Navarro refused to comply with the BOGUS and UNLAWFUL J6 committee. Good for him. He didn't capitulate to the lying traitors. Trump will give him a full pardon.

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They are only “baseless claims” concerning a Presidential Election when conservatives make them!!! When Left Wing Liberal Looney Toon candidates like Hillary make them, about a Presidential election, or equally deranged and unhinged candidates like Stacey Abrams make them about the Georgia Governor’s race they are on plumb and with merit according to the Left Wing Liberal Lame Main Stream Hypocritical Mockingbird Media Mob and their sycophants!!!

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“Baseless claims”???? Couldn’t have been more obvious on election night what they were doing.

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I am proud of Peter Navarro for standing his ground. Well done.

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Trump won. His total went down X. Biden's total went up X. Biden's total was greater than Trump's total. Biden "won" by numerical manipulation. We saw it happen real time. If I hadn't seen it live and real time, I wouldn't have believed it was possible. Now it's not who votes, rather they that "count votes."

That's insurrection. Biden's not president, he doesn't even know where he is beyond being a paedophile.

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They want us in the streets.

They are ready.

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Well, perhaps, we should have all rose up and removed the real insurrectionists and restored the republic. We didn’t so oh well. Was nice while it lasted.

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Like many on the squishy, CivNat Right, you correctly identify the problems. Open borders. corruption. The Department of IN-justice. Convid. Poor nutrition. etc.

Unfortunately, you point your finger at an ephemeral assemblage of Leftists/Demoncrats/Progressives and other assorted evil imbeciles.

But, Dr. Paul, WHO funds this? Who theorized things like the Kalergi Plan? Who created Communism, and even worse, implemented it? Who drives us in to endless wars? Who profits from our debt, and misery?

It is not enough to point at the Leftists. These assholes are taught, trained, and reinforced by an oft-expelled group that owns our money supply, and has used that to buy our media, academia, government and souls. They are the one group you can not name, or like Kanye, you are broken overnight. So, if you are as brave as your rhetoric sometimes displays, then NAME THE REAL ENEMY.

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Personally, I am sick and tired of these demorats walking scot free, the man (holder) was a lawyer and officer of the court, if held in contempt should be jailed, and if found to be OBSTRUCTING JUSTICE WHICH I BELIEVE WAS THE CASE AND LYING UNDER OATH OR PLEADING 5th can and should lead to disbarment. But nothing at all ever happens to these corrupt people so they continue to corrupt.

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claiming baseless is a conclusion. Did you not see someone cover up a window and not let an observer in? did the counting stop? That is a base, of something. Dr, you are usually fair minded. This has cost you points, at least in one mind.

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The difference is that the communists play to win; our pathetic side plays to get along. Communism is a violent religion of death, destruction, and chaos. The pathetic Republican Party is a good-old-boys club that doesn't want to rock the boat or lose their seats on the Gravy Train.

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contempt of Congress charges. Well if Congress weren't so contemptible, people might respect them more. But as it stands, our allies don't even respect congress.

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With all due respect, "baseless" doesn't mean what you seem to think it means.

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Let's also recall that the ruling junta, when GHW Bush was President, demanded and got a Special Prosecutor to look into a spy thriller plot that then private citizen Bush, during the 1980 campaign, flew an SR21 Spillane to France, met secretly with Iranian officials, to keep Americans hostage in Iran. It was utter bullschitt, everyone knew it was bullschitt, but hey democrats thought after 8 years that Carter had actually won the 1980 election. democrats have been lying themselves into a faux rage to steal America since 1980 and here we are today: lawless, anti-Constitutional, anti-scientific, police state thuggery all waging war against America.

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