For crissakes, you assume a lot of limitations amongst your audience. There was a sizable constituency that recognized wtf was going on from the get-go. Why the hell else did we refuse the bio weapons in the first place. The globalists had been tilting their hand for years and some immediately recognized the significance of the cards in play. This wasn’t too damn difficult given their telegraphing their every move via assertive *and timeline* dictated prognostications, the principals involved (gay genocidal Fauci), their precedent track record, and the over-the-top protocols put in place in lieu of any genuine scientific inquiry. That we should hold Trump accountable for signing off on this shit is infinitely more reasonable than your recidivist role as apologist for him.

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Agreed. Had Trump stood strong and said this is all bullshit and come stand with me in DC, MILLIONS would have answered the call, including me because I knew the pandemic was a bunch of propaganda.

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Exactly! Alexander probably thinks me nothing but a malcontent. But he sometimes has good info herein, and links, too. Unfortunately, he also shares something in common with his favorite target: a transparent contempt for much of his audience.

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Anyone who paid attention & watched from the first mention of this virus should have researched it & watched carefully what our gov was up to & what they would do next. When they started clamoring for the vx, we watched for the time they would force us to take it. Jabbing the population for the purpose of identifying, injuring & killing us is what they wanted all along. We can't accuse China of too much because we, the US, are complicit in the creation of the viruses & the vxs created to treat them. Estoppel. A catch 22. No one dares say it out loud. The liabilty is too great, as is the fear by doctors & all pushers of being WRONG. It is fraud that the vxs are the only option for treatment, and that there were no available drugs to treat the virus. Pfizer et al, & the gov itself, have lied & caused irreparable harm. They intend to continue & expand their use of these poisons, and to force us to knuckle under.

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Sadly, the bovine compliant went along with this charade and were corralled into chutes of clotting, cancers, and compromised immune systems. One can almost forgive Alexander his presumption of our idiocy. Almost :)

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No, I would not have said fuck them, but knew they were lying & trying to scare the public. I was researching in Jan 2020 & listening to Infowars & Health Ranger. They were war-gaming with a multitude of drs & scientists & others, analyzing every aspect of what was going on, trying to figure out what this disease was, its source & purpose. So I understood early on, bc of the infowars wargaming, & bc I followed up with my own research on patents for the viruses, vxs, DARPA, digital ID, etc. I tried to warn my parents, uncles & siblings. None listened. My parents got dimenta quickly, and died not long after getting the jab, and I blame that for their misery, and ours. I have a sibling who got jabbed in jail. He said he has frequent headaches & has difficulty thinking since then, and a wracking cough. I was able to sway my husband & son & 2 friends not to do it. But no one else listened. The above jabbed family members still don't want to hear anything about boosters.

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The needless tragedy you have endured is mirrored by billions: I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop when it comes to my own loved ones (it already has). The arduous cruelty with which they’ve treated us like abstract nuisances demands their death. And while hanging ‘em high isn’t enough, it would be a start.

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Not all were relegated to what you uncharitably characterize as *bovine compliant*, i'e, cowardice. Many, many, many people had to make a decision about their livelihoods and welfare of themselves and their families, and were functionally compelled to submit, for the sake of survival. A friend of mine, a young mother of 3, and wife of a disabled MS victim, and sole source of income and health insurance, did everything she could to avoid submitting, but the law ( the right to refuse mandatory injections with experimental serums) was ignored like it never existed, Thus, she did take the jabs, not out of stupidity or illiteracy or gullibility, it was a matter of survival. She is hardly alone. Many, if not most, Americans are unable to financially survive the loss of even one paycheck.

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So horrible! So, so awfully sad!

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I indulged your previous anemic commentary. That was enough.

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In other words, you have no rational or honest response other than *kill the messenger*.

