls.
When I was a kid we used to say "An opinion is like an asshole everybody has got one"
Those were the golden years where men & children were allowed to have their own opinion, today there is only woke, and the woke only know the cock in their mouth&ass;
Even the SCOTUS Negress proudly proclaims "I can't tell a boy from girl, I don't have a PHD in biology"
That is not an opinion that is a statement of ignorance and today the ENTIRE USA judicial system all pedophiles & sodomites eat the same Feces that makes all men&women go mad same-same.
That's very funny : ))
The 3D consciousness clearly says it all…….if one does not understand that then there is really no explaining…..and it’s fine….you are entitled to your opinion remaining at 3D consciousness as I am to mine…..
If you make a bold statement - as you have - and then you are put to task; you ought to, at the very least, attempt to explain yourself.
You cannot say in one breath: "but please edit your comments so that they are understandable" and in the next breath: "you are entitled to your opinion remaining at 3D consciousness".
That's just rubbish.
We're all fully formed adults here and we're all able to handle proper criticism.
I await your proper reply.
Of course I can say that. It makes perfect sense. Some sentences need editing others do not. The sentences that are clear is what i address as opinion entitled. If you don’t know about higher consciousness then go read about it. It is not my job to write a dissertation which it would take. Go research. Study the different religions on higher consciousness. I very clearly made a comment. It’s a comment only. Look up what you obviously have not encountered yet. You’ll find it.
Trump WILL prevail, he has the backing of the VAST majority of voting Americans. Far more than the supposed 81 million "votes" that Biden did NOT get. Trump's statement:
They have always hated Trump ... must be for good reasons.
It's been worked top to bottom placing sickafants in place for a few decades.
Pessimism WILL get us no where. Time to start digging out the putrid rot that is so obvious to most people now! We will only grow stronger!
Trump's MENTOR Roy Cohn, infamous homo mob lawyer, was the guy who got ethyl&julian rosenberg fried in the electric chair for selling nuke secrets to Russia
The bolshy's never forgave Cohn for the 'crime' and they blame little trump, a roy-cohn clone same-same
Study this story deeply to understand why the bolshy-satanic marxist nazi's aka bolsh-ZOG hates TRUMP.
Just like in ISRAEL today, last week ZARKO ( right hand man of netanyahu ) called for murder of all euro-jews, and ashkeNAZI in Israel; Ouch; Same here with Trump he represents Sheldon-Adelson arm of Israel white-slavery whorehouses, making Adelson the richest man in Israel;
I am always amazed at how you can twist the truth....takes a bit of racist brilliance....
Dear sentiment bot, please enumerate your issues with my posts; Generating generic sentiment is the lowest form of commenting;
Two issues I addressed
1.) why bolshy DC ( calif-schiff is heir to 1920's Stalin Boshevism that killed 30M in Ukraine in 1932, just like they're doing again today ) hates TRUMP this is factual, they see Trump as the Rosenberg executioner by association, because young Trump was a Roy Cohn NYC fixture for decades
2.) Factual, ZARKO just last week said what he said; The issue here was to point out that there are ZOG factions that all hate and want to kill each other, ergo DC ZOG demoRats want Trump dead; It's quite normal for left vs right ZOG to kill, its been happening forever; Yitzhak Rabin comes to mind, Jews do kill Jews contrary to planet of the apes;
When he won in ‘16 I wasn’t as happy he won as I was relieved Hillary lost. But he did such a great job in the face of 24/7 attempts to stop him, so I’m now behind him 100%.
Clean house! Take out the trash.
A larger content hinges on a fair voting process. Many countries in the West have not had really fair elections because of the algorithms in the machine or modems on the voting tabulators in Maryland. Rigged 101! A Trump/ Kennedy ticket will beat the deep states game playing.
HOW? RFK-jr say's no retribution, ok but TRUMP is the master-blaster behind the entire COVID-SCAM
Brilliant bring back the TEAM RFK-jr can keep TRUMP out of jail as the VP lawyer.
In the meantime how do we forget the entire history of the COVD-SCAM during Trump years?
Trump’s fast-tracking the vaccines should never be forgotten. All the side-effects of the vaccine were engineered by Trump. Biden just picked up the ball and continued working for BIG-PHARMA.
Trump signed authorization to bypass testing, and Trump made the vaccine company’s exempt from liability, and of course made JnJ, Pfizer, and Moderna Trillions of USD lotto wins, where 10’s of billions could flow back to politicians.
Great irony here, at the time, Fauci advised against ‘fast-tracking’, ahh the irony.
Of great irony here, at the time, Fauci advised against ‘fast-tracking’, ahh the irony.
In summary here during the election, Trump was losing his ass in the polls. Biden was kicking the shit out of him, so Trump ‘fast-tracked’ an untested vax on the USA people. The rest is history.
Test hell we don’t need to test
Trump didn’t give a damn shit that millions would die from the un-tested expertimental NAZI mRNA vaccine, because Trump and his family NEVER intended to be jabbed.
Klaus Schwab the leader of WEF has a loyal dog name Trump;
Trump is Mafia, he was groomed by ROY COHN a homosexual rapist, lawyer, and MAFIA Kingpin, that was the mentor to Trump after his father died, Trump became a bag-man, money launderer for the mob, Trump would take their money and buy New Jersey real-estate and then sell and the money would be made clean.
Trump like Bill Gates is what people call “Crypto Jews”, but in actuality, they’re not Jewish, they’re Satanic, and they’re called ZIONISTS.
My information says that Trump is still Commander in Chief and that biden is the pretendsident of the corporation which is now bankrupt. They are up a creek without a paddle...
YES!!!!!! Finally someone who gets it......thank you.....
There's no retribution, only justice.
We follow the law of the land. Retribution will follow. naturally.
