They all knew the vaccine did not stop infection or transmission, and that implementing the MASS vaccination during the pandemic would drive infectious variants; immunology 101; DELIBERATELY DONE
Trump is a deceiving puppet just like the rest of them. He has blood on his hands just like the rest of them and their handlers. All the so called world leaders are Selected members of secret societies and Trump is no exception. They are all serving the same masters and the same Luciferian agenda.
This is what Trump is responsible for besides signing the emergency act based on the fake pandemic and the largest wealth transfer in history..
The Warp Speed of injuries,death and Sterilisation
Pfizer and the New World Order Depopulation Agenda: Anti-Sperm Antibody Is One of the "Adverse Events of Special Interest" Found in the Secret Pfizer Document
“The earth has cancer and the cancer is man” - Club of Rome, Mankind at the Turning Point
Trump tried to encourage HCQ, directed the CDC procure it and the deep staters shut that down. The press mocked every early treatment option he tried to call attention to like the nasal wash IVM and HCQ, he directed the FDA to approve or recommend those drugs for use and Woodcock and the other deep state guy there cut that effort off. He was lied to and undermined at every turn. This does not mean he lied. If he's so terrible, why did every evil jerk go after him?
The most powerful man in the world “chose” to disregard alternative advice from people such as RFK Jr instead allowing abominable recommendations by corrupt Fauci and company players. IMO Trump is either a buffoon or in on it. Operation Warp Speed? The Don is still bragging about “his” vaccines! He owns this as much or more than anyone else.
I agree! And Trump truly does need to recognize his errors publicly. If he cannot do that, he will not earn a 3rd vote from me. We need leadership that can be humble enough to recognize errors and be brave enough to change course.
Dr. Alexander, if this is "immunology 101" then why on earth did more people not speak up about it at the very beginning?
I have been following everything from the very beginning, getting on every back channel I can, and this "immunology 101" was not mentioned except by Geert and then Yeadon as far as I can tell.
This should have been shouted from the rooftops.
I am not a credentialed professional or academic. But I pay very close attention, and I have had a longstanding interest in natural/alternative medicine. I understand how our immune systems are supposed to work, holistically. None of this added up. But because I have no credentials, I couldn't get anyone to listen to me.
I tried very hard to be in the loop, both mainstream and back channel.
What I've found was that there is a lot of compartmentalized knowledge out there. I think this fact has been known and weaponized by the genocidal, evil masterminds. Fear has been weaponized. Our natural human tendency to value relationships and be accepted by our group has been weaponized.
The ones that followed.... front line doctors, McCullough, Malone, Breggin.... each one has a piece of the puzzle, and it has been fascinating to watch the joining of the various pieces, as each person is learning the horror of the reality we are now facing -- which previously seemed unthinkable; a ridiculous conspiracy theory.
I'm grateful for everyone who is speaking up and fighting against the relentless censorship.
I am not meaning by any of this to cast blame on people of good will who are experts in one area and have been trying to spread their own particular piece of the puzzle to help solve this mess. However, it is time that we all examine our part in this, as a form of strategy and unification, to come together and fight the greater evil that is threatening all of us.
Even while we are examining it, we need to press forward and not dwell on what we might have done, that we did not do, had we known. We need to keep going.
Thank you for this additional information that sheds even more light on where we find ourselves now.
Geert Vanden Bossche has been screaming it from the rooftops from the beginning. He has been a lone voice crying in the wilderness for a while, along with Luc Montaigner, but more have joined him..Dr. Alexander, Dr. Malone, but they are not listened to. Will NOT be listened to. But you can be sure every virologist/immunologist knows. We have all been saying "Marek's Disease" from the get go. But no, only "AUTHORITIES, like CDC, NIH, FDA will be reported." Per Biden and his Surgeon Generals latest volley.
An extremely famous virologist, Didier Raoult, predicted all of this before the vaccines even came out. He is the most cited virologist in the world, with a Google Scholar rating of 175. He was mocked and dismissed by the French government and now has been forced to resign from his own Institute that he founded. During the pandemic he treated 10,000 patients in Marseille with hydroxychloroquine and lost no one under 85. He was also mocked for that. The Washington Post has even tried to make some kind of connection between Raoult and Trump, despite the fact that they've never met, just on the basis of HCQ. Luc Montagnier also said from the beginning that the vaccines would prove to be a disaster.