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No one knew, in the initial stage...not Trump, not you, not me. Nor was the jab even available at the infancy stages, so that is a non sequitur. Jabs were a year away, and by the time they arrived, many folks did, in fact, based on anecdotal observation, intuit that the cure might be worse than the disease. Trump did allude to that, and was savaged roundly for his *apathy* and *conspiracy theories* of alternative treatments, from UVA treatment, to HCQ, to certain vitamins. Moreover, operating on the assumption that it was all BS, at that time...no way to ascertain one way or the other, hence the rational response was to cede to the advice of *experts*. Guaranteed, his adversaries would manipulate the stats and mortality even more than they already did. This was a damned if you do, damned if you don't scenario. Even with the so-called covid mitigations, Trump was mercilessly attacked for *killing grandma*. Realistically, what do you suppose the reaction to his failure to sign off on even temporary measures, would have resulted in? Rhetorical question only, that.

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Revisionist crap. Did we *know*? No. Did we have every fucking reason to suspect? Yes. As previously mentioned - and herein amplified upon - the CDC and its fellow cabals had been *promising* a pandemic within a two year timeframe. That was enough to guarantee some hyper vigilance on my end from the start. Some early recon set off bells and whistles, too - like the FACT we’d never had success against ANY rhinovirus. Not even the common cold. And yet we’re supposed to co-sign the “fast and furious” rhetoric? Don’t project your inadequacies of thought and anticipation onto me. And when it comes to Trump, he vaunts his every compass relating to politics, ethics, and personality profiling (remember “The Apprentice”?). He either flunked in not cleaning house when he got in, or was in on the crap in the first place. And billions have been impacted by his enabling agency.

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No, it is not crap. I will state the obvious...you nor I nor anyone could have accurately gauged the threat---or lack thereof---posed by this real or alleged virus, at the outset. That only become clear as time passed, and other scientists or science-minded members of the public could get a grip on what was wrong with the narrative. Although you are correct about the lack of efficacy of any attempted vaccine against rhinoviruses, covid was quite vividly presented as a lethal anomaly of the rhinovirus family. Again, I am speaking of the early stages, where the information available to the public was unarguably abbreviated, where it existed at all. And at the end of your commentary, you segue rather clumsily and not unexpectedly into how your self-lauded psychic divination of what *you knew*, was something that was universally shared by *every smart person*, and that you utilize this more as w a weapon to be used against Trump, rather than real concern for your fellow Americans, who were---despite your characterizations of them as *bovine*---functionally forced to do or die. You should be grateful that you were not deleteriously impacted as millions of others were. I lost my job precisely because of my unwillingness to submit, but I was thankfully, also not in a position of dire financial need. I had the luxury of choice that many did not.

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You don’t know me, nor do I know you, mutual deprivations of which we can both be appreciative. But if you did know me, then you would know that I would have quit my job as I have done so elsewhere on lesser provocation. It comes down to abiding with one’s own principles (which I do, others be damned). This posture, combined with a commensurate lack of tact, finds me routinely alienating people who don’t want to be reminded of their own limitations (of which principles is a forgone reality owing to the others). I have no such problems. I readily accede to suffering from everything from penis envy to a willed ignorance of all manner of implements. My strengths are compensatory. I know how to creatively make money, communicate, generally use the right metrics in evaluating life or death concerns, and keep my ass in the game (when it’s not in the penalty box). This allows me to hire the skilled workman to fix what I can’t, and recognize that while I don’t know epidemiology or immunology, I sure as hell recognize sociopathic behavior. I sleep well knowing I don’t co-sign the bs of others and happily wear the mantle of Shaw’s unreasonable man. I sincerely feel for any person impacted by this needless, genocidal charade. But at least I have argued against its facilitating precursors for decades - which include everything from nepotistic promotions to affirmative action travesties. Yeah, all that shit factors into all manner of enabling idiots and collateral damages.

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Nothing wrong with being honest, or even brusque. You seem like a very independent, self-sufficient sort. Nor is there nothing less than admirable about abiding by one's principles....when that option is present. Sadly for many, it wasn't, not in a practicable sense, as it regards this hoax ( I think we can safely use that word). I don't particularly feel sympathy for the folks who had the *go along to get along* approach, i.e, 'but I wanted to travel' or 'I wanted to eat at certain restaurants'. To them...que sera, sera. I'm referring to the folks who functionally had no choice, for the sake of blunt survival. No one can have the wisdom of Solomon, when the issue is survival, especially where one is responsible for keeping their family afloat by any means possible.