"Behold a Pale Horse"
Why are ALL you cowards afraid to say the "RETRIBUTION" WORD???
Even RFK-jr king of the cucks, refuses to call for retribution on big-pharma
What kind of cucks are you who don't want to disembowel and eat the livers of 100% of all the COVID-SCAM enablers, and that includes Trump, king of COVID-Scam deployment & mRNA authorization & Jab, and lock-downs too;
Why do you have to be so offensive and violent in your comments.....no decent person wants to read the words you chose....try using some real writing skills....and a presentation that is not violent and offensive...
Can you show us on this doll, exactly where the Bad Orange man touched you???
While your at it, can you show us on the doll where it hurts the most when you hear the word 'retribution'? You don't work in big-pharma by any chance do you? Are you one of the COVID-enablers that needs to be hung and followed up with a fair trial??
I don't see how anybody but a COVID-SCAM enabler could be offended by honest call for retribution by the ASSHOLES that reamed the world with 3+ years of COVID insanity.
while I'm not a trump fan myself, he was unquestionably less damaging for the country than the current regime.
but if like this article offers as a possible future happening, he /actually/ followed through on a significant quantity of that swamp cleaning he spoke of so often, instead of putting intelligence agency linked swamp creatures into the cabinet again, and especially if significant jail time was part of the process... I'd glorify the man for doing something no regular Joe (or Jill) has the power to do, that being enforce the law as it applies to powerful (usually rich) government officials.
tks for post
DeSantis will get it done.
DeSantis is under attack by the NBA players Association because Betsy DeVos's family donated 50K to to Ron DeSantis Pac, representing the ORL Magic team.
DeSantis supports the truth about African History. The curriculum was written by Black History experts. DeSantis doesn't write the curriculum.
Here is the link from ESPN:
Actually, the NBA said political contributions are OK. Of course they would as 95% are for the left.
The NBA is the league that wrote remarks supporting the terrorist group Black Lives Matter on its court. The players had slogans on their backs that supported criminals.
Nonsense. DeSanctus will never be supported by any true MAGA or Trump supporter. It's Trump all the way because ONLY Trump will KEEP his promise to drain the swamp and OBLITERATE the Deep State Cabal once and for all. We are in a war - the US deep state criminal regime is at war with WE THE PEOPLE.
If you know TRUMP BIO and you support TRUMP, then you are worst than a pedophile, your a sub-human larvae species
deSantis is already damaged goods; Trumps teflon make Clinton look like a piker;
Surely the USA deserves Trump, no doubt;
The disconnect is so huge, its simply amazing that people are so dumb, but as Carlin said, take the dumbest person you ever met, divide their IQ by 2, and that is the AVERage person USA; Trump brought HRC to power after Clinton POTUS, Trump paid for HRC's senate seat in NY, Trump&Clinton kids all went to WEF together all those years; Trump didn't flip from demoRat to Rino until long after he had put HRC into the US-Senate;
The problem with trump-tards, is they're way beyond just dumb, and to don't throw Biden diaper shit on each other, Biden just represents the ELITE mafia ruling USA, and Trump represents the non-elite low-brow low-IQ mafia; The Rockefeller crowd see's them self as God's, Biden is/was their deleware bagman, just like Trump was an Atlantic City bagman, but that allows you to become a king-maker in USA politics
The common denom of BIDEN&TRUMP is money laundering their entire lives for the kosher-nostra, but even they have competing familys of crime. Just like now in Israel, you have the ashkeNAZI ( faux jew ), versus the MENA-JEWS ( real jews ), both want the other group Dead.
Haha, thank you for playing.
No problem, there is Trump shit under every rock, you just have to look;
Of course if your looking for Biden shit, it doesn't fall far from his depends; (adult diapers)
Trump’s fast-tracking the vaccines should never be forgotten. All the side-effects of the vaccine were engineered by Trump. Biden just picked up the ball and continued working for BIG-PHARMA.
Trump signed authorization to bypass testing, and Trump made the vaccine company’s exempt from liability, and of course made JnJ, Pfizer, and Moderna Trillions of USD lotto wins, where 10’s of billions could flow back to politicians.
Great irony here, at the time, Fauci advised against ‘fast-tracking’, ahh the irony.
Of great irony here, at the time, Fauci advised against ‘fast-tracking’, ahh the irony.
In summary here during the election, Trump was losing his ass in the polls. Biden was kicking the shit out of him, so Trump ‘fast-tracked’ an untested vax on the USA people. The rest is history.
Test hell we don’t need to test
Trump didn’t give a damn shit that millions would die from the un-tested expertimental NAZI mRNA vaccine, because Trump and his family NEVER intended to be jabbed.
Klaus Schwab the leader of WEF has a loyal dog name Trump;
Trump is Mafia, he was groomed by ROY COHN a homosexual rapist, lawyer, and MAFIA Kingpin, that was the mentor to Trump after his father died, Trump became a bag-man, money launderer for the mob, Trump would take their money and buy New Jersey real-estate and then sell and the money would be made clean.
Trump like Bill Gates is what people call “Crypto Jews”, but in actuality, they’re not Jewish, they’re Satanic, and they’re called ZIONISTS.
Photos for above text in this link
Hi....i live in Florida.....DeSantis is not really who he puts himself out to be....on the other hand his Surgeon General gosh i am not remembering his name and i just heard him speak is an incredible and wonderful man.....
Longtime Lakers fan. I watched Wilt Chamberlain, Magic Johnson, and Shaquille O’Neal. None of those men ever indicated that they had a problem with my skin color. I met Charles Barkley in a gym. He called me his brother and posed with me for a photo. But when the old guard retired and the racists took over, I fired the Lakers and the rest of the National Bigots Association.