And I have TOTALLY forgotton to my infinite regret, the first and maybe the most erudite among them, Dr. VERNON COLEMAN, who sounded the alarm from the GET GO. Kicked off of all major platforms, you can either go to his website or to brandnewtube. God, that man was RIGHT about everything from the start. The "old man in a chair". Wonderful man.
I find that Dr Coleman can appear to be a little hyperbolic and therefore be dismissed as a little over the edge. Which is entirely unfortunate as he has been shown to be correct while covering some very good information.
Paul, I really disagree about electing Trump again. Did you read Scott Atlas's book about his time at the White House? You were there for part of that, I think. He begged the Trump administration to get rid of Fauci and Birx, because they were completely incompetent, especially Birx. But Trump and co. would not do it because it was too close to the election. They were afraid of public opinion. This is not the backbone we need in the White House. Trump is just too polarizing a figure even in his own party, and he does not have the capability to understand the science. De Santis can, and does, read the science and understands it, and he has the ability to explain it to the public. (Trump is ineffective, to say the least, at explaining anything scientific.) De Santis had the backbone to hire Ladapo despite the press. I also disagree about De Santis making a good team with Trump. That would be a disaster--two Type A personalities. De Santis has also gotten to know a lot of the doctors who should be placed in regulatory positions. I think the best combination with De Santis would be Kim Reynolds, governor of Iowa. She had the guts to NEVER lock down or mandate anything, even better than De Santis. She is bright, calm and reasonable, and could be given major responsibilities, but would not be locking horns with the president unless asked. The Republican Party better get their act together and put their trust in those two, and get on finding good replacements in their states.
He also recently extended hospital immunity for using CDC Covid protocols (Remdesiver & ventilator) through 6/23. No immunity for other treatments, what will hospitals use to treat Covid?
I must respectfully disagree. Having once supported him, I have now started to question his motives with regard to the V. I recently saw him mocking people who do not get the Cvd-V and he was staunchly promoting it. Perhaps it is because he still wants to claim his "warp speed" as a victory or he is heavily invested in big pHarm. Regardless, I am sorely disappointed in his comments and now feel I would NOT vote for him a third time. I would prefer DeSantis who at least sees these experimental therapies as a choice and not always safe, so he won't force them on people.
Can’t disagree. Trump needs to admit what Dr. A has described in this post… that he was mislead by the globalist Massvaxists. That is a forgivable offense given the circumstances at the time. I know admitting a mistake probably runs contrary to his personality but I can’t see downside to admitting a mistake. Any promotion of the vaccine at this stage of the fraud is pure ignorance and a person who makes that assertion does not deserve any role as a future decision maker. Wise up President Trump!
What about Trump's FDA director Stephen Hahn, who came from Big Pharma and went to Pfizer??
Hahn duped Trump not to fire Fauci and much more. Trump's VA Director and Sec. of Health knew the truth, but were afraid of Fauci, from what I witnessed. You were closer Paul.
In my opinion, the goal was the ID via the vax pass; and now getting UN WHO signatories to sign the International Pandemic Agreement, with one mandate being CV19 jab annually.
I appreciate your immense support of the truckers and people in the USA , Canada, and the world. I disagree with you regarding Trump. He was misled as many have been. However, the man has been a liar and cheat for years and even in the presidency. I respect you views and I cannot understand why you would support him. I think the situation is controlled way above the heads of Trump or Biden. Humanity has to wake up and fight against serfdom.
Thank you once again for the information we need to stay abreast of this bizarre covid mess.
As some of us learned today Dr Vivek Murthy, The current Surgeon "requests Covid 19 misinformation data from Big Tech companies stating that the misinformation has had a profound impact on and response to covid". And that it is an "urgent threat" and that the vast majority of the American Public believe the myths about covid" I find this highly disturbing in light of the actions just taken by Governor DeSantis and Dr. Ladapo, Right to try. I know from personal experience early treatment works, and that in 2 of my family members vaccinated 8 months ago, is ineffective against covid. Once again the feds are trying to trounce on our 1st amendment rights as well as silence you, Dr Kory and the other Frontline Dr's, as well as the 17,000 other Dr's and scientists that have signed onto the Unity Project. Not only trying to silence you but have endangered all of your livelihoods and lives. In addition to the Dept of Homeland Security investigating the truckers who are peacefully demonstrating against the mandates.