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Fair enough. Sometimes in anticipation of further opprobrium I seek to earn it. And for all my bloviating, I know courage can be fickle thing. While I have acquitted myself under fire both metaphorically and literally, who knows what I might do under different circumstances - particularly if my family’s welfare was dependent upon that decision. Finally, I could have done better on the taxonomic front: not everyone that partook did so out of an extorted compliance.

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Not true for me. I felt very betrayed by Trump allowing this genocide to unfold. I voted for him twice. The reason he caught my attention the first time is because he was the sole candidate in a field of like 20 people who had anything at all reasonable to say about vaccines (i.e., we should look into them). At the time, I was already concerned about the proposed adult vaccine schedule and the hard vaccine mandate push for children. I was disappointed that the vaccine task force that he implied would happen (with RFK Jr.) never seemed to materialize.

It is true that I did not see the COVID tyranny coming, but it was crystal clear from the outset that we were being played. I watched many press conferences, although no, I do not own a television and therefore I was perhaps less susceptible to the brainwashing propaganda that comes over the TV.

I have been convinced of Trump's great intelligence and that he allows others to think he is less smart than he is. I think he kept many of his promises. There was a lot I liked about what he was able to accomplish during his first term.

But yes -- I feel so betrayed. Because of the lies that were allowed to unfold and the censorship that happened, my entire family (parents, siblings, adult children) fell for the vaccine propaganda. Trump's mention of hydroxychloroquine and other such things fell on deaf ears, even though I was able to hear him. Why could he not have made it more plain or clear? Why did so many people have to be injured and die? These are ALL of my loved ones.

I am of a forgiving nature, but I still am waiting for a full-disclosure reckoning on what the heck he was thinking. If this is 5-D or whatever chess, well kudos if he is able to pull it off and rescue humanity, but I'll be honest, I'm not happy about the collateral damage in the lives of so many. I think this was too much collateral damage. And we have not yet seen the worst of it. The excess deaths are not slowing down.

I want an explanation, and it had better be good.

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you will get one, we working on it

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Let me spell this out a bit more.... as I said, every single one of my family members, including cousins (extended) fell for the propaganda and took multiple of these shots. My beautiful, young adult children now have a myriad of health issues that they never before had, including skin rashes, abnormal menstrual bleeding, auto-immune issues, neurological issues, anxiety, cardiac.... I have two close family members of my generation who have newly-diagnosed, stage 4 cancers. I have a close cousin who is now dead from sudden cardiac failure. I have elderly parents with new neurological, cardiac and cancer "issues." (but they are elderly, so...... I still love them and wish them long and HEALTHY lives). I have two close friends with stage 4 cancer. One is reproductive cancer and one is brain cancer. I have coworkers with cardiac issues, shingles, neurological impairments (seizures). My friends and family are constantly fighting off illness: "there's a lot of stuff going around right now... RSV.... COVID.... I wonder if I might have pneumonia?" etc. Guess who is never sick: ME.

I wonder if my children still have intact fertility or if they will even live long enough to find out. I try to keep thoughts like these at bay and go about my day, living as normal and hopeful a life as I can, but this is REALLY HARD.

So yeah, I would love a good explanation -- and a truthful one. No spin. I feel like such a tiny ant that doesn't matter to any of these people. That is what it is to be collateral damage -- not just the people injured or killed by these shots, but those of us who are living in this come-to-life horror movie as witnesses to the destruction.

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Was he not told that Covid was part of a “live exercise” being conducted by DOD & Mike Pompeo. There is a video of him directly questioning him about this being real or part of the “exercise” …

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The explanation is that his son in law Jared Kushner convinced him to go along with Fauci because Kushner believed he would lose the election if he did not. Unfortunately they failed to see that the lockdowns and social distancing were done to prevent a fair electin.

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Don’t leave out the hidden player

Matt Pottinger. Son of CIA, Epstein buddy, Gloria Steinem BF , Stanley Pottinger.

He apparently orchestrated the Lockdowns

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From what I’ve observed Pottinger is a filthy traitor and should face a firing squad.

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Lockdowns, and the rest of the *mitigation*, were the purview of the states and local municipalities. And the blue states and cities seized on this abuse of states' rights and essentially held many of us hostage.

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What really happened in 2020?

The bad guys needed Trump out of the way. They created the lockdowns by presenting Trump knowingly false data to make it appear that lockdowns were necessary. OWS was the answer to ending lockdowns. Without a vaccine lockdowns would have went on for many years.


What we have with this book and article is an important step. It is just one step. Lockdowns utterly shattered the protocols of public health,

settled law, and freedom itself all over the world. They wrecked myriad institutions, wrought an incredible economic and cultural crisis,

demoralized the whole population, and built up a leviathan of command and control that is not only not backing down but growing ever more. Far more

will be required to utterly and completely repudiate the methods and madness of our epoch.

As the United States gains more and more distance from the COVID pandemic, the perspective on what worked, and what did not, becomes not only more

clear, but more stark. Operation Warp Speed stands out as a remarkable policy success. And once the vaccines became available, most states did a

good job of quickly getting them to the most vulnerable, especially elderly nursing-home residents.

There is no world in which Warp Speed would have taken hold absent the lockdowns. They are all part of the same system and policy. So, yes, it is

strange for our authors to isolate the vaccine as good in the context of everything else which they label bad. Emergencies elicit bad actors and bad

actions. They are all of a piece.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7aQXoKIRdQc VIDEO: President Trump posts message after leaving Walter Reed Medical Center...

He tried to tell us not to be afraid of the virus. He did what he thought he had to do to stop the commies from locking us down for 20 years!


When I was in Trump administration at HHS, we had data coming to us showing little kids across America were hanging themselves, media refused to

cover (see Vegas as one example) else would give Trump traction as he was begging CDC & HHS and school unions to open, he begged states to re-open,

he was begging Fauci, Brix the 2 criminals, many children hung themselves; Scott Atlas begged them to open.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1MVBB3EuV4 TRUMP blasts Democrats for efforts to bring back COVID mandates ahead of 2024


To every COVID tyrant who wants to take away our Freedom, hear these words—WE WILL NOT COMPLY!

Everything that happened in 2020 was a psy-op. The political establishment along with the media worked double overtime to create a crisis to remove a president. They didn't care who they killed in the process.


The Economist article points out that deaths of despair now impact nearly every demographic group (not just the poor whites studied by Case and

Deaton). But it never mentions Covid nor the Covid lockdowns that The Economist championed in 2020.

Children’s Health Defense published my article on March 23, 2020 with the title, “Will ‘Deaths of Despair’ Outpace Deaths From Coronavirus?”

It quickly garnered 40,000 views. Later that day President Trump picked up this argument when he predicted “tremendous death” and “suicide by the

thousands” if the country isn’t “opened for business” in a matter of weeks.


Trump, at White House briefing, says 'country not built to be shut down'

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Covid was a political operation.

dems with the help of the media created the entire mess.

This is written by Trump hating Jeffrey Tucker:


It was only the beginning. By the fall of 2020, we heard major figures, who later said the vaccine should be required for everyone, were warning

against Trump’s vaccine. The people who urged against taking the Trump shot included Anthony Fauci, Senator Kamala Harris, Governor Andrew Cuomo,

Dr. Eric Topol, Dr. Peter Hotez, and Dr. Ashish Jha. They all said that the public should be extremely wary. They were the “anti-vaxxers” of the day.

Every last one of these skeptics became convinced converts only a few months later. Based on no data, no evidence, no new information other than that

Trump had lost and Biden had won, they became enormous proponents of the very thing against which they had previously warned just a few months


Once again, they turned on a dime. It was an experience lifted straight out of the pages of Orwell, truly stranger than fiction. From opposing the

shot, they came around to the idea that it should be mandated, based mostly on who was in power.

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In a PBS documentary which premiered last week about former National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Director Dr. Anthony

Fauci, the former official admits he was “wrong” about the COVID-19 mandates — not for orchestrating them, but for not forcing them sooner.