Was wondering what your take on this latest development is Dr Alexander?
Looks like more intimidation and tyranny to me or is this going to lead to something much worse.
God Bless you for all of your hard work & for educating us and fighting against this nightmare.
Trump has totally discredited himself by continually raving on about his great "Operation Warpspeed" which succeeded in getting a dangerous and defective product injected into millions of his citizens, plus millions of the citizens of many other nations around the globe. I have to believe that Trump and DeSantis are both compromised and beholden to Big Pharma and the Big Hospital Industrial Complex. While I commend DeSantis for his actions against the Public Health debacle of shutdowns, masking, etc. , neither he nor Trump ever spoke up about the havoc the vaccinations were causing across the world, and the murders being committed throughout the hospitals across the world as a result of the CDC's directives (ie no early treatment, remdesivir, ventilators, bonuses to hospitals for dead patients, etc. etc). Neither of them ever said anything and then DeSantis goes and signs legislation that prevents those damaged by these policies from suing the Florida hospitals. . America needs Statesmen, not bought and paid-for politicians. That's what got us into this mess. No future POTUS's in that pair!
Given the number of deaths and injuries reported in VAERS, the history of scientific patents all related to covid products, one has to state, we are talking about a PLANNED genocide on the entire globe. And if the mandates reach the national representatives, like military, pilots, health care, in addition to a GENOCIDE, we are also talking about extremely evil treason.
Trump is a deceiving puppet just like the rest of them. He has blood on his hands just like the rest of them and their handlers. All the so called world leaders are Selected members of secret societies and Trump is no exception. They are all serving the same masters and the same Luciferian agenda.
This is what Trump is responsible for besides signing the emergency act based on the fake pandemic and the largest wealth transfer in history..
The Warp Speed of injuries,death and Sterilisation
Pfizer and the New World Order Depopulation Agenda: Anti-Sperm Antibody Is One of the "Adverse Events of Special Interest" Found in the Secret Pfizer Document
“The earth has cancer and the cancer is man” - Club of Rome, Mankind at the Turning Point
Trump tried to encourage HCQ, directed the CDC procure it and the deep staters shut that down. The press mocked every early treatment option he tried to call attention to like the nasal wash IVM and HCQ, he directed the FDA to approve or recommend those drugs for use and Woodcock and the other deep state guy there cut that effort off. He was lied to and undermined at every turn. This does not mean he lied. If he's so terrible, why did every evil jerk go after him?
The most powerful man in the world “chose” to disregard alternative advice from people such as RFK Jr instead allowing abominable recommendations by corrupt Fauci and company players. IMO Trump is either a buffoon or in on it. Operation Warp Speed? The Don is still bragging about “his” vaccines! He owns this as much or more than anyone else.
Completely agree, but he must now stop promoting the toxic jab, or his potential voters will rightfully abandon him.
Yes the 'good' Trump who was always eagerly showing up in davos...
I agree! And Trump truly does need to recognize his errors publicly. If he cannot do that, he will not earn a 3rd vote from me. We need leadership that can be humble enough to recognize errors and be brave enough to change course.
Thank you for your courageous, understandable explanation. Truly Horrifying! God Bless You!
Dr. Alexander, if this is "immunology 101" then why on earth did more people not speak up about it at the very beginning?
I have been following everything from the very beginning, getting on every back channel I can, and this "immunology 101" was not mentioned except by Geert and then Yeadon as far as I can tell.
This should have been shouted from the rooftops.
I am not a credentialed professional or academic. But I pay very close attention, and I have had a longstanding interest in natural/alternative medicine. I understand how our immune systems are supposed to work, holistically. None of this added up. But because I have no credentials, I couldn't get anyone to listen to me.
I tried very hard to be in the loop, both mainstream and back channel.
What I've found was that there is a lot of compartmentalized knowledge out there. I think this fact has been known and weaponized by the genocidal, evil masterminds. Fear has been weaponized. Our natural human tendency to value relationships and be accepted by our group has been weaponized.
The ones that followed.... front line doctors, McCullough, Malone, Breggin.... each one has a piece of the puzzle, and it has been fascinating to watch the joining of the various pieces, as each person is learning the horror of the reality we are now facing -- which previously seemed unthinkable; a ridiculous conspiracy theory.
I'm grateful for everyone who is speaking up and fighting against the relentless censorship.
I am not meaning by any of this to cast blame on people of good will who are experts in one area and have been trying to spread their own particular piece of the puzzle to help solve this mess. However, it is time that we all examine our part in this, as a form of strategy and unification, to come together and fight the greater evil that is threatening all of us.
Even while we are examining it, we need to press forward and not dwell on what we might have done, that we did not do, had we known. We need to keep going.
Thank you for this additional information that sheds even more light on where we find ourselves now.
Geert Vanden Bossche has been screaming it from the rooftops from the beginning. He has been a lone voice crying in the wilderness for a while, along with Luc Montaigner, but more have joined him..Dr. Alexander, Dr. Malone, but they are not listened to. Will NOT be listened to. But you can be sure every virologist/immunologist knows. We have all been saying "Marek's Disease" from the get go. But no, only "AUTHORITIES, like CDC, NIH, FDA will be reported." Per Biden and his Surgeon Generals latest volley.
An extremely famous virologist, Didier Raoult, predicted all of this before the vaccines even came out. He is the most cited virologist in the world, with a Google Scholar rating of 175. He was mocked and dismissed by the French government and now has been forced to resign from his own Institute that he founded. During the pandemic he treated 10,000 patients in Marseille with hydroxychloroquine and lost no one under 85. He was also mocked for that. The Washington Post has even tried to make some kind of connection between Raoult and Trump, despite the fact that they've never met, just on the basis of HCQ. Luc Montagnier also said from the beginning that the vaccines would prove to be a disaster.
Oh yes I had forgotten about Didier Raoult, who first found out about HCQ. He is a giant among men. Thank you for this.
And I have TOTALLY forgotton to my infinite regret, the first and maybe the most erudite among them, Dr. VERNON COLEMAN, who sounded the alarm from the GET GO. Kicked off of all major platforms, you can either go to his website or to brandnewtube. God, that man was RIGHT about everything from the start. The "old man in a chair". Wonderful man.
I find that Dr Coleman can appear to be a little hyperbolic and therefore be dismissed as a little over the edge. Which is entirely unfortunate as he has been shown to be correct while covering some very good information.
I adore his vocabulary. And his series of books on a country doctor are classics...but its okay to each his own!!
It has to be deliberate. I sadly agree. This is the simplest and best explanation. Deliberate. Thank you for telling us.
Paul, I really disagree about electing Trump again. Did you read Scott Atlas's book about his time at the White House? You were there for part of that, I think. He begged the Trump administration to get rid of Fauci and Birx, because they were completely incompetent, especially Birx. But Trump and co. would not do it because it was too close to the election. They were afraid of public opinion. This is not the backbone we need in the White House. Trump is just too polarizing a figure even in his own party, and he does not have the capability to understand the science. De Santis can, and does, read the science and understands it, and he has the ability to explain it to the public. (Trump is ineffective, to say the least, at explaining anything scientific.) De Santis had the backbone to hire Ladapo despite the press. I also disagree about De Santis making a good team with Trump. That would be a disaster--two Type A personalities. De Santis has also gotten to know a lot of the doctors who should be placed in regulatory positions. I think the best combination with De Santis would be Kim Reynolds, governor of Iowa. She had the guts to NEVER lock down or mandate anything, even better than De Santis. She is bright, calm and reasonable, and could be given major responsibilities, but would not be locking horns with the president unless asked. The Republican Party better get their act together and put their trust in those two, and get on finding good replacements in their states.
De Santis is controlled opposition funded by the GOP. The fact that he has recently been seen a lot with Mike Pence says a lot.
He also recently extended hospital immunity for using CDC Covid protocols (Remdesiver & ventilator) through 6/23. No immunity for other treatments, what will hospitals use to treat Covid?
I just read that he had allowed all doctors to use whatever treatment they consider to be correct, without interference.
Agree. With full kudos for what Trump did accomplish, this was NEVER about Trump or a cult of personality.
I must respectfully disagree. Having once supported him, I have now started to question his motives with regard to the V. I recently saw him mocking people who do not get the Cvd-V and he was staunchly promoting it. Perhaps it is because he still wants to claim his "warp speed" as a victory or he is heavily invested in big pHarm. Regardless, I am sorely disappointed in his comments and now feel I would NOT vote for him a third time. I would prefer DeSantis who at least sees these experimental therapies as a choice and not always safe, so he won't force them on people.
Can’t disagree. Trump needs to admit what Dr. A has described in this post… that he was mislead by the globalist Massvaxists. That is a forgivable offense given the circumstances at the time. I know admitting a mistake probably runs contrary to his personality but I can’t see downside to admitting a mistake. Any promotion of the vaccine at this stage of the fraud is pure ignorance and a person who makes that assertion does not deserve any role as a future decision maker. Wise up President Trump!
Trump don't apologize for he believes he does no wrong
He thinks in . His arrogance
He acts like he is good
The virus is one of arrogance
Trump is not what you make him out to be
He is as bad news as there is
"He is as bad news as there is"
Trumps not even close to being as bad as 99% of the democrat party and about 60% of the GOP.
What about Trump's FDA director Stephen Hahn, who came from Big Pharma and went to Pfizer??
Hahn duped Trump not to fire Fauci and much more. Trump's VA Director and Sec. of Health knew the truth, but were afraid of Fauci, from what I witnessed. You were closer Paul.
In my opinion, the goal was the ID via the vax pass; and now getting UN WHO signatories to sign the International Pandemic Agreement, with one mandate being CV19 jab annually.
I appreciate your immense support of the truckers and people in the USA , Canada, and the world. I disagree with you regarding Trump. He was misled as many have been. However, the man has been a liar and cheat for years and even in the presidency. I respect you views and I cannot understand why you would support him. I think the situation is controlled way above the heads of Trump or Biden. Humanity has to wake up and fight against serfdom.
Thank you once again for the information we need to stay abreast of this bizarre covid mess.
As some of us learned today Dr Vivek Murthy, The current Surgeon "requests Covid 19 misinformation data from Big Tech companies stating that the misinformation has had a profound impact on and response to covid". And that it is an "urgent threat" and that the vast majority of the American Public believe the myths about covid" I find this highly disturbing in light of the actions just taken by Governor DeSantis and Dr. Ladapo, Right to try. I know from personal experience early treatment works, and that in 2 of my family members vaccinated 8 months ago, is ineffective against covid. Once again the feds are trying to trounce on our 1st amendment rights as well as silence you, Dr Kory and the other Frontline Dr's, as well as the 17,000 other Dr's and scientists that have signed onto the Unity Project. Not only trying to silence you but have endangered all of your livelihoods and lives. In addition to the Dept of Homeland Security investigating the truckers who are peacefully demonstrating against the mandates.
Was wondering what your take on this latest development is Dr Alexander?
Looks like more intimidation and tyranny to me or is this going to lead to something much worse.
God Bless you for all of your hard work & for educating us and fighting against this nightmare.
I just hope you can convince Trump that he was misled.
Trump has totally discredited himself by continually raving on about his great "Operation Warpspeed" which succeeded in getting a dangerous and defective product injected into millions of his citizens, plus millions of the citizens of many other nations around the globe. I have to believe that Trump and DeSantis are both compromised and beholden to Big Pharma and the Big Hospital Industrial Complex. While I commend DeSantis for his actions against the Public Health debacle of shutdowns, masking, etc. , neither he nor Trump ever spoke up about the havoc the vaccinations were causing across the world, and the murders being committed throughout the hospitals across the world as a result of the CDC's directives (ie no early treatment, remdesivir, ventilators, bonuses to hospitals for dead patients, etc. etc). Neither of them ever said anything and then DeSantis goes and signs legislation that prevents those damaged by these policies from suing the Florida hospitals. . America needs Statesmen, not bought and paid-for politicians. That's what got us into this mess. No future POTUS's in that pair!
the consequences of the "warp speed" are summarized here:
Given the number of deaths and injuries reported in VAERS, the history of scientific patents all related to covid products, one has to state, we are talking about a PLANNED genocide on the entire globe. And if the mandates reach the national representatives, like military, pilots, health care, in addition to a GENOCIDE, we are also talking about extremely evil treason.
It is their new business model.
Agree. Why won't Trump acknowledge this? Many will need this in order to support him. Doubling down makes him a co-conspirator.