“Maybe I should have done that,” Fauci told Director Mark Mannucci in response to a question about whether he should have ordered mask mandates and

quarantines earlier. “Yeah, I was wrong.”

But the fault is not solely Fauci's. Earlier in the pandemic, mandates were frowned upon and even considered “dehumanizing” until they were stamped

as ethical by Dr. Christine Grady, according to a report by Children’s Health Defense.

Grady is the chief bioethicist at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), which places her in charge of deciding whether the federal government’s

health-related actions are ethical. She is also Fauci’s wife, which means that whenever Fauci would introduce a mandate — not matter how draconian —

it was given the necessary go-ahead from Grady, who declared it morally sound.

Together, the couple decided the nation’s response to COVID-19, sometimes over dinner.

"[W]e’ve had conversations about the sort of consequences of telling people to stay home and what it would do for the economy,” Grady said in a

November 2021 interview. “And there were a lot of people in those days that, and still who said, it’s ruining the economy. It’s much more important

to just keep things going and not worry about transmitting virus. . . .

“I said, that one of the messages should be, how many lives are you willing to sacrifice? And that message would be pretty stark and pretty brutal,

but that’s really what the trade-off was. . . . And so we’ve had that kind of conversation over dinner more than once, actually.”

Earlier in the pandemic, Grady even opposed some of the policies she would later stamp as ethical to pave the way for her husband’s mandates.

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The response was all laid out in the GAVI pre-Covid pandemic response event …

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I would’ve loved it if Trump had stood up. There were lots of PhDs that he could’ve replaced the asshats with that were facing reprisals for questioning the narrative.

Democrats didn’t seem to see the political benefits they could exploit from Covid right away. Remember they lambasted Trump for travel bans and Pelosi invited everyone to come and celebrate Chinese New Year. Nothing to fear. That was a strategic moment of opportunity.

It took a little while before they added Covid to the “get Trump” arsenal which included Antifa/BLM riots. The ridiculous CHAZ-CHOP and defund the police movements, statue toppling, cop car burning, fireworks throwing, window smashing with the “it’s insured anyway” justifications.

In my town the owners of an Italian bakery stood outside with shotguns while chaos ensued around them. Some of Soro’s minions trying to actually justify breaking a few of their windows in the name of justice. It didn’t fly. But guess who was president during all this? Hint: Not Dementia Joey.

That’s the rub. We can go on and on about Trump and Covid but that’s not all that was going on. My beautiful America was going down in flames and…nothing. Not a word was spoken, the church bells all were broken…

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He couldn't just replace Fauci, though. Fauci is a federal agency hire, not an appointee who can be fired at will. As the head of NIAID, he was the de facto medical *expert* to oversee and direct response.

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He could’ve sidelined him. Stop making excuses. We’d be in the same boat if Trump had pushed back and lost or allowed himself to be steamrolled and lost. Except had he pushed back he’d look like a hero today instead of a chump.

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*Making excuses* = minding the law. What part of the fact that a federal agency hire is NOT *fireable* by the President is eluding you? That, would have led to immediate impeachment. Which I suspect that certain folk were avidly hoping for. He would not *look like a hero*, he would be once again tarred and feathered for *letting grandma died, and he knew that granny would die, if only he hadn't ignored The Science™. Notwithstanding the uselessness of demanding he put the toothpaste back in the tube, if you really want to see retributive justice for this coup d'etat, the ONLY way that is going to happen is if he gets back into office. No one else is going to do this.

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There are always end-runs. Laws? Hahahaha!!

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To an extent, you are right, but those end-runs mostly apply to Congressional procedural rules. Federal agencies, which include the NIAD, are so expansive---~3,000,000 employees---that they quite literally have their own court system to adjudicate complaints, and they rarely, if ever, rule against the employee. The only end-run really open to the President is to go all dictator-y and that has been the favorite smear against Trump, since before he even took office, lol. IF he had tried to fire Fauci, on his own, it would end up in impeachment, and rightfully so, because he would have been taking power that he doesn't have.

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So well said - he was fucked no matter how he responded to 'the experts.'

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Yes. By 3/2020 I had head Dr David E Martin, with documentation, rail against Fauci and friends.

I did not lockdown, wore a masked when forced.

I knew it was BS.

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Me too. But politicians were apparently 100% on board. Not one in Canada stood up until well into 2020. And there were only a handful then.

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Yes I would have listened if he said F Fauci. A supporter of most of his policies, I said F Trump when he said wear a mask, and when he said get the jab.

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The absolute Trumpers would've went with whatever he said to do. Most of them took the shots because he said they were great. That's when my support for him went out the door! & People who can think for themselves with common sense are winners!

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I liked his policies but I would never take health advice from any government official.

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Wrong! I was and continued to be absolute Trumper as you say... but I never planned on getting that shot!! Don’t you know it was the Trumpers who did think for themselves and understand what Trump was trapped in and what he REALLY THOUGHT. He was telling us the best he could with the world insane. Nothing more he could have done to overturn a global plan decades in making. I know a lot of people want to be mad at him but you are directing your anger right where the evil makers of this plan want you too! That’s a BIG deception too if you fell for that!!!!

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I voted for him. I was a trump fan. I understand what you're saying, I thought for myself too and didn't take those evil jabs. He did LOTS of great things! I'm not angry at Trump. I don't hate or dislike him either. I didn't "fall" for anything. What I didn't appreciate was at one of his rallies he introduced The president of J&J, " A big $ man" & a great company...they've been sued countless times for their toxic products. What about their shot? He needs to admit he was wrong. These shots are disabling & killing people. He doesn't speak about any of this. These representatives in office get big donations from big pharma. They are owned by them, among others. It's not a good thing. I absolutely believe the election was stolen & rigged. We are all entitled to our opinions on Trump, Biden, whoever...I lost all trust in him.

Jesus Christ, the only one who can save us, our country & the nation's around us.

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Self admitted ermaphobe Trump? They had him in complete control. Don't make excuses.

I wonder what I would have done. Same thing probably. Then fired F&B around time operation warp speed seemed to spiraled out of control.

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2020 was an election year. He was not in control for long before Joe took it over.

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Everyone assumed the vax would have been another semi do nothing flu shot too. In 2020 it was not conceivable the governments all around the world would conspire to kill their own citizens. Every year they hurriedly put out a cash cow flu shot. I assume Trump would have thought the same. It would accomplish nothing, but supposedly take away fear, and life would get back to normal. He would be in prison or would be executed now for murder if he had said BS to all of it.

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Yes!!! People needed to listen and observe his interactions with Birx and Fauci. When the lockdown took place , one of his comments was a “hopeful” comment that things would be normal for Easter. ( worried about his American people) When this did not happen his speeches also kept on reiterating that it was the advice given to him and that he was perplexed because it wasn’t good for the economy. “WHAT…CLOSE DOWN!!!???” (Worried about the devastation to businesses). I am not American, so I do not look through the lenses of politics. I am a teacher and that is how I would come to understanding my students: intense observation.

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Also in March of 2020 there were very feW of us who saw through it. I was raked over the coals in April when I said publicly ‘there is no such thing as COVID. It is all a lie.’ By June or July about half my clear thinking friends had decided it was vastly overblown. They did continue to say it was real though. But it has only been in the last year many of them will now say there never was any such thing as COVID. Sitting in the Oval Office with every top doctor telling you 10s of 1000s of people were dying weekly it would have been almost impossible to not walk a middle path, and do something.

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100% Likely prison or death by now with idiots cheering his demise on like brainwashed Nazi’s! It would be OVER!!

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The Covid event and deception were years in the making. Everyone around Trump bought into it. If Trump had announced that he was refusing to follow the advise and "wisdom" of Fauci, Birx, the CDC, healthcare "experts", Pense, etc., the mainstream media hysteria would have beyond anything we have seen - "Trump wants to kill Americans!" or maybe even "Trump is colluding with Russia to kill Americans!!" They probably could have pulled off an impeachment at that point against the murderous Trump. Covid was carefully planned to corner Trump and leave no good options.

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It is dystopic and weird, now, to engage in everyday conversations with reasonably intelligent, long-time coworkers, all of whom are still deeply brainwashed. We get our information from different sources, and they have an entirely different belief system and culture. It was not this stark, 5 years ago. Yesterday, one of them asked me, since I do not have a television, how (on earth) do I keep up with what's going on in the world? She said that she watches a lot of CNN to stay informed. This was a genuine question of hers. I said that I take in information from a variety of sources, including the local radio news station (mainstream), various news outlets online, such as the Guardian, and also different online platforms that have a variety of perspectives. Plus, I talk to people and listen to what they tell me.

My point is that she seemed not to be aware that a person can be well informed while not consuming a steady diet of mainstream news (print, online, video, audio). I DO dip into those, but I try hard not to linger in one place too long, lest I become (too) brainwashed.

I mentioned that, and she suddenly looked at me strangely. I guess she's not ready yet to hear about the brainwashing and propaganda.

To your point, in talking to people like my coworker (i.e., how I try to keep up with what's going on in the world without watching TV), I can see that four years ago too large a percentage of the population were unaware and "asleep" and it could make sense that to speak the truth too plainly might backfire. Yet, it still remains very hard for the people aware of the behind-the-scenes machinations to continue to be presented only with soft or partial truths. It feels like patronizing lies to us, especially because so many people are still believing the brainwashing and our loved ones are heading over the cliff. I wish so much this could have been prevented, before they took 6-7 jabs (and still counting). Enough already!

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Yes!! You are 100% on Target! This is what so many on our side just don’t think through!!! And the true evil ones love that we do that and are upset with Trump as much as them. They wanted that to be ALL of us but they FAILED!

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He woulda, he coulda, he shoulda.

But he did not.

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Trump got another opinion from Dr. Atlas and he chose to ignore it and follow Fauci hook line and sinker. He could have had an open debate and discussion. If he did not know enough about the issue then he could have done what DeSantis did - educate himself and listen to both sides. But he chose to ignore one side and go with the one that was pushing the fear. He did it for political purposes.

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Yes. Atlas was great. Would’ve been a huge asset for pushing back on the narrative. Instead, as usual, Trump surrounded himself with all the wrong people. A trademark of his presidency.

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they did think the vaccine would work and save lives...did not know yet that there was no pandemic, the PCR was a lie and the vaccine never worked on one person...found out too late

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WE knew that warp speed meant untested and experimental and why would we have a genetic vaccine for a pandemic that never happened.

SHOW ME the pandemic mass graves, bursting funeral homes and body bags.

YOU should have known Paul.

Peace be with you.

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I’ve said it before so I’ll try to be brief. There is a bifurcation in how one can assesses the covid pandemic.

Observational and Clinical.

The observational side should be easy. I could list them but I dont have time. Point is, one does not have to delve into epidemiology to see very questionable words and behaviors. Italy’s data? Dr. Ferguson? China? Walensky? Pottinger? Birx? Fauci? Gates? I haven’t even scratched the surface.

Trump whom his fans like to think is some kind of genius failed to see past the nose on his face. Couldn’t tell the people pushing mandates would obviously exploit them (and us) for their own gain.

Are you kidding?

That’s the tank he swims in. You never let a crises go to waste. You exploit every advantage for your own gain. So after going on and on about “the swamp” I’m to assume he didn’t know how screwed we would be if he dropped the ball?

Give me a break.

Besides, why isn’t anyone simply asking, if Trump had surrounded himself with real experts, fought the good fight and had still lost the presidency, how would today be any different?

It wouldn’t be.

Trump did a lot of good things and was a shoe-in for reelection. You’d think that after wiretapping him, trying to article 25 him, Russian collusion hoax, Stormy Daniels, the Kavenaugh shit show, “Grab them in the pussy” tape, impeachment x2… he might have been a little extra wary over covid and that little turd Fauci?

But, no?


And he wants another shot?


Despite everything undoubtedly I’ll vote for him. And if by some miracle he gets in. If he winds up an abject disappointment again that’ll be the last time I vote for any president ever. I feel like I’m a sucker now. But I’ll give it one more shot.

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I totally agree. He was ill advised. Trump wanted out of the WHO, for good reasons. But he should have been sharper on checking the interests (and/or conflicst of) from this branch of the "scientific truth"... Operation warpspeed: His pride still to this day. Why would he be concerned now, if elected, by the broke, injured and widowers demanding compensation and honest investigations?

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DeSantis stood up only well into the pandemic. Other than Kristi I don’t think anyone was standing up during 2020.

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NO NO DeSantis was big fan of Fauci, his advice AND the shots! It’s a lie to say otherwise.. it’s on tape!!!!! Trump DID NOT follow Fauci from the start... he told him not to stop flights from China and Trump did it anyway. Fauci pleaded the Vax would take years to roll out...when Trump said to get it out quickly! Why?? Then Fauci flipped once Trump was out and said to wear 3 masks and everyone get Vaxxed over & over. Trump always said .. of course you will always have the choice to take it or not , your freedoms, he never said everyone should get it and made that point when it was still not available! WHY???? He kept saying Barron was over it before he realized he had it!! WHY? He said DO NOT BE AFRAID OF COVID & LIVE in fear.. after he himself had it and recovered in s few days... with the original worst strain in his 70s? Did he line up in public and get himself, Melania, and Barron jabbed and tell everyone they must do the same? NO NEVER! You who tho k you were smart regarding covid early you weren’t so smart reading Trump which is too bad.

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If Trump was a little more sophisticated he could have held "fireside chats" debunking all the claims of the CDC. It was an opportunity to educate the public and get them away from all the fear mongering. But instead he fell into their trap as he began believing in all the BS the CDC shoveled out.

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Feb 13, 2024
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Ok how about on the internet?

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Trump won the 2020 election by a landslide and they all know it.

Here are some numbers to look at:



Registered—Those who are in the CVAP and registered to vote by or on Election Day. Registered respondents may or may not have

voted. There were an estimated 168.3 million citizens of voting age who registered to vote in the 2020 election.

Registered nonvoters—Those who are in the CVAP and registered to vote but did not vote. An estimated 12.8 million citizens of

voting age were registered to vote in the 2020 election but did not vote.







The 2020 presidential election had the highest voter turnout of the 21st century, with 66.8% of citizens 18 years and older voting in the election,

according to new voting and registration tables released today by the U.S. Census Bureau.


In the 2020 elections, Joe Biden (D) won the presidential election. Biden received 306 electoral votes and Donald Trump (R) received 232 electoral

votes. In the national popular vote, Biden received 81.2 million votes and Trump received 74.2 million votes.


An eligible voter is a person who meets the requirements set forth in a political subdivision for being able to vote. The rules differ from

state-to-state for what makes someone eligible to vote.

Considerations in assessing whether a person is eligible to vote may include:


Length of residency

Ability to establish residency

Whether or not the person is a convicted felon

A person may meet the eligibility requirements for voting, but may not have registered. In that case, although a registrar would accept the person's

application for voter registration because the person meets all the requirements of that political subdivision, it might be said of this person,

"She is eligible to vote, but is not a registered voter."

In many--but not all--states, in order for a person's signature to count on a petition for a candidate or a ballot measure, the person must be not

just eligible to vote, but also registered to vote.


registration is the process that allows citizens to register with election officials in order to become eligible to vote. In 49 states, voters are

required to register to vote. North Dakota is the only state that does not require voters to register. Voter registration methods vary by state and

can include the following: in-person registration at state government agency offices, online registration, registering by mail, and registering

through voter registration drives sponsored by non-government entities.

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BOOM! This is the truth that so many in this health freedom movement and blaming Trump FAIL to realize is the VERY HEART OF this & almost every issue we face as a country today!!! This must be the first lie to fall!!!

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I would have paused and followed Sweden , I would have made free hydroxy and in June ivermectin for all … and never tried warp. I would have read the cares act, and prosecuted the author? Who was that by the way… I would have known the rig was coming… and been in tune with event 201… it was the greatest head fake ever, and most diabolical ever too.

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I would also include Trudeau and Macron and Boris Johnson and Anthony Albanese of Australia. I feel the list could become quite significant. They are all cowards and liars.